Jade Without Fragrance

Chapter 10

Chapter 11: Showdown

Chapter 11 Showdown

“What?” Wen Ping’s face changed immediately, staring at the man with fire-breathing eyes, “Why don’t you go grab it!”

The man had a good-tempered look: “Master Wen quenches the fire, and getting angry won’t solve the problem.”

I don’t know which whispered: “How can robbery get money so fast.”

Wen Ping felt a pain in his heart and breathed hard: “I… don’t have that much money.”

“No?” The man smiled and was murderous, “What are you waiting for, chop off his son’s finger!”

The subordinate responded with a yes, picked up the kitchen knife and chopped it.


“Wait!” Wen Ping’s shout and the boy’s screams sounded almost at the same time.

The boy leaned against the wall and slowly slid to the ground.

Wen Ping rushed over with a pale face: “Yun’er, Yun’er, are you all right?”

Wen Yun’s eyes were tightly closed and there was no response.

“Wait for me, you bastards, even if you fight to death, I won’t make it easier for you!” Wen Ping jumped up.

The man smiled: “Master Wen, don’t worry, your son just fainted from fright.”

Wen Ping was stunned for a moment, then he remembered to look at Wen Yun’s hand, looked at his left hand and his right hand, found that both hands were intact, and immediately looked at the wall.

A faint knife mark on the wall seemed to laugh at his embarrassment.

The man with the kitchen knife chuckled: “Master Wen loves his son so much, why can’t he bear a little money?”

“One point? That’s one thousand taels!” Mentioning silver, Wen Ping’s half-scared soul came back.

The leader took a step closer, without the slightest expression on his face: “Master Wen, I just gave you a chance, the next time the kitchen knife won’t just fall on the wall. Think about it, pay the money or keep it. Your son’s finger.”

“Can’t it be less?” Wen Ping finally realized how difficult these people were, and his tone softened.

Losing a finger doesn’t affect his life, but how does he face the master’s inquiry?

At that time, what he did to block the hole for his son is likely to be exposed!

This risk cannot be taken.

Wen Ping gritted his teeth and said, “I don’t have so much money, you give some time…”

“How many days?” the leader immediately asked.

“Half a month—” Seeing that the man’s face was wrong, Wen Ping immediately changed his words, “Ten days, give me ten days!”

The man stretched out three fingers: “Three days. After three days, bring money and take your son away.”

“Three days is too tight.”

“That’s your business.” The man waved his hand, “Take Young Master Yun away and serve him well.”

Wen Ping’s face changed: “Where are you taking my son?”

The man smiled: “Master Wen, don’t worry, in these three days, Lang Jin will be precious.”

Seeing his son being dragged away by several people, Wen Ping’s expression changed, and he seemed to be a few years older at this moment.

“Master Wen has to hurry up.” The man said and walked away.

Wen Ping remained motionless for a long time, walking slowly back with his weak legs.

One thousand taels, how did he get this one thousand taels!

In the confusion, a person blocked the way.

Wen Ping rolled his eyes and saw who was in the way.


“Our girl is waiting for you at the tea shop in front.” Baozhu said a word, turned around and left.

Wen Ping stayed where he was for a while before catching up: “Baozhu, what is the second girl looking for from me?”

Baozhu glanced in the direction of Qianjinfang, and said expressionlessly: “I don’t know. The girl is looking for you, you just go.”

Wen Ping noticed Baozhu’s reaction, and his heart sank immediately.

Er girl knew about his son going to the casino?

Realizing this, Wen Ping’s heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and followed Baozhu to a teahouse.

In the elegant room, the girl in the green shirt held her cheeks and looked out the window with a relaxed attitude.

“Girl, steward Wen is here.”

Wen Ping walked over and saluted: “I wonder why the second girl asked the old slave to come?”

Wen Hao’s light eyes fell on Wen Ping, and when he stared at him a little uneasy, he raised his lips and smiled: “I said why Mr. Wen is in such a hurry today, it turns out that he came to the casino to redeem people.”

Wen Ping’s face changed immediately, and he looked at Wen Hao in astonishment.

He guessed that the second girl asked him to come to the casino, but he did not expect the second girl to be so direct.

When he was young, he was the master’s book boy. The only servant in the Dawen Mansion from his hometown was his wife. What does the second girl mean?

Wen Hao held the tea and took a sip, not signaling Wen Ping to take a seat.

Wen Ping became more and more confused: “Second girl, there is still something for the old slave to return to the mansion-”

Wen Hao put the tea cup on the table and said with a chuckle, “Go back to the house to raise money?”

Wen Ping’s expression changed greatly.

“It’s not easy to raise a thousand taels in three days, right?”

“Second girl, don’t listen to some gossip—”

Wen was too lazy to talk nonsense, and said lightly: “Baozhu—”

Baozhu reached into his sleeve, took out a stack of silver notes and slapped it on Wen Ping’s hand.

Wen Ping held the bank note, his voice changed: “What’s the meaning of Er girl?”

“Pearl, go to guard outside the door.”

Waiting for Baozhu to exit silently, Wen Hao stepped into the topic: “Wen steward, let’s talk about what my father told you.”

Wen Ping didn’t react for a while: “Second girl means—”

Wen Hao smiled sweetly: “I just told you to lie and say that he married his cousin before entering Beijing.”

These words were like thunder on the ground, Wen Ping opened his eyes wide, looking at Wen Hao as if he had seen a ghost.

Wen Hao was not in a hurry, he lowered his eyes and took a sip of tea.

I don’t know how long it took before Wen Ping regained his voice: “Second, Er girl, where did you hear the absurd words—”

Wen’s face sank: “I advise Steward Wen to think about it for a thousand taels before opening his mouth.”

Wen Ping seemed to be stuck in his neck, he lost his voice immediately, and his mind was completely confused.

How could Er girl know about Madam Qing? Do you even know what the master said to him?

Is it the hell?

The girl’s voice sounded faintly: “If you want people to know nothing, you have to do it yourself. Does steward Wen think this is right?”

The blood on Wen Ping’s face faded, and the girl with unparalleled beauty was a little dignified in his eyes.

He…he might actually be hell!

“Second girl… What do you want?” First was the fright at the casino, and then Wen Hao’s abnormality caused Wen Ping, a normally stable person, to panic.

“It’s not what I want, it’s what Wen Guanshi wants.” Wen Hao looked at him blankly, “Wen Guanshi wants to accept the bank note to be a person with conscience and tell the truth, or to help Zhou open his eyes and talk nonsense for abuse? Waiting for Wen Yun to collect the body in three days?”

“Collect the corpse?” Wen Guanshi’s pupils shrank, and he cried out.

Wen Hao raised his hand and stroked the peach-blossom hairpin in his hair, Yingying smiled lightly: “Isn’t that saying that money can make a ghost grind the mill? For the sake of a thousand taels, they can chop off Wen Yun’s fingers. If I pay 10,000 taels… I should be able to buy them. His life?”

“Second girl, you—”

Wen Hao took off the peach hairpin with a cold face and patted it on the table: “Wen Guanshi, you know, I can afford 10,000 taels. Oh, yes, I know one more thing.”

(end of this chapter)

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