It’s Not Too Late to Meet Again After Rebirth

Chapter 127 (END) - Happy time outside


In the morning, Lin Mo was sleeping soundly, and suddenly felt two small warm things squeezed into the nest. The two little guys were particularly unreliable. Even if they crawled around him, the little paws still pinched his nose. He didn’t want to pretend to sleep.

He opened his eyes and saw the bright smile of his eldest son: “Daddy, get up and play with us!”

The younger son also rushed over, leaving a wet kiss on his face: “daddy, daddy, want to swim, want a duck.”

In 2009, Lin Mo and Han Xun registered their marriage in California, and the Han family did not shy away from holding a grand wedding for them, which made many people sigh. From 2003 to 2009, Han’s family has changed a lot in six years. Han Dongxu was probably irritated by his brother’s affair, and the show of affection was so exciting. When he returned to country M, he changed his former playboy’s style and seriously exchanged with a girlfriend. The girl is of Chinese origin, and the family does import and export trade. Old friends, the girl is seven years younger than Han Dongxu’s feet. When the two of them started, Han Dongxu was beaten by the mother of Han to prevent him from playing with other people’s feelings. Han Dongxu was sincerely moved this time, but it was not miserable. In addition, some of the girlfriends he had made before were not really fuel-efficient lamps. Han Dongxu’s path to chasing his wife was not a rough one. However, in any case, the ending is very good, and finally ended up as a positive result. One year after the marriage, he rushed behind the twin sons of the boss Han Zijie and gave birth to a pair of dragons and phoenixes, which can make the family happy.

The grandchildren of the Han family changed from one Allen Douding to five Little Douding in one generation.

The following year, at the beginning of 2006, Han Zhiwen and Han Zhijing sisters were married one after another. Han Zhiwen married Wall Street upstart and college classmate Charlie, and their underground love affair continued from high school to the present. Charlie’s family is average, but he is very ambitious, and he did his best to make a financial predator to propose to Han Zhiwen.

Han Zhijing’s love path is more ups and downs, the several boyfriends he has been with, either for her color or for the Han family’s fortune, soon after seeing the true colors of these people, they all broke up, and they passed around to see their brothers and sisters at home. Settling down, she looked at her age day by day and was also anxious. Finally, she began to listen to Han mother ’s words and took the time to make a blind date. Unfortunately, the date of the blind date was more than once. Finally, she met the “big enemy” when she was a child. She didn’t match up with the stinky boy of the uncle Li’s family, seeing pinch once, and now growing up is no exception. However, it was really fate. The two pinched and pinched out sparks, taking advantage of the passion of love, followed closely behind their sister, and entered the palace of marriage.

Han Zhiwen and Han Zhijing sisters sent good news not long after they got married, and soon they both gave birth to Lin’er. There is no family planning in country M. The brothers and sisters of the Han family have good relations with the other half after marriage. Good news came after the marriage. By the end of 2010, there were ten boys and girls in the family’s grandchildren. Count the new one in Ersao’s belly. Han father and Han mother are old, and enjoying the joy of the world around their children and grandchildren, they can’t help worrying about Han Xun and Lin Mo, the two big men are together, and having no children is always the same thing.

Han Xun lived in country Z all the year round, and occasionally went back to the home of country M. He was quarreled to death by the group of little bear children. He doesn’t like children too much, and he has no plans to raise children at all.

He doesn’t like it, but he can’t stand Lin Mo likes children. Lin Mo’s thoughts on Lin Mo’s thoughts came to Lin Mo when she wanted them to have a child. Han Xun’s attitude was particularly firm at first, and he didn’t want to raise a child after he died. He also said that if Lin Mo really liked it, he would adopt one from his brother, sister, or later children from Lin Shu. It’s a pity that Han Xun is a wife and slave in the embroidered pillow that looks terrible on the surface. Lin Mo didn’t need to say anything, just looked at the pictures of the dads and dads for a few days, Han Xun retired from his own life, and actively consulted about surrogacy.

