Jianghu Demolition Team

Chapter 9

Chapter 35: Dangerous ring to create the tomb of the king (5)

Everyone fell into the water and emerged from the water one after another. The water was extremely deep and extremely dim. Everyone had no torches in their hands, their feet could not touch the ground, and they could not move freely. They were surrounded by beasts and were at a disadvantage.

The fish floated in the water. With a thought, he held his breath and stretched his hand into the water. Only a very slight wave of water was blowing in the palm of his hand, continuously. The fierce beast is far away, the floating of the water is not driven by the fierce beast, but the river itself is circulating!

The fierce beast hit various stone pillars on its own, the stone towers and broken bridges broke one after another, the stones fell from the top of their heads, and everyone hurriedly swam away.

Yuer cried, “Sake, the river is flowing.”

There is no shore on all sides, and the stone tower is extremely high. It was first down and then hit by the fierce beast. They can’t get up with the fierce beast, but they can’t be consumed in the water. The beast didn’t know what else was left, so he had to get ashore quickly, and now the only way was to look for the water and find an exit.

Sake shouted: “Yu Hei, Yu Bai, you open the way.”

Yu Hei and Yu Bai were very familiar with water, and they responded, and they jumped out like a fish, and everyone hurriedly followed.

The roots of those stone towers pierced deep into the water, and when you look at it from the bottom of the water, they are like a stone forest, standing heavy and you can’t see your head.

The nine people swam for a while, and felt that the sound of the water behind them was loud. The beast was not afraid of water, but was very familiar with water. It swam quickly in the water and had chased it behind the team!

Qi Tianzhu swam to the end of the team and said, “It won’t work without solving this thing first.” Everyone naturally understood.

Sake indulged for a while, and fell behind with Qi Tianzhu, and then ordered: “Hualien to the left, Linzhi to the right.”

The seven swim in formation. After Qi Tianzhu and Qingjiu break, Yu Bai and Yu Hei are in front, Hualien is on the left, Tang Linzhi is on the right, Yu’er and Yili are holding the unconscious Mo Wen in the center.

The fierce beast swam swiftly, and when he approached the two of Sake, he suddenly dived, Sake saw the direction of the ripples, and shouted, “Linzhi!”

The evil beast hated Tang Linzhi for hurting its eyes, and the first one to look for was Tang Linzhi.

Sake said to Tianzhu: “Brother Qi, when I throw the fierce beast up, you might catch its tail so that it won’t enter the water anymore?”

Qi Tianzhu was taken aback, with many questions in his heart, but he was urgent at this moment, and he didn’t need to ask in detail, he said: “Seven points.”

After the words were finished, the sake also dived into the water, apparently chasing the fierce beast.

Qi Tianzhu frowned, quite worried. Going deep into the water, there is no strength to fight against such a beast. It is not easy to throw it out of the water. At least several decades of deep internal power are needed. Sake is only twenty years old. No matter how extraordinary the talent is, it is impossible to reverse The sky has reached this point.

Qi Tianzhu felt more and more uncomfortable as he thought about it, fearing that Sake would not be able to deal with the fierce beast underwater. Qi Tianzhu’s expression condensed, and he quickly avoided.

The water surface in front of him broke open, and thousands of water flowers bloomed, flying into the sky with a white shadow. Qi Tianzhu stared at him, and his heart shook. The fierce beast was thrown out, and he didn’t know what method the sake used. Before Qi Tianzhu was surprised, he jumped up with the stone pillar beside him and grabbed the tail of the fierce beast.

Qi Tianzhu’s legs were crossed on the stone pillar, making an upside down golden hook, clutching the beast with brute force, and lifting his whole body upside down in the air.

The fierce beast struggled endlessly, its claws screaming in the air, but its body couldn’t bend up to attack Qi Tianzhu.

Qi Tianzhu dragged its tail around his arm, insisting on letting it go.

Tang Linzhi flicked his right hand, and three darts shot at the fierce beast, but they hit it as if they were shot on a gold stone, unscathed. It has deep skin and flesh, and it is not easy to hurt it.

Sake came out of the water, and she faintly saw a dark spot on her shoulder, which was obviously injured. She said, “With a dagger!”

Hualien and Tang Linzhi were stunned. Why forgot this baby!

Hualien and Tang Linzhi swam to the side of the stone pillar, borrowed force from the stone pillar, and jumped up. The two attacked separately. The beast was caught by its tail and hung in the air. How could it escape? It is as easy as cutting ointment.

Tang Linzhi and Hualien succeeded in hitting them and fell into the water. Blood spurted out from the neck of the fierce beast, and his body trembled a few times and stopped moving.

When Yu Hei and Yu Bai came back looking for their way, they just saw a few people destroy the fierce beast. They admired them and said, “Several adults, this blood falls into the water. The **** smell may attract another strange beast, villain. A wooden boat was found in the front. It is more appropriate for us to take the boat to find the way.” Qi Tianzhu threw the fierce beast’s corpse into the distance and jumped into the water.

