It’s Not Too Late to Meet Again After Rebirth

Chapter 14 - Talk and stall

Lin Mo walked to the door and whispered, “Beauty, is there anything wrong?”

The fat nurse suddenly blushed, and looked at Lin Mo, who puzzled Jun Zhizhi and Wuwu and said, “Am I really a beauty?” After that, even she couldn’t stand it, and fled.

Lin Mo laughed awkwardly. After a dozen years, “beauty” was just a random name. Unexpectedly, he casually said that he scared the little nurse away. God knows that he really doesn’t mean anything.

After a while, Lin Jian finally woke up and he looked much better than yesterday. Because the doctor had done an examination for him before, Lin Mo helped him briefly wash.

“Dad, I brought you the porridge, it’s still hot, would you like to drink it now?” Lin Mo asked after packing it properly.

Lin Jian has been eating liquid food these days, and is impatient with hunger. “If you don’t say I haven’t thought it, I’m really hungry.”

Lin Mo unscrewed the lid, the delicate scent of mushrooms and chicken flew out suddenly, Lin Jian swallowed subconsciously. Lin Mo poured the porridge into a small bowl and tried it. The temperature was just right. He took the spoon and fed it to Lin Jian’s mouth.

“It’s delicious.” Lin Jian said vaguely while eating.

Lin Mo smiled happily. What’s better than seeing the satisfaction of a loved one?

After Lin Jian finished the porridge, Lin Mo hesitated and said: “Dad, I went to the night market last night and I want to go to the night market to sell snacks.”

Lin Jian was stabbed hard in his heart and couldn’t help blaming himself. If he could be more careful, why would he break his leg? Why is the son of good academics and superiors reduced to street vendors? His mother was a lot of age and had to suffer for him, and the family still owed huge sums of money … all blamed him, he dragged down his family.

Lin Mo saw his face showing pain, and quickly said: “Dad, don’t think about it, we are a family, we should have been blessed and shared the same hardship. You are born and raised, you are sick, I am waiting for you. Things are just right. “

Lin Jian’s eyes were slightly wet, and he reached out and touched Lin Mo’s hair top: “Good boy, it’s your dad that’s dragging you down.”

Lin Mo couldn’t help but think of the guilty old man’s guilty appearance before his father took drugs and committed suicide. There was a sudden pain in his heart, and there was a red thread in his eyes. He took his father’s hand and held it tightly. : “Dad, you have never been dragged down by me. It is not, nor will it be in the future. Letting you, grandma and Xiaoshu live a good life is a big wish of my life, and it is also my responsibility.”

Lin Mo’s voice is not loud, but full of undoubted taste.

Lin Jian was both surprised and delighted. He was surprised that his son faded overnight, as if he could withstand his tender shoulders when the sky fell down; he was pleasantly surprised that his son was far more tenacious, strong, mature and sensible.

The sons have taken the initiative to carry the burden of the family. What other face does he complain about?

But he only broke his half leg. There are more disabled people in the world, and everyone else can live well. Why can’t he? It’s just half a leg missing. When he recovers, there are still many things he can do in the future. He still doesn’t believe it. He is a big man and he will really become a son’s burden when he is in his prime!

“Mo Mo, don’t worry, Dad will get well. It’s Dad’s responsibility to take care of you. This responsibility is not even when you take it. Even this semester, when the next semester starts, you still go to school as usual, and your family owes debts. Dad will find a way to pay it back. “Guan Linjianba may not let his son go back to school now, but in his current situation, it is unrealistic to rely on the mother alone without the care of his son.

Lin Mo knew that Lin Jian’s character was very stubborn, and often he made a decision that would not easily change. At this point, both his father and his son were similar people. Lin Mo is an adult at heart, even if he knows that his father’s ideas are unlikely to be realized, he can’t be as hard as his father like a rebellious boy. He chooses to roundabout and temporarily compromise.

“Talk about things after going to school.” Lin Mo returned to the topic just now: “I still want to go to the night market to set up a stall. Whether I can make money or not, I treat it as an exercise, dad, okay?”

Lin Jian looked at his son’s earnest gaze, and his heart was dull and uncomfortable, hesitating for a moment, he said: “It is not easy to set up a stall …”

Lin Mo saw that he was a little loose, and was busy hitting the railroad while he was hot: “It’s because it’s not easy, you should receive exercise. Dad, you can rest assured that I have done a preliminary investigation and I will do my best.”

Seeing that his son was so sensible, Lin Jianshi didn’t know how to say no to him, so he had to say, “If you want to do it, just do it, do what you can and don’t exhaust yourself.”

“Well, that grandma …”

“Your grandma, let me tell her.”

“Okay, thank you dad.”

“Oh, you kid.” After so many days in hospital, Lin Jian finally showed a knowing smile on his face.

At noon, Lin Mo took advantage of his father’s sleep to return to the residence and began to prepare lunch.

Originally, I wanted to roast the chickens in the morning before they got into the water. Lin Mo washed them again. They cut two large potatoes. After the water was fried with watercress, they were put in potato pieces and slightly fried. on.

Lin Hai ’s home kitchen is very good. Lin Mo found a steamer from the cabinet and put the raw chicken skins in the morning into the plate. The slab of carrots was adjusted to the taste. After the water was boiled, put the plate in the steamer Steamed on the pot.

He washed a Chinese cabbage, shattered the leaves directly with his hands, and set aside.

