King of Eschatology

Chapter 16 - Good Domineering Weapon

After the impact of the tide of corpses, the once bustling street has become messy, and rotten meat can be seen everywhere, as well as deformed zombies that have been trampled.

The entire Thai city has been completely covered by the rotten smell. Except for the zombies in the area of ​​the rich palace hotel, a large number of zombies still exist in other places, occupying the entire city.

所有 Among all the areas, one area obviously has more zombies than others, and there is Tianlong Temple.

Although Tianlong Temple is already full of zombies, countless zombies are still flowing in that direction, as if there is a special existence there, which has a fatal temptation to zombies.

The purpose of Lu Fan’s trip was to find out the cause of the corpse tide. He wanted to see what was actually so attractive to zombies.

I walked on the street of the broken wall, Lu Fan carefully avoided the surrounding zombies, his fiery mood had gradually calmed down.

Lu Fan knows Lin Xiaoxiao’s thoughts on him, but right now it is not a good time to talk about love. When he handles this matter, he must make good compensation for Lin Xiaoxiao.

While walking, Lu Fan opened the Super God Link System again. At this time, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the points had reached more than 3,000. It seems that he can get huge benefits every time he kills zombies.

升级 To upgrade to a third-order evolutionary, the required points are 10,000. It is still far away. Lu Fan has not considered it for the time being. He is more concerned about a new attribute bar.

Lu Fan went in subconsciously, and the mechanical voice rang again.

欢迎 “Welcome to visit the Super God Link System. After upgrading to the second level, open the property bar, increase weapon equipment and storage space, please select downloads based on points.”

When I heard this voice, Lu Fan was surprised at first, and then she showed great joy. It was so good to have such a function.

首先 He first opened the weapon bar and found that a large number of weapons and equipment are neatly filled with the interface in front of him. There are all kinds of weapons, each of which is well-crafted, showing the accomplishments beyond human technology.

The price of each weapon is the same, and the total price is one thousand points. After downloading, it is a first-order weapon. You can use the points to upgrade, and the highest level can be increased to ten.

1000 points for first order, 10,000 points for second order, 100,000 points for third order, millions for fourth order …

When I came to the back, it was astronomical numbers directly. I didn’t dare to imagine that there were too many points. Lu Fan couldn’t help secretly whispering.

“Zombies from all over the world are not enough to kill any weapon to the highest level. The Super God Link System is really black!”

However, Lu Fan only needs to choose the weapon. As for whether he is going to upgrade or not, it depends on his mood. He figured this out, and he felt much more comfortable.

Lu Fan’s previous weapon was a huge axe, but as he became stronger, the original mighty axe slowly couldn’t keep up with his rhythm. After this morning’s battle, the deformation became unsightly. Already.

At this time, Lu Fan was short of weapons, and the weapons appeared. It was really heavenly.

“Knife, sword, halberd, axe, hook and fork, all kinds of weapons. I have to study carefully, what kind of weapon do I choose?”

Lu Lufan’s eyes continued to sweep across all kinds of weapons, seeing that everyone likes them, already picky eyes.

“Heavy zombies require heavy weapons, and the sharper and heavier the better!”

Lu Fan muttered in his heart, having narrowed the target range, and finally locked the target on a long halberd, his eyes flashed uncontrollably.

“This halberd is very powerful and domineering. It looks like the Fangtian painting halber used by Lu Bu. It has a total length of more than two meters and a side edge of more than one meter on each side. It is obviously sharp.”

Lu Fan carefully looked at the pictures of halberds, and he had blossomed in his heart.

“If you stand in the zombies, a sweep will be a big swath, it’s all Baihuahua’s points!”

I thought of this, and Lu Fan was finally calm, so he chose it.

As Lu Fan selected the halberd, the mechanical system sound sounded instantly: “Are you sure you want to download the Red Flame War Halberd?”

Lu Fan suddenly moved in his heart and secretly said: “Originally you are called Chiyan War Halberd, good name.”

Without any hesitation, Lu Fan immediately responded: “Download!”


With the sound of a clear voice, Lu Fan was slowly moving forward, and suddenly felt that the space in front of him had become distorted, and then the red light shone, and a huge halberd appeared in the mid-air. .

As soon as Lu Fan moved, he grasped the long handle of Chiyan’s Halberd, and the fiery sensation spread all over the body in an instant, and there was a feeling of being integrated with the weapon.

“Good bully!”

Red Flame War Halberd doesn’t know what kind of metal it is made of. The whole body is dark, and occasionally a reddish light will appear. The overall shape is powerful and domineering and looks extremely shocking.

Especially the sharp point of the gun point and the sharp edges on both sides, the cold mang flashing inadvertently was cold. Lu Fan felt a chill on his back and gently waved it, and the air suddenly remembered the sound of continuous breaking, as if the air was cut by the sharp blade. Whimpers were issued.

“Red Flame Halberd, it really is a good weapon!”

Lu Fan adapted briefly, feeling very easy, now he can’t wait to rush into the zombies immediately, swept through a zombie and startled.

However, Lu Fan’s face soon changed, because the Chiyan War Halberd was too big, without mentioning the weight first, it was very troublesome to just hold it like this.

In the last days, food, weapons, and clear water are all important. You can’t carry a weapon in order to carry everything else, right? Then you must starve to death?

在 At this moment, Lu Fan seemed to suddenly think of something. UU reading hurriedly scanned the property bar in the system. When he saw the word “storage space”, he could not help grinning.

“What’s really lacking, what’s the problem? With storage space, why worry that there is no place to put things?”

Lu Fan thought so, quickly opened the storage space, seeing the scene in front of him, his face turned black.

The storage space is also divided into ten equal levels. The first level has only one square meter and requires one thousand points. The second order is one hundred square meters. It requires ten thousand points. The third order one thousand square meters requires 100,000 points …

“It’s too expensive!”

Lu Fan could not help but scold in his heart, feeling that this super-god link system is a pit, various pit points.

I can’t help but think about it, storage space is much cheaper than housing prices in the civilized period. Assuming one point is equal to one dollar, it takes millions of points to buy a 100-square-foot house, while the second-order storage space is only 10,000 points.

Thinking of this, Lu Fan’s heart was finally balanced.

As Lu Fan’s mind mixed, the system sounded again: “Do you want to download storage space?”

Red flame war halberd is more than two meters long, the first-order storage space must not be able to fit, at least you must download the second-order storage space.

But after downloading Red Flame War Halberd, there are only over 2,000 points left, which is obviously not enough.

Thinking of this, Lu Fan’s eyes could not help looking at the zombies gathering area not far away, and secretly said, “It’s time to do a wave of zombies, just try this Red Flame War Halber to use it well.”

Lu Lufan no longer intentionally hid his body. He held the Red Flame War Halberd and walked towards a zombie gathering area with great swing, looking extremely arrogant, for fear that the zombie could not find him.

If a survivor sees him, he will think this guy is a neurosis.

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