King of Eschatology

Chapter 11 - Doctor of Architecture

Putai City has a special geographical location. During the civilized period, the power supply here was very tight, and this situation did not improve until there was a geothermal power station.

In the end of the last century, the power station system was already paralyzed, but geothermal heat was still flowing, and even because of changes in the earth’s magnetic field, geothermal phenomena continued to increase.

If the zombie really has the function of thermal induction, the outbreak of the tide can explain it.

Suddenly, there was a strange color on Lu Fan’s face. If the real cause of the corpse tide was due to geothermal heat, wouldn’t it mean that he had died so many times?

Is simply stupid!

No wonder I can’t survive the tide of zombies after so many rebirths. Due to geothermal reasons, zombies from all directions are constantly flowing here. It is conceivable that it will become a base of zombies soon.

I must leave here immediately after surviving the corpse tide.

Lu Fan silently calculated in his heart and began to formulate the next plan.

Seeing Lu Fan’s expression constantly changing, Rao was unable to guess what he was thinking as Lin Xiaoxiao’s intelligence enhancer.

“what happened to you?”

Lin Xiaoxiao asked with concern, and she thought that Lu Fan was uncomfortable.

Lu Fan smiled awkwardly, and switched off the topic: “Go, go out and see how they are arranged.”

I didn’t stop talking, Lu Fan quickly got up and walked out. He was really embarrassed to stay here. If it wasn’t for Lin Xiaoxiao’s reminder, I’m afraid his rebirth this time would be useless again.

In the lobby, all kinds of furniture are piled up like a mountain. If you look closely, you will find that each heavy piece of furniture has a special meaning. Connecting from beginning to end is a maze.

There are also a lot of obstacles in the staircase. For those brainless zombies, these obstacles can well hinder their progress.

Lu Fan was surprised when he saw this scene. Although he told everyone about Lin Xiaoxiao’s thoughts, he didn’t say how to do it. Lu Fan didn’t expect that everyone could accomplish it so well.

At this moment, Lu Fan saw a middle-aged man with glasses running around in the crowd. He pointed out the work of everyone and couldn’t be busy.

Lu Fan’s heart moved slightly, secretly: “Are there still a great talent among these people?”

“Come here!”

Lu Fan shouted at the guy with glasses.

The spectacled man was frightened when he heard Lu Fan’s shout. Then he hurried to Lu Fan’s presence and stood carefully.

“What is your name?”

The glasses man was nervous, and hurriedly responded: “Reporting boss, my name is Liu Xiao, my gender is male, I love women, I am 34 years old this year, and I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Architecture of Polytechnic University.

Lu Fan was funny when he heard the answer from the other person. This guy has applied more, and even came to introduce himself.

One thing I can be sure of is that this person’s belief in Lu Fan has reached 100% and he is already the most loyal fan of Lu Fan.

“Liu Xiao, right, doctor of architecture?”

Lu Fan said thoughtfully.

“Um, yes.”

Liu Xiao swallowed hard, but was uneasy in her heart.

Lu Fan chuckled and said, “Okay, we have a personal talent here, let’s go and do it, and we will give you all the construction matters in the future.”

Lu Fan’s words suddenly moved Liu Xiao. You know, after the end of the last days, he once thought that what he had learned in his life was useless. At this point, Lu Fan seemed to have found a consonant after speaking.

“What I learn is still useful, I am no longer a waste!”

霄 Liu Xiao was very excited, with inexplicable excitement, once again invested in the construction. He must make this place a copper wall and iron wall, even if there are only limited materials.

The dark night soon came, the dark night in the last days was darker than the civilized period, and the temperature was much colder. Lu Fan stood in front of the windowsill and looked at the dark night sky quietly.

If nothing else, at dawn tomorrow morning, a large number of zombies will appear here, completely surrounding the entire area.

In fact, Lu Fan has been wondering whether the cause of the corpse tide is really thermal induction? If it is due to thermal induction, why does the tide erupt at the dawn of tomorrow?

With the strength of Lu Fan’s first-order evolutionist, he had a complete opportunity to leave here before the tide of corpses erupted, but his instinct told him not to leave, otherwise the reincarnation of the ninth will be in vain.

Since the fate is so arranged, Lu Feng will certainly have its reason. Lu Fan also wants to confirm what exactly caused the tide.

“Chen Sanfat, come over here!”

Lu Fan shouted at the rest of the people below, a little fat man quickly got up and came to Lu Fan’s side.

“Divide these foods to everyone, eat enough tonight, and have a fierce battle tomorrow morning!”

Lu Fan pointed at a lot of food behind him, and motioned to Chen Sanfa to divide them.

These foods are collected from all corners of the hotel. For the survivors, these foods are very precious. I did not expect that Lu Fan would be willing to give them to everyone.

三 Chen Sanfei heard Lu Fan ’s instructions and immediately showed great joy. To be honest, he has not been full these days. He could have eaten more than ordinary people. The feeling of being hungry is really bad.

三 Chen Sanfei laughed with a fat body trembling, UU reading said while packing, “Boss, my nickname is three fat people, if you don’t mind, just call my nickname.”

Hearing Chen Sanfa’s words, Ye Dalong, who was sitting in the crowd, looked at him with contempt, and whispered, “What a real fart, wait for my dad to come and see how I can clean you up.”

Although Ye Dalong’s voice was low, it seemed extremely clear in this silent night, and Chen Sanfat’s complexion immediately gloomed.

According to Lu Fan’s instructions, Chen San fat began to distribute food to everyone, and the scene suddenly became hot. Everyone cast a grateful look on Lu Fan, not every boss was willing to take out the food.

At the same time, Lu Fan noticed that several people had reached a hundred degrees of faith in themselves. In the last days, people’s requirements were actually very satisfied, and it was good to be full.

Suddenly, an unpleasant voice came out, so that everyone’s eyes looked at it.

“What about my food?”

Ye Yelong asked indignantly.

Chen Sanfei responded with a smile: “Ah, sorry, it’s finished.”

“Grass Nima, are you intentional, right?”

Ye Ye Dalong was suddenly jumped by anger, and got up and put Chen San fat on the ground.

三 Chen Sanfei showed no weakness, obese palms fanned against Ye Dalong’s face, although he was underneath, he did not expect to take advantage.

Looking at the two men who fought, Lu Fan’s complexion immediately became gloomy. He stepped down the stairs and asked suddenly, “What happened to someone who fell from the upper floor yesterday?”

I heard Lu Fan’s voice, and the two men in the fight stopped immediately. Others heard that Lu Fan’s problem was shocked, and they couldn’t help but tremble.

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