King of Eschatology

Chapter 5 - Cheating wind

The mechanical voice echoed constantly in Lu Fan’s mind, making him unable to return to God for a while.

Lu Lufan was reborn nine times, and the first eight were killed in the next corpse tide. In his view, the ninth time still cannot escape the fate of fate.

However, Lin Xiaoxiao was rescued by a soft heart, which not only changed the historical trajectory, but also changed his own destiny.

Although Lu Fan does not know what this super-god link system is, he is no stranger to the term evolver, which is a super warrior that surpasses ordinary humans.

Evolutionaries have physical abilities beyond human limits, and their speed and strength have been greatly improved.

They are not afraid of the zombie virus, and do not need to worry about food. It can be said that in this end world, the evolutionary is the master of this world.

One zombie is equal to one point. Does that mean that after killing a hundred zombies, you can become a first-order evolutionary?

Thinking of this, Lu Fan couldn’t help but feel excited and wanted to go out and hunt the zombies now.

However, Lu Fan was too immersed in the joy of his heart. He didn’t notice Lin Xiaoxiao’s shameful complexion. At this moment, Lin Xiaoxiao saw that Lu Fan didn’t respond, and then he narrowed his mouth and gently leaned on Lu Fan.

“If you do n’t take a shower, do n’t take a shower. I’ll wash it myself.”

Lin Xiaoxiao thought so, and gently pulled the strap around her waist, and the white towel slipped to the ground, exposing a perfect carcass.

Lu Fan was so pressed by Lin Xiaoxiao that he immediately returned to his senses. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was startled.

“what are you doing!”

Lu Fan shouted loudly, his body came out like a monkey, quickly rolled to the other side of the bed, and looked at Lin Xiaoxiao, naked in surprise.

When Lin Xiaoxiao saw Lu Fan’s unusual behavior, he immediately choked, and immediately the tip of his nose became sour, and the big teardrops of beans rolled down.

“Lu Fan, you are humiliating me!”

Lin Xiaoxiao seemed to realize something, hurriedly grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her, and ran towards the next room.

Lu Fan was beating in his heart. Just now he was only concerned about the Super God Link System and even ignored the beautiful and pleasant Lin Xiaoxiao.

“What did she just say? Take a bath?”

Recalling the scene just now, Lu Fan immediately stripped off his clothes, quickly ran into the shower, and washed himself from head to toe.

But when he finished washing, Lin Xiaoxiao had already locked the door firmly locked, leaving Lu Fan alone with an awkward grin.

At the same time, in the square outside the hotel, several figures are constantly alive. According to Lu Fan’s request, they have completed a large part of the canal construction.

There have been more than a dozen oil drums filled with gasoline.

It is worth mentioning that there were four men running with the three women. No one stopped or said anything about this matter. After all, it was their own choice. Waiting for them would be different. fate.

The remaining three people still fulfill the requirements of Landing Fan, and do not know why, deep in their hearts, they always feel that they can escape the crisis with Landing Fan.

In the lobby, Da Zhige’s body has been processed, and only the ashes are burned.

Wu Lufan nodded secretly when he saw this scene. It seems that these people still have some knowledge of zombies. If the corpses are not processed, the smell of blood will soon attract a large number of zombies.

Lu Fan did not bother the three people who were busy, but instead climbed to the top floor of the hotel by himself and climbed to the wide roof.

After that, I looked so silently into the eastern sky, as if waiting for something.

Soon, a small black spot appeared in the sky. Gradually, a roar of machinery came, and a gunship was flying fast towards the place.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan’s mouth could not help raising a smile, what he waited for finally arrived.

所以 The reason why Lu Fan chose this hotel to resist the corpse tide in the near future is not only because of its advantageous geographical location, but also, more importantly, there will be airdrop packages from the federal military.

Yes, it is the package of goods filled with weapons, ammunition, food and medicine.

After the advent of the last days, the whole world fell into panic, and many nations perished directly. Only big countries like the Huaxia Federation had the power to fight.

了解 In order to understand how to save more survivors, the Huaxia Federation throws a lot of airdrops in places where humans may survive across the country. I hope the survivors can find out and increase the chances of survival.

The Fugui Hotel is an airdrop delivery site, which was discovered after Lu Fan’s reincarnation many times.

With this airdrop package, the odds of everyone living will be greatly increased.

直升机 In Lu Fan’s expectant eyes, the helicopter roared past, a huge airdrop package was dropped from the sky, and a wide parachute was carried behind to ensure that the contents of the airdrop package would not be damaged after landing.

Lu Fan waited silently, according to the memory of the previous life, the airdrop package would land on the roof of the Fugong Hotel, which is where he is now.

At this moment, suddenly a gust of wind was blowing, and the airdrop package that was about to land on the roof of the Fugong Hotel was flying crookedly toward the northwest.


Lu Fan was not calm anymore, UU reading www.uukanshu. The importance of the com airdrop package is conceivable. At this time, it flew in another direction. In case it was preempted by other survivors, it would be over.

Lu Lufan carefully looked at the landing position of the airdrop package, then quickly turned downstairs, carrying a gun, and rushed out of the hotel with a huge axe.

“I’ll go out and do something, and come back right away. You lock the door, and don’t open it except me!”

Lu Lufan shouted at Lin Xiaoxiao, and then ran away without looking back in the direction of the airdrop package.

The three men who were originally busy stopped their work suddenly and looked at Lu Fan’s back in confusion, wondering what the other person was nervous, and went towards the urban area where the zombies gathered.

Lu Fan started running all the way, now he has to move forward carefully, because the zombies around have gradually increased.

Although he carries a gun, he knows that a gun cannot be used unless it is necessary, because the sound of guns will attract a large number of zombies. If he is surrounded by zombies, no matter how old he is, he will have to wait for death.

Crossing two streets, Lu Fan has already seen where the airdrop package landed, which is the top of a public toilet, and the airdrop package landed on it.

However, the streets here are extremely wide, public toilets are built at the crossroads, and there are wandering zombies everywhere. Lu Fan can be sure that as long as he shows up, he will soon be surrounded by a large number of zombies.

At this moment, Lu Fan was surprised to see that in the residential building opposite, there were several survivors gathering there, all staring fiercely at the airdrop package on the top of the toilet.

Lu Fan’s eyelids jumped suddenly. If the airdrop package was stolen, the next corpse tide would definitely have no hope of surviving, so he sided with his heart and secretly said: “It seems that it can only be killed by force.”

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