King of Eschatology

Chapter 10 - She was bitten by a zombie

In the Wealthy Palace Hotel, a dozen survivors were busy under the arrangement of Lu Fan. According to Lin Xiaoxiao’s instructions, everyone moved out the large beds in each room and set up a maze in the lobby.

The rich palace hotel has a total of 33 floors. In Lin Xiaoxiao’s plan, in addition to Lu Fan’s arrangement outside the hotel, the lobby of the hotel has become another main battlefield, and even the stairs on each floor have detailed arrangements .

The only regret now is the shortage of manpower. If there are more than a dozen people, resistance to tomorrow’s corpse tide can ensure foolproofness.

When the crowd was in full swing, a few kilometers away from a garbage dump, several refugee-like survivors were hiding there, turning around in the garbage, as if looking for something.

Suddenly, a man showed great joy. He even found a chicken leg that had been half stung. Although the minced meat on the chicken leg had begun to rot, he swallowed it without any care and tasted delicious.

The other person saw this King suddenly burned in anger, kicked at the man who ate rotting chicken legs, and cursed: “Nima, how many times have I told you, find the food to be divided equally, do you and him? Go it alone. “

The man was stung to the ground, but he didn’t care about answering the question. He threw away the rest of the chicken thighs, and even the bones were not spared.

If Lu Fan is here, he will be very surprised. These people are the survivors who left the hotel yesterday. The original four men and three women have now become three men and two women. Two people were eaten by the zombies.

To be honest, these people have begun to regret leaving Fugong Hotel. Although they will get angry at Fugong Hotel, anyway, there is still some food there, and they will not eat garbage like they do now.

Now they are really hungry and crazy, every time when they are hungry, they can only go to the trash can to fill the hunger, making each of them face sick.

Among the two women, one of them was really out of strength. At this time she was squatting on the garbage dump listlessly. In hunger, she kept reaching out to grab the garbage, and stuffed her mouth no matter what it was.

“Eat and eat, eat to death, dare to eat without looking at what it is, really Nima’s fool.”

A man slapped the plastic bag that was about to be squeezed into his mouth, and kept swearing in his mouth. It can be seen that his mood was very bad these days.

人 The name is Shi Tian. He was originally a school bus driver. He survived after the outbreak of the end and had to eat some garbage to fill his hunger.

Seeing this, another woman deliberately intimidated and said, “You care what she does, let her die. Just because we have nothing to eat, we eat her when she dies.”

The woman wanted to scare her deliberately to keep her from eating, but the speaker was unintentional and the listener intentionally, the three men stopped the search for garbage at the same time, and everyone’s eyes became gloomy.

The woman who talked discovered the strangeness of the matter, and said in a panic, “You, what do you want to do?”

Bian Shitian’s eyes dodged. After a moment, he suddenly turned and pointed at the woman who was eating garbage. “I saw it. She just was bitten by a zombie when she escaped from the street just now.”

“Yes, I also saw that she was bitten by a zombie, and she must be killed immediately, or she will soon become a zombie.”

“Oh my God, she was bitten by a zombie. In order to defend all humanity, she must die!”

During the conversation, Shi Tian picked up a stone around him and smashed it into the woman’s head.

女子 The woman is so hungry that she has no energy at all. At this moment, she can’t avoid it. She can only watch the stones smashing towards her head.


I was smashed like a watermelon, and my blood was mixed with my brain instantly, and the thick **** breath radiated to all directions in an instant.

Jiu Shitian took out his dagger, cut a piece of meat from the dead woman, stuffed it into his mouth, and swallowed with a big mouth.

The other two men followed suit and began swallowing human flesh frantically, looking no different from zombies.

The last woman was already frightened by the trio’s actions. At this time, she widened her eyes and made a hysterical scream.


A piece of human flesh was thrown on the woman’s face. The hot blood still stimulated the woman’s nerves. She hurriedly threw out the human flesh that fell on her face, and her hands kept wiping the blood on her face, her eyes full of panic.

“If you don’t want to die, eat it!”

Xie Shi’s cold words exited, sharp eyes stared at the woman like a sharp blade, making her looked cold.

At this moment, she suddenly had a realization that if she did not eat this piece of human flesh, the three people on the opposite side would certainly not let herself go.

In desperation, the woman trembled and picked up the human flesh that had fallen to the ground, resisting the urge to vomit, and swallowed the human flesh.

Seeing the woman’s actions, the three men were relieved, and now they became one on the boat, let alone anyone.

石 Under Shi Tian’s arrangement, the woman’s body was quickly dismembered, and then divided into several pieces and put into a garbage bag, which was taken away by them. The food was enough for them to eat for a few days. UU Reading at

However, what they don’t know is what horrible changes will take place in the body if human beings eat human flesh in the last days.

In the Fufu Palace Hotel, Lu Fan frowned and sat in the staircase, staring at the empty road outside the window.

He kept thinking, what caused him to be reborn nine times in a row? What caused the next corpse tide? What happened to the inexplicable super link system in my mind?

A series of questions persisted in Lu Fan’s heart, making him look a little more melancholy.

“What are you thinking?”

Lin Xiaoxiao came to Lu Fan’s side and sat down. Her beautiful face had returned to her former purity. On the surface, it was impossible to see that she was an intelligence enhancer.

Lu Fan sighed and said: “I was thinking, what caused the tide of corpses? Is there a secret in the city that is unknown?”

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled and said, “There are many reasons for the tide of corpses. According to the information known to mankind at present, zombies have extremely keen sense of smell and hearing, and even unknown heat induction.”

“Thermal induction?”

Lu Fan exclaimed, this is the first time he heard the word. If the zombie really has a thermal induction, it will be really troublesome.

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled unwillingly and responded: “I also inferred from what happened these days. Sometimes, the survivor obviously did not make any sound, and there was no smell of blood on his body. He could still be found by the zombie. That’s why. “

I heard Lin Xiaoxiao’s analysis. Lu Fan immediately became like a maggot, and he suddenly stood up and exclaimed: “Thermal induction? Is it because the geothermal station in Taishi attracted a zombie tide?”

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