King of Eschatology

Chapter 23 - Inexplicable targeting

In the Fortune Palace Hotel, Liu Xiao hurried to the outside of Lin Xiaoxiao’s room and shouted: “Report to Chief Lin, there are three survivors out there, who want to enter our hotel, may I let them in?”

The relationship between Lin Xiaoxiao and Lu Fan was ambiguous. It was natural for everyone to regard Lin Xiaoxiao as Lu Fan’s girlfriend. At this time, Lu Fan was not there, of course, it was Daxuan who had the final say.

霄 Liu Xiao didn’t know how to call Lin Xiaoxiao. It would definitely be impossible to call the name directly. It was a bit inappropriate to call Xunzi. After all, both Lu Fan and Lin Xiaoxiao were younger than everyone.

As a result, Liu Xiao thought of Master Lin as a ghost, and the ghost didn’t know what it was.

Lin Xiaoxiao heard Liu Xiao ’s report, her eyebrows flickered, and her beautiful eyes shone like stars. She walked out of the door with her long legs, and walked towards the hotel door.

“Let’s go and see!”

Lin Xiaoxiao said coldly, then left without looking back.

霄 Liu Xiao kept up quickly, but didn’t dare to follow too closely. He could only follow far behind, making Lin Xiaoxiao’s identity look more noble.

林 Since Lin Xiaoxiao became an intelligence enhancer, her temperament has become increasingly cold, coupled with her beautiful face and perfect figure, she is simply an ice queen.

There were three people standing outside the hotel, namely Hoyadin, Xu Xiaopeng, and Lan Ling. They obeyed Lu Fan’s orders. Under Xu Xiaopeng’s leadership, they arrived at the Fugong Hotel within an hour.

Xu Xiaopeng leaned his hands on his hips, pointed at the 33-storey building, and said boldly: “Seen it, this is the Rich Palace Hotel. I lived here during the civilisation period. What about it, envy.”

Hoya Ding reached out and shook Xu Xiaopeng’s head fiercely, laughing and cursing: “Envy you a ghost, do you know what Lan Yan’s identity is?”

小 Xu Xiaopeng’s head was bombarded with a shudder, and the painful fangs grinned, and he looked at Lan curiously at once, and asked: “What is the identity? Could Lan Lan’s sister live in such a high-end hotel?”

瞧 “Look at you, Lan Ye’s father is the chairman of Huada Group. This hotel is just a small branch of their family. It’s nothing.”

Hoyadin was shocking, and suddenly Xu Xiaopeng frowned.

He Lanyan heard Hoyadin’s words but suddenly looked cold, showing a strong intention of killing, and turned Hoyadin into a cold sweat.

Hoyadin knew he was talking a lot, and hurriedly haha, said to Lan Yan and Xu Xiaopeng: “You guys wait here, I knocked on the door, Lu Fan said there was someone here to receive us.”

Hoyadin ran away swiftly, Lan Yan stood still, but her eyes were getting colder, her white hands froze severely, and she didn’t even notice the nail piercing the skin, and the blood dripped down her fingers. Come.

Xu Xiaopeng felt uncomfortable under the influence of Lan Yan’s murderous spirit. He didn’t know what to say, but he was messy in the wind.

I soon came out, Lin Xiaoxiao came out. She was still thinking about interrogation, but when she knew all this was Lu Fan’s arrangement, she quickly brought in everyone.

However, when Lin Xiaoxiao and Lan Yan looked at each other, there was a sudden strangeness.

“This girl is so beautiful, is it Lu Fan’s confidant?”

Lin Xiaoxiao’s astute eyes narrowed slightly, looking a little bit of hostility into Lan Yan’s eyes.

A woman is a very sensitive animal, especially in this last age, love is even more precious. At this time, Lin Xiaoxiao managed to find the love of her life, how could she be easily taken away by her?

Qi Lanxi was already in a bad mood. At this moment, when she saw Lin Xiaoxiao’s hostile eyes, her heart was furious, and her unwillingness to kill was released without reservation, and she was shocked by everyone.

“What’s going on? Couldn’t the two have resentment? No, they seem to meet for the first time, right?”

Everyone was baffled by this sudden sword. Hoyadin even had a drop of cold sweat on his forehead and secretly said, “My grandma, you have to control your little universe. There are so many people in the other party that offend them. We eat Can’t walk around! “

小 Xu Xiaopeng frowned unpleasantly, and said secretly in the heart: “What? I have to bully and not have more people? I tell you, I’m not afraid of a fight, don’t worry, Sister Lan Yan, who dares to fix it for you.”

The entire hotel lobby froze in this weird atmosphere.

On the dirty and messy street, Lu Fan was dragging his tired body forward slowly. There was still blood dripping from his body, some of them were zombies and some of his own. The ticking sound was creepy.

Red Flame Halberd has already been stored in storage space, at this time he has a little black stone in his hand, which is the loot just grabbed from Tianlong Mountain.

“What the **** is this?”

Lu Fan was puzzled. At this time, he did not have much energy to explore the origin of this special stone, but just took a casual look at it and put it back into the storage space ~ ~ The sunset has set to the west, and Lu Fande hastened to return to the Fugong Hotel. He will lead everyone out of Thailand before dark, otherwise there will be an endless wave of zombies waiting for them.

Lu Lufan’s operation was rewarding. At least the cause of the corpse tide was found out. The huge number of zombies was attracted by the special stones produced on Tianlong Mountain.

It is a pity that now there is no Scientific Research Institute, otherwise Lu Fan will use it to identify and see what kind of substance this black stone is.

Fortunately, the zombies along the way had just been cleaned up by Lu Fan, so that Lu Fan’s speed was not affected in the slightest. He step by step and finally arrived at the Fugong Hotel an hour later.

As soon as I entered the door, Lu Fan saw a weird scene. Lin Xiaoxiao and Lan Yan looked at each other. The two were tit-for-tat. No one had the intention to give up, as if their eyes could kill someone.

When everyone saw Lu Fan’s return, everyone seemed to see the savior, but when everyone saw Lu Fan’s state clearly, everyone was scared and changed his face.

“Boss, what’s wrong with you?”

霄 Liu Xiao first rushed to Lu Fan and asked with concern.

At this moment, Lu Fan’s body was covered with blood, and most of his clothes were torn, revealing shocking wounds.

Lin Xiaoxiao was shocked when she saw Lu Fan’s tragic situation. She hurriedly shouted to Chen San fat, “Three fat men, go and get the medicine in the airdrop bag. I will give Lu Fan medicine.”


三 Chen Sanfei stunned for a second and ran quickly towards the second floor.

Seeing that Lu Fan was so hurt, Lin Xiaoxiao burst into tears, hot tears slid down her cheeks like Lian Zhuxian, and there was no queen-like look in that lovely appearance.

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