JOJO: Saved Cesar at the Start!

Chapter 526

526、Happiness Shake Shake Shake! (End)

The wedding finally went ahead as planned.

The color of the flower in Lingmei’s hand is very beautiful, and it also has a faint fragrance.

“You’re ready!”

“Okay, we’re standing!”

“Don’t worry, you are marrying someone anyway, so what are you worried about!

“I’m not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry! 99

“Didn’t you say bridesmaid! 35

“Yes, the next bride is me!

Qiao Yu is a little helpless, this is his own ~ happiness?

However, Shi Zhihai finally calmed down, and everything seemed to be quiet.

Fate has been replaced by God, he is fair, but the people around Qiao Yu have transcended fate!

Joshua doesn’t care and doesn’t want to care anymore!

Pucci didn’t know how many times he had died.

“This time, it’s your turn to die!”

Pucci and Tobio pointed at Diablo, the three were fighting the landlord, whoever wins will die!

“You obviously have the ability to inscribe, you can read the cards, but you still lose! 99

“He can see what we both think!

As a result, the three of them fought again.

“I heard that Naranga was admitted to university?”

Mista held her girlfriend who had a big belly and lay beside Fu Ge’s ear.

“Yeah, he went to high school for four years, four years!

When Mista heard this word, her whole body became unwell, and she frantically touched her girlfriend’s belly.

“Baby, baby didn’t hear me!”

“The due date is still April 4th! You, it’s starting again!”

Mista was going crazy, covered his head, and started looking for Bugarati.

“Bucciarati, use your steel chain fingers to get my son out!””

“Who saw my sisters?”

Emporio has changed into a school uniform, and recently the SPW consortium helped him arrange the school.

I thought that this child has never been to school, so let’s start with primary school!


“Amberio, we are in the same class! Hahaha, I didn’t expect it!

Naranga ran over and took Emporio’s hand for a while.

Apache slapped his forehead suddenly, this guy is in the same class as elementary school students, isn’t he ashamed?

Then he turned his head and said to Emporio, “Your three sisters are grabbing flowers!”

Indeed, Ames and Xu Lun, and Anna Sui.

Especially Anna Sui almost rushed over with the stalker and grabbed the flowers.

If it weren’t for the invincible ability of the left wing guard, she might have taken advantage of it.

It seems that only FF is sitting not far away, eating dessert on the table.

Leisurely watching a group of people grab a bunch of flowers.

“Humans are really strange, each person has a bunch of hair, isn’t it?

“You are right!

The voice startled FF, and when he turned his head, he found that it was the big clever Jousuke.

“Why, don’t you go grab the bouquet?”

“I think Tonyo’s level has dropped, and the meal is not as good as it used to be! 35

On the other hand, he has wiped out a table of dishes.

FF was in a cold sweat, this guy has not eaten for many years.

“Have you heard that Joanna’s lineage is also coming today!””

Jousuke was chatting with his older sister, Harriet, who was many years older than him.

“Well, they seem to have stand-ins too!”

“This is due to Qiao Yu!”

Just then, Giorno came over.

“Joanna, is that the same woman as me?”

Jousuke and Heli were in a cold sweat, and Qiao Yu used the power of fate to keep everyone behind.

However, now the Joestar family is a real big family.

“Yah ah ah!”

Jotaro pressed his hat, but was seen by Polnareff, who had been eavesdropping on everyone’s chat.

“Hahaha, Jotaro is having a headache again with his strange generation!”

“Speak less, eat cherries!”

Huajingyuan is very satisfied with today’s meal, especially my own table, the cherries are too sweet!

“This time Qiao Yu has really become a real prophet, no, Master Zhan!

Abdel smiled and touched his son’s head.

“go to play!”

The boy nodded and rushed out with four or five puppies.

“Ichi can still give birth! If it weren’t for Qiao Yu’s restriction, I feel that all the dogs in the world would have become stand-ins!”

“You mean, all the dogs in the world are Iggy’s sons?”

“Hahahahaha, Iqi’s physical strength is good!”

“Are you still thinking about how Qiao Yu said you could marry three wives?”

…for flowers

The conversation between Kakyoin and Polnareff obviously caught Mia’s attention.

Without thinking, Mia lifted Polnareff’s ear.

“If you have the ability of Qiao Yu, you can find three. Now, play with your children! Drink less!

“Ha ha ha ha!”

Joseph walked over with a smile, at least he had two wives.

In this case, it is better to maintain the appearance of old age.

“All this, I really want to thank Qiao Yu!”

“Yeah, do you think there will be a new bizarre adventure next?”

Qiao Jing hurried over.

“What are you talking about, tell me!

“Qiao Jing, don’t run!””

At this time, everyone discovered that this Kawajiri had also come to the wedding.


He has now determined that Kira Yoshikage is his father.

That man is not bad for himself.

“Is your name Kira Hayato or Kawajiri Hayato? I don’t want to play with you!”

“It’s over if you call me early!”

Sure enough, he is the strongest elementary school student, and his reaction ability is also very fast.

“Yahahahah, the future belongs to them!”

Chengtaro shook his head helplessly and turned his eyes to Qiao Yu.

He only remembered that it might be one of his dreams, the so-called eye of heaven, the so-called transcendence of heaven.

However, it is only now that I realize that the place where there is Qiao Yu is heaven. Where there is Qiao Yu, it is full of happiness.

“Then let them continue our bizarre adventure!

Qiao Yu came over and put one hand on Qiao Jing’s head and the other on Zao Ren’s head.

Maybe, there will be more wonderful adventures in the future!

Just then, a little boy rushed over.

“The show has started, hurry up!

“Okay, Mr. Spit!”

This boy is a descendant of Spitwagen, the man who has guarded the Joestar family for his entire life, and he has a successor!

Destiny, that’s what it is!

“The next show, Happiness Shake!

With the announcement of the little boy, this dance adapted from the gangster shake, everyone got high together!

Together, high is too high!

(This is the same humanities, end!) Next.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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