Seeing that what he said was reasonable, they had to leave this ghostly place as soon as possible, so the group swam a little half a mile with them, and saw a boat leaning on the side of the stone pillar. The hull is old, barely able to carry people, and a group of people boarded the ship one after another. This large hull is more than enough to accommodate nine people.

Yu’er and the others are well aware of sake seasickness, but at this moment, the danger in the water is unknown. She was injured again, her body is still soaking in the water, there is really a bloodthirsty animal in this water, she is just a Living target, therefore, the people in Hualien were the first to push the resisting sake onto the boat.

There was an oar in the boat, and Tang Lin’s toe was cut down for a short length, wrapped in dry cloth in his arms, took out the flint and flint, lit the torch, and the surroundings suddenly became bright.

Yu Bai rowed the boat with the oar and rowed towards the southwest. When the boat moved, Sake’s face became whiter, his fingers clasped the boat’s edge tightly, and the roots of his teeth were gritted. With this force, the blood on the shoulder wounds flowed more fiercely.

Yu’er squatted beside the sake to treat her wounds. She and Mo Wen had been studying medicine for half a year. Although they were not very proficient, they were also quite successful. Among a group of people, except for Mo Wen, her medical skills were already the best.

Yuer gently pulled open the clothes on Sake’s shoulders. Hualien and Qi Tianzhu avoided their heads. Yu’er saw that her shoulder was as soft as jade, and there was a downward claw mark. The cut was as sharp as a sword cut. Although there was no bone, it was extremely deep. The blood had stopped before, and the sake was just on her arm. The force broke again, and the blood couldn’t help flowing down.

Yu’er tapped acupuncture points around her shoulders, and the blood gradually stopped. He turned out the medicine bottle he carried, and sprinkled the golden sore medicine on the sake wound, and used internal force to bake the medicine into liquid medicine, soak it on the bandage, and wrap the sake. Yu’er is handy, and soon he treats the wound with sake.

When she pulled away, she inadvertently caught a glimpse of the butterfly bone of the sake, exquisite and elegant, like a peerless jade bow, so beautiful, the fish caught her eyes unconsciously.

Sake said: “Why do you always frown.”

The voice of sake recalled Yuer’s mind, she subconsciously touched her eyebrows, and she really wrinkled.

Sake groaned/groaned, because I said a word, I was already running out of it, and I was about to vomit it out.

Upon seeing this, Yu’er felt distressed and funny again, leaned over and stroked her back. Seeing the sake of suffering unbearable, all the feelings in Yu’er’s heart turned into pain, she suddenly realized that she was frowning because she saw the sake of being hurt.

The boat went all the way to the southwest, out of the stone forest, and rowed to the exit. The exit was two feet wide, and it was a long and straight passage. There were huge holes in the stone wall that the water marks had hit, the thickness of the waist of an adult man. There were many holes, half hidden in the water and half out of the water.

This passage was colder than the stone forest. Everyone felt that it was not safe. Yu Bai was rowing a boat faster, only hoping to pass through this ghost place earlier.

Halfway through the boat, there was an abnormal movement in the current. All the people on the boat are martial arts practitioners, and they naturally feel clear.

Something is swimming under the boat.

Everyone is tight. The boat rowed all the way to the exit, to the gap between the two cliffs. It is said that it is a slit, but the water surface is very wide, like a big pond.

Everyone saw that the cliff was vertical, more than five or six feet high, and the stone wall hit by the water was smooth, and it was impossible to climb such a stone wall with great effort. Everyone had to find their way.

Suddenly, the waves were violent behind the ship, and everyone looked at it and saw a dark shadow breaking through the water. Tang Linzhi and a few people already had knives in their hands, just see how sacred the potential in the water was after they followed them halfway.

The thing only raised half of its body, and it is unknown how big the body is in the potential water. The body that only broke through the water was pitch black and shiny, and the bucket was thick and thin. When everyone looked at it, they only thought it was a giant python.

Yuer’s eyes flickered and saw that it was a giant snake, unconsciously grasping the sake in his hand, his face was also pale, and his heart jumped.

These two people, one feared the boat and the other feared the snake.

The thing leaned forward, everyone had to look carefully. It has a sharp head and a flat body, and said, “This is not a snake, this is a black eel.”

When Hualien heard it, he said, “Eel?” He raised his eyebrows and said with a look of suspicion: “Aren’t they all in the mud cave? There are rock walls all around, so why are there such things?”

Yu Bai said: “The filthy things in this tomb are silt, and the eels eat these things. I think they sneaked in from the dark river from the outside. I don’t know how many years they have grown, and they have grown so big.”