Han Xun feels that if he really wants to surrogate a child, it is better that the child can have both his and Lin Mo’s genes. At present, some cutting-edge biological laboratories in country M already have this technology, but the technology is not very mature and is still in the experimental stage. The experimental results are not particularly satisfactory, and there is no guarantee that what will happen after the child is born. Han Xun knows Lin Mo very well, and looks cold and indifferent on the face. In fact, he is more serious than anyone else. In fact, he has to be anxious and sad for a long time to raise a puppy and die, let alone have a child?

No way, Han Xun had to retreat second, through the senior surrogacy agency, in order to avoid subsequent disputes, the agent came forward and found a woman with excellent conditions in all aspects, after her egg was successfully fertilized, she surrogate this For fraternal twins. The disadvantage is that the woman itself is a multi-racial mixed race. After the two little babies were born, although they seem to inherit their father’s black hair and black eyes, they can still see the trace of the mixed race.

When the child was born, the fat and chubby had the same mother’s genes, and it didn’t look much different. Now that I’m more than two years old, I can slowly see the difference. The elder son Han Zhiyu’s pair of peach eyes are printed with Han Xun’s mold. The young son Lin Zhixuan’s phoenix eyes are exactly the same as Lin Mo’s. The genetic influences of Han Zhiyu and Lin Zhixuan have the deep and white skin unique to Caucasians, and at the same time have the exquisiteness of the yellow race. As the two little guys grow up from the small flesh, the chubby appearance is not ordinary. Beautiful and cute, just like a little angel when obediently obedient.

Of course, if it is not good, it is definitely two small devil.

From the two little guys crashing to the ground, until they can now say that they will run and play tricks, the whole process is a huge bitter history of Han Xun and Lin Mo, and this bitter history is only the beginning …

“How about your father?” Lin Mo sat up and hugged his two sons. They kissed each other, and the two little guys squinted with joy. The two little guys wore identical Superman pajamas, and when they laughed, there was an inexplicable look. Anyone who saw them would say that they were brothers.

Han Zhiyu said with a milky voice: “Dad is … preparing breakfast.”

Lin Zhixuan is a snack goods, does not appreciate Han Xun’s craftsmanship, bulging buns face and said: “To eat daddy’s egg yolk mud, do not drink grandma.”

Lin Mo twisted his son ’s chubby face: “Do n’t obey drinking milk, be careful to become a little dwarf.” I do n’t know who I learned from. I do n’t eat anything that does n’t taste good, do n’t eat anything that does n’t look good, Even if the frequency of things he likes to eat is high, he has to be emotional, which is really not cute. Not long ago, Lin Mo knew from Han Mu that Han Xun had this problem as a child.

Lin Zhixuan did n’t understand what was short and short, he just did n’t like to eat what Dad made, and the child’s temper was screwed up as soon as he got up, holding Lin Mo’s hand coquettishly: “It needs egg mud, egg mud “” Yes, even the name of the dish was wrong.

Han Zhiyu is not very interested in egg yolk mud. He likes to eat crispy and sweet small biscuits. He also makes trouble with him: “I want small biscuits, daddy I want small biscuits.”

“No, I can only drink milk and eat eggs and fruits in the morning. If you are not obedient, I will not take you to play with grandpa today.” Although Lin Mo cherishes and loves two baby sons very much, he encounters the principle ‘When it comes to problems, there is absolutely no concession.

The two little Dingding want to “order food” and want to go to the country to play. They are so tangled that their small faces are wrinkled. They have not yet grasped the profound problem of “the fish and the bear paw can not have both”. The coquettish of her, seeing the daddy who spoiled them normally, was not relieved. The brothers ’flat-mouthed eyes were about to start to spread, and Han Xun walked in from outside.

“Han Zhiyu, Lin Zhixuan!” Han Xun shouted with a cold face, and the two little guys immediately obediently closed their voices, burying the chubby face timidly into Lin Mo’s arms as if they were caught doing something bad.

