Jade Without Fragrance

Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Different

Chapter 2 is different

Wen Hao woke up from the darkness and his eyes became clear.

What caught my eye was the slightly raised face of the boy.

That face was both familiar and unfamiliar, and there was a bit of daze in the dark jade-like eyes.

Wen Hao was lost for a moment.

Who is the person below   ?

Wait, below?

Wen Hao glanced down subconsciously.

The spring flowers on the hem of the green Luo skirt are tender and delicate, and the exposed yellow toes hang in the air.

She is—

Wen Hao looked at the young man again, and a thunderbolt violently split the chaos in her mind, making her suddenly remember the identity of the other party.

Qi Shuo, the heir of Prince Jing!

Almost instinctively, Wen Hao was about to turn around, but a sudden dizziness struck her, and she fell into darkness before her eyes.

Qi Shuo stepped forward and caught the girl who fell from the wall with open arms.

The enlarged handsome face and the physical contact made Wen Hao’s thoughts go numb, and he blurted out, “No!”

Qi Shuo’s eyes were full of shock.

“You… can talk?”

Wenhao’s eyes widened suddenly, and he covered his mouth with his hands: “I—”

With just one word,   , teardrops rushed out.

An exclamation sounded: “Prince!”

Qi Shuo’s complexion changed slightly, he gently pushed the girl who was covering her mouth and weeping to the side and jumped up.

The little servant Changshun flew over, his face full of panic: “Sir, are you alright?”

“Don’t yell.” Qi Shuo reprimanded softly and reached out to Wen Hao, who was sitting on the ground, “Miss Wen, I’ll take you up.”

The spring light is just right, the boy’s hands are slender and white, as transparent as beautiful jade.

Wen Hao stared at the hand, and before he recovered from the huge shock, he only muttered two words: “No…”

Qi Shuo had confusion in his eyes, but he still stretched out his hand patiently.

“Isn’t that Wen Wen!”

A female voice made the people under the wall turn their heads in unison.

Not far away, several girls in costumes with different expressions came towards them.

“Brother, what’s going on?” The girl in yellow shirt led by her gaze wandered between Qi Shuo and Wen Hao, and she couldn’t hide her shock on Jiahao’s face.

The one who spoke was Qi Qiong, the small county master of King Jing’s mansion, and Qi Shuo’s sister.

“You don’t need to ask, it must be Wen Hao peeping at the prince!” The girl who spoke first stood beside Qi Qiong and looked down at Wen Hao, who was sitting on the ground.

Wen Hao looked at her with a blank expression.

Contemptuous eyes, disdainful look, bright pomegranate skirt.

Is this a dream? She even dreamed of the scene more than three years ago.

My mother lost her filial piety soon, just in time for Princess Jing’s birthday. She was going to take her and her eldest sister to Prince Jing’s mansion to celebrate her birthday, but in the end, she only brought her sister.

My father said that she couldn’t speak, so why should she be taken out to be despised.

The mother was displeased and had an argument with her father. She grabbed her mother and signaled that she did not want to go.

However, what is the difference between not being able to go and not wanting to go?

When my grandfather was there, he tried every means to coax her out of the house, just because she felt bad for her, and was afraid that she would be afraid to meet people.

She thought of her grandfather who passed away, and returned to the General’s Mansion alone.

The General’s Mansion and Prince Jing’s Mansion were only separated by a wall. When she came to this place unknowingly, she climbed up the wall. Who would have thought that Prince Jing was standing on the other side of the wall and was hit right.

Xu was too panicked, or maybe it was bad luck, suddenly dizziness struck, and she fell from the wall.

And then-

Wen looked at Qi Shuo, his eyes changed.

And then there is a difference.

At that time, Prince Jing pretended not to see her falling to the ground and walked straight away.

She knows a little bit of work. It would not be a problem to sneak over the wall and go back, but who knows her foot is twisted. After such a delay, he was seen by the little princess and others who had wandered here.