Yu Hei said: “This thing doesn’t offend it. It shouldn’t take the initiative to attack people. It’s probably just that we are curious when we see it. Please don’t mess with it.”

Although Yu’er heard that it was an eel and not a snake, the panic still couldn’t dissipate. This thing looked too much like a snake, a snake the size of a twine, the fish could not stand the fear when they saw it, let alone such a big thing.

When the crowd was about to leave, there was a shout from above. When they looked up, they saw someone on the cliff on the left. The shadows of people were fainting, and there was the sound of fighting each other. Some people were fighting.

A man dressed in Tsing Yi was forced to the shore, and the man couldn’t hide, he turned his heart, and went down the cliff and plunged into the water, splashing countless splashes of water. The surging current caused the boat to bump.

The people on the cliff still yelled at themselves, and if they were going to kill this person, they opened their crossbows and shot them downwards. The arrow rain hit the head, and everyone in the boat was naturally affected. Tired of sword-dancing defense. Yu Bai shouted loudly: “The friend above has spotted it, don’t hurt others by mistake!”

The group of people ignored them, as if they had lost their lives, jumped down from above to chase people, and some continued to shoot arrows, as if they had some blood and blood feud with the Tsing Yi people.

When the arrow fell, I suddenly heard a scream, and the people on the boat were startled, and the secret road was not good! An arrow hit the black eel! It’s okay for the strange beasts in the water that no one provokes them. Now that they are hit by an arrow, they are bound to be furious. It doesn’t matter if those people are on the shore, but they are hurt and stricken in the water!

Yu Hei shouted: “Swipe! Swipe!”

Yu Baishou danced quickly, and slashed towards the road. After only seeing this big pool, the front is abruptly narrow and will be able to pass by. If it can go in, even if it is chased by the black eel, it is huge, and it can’t be used in this narrow waterway and cannot make waves.

Seeing that it was about to row into the aisle, the black eel dived into the water, the tail slapped, the calm water hit the waves, the hull moved forward, and the fish and sake on the stern fell into the water. Hualien and Qi Tianzhu hurriedly came to catch them. After all, they were a step too late. They were about to jump into the water to rescue them. The black eel was another blow. The waves hit the boat and the boat was bumpy, and everyone couldn’t stand it.

These two slaps, although the waves were fierce, they unexpectedly pushed the ship forward a lot, and the ship sailed into the waterway.

The flow of the waterway is very fast. When the boat enters, it will automatically pass several meters. When everyone is stable, it is already difficult to go back and pick up the sake.

Qi Tianzhu slapped his thigh and shouted, “The girl and the sake girl haven’t come up yet!” He was about to dive into the water to save people.

Tired of stopping him: “It doesn’t matter if there is sake.”

After the fish and sake were plunged into the water, I wanted to swim towards the hull, but there was a hole under the rock wall beside the waterway, which was very wide and filled with water. The water in the mouth of the cave is flowing, and the speed is very fast. The fish and the sake were stirred in the current. When they were photographed off the boat, the dizziness had not improved, so they were sucked into the cave by a pulling force and followed. The flow of water drifted far away, and it was actually necessary to “part ways” with the group of people who are tired of it.

Yu’er held the sake and was rushed all the way for an unknown period of time. Fortunately, she began to practice her inner strength, and her breath lasted so long that she would not be drowned.

When the overflowing tunnel was finished, Yuer came out of the water holding the sake. Fortunately, this dark river can finally go ashore.

The fish took the sake and walked ashore. Sake was injured first, lost too much blood on his shoulders, and then fell into the water.

Yuer sat down with the sake and looked around, and saw that the river was forked and the land was divided into small islands. Under such a tomb, there were trees growing, but these trees were distorted and their bark was gray. Boneless.

The fish was looking, suddenly listening to the vision in the water, looking towards the water, a figure fluttering in the water. It turned out that the person who can’t swim may have fallen into the water and was pulled over by the current. Now the water keeps calling: “Help.”

The fish caught the man up. This is a handsome man, kneeling on the ground, choking and coughing again and again.

Before saving people, Yuer didn’t have time to see this person’s appearance, but now he sees this person like the person who was chased and killed before jumping off the cliff. He was dressed in Tsing Yi, carrying a long thing on his back. He was so dizzy that he was stunned by the water. He knelt down on the ground and regained his senses. He repeatedly said to the fish, “Great kindness! Great kindness!” Apparently thanking her for saving her life.

Something flashed through Yu’er’s mind, and she shouted, “It’s you!”

What a coincidence, this person is the one who stole her dagger “Shang Sheng” in the street!

After Yangchun realized that he raised his head and saw the fish, his complexion became stiff. Yang Chun rolled and crawled to run away. Once he had been soaking in the water for a long time, his legs and feet became soft. Secondly, Yu’er had been prepared. When Yang Chun moved, she snapped out her fingers and hit his acupuncture points.

“Give me back the knife!”

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