Han Xun is now thirty-four years old. His appearance still looks like 28 or 9, but his temperament has changed dramatically in the past. He was originally a master and servant in the wealthy circle, and he was alone in the country to create a huge business empire. The long-term momentum is definitely not a joke. The two little guys are still young, but the instinct to seek benefits and avoid harm is innate. When facing Lin Mo, they dare to be spoiled or even sloppy. When facing Han Xun, they can only be obedient. Even so far, even if Han Xun is anxious, he hasn’t touched one of their fingers.

For the two little guys, Dad is so terrible, the black-faced Dad is like a big devil, daddy help!

Lin Mo had some low blood sugar in the morning and was troubled by the two little guys. He quietly gave thumbs up to Han Xun. The little guys patronized to avoid his father ’s “mental attack” and did not see two unscrupulous dads at all. A warm smile on his face.

Packed up and sat down at the dining table, where there was washed milk, fried bacon, eggs, whole wheat bread slices, mixed vegetables, fruit salad, and two bowls of specially steamed meat for two little guys The last custard.

For more than two years, because of the need to bring children, Han Xun and Lin Mo and their respective company groups have to be busy. After the little guys spent their infancy and took them from the country M to the courtyard of the capital, Han Xun specifically from There are several servants and aunts from country M who came to take care of their daily life, and invited them two senior preschool teachers. But the nature of father and son is the nature of father and son. No matter those people are responsible for the two little guys, they always rely more on their daddy and dad.

More than ten years ago, Han Xun said that he would learn to cook with Lin Mo. Lin Moyuan thought he was joking, but he didn’t expect him to really decide to learn. Fortunately, his talent is really not very good, all the good things are on the table this morning. But he is quite happy to do it, as long as it is free, he will show his hand. The two little guys let the cooks at home, their daddy, and Uncle Zhang Mozhang, who often come to play, etc., feed the mouth, and do n’t appreciate the custard made by my father, but it hinders my father ’s **** prestige For example, Lin Zhixuan would also scrape the contents of the bowl cleanly.

In the end, Lin Mo was softer towards the two little babies. After the little guys ate breakfast, under their earnest eyes, one person gave them a bag of homemade cookies.

“Thank you daddy.”

Han Xun has the majesty of the head of the family: “You are used to them!” Suddenly, it seemed that I understood the feeling that the old man accused his mother of being used to him.

Lin Mo still smiled and looked at the two little guys without giving him a look, “Is it used to give them a few cookies? Is the pile of toys you bought used to be called?”

That ’s right, it ’s a pile, and a pile is a whole room. What are Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man, the three-sea vehicle model of the land, sea, and air, high-simulation pistols, and various plush dolls … Play to be over ten years old. Poor Lin Mo had only played with bamboo dragonflies, iron frogs, and plastic guns when he was a kid.

Han Xun coughed twice: “I didn’t buy it all. By the way, have all the gifts for grandma been brought?”

“You don’t change the subject very much, just put it in the trunk.”

“… It really hurts the two little bastards, obviously I am more responsible than you, they are even more sticky to you, not at all scientific.” Han Xun rarely frustrated. When the two little guys first arrived in the capital, they did n’t get used to the noise at night. They were Lin Mo ’s sleeping servants who coaxed them. He looked at them and helped them; they voluntarily cooked for them, and they did n’t appreciate it; which of their favorite toys was not He bought it, but the two little guys saw him, and from time to time they showed the same look of seeing natural enemies. It’s not ordinary to be discouraged.

Han Xun has forgotten to choose. Whenever two cubs robbed him of his “wife”, how deadly was his black face.

“Who made you always scare us Yuyu and Xuanxuan, right?” Lin Mo sat in the back seat to look after the two children.

The little guys didn’t know whether they heard it or not. They actually echoed seriously: “Yes!”

Han Xun: “…” There is a feeling of being bullied by his wife and sons, how to break it?


Since graduating from college, Lin Mo has begun to build his restaurant empire drastically. In addition to hot pots and medicinal meals, it also opens up a high-end restaurant club market and an organic food market. Deep-processing agricultural and sideline products such as sauerkraut, salted duck eggs, pine blossom eggs, cured meat, bacon, sausages, etc., not only sell well domestically but also exported overseas.