Tang Wei, the second girl in the Marquis of Wuning, sneered and ridiculed, and soon the story of Wen Er girl climbing the wall spread out.

But now, Prince Jing reached out to catch her, and planned to help her up the wall.

Did she have a dream that Prince Jing would help others?

Wen Hao swept across the faces, a wry smile overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

The dream was even worse than three years ago.

At that time, because Prince Jing left first, all that spread was her reputation for acting recklessly and unruly, but now she fell directly on Prince Jing…

“That’s it—” A low-spirited voice came to Wen Hao’s ear, “I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart just now, and Chang Shun wasn’t around, so I called for help. Erwen Wen was kind-hearted and heard the cry for help…”

Qi Shuo’s explanation made Qi Qiong, the little county master, look better, and looked at Wen Hao: “Miss Wen, is that so?”

Wen Hao took a deep look at Qi Shuo and nodded slightly.

Qi Qiong’s expression was slightly relaxed, and just as he was about to speak, he heard a “yes”.

This “Yes” sounded like a thunderbolt that fell into everyone’s ears.

“You, you can actually speak!” Tang Wei pointed at Wen Hao, her voice sharpened in shock.

The little county master Qi Qiong couldn’t help but take a step closer: “Miss Wen, you—”

The General’s Mansion is Wen Hao’s ancestral home. Wen Hao has been here for most of his life and has known Qi Qiong since childhood.

“Little sister, let’s take Miss Wen back first.”

Qi Qiong reacted that it was inappropriate to surround her like this, and signaled to the maid.

The maid stepped forward to help Wenhao.

The piercing pain made Wenhao’s legs go soft and cold sweat broke out.

She lowered her head and stared at the goose-yellow embroidered shoes, her brows furrowed.

I twisted my foot in a dream, can I feel so much pain?

But if it wasn’t a dream, why could she speak?

“Miss Wen, are you all right?” Qi Qiong asked.

Wen Hao took a look at her, then looked at Qi Shuo, put his hand in his mouth, and bit hard.

Blood oozes from the back of the white hand, dyed with red lips.

exclaimed one after another.

Tang Wei was like seeing a ghost: “Wen Hao, you, are you crazy?”

Under the eyes of various colors, Wen Hao raised his sleeves, covered his face and wept.

She is crazy.

This is not a dream.

“Second sister, are you alright?” Wen Chan hurried over after receiving a message from Qi Qiong, the little princess.

In the hazy eyes of tears, Wen Hao tried hard to see the face clearly and put it into Wen Chan’s arms.

“Sister, I can talk now…” Wen Hao gave the most suitable reason and burst into tears.

She is still alive, and so is her sister.

Those tragic things, she had time to stop them.

“Second sister, can you speak? Great, great…” Wen Chan was incoherent, immersed in surprise.

Qi Qiong coughed lightly, interrupting the warmth between the sisters: “Miss Wen, Miss Wen twisted her foot, take her back earlier.”

Wenchan wiped her tears and nodded again and again: “Yes, I’ll take the second sister back. Thank you, the princess—”

She paused and regained her senses: “Why is the second sister with the county master?”

Qi Qiong glanced at his brother with a strange look, and gave the reason given by Qi Shuo.

Qi Shuo rushed to sister Wen and clasped his fists: “It’s me who implicated the second girl Wen.”

“Your son is polite, no one will be indifferent to anyone who hears someone calling for help.” Wen Chan suppressed her suspicion and admitted the reason, and she and the maids she brought helped Wen Hao away.

“Huh, I don’t believe it—” Tang Wei’s words followed Qi Shuo’s cold gaze and swallowed it.

Wen Hao looked back, his gaze rested on Qi Shuo’s face, and turned his head again.

Since it was not a dream, but returned to more than three years ago, why did Prince Jing’s reaction be different?

The update time is still at 10:10 am old time. Investing is risky, so be careful!

(end of this chapter)

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