At this time, the potatoes were almost burned. Lin Mo chopped celery and green onions and sprinkled them evenly.

He opened the lid of the steamer, and the steamed phoenix was almost ready. He turned off the fire, and the other pot was heated with a little oil. He took the plate from the steamer, turned the plate upside down, poured the steamed vegetables into another plate, poured the hot oil on the phoenix clothes, and sprinkled with chopped green onion coriander, a strong salty fragrance Yi escaped.

In the morning I bought a few crucian carp and spit bubbles on the surface of the floating basin. Lin Mo found a pair of scissors to cut the crucian carp and cut the scales with a knife. Carassius auratus scales are small, and it is not easy to scrape them without special tools. Rao Shi Linmo also took some time.

After processing the scales and washing the crucian carp, he stuffed **** slices and pepper grains in their stomachs, put them in a casserole, dripped a little rice wine, and simmered slowly in clear water. The stewed crucian carp tastes ordinary or even fishy in this way, and the color is not pure milky white, but the nutritional value is high, so it is suitable for supplementing dad.

When Lin Mohou finished the cabbage soup, her grandmother was already up.

“Grandma, why don’t you sleep more?”

The old lady was embarrassed to say that she smelled the smell of the dishes and woke up, but said: “You are too old to take a nap. I took a nap last night. I came back to sleep in the morning for so long. Is your father all right?”

“It’s good. I brought him porridge in the morning. He drank it all. The doctor said that tonight, and he will be transferred to his ward tomorrow morning.” Talking Kung Fu, Lin Mo took the cabbage soup from the pot and partly filled it into the bowl. , Partly poured into the thermos.

“That’s fine, let’s hurry to eat. After eating, I will go to the hospital to see your dad.”

“it is good.”

Several family dishes once again succeeded in supporting the old lady. Most of the bone marrow in the cob went into Lin Mo’s stomach, and he couldn’t help it. This year, the pigs were not completely bred with feed like the later generations. The meat taste is authentic, and the bone marrow is also very fragrant.

Lin Moran had no image licking his mouth secretly, anyway, the stick bones were cheap, and when to stew a pot, and have a good meal.

After the meal, the crucian carp soup was not enough. The old lady let the Lin Mo family watch it. She went to the hospital first.

Taking advantage of the hard work, Lin Mo successfully persuaded the janitor to rent the tricycle to him at night, three dollars a night. During the lease, if there is any damage to the tricycle, Lin Mo is responsible for repairing it.

Then, he rode a tricycle to the vegetable market to buy dozens of pounds of potatoes and many spices and tools. When he returned to the community, the uncle of the guard had helped him buy honeycomb coal-uncle and his son sold honeycomb coal. Therefore, after Lin Mo bought 300 large honeycomb coals in one breath, the uncle in the back of his residence made room A small place for Lin Mo to place these coals.

Lin Mo got these right and returned to his place. The crucian carp soup in the casserole has been simmered and squishy. Under the action of **** and rice wine, it has been simmering for so long. There is almost no smell. The cup was taken to the hospital.

I don’t know how Lin Jian told the old lady that the old lady totally agreed with Lin Mo to set up the stall, and only repeatedly told Lin Mo not to be too tired. In the afternoon, she went back to help Lin Mo to scrape potatoes, pick vegetables, do all the preparations, and actively asked Lin Mo to teach her how to use the gas stove. She would be responsible for three meals a day.

In the evening, everything was ready, Lin Mo pulled a cart on a tricycle and slowly came to the night market. After finding the management staff, paying the relevant expenses and sending the management staff a package of Hongta Mountain, they were arranged to a relatively good temporary stall in a lot.

When night fell, after a hard day of work, people unloaded their burdens and masks and slowly poured into the brightly lit night market.

The Lin Mo stall is just next to a fatty rice noodle stall. This stall tastes average, with few customers and associated with Lin Mo business.

More than half an hour after the night market started, the first customer finally came to the door.

The comers were two 16- to 7-year-old girls, but they were more mature than 20-year-old women. The two of them went to Lin Mo’s face completely.

“Little boy, how about selling potatoes?” The short-haired girl asked with a smile. Next to her, her companion squeezed her eyebrows and smiled.

“One yuan a piece.” Lin Mo replied with a professional smile.

The two girls looked straight, and this smiled better than the stars on TV.

“Bring us two.”

“What do you want?”

When the two girls heard it, they felt a little strange. Isn’t the spiked potato only spicy?

“What’s your taste here?”

Lin Mo laughed: “There are four flavors: spicy, sour, sweet and spicy, and cumin.”

“Then I want a hot and sour.”

“I want to spice up, and give me more pepper. The potatoes are crispier.”

“Okay.” Lin Mo poured the full-fledged potato strips into the oil pan and fried them for a while. The potatoes were poured into two small pots, and the special seasoning was added. Stir well.

The two girls watched Lin Mo’s graceful movements without losing their graceful movements. How can this person even look good in cooking?

“Okay, two dollars in total, thank you for your patronage.” Lin Mo smiled and squinted the potato in the plastic pocket.

The two are in the middle and second phases, and the rebellious girl is blushing, and the short-haired girl took two steels from her pocket and threw them on the Lin Mo car. Too.

Lin Mo didn’t know, so he frowned, and when he saw the next guest at the door, he immediately put on a professional smile again. ## $ l & amp; & amp; ~ * _ * ~ & amp; & amp; l $ ## & lt; / p & gt;

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