After Lin Mo took over the catering work, Lin Jian freed his hands to specialize in logistics. Their logistics company was established early, with Han Xun’s hanx fully cooperating, starting point is many times higher than other logistics companies, plus customer-oriented service concept and working attitude, these years have developed smoothly, The scale is quite impressive. It has already purchased its own aircraft. Its financial resources and background are beyond the reach of other domestic logistics companies, and it has steadily occupied the absolute leading position in the industry.

It is difficult to find money, and it is easy to find money.

With enough abundant capital, both Lin Jian and Lin Mo will invest in suitable projects when they encounter suitable projects. After many years of operation, Lin Jian has already become a guest of a certain wealth list.

After he became famous, more women were rushing towards Lin Jian. Unfortunately, the more he was, the more he was willing to continue single-handed, so he really kept single-handedly.

The old lady has finally learned how to live as a ‘landlord wife’ in her mouth. Without him, she is mainly old. She can’t do much work in the field. She has to fight for health and fitness for long life. Centenary.

Lin Mo, they went back this time to wish her 80 years old birthday. The old lady’s real age is only 79, but according to the customs of the county, the 80th birthday is to be spent at the time of 79. It is said that this way can survive the “nine” robbery. The specific argument is only the old one. Only generations know that everyone has lived this way.

Lin Shu still went to study in the y country after several twists and turns, and still studies the predecessor of quantum physics. His starting point in this life is much higher than that of the previous life. He received his doctorate as early as a year ago, and now he is in the y country. He teaches in a world-famous university and leads an epoch-making physics study. Once the experiment is successful, he is likely to become the next **** prize winner, even in the history.

Of course, Lin Shu always felt that he was still too far away from his brother, and rarely mentioned his academic achievements with his family. It is estimated that he said that Lin Mo couldn’t understand the physical theories that would always insulate him, but these did not affect his strong support for his brother’s laboratory.

Lin Shu hurried back from abroad, and arrived at his hometown later than Lin Mo. They arrived at night.

However, this time he didn’t go home alone, and brought a beautiful girl. Lin Mo and Han Xun saw that the little girl was very familiar, and she never remembered where she had met.

“Brother Lin, Brother Han, I’m Jin Nuo, Jin Jue’s sister. You haven’t seen me for a long time, don’t you recognize me?” Jin Nuo is tall and exquisite, with a gentle melon face, delicate facial features, and a maroon color. His waist-to-toe waist and long hair stand with the tall, handsome and handsome Lin Shu. Anyone should praise the perfect match.

But no one can think of it. At that time, the chubby little girl staring at Lin Shufa’s nympho, not only completed the gorgeous transformation of caterpillars to butterflies, but also perseveringly chased the favorite “male god”. Needless to say, Jin Nuo’s character is definitely not as ‘obedient’ as she seems.

Just by looking at her elder sister, the elder brother Jinjue, she knew that Jinnuo was definitely an elf master.

“The Eighteenth National Women’s University has changed, and Nuo Nuo is so beautiful now. You don’t say I haven’t recognized you.” Lin Mo has always had a good relationship with Jin Jue. He heard Jin Jue mentioned that Jin Nuo had gone to study in y country. , But did not know that she would come together with Lin Shu. To change the child, have to be angry with the sister of Jinjue.

Jin Nuo held Lin Shu’s arm and smiled and said, “I’ve always been so pretty, right?”

Lin Shu is more emotionally shy and passive. He has heard nothing in the country for many years. His girlfriend asked him in front of his family, and his ears were bloodshot. He nodded shyly: “Yes.”

Han Xun scolded the big-tail wolf next to him, trying to beat Lao Tzu when he was black.

The old lady didn’t expect that when she was eighty years old, Lin Shu could bring her such a big surprise back, and she couldn’t close her mouth. Since Lin Mo and Han Xun gave birth to Han Zhiyu and Lin Zhixuan, the old lady’s eyes were fixed on Lin Shu. However, Lin Shuyuan was studying abroad. Even though she had no effort, she looked at her little grandson 28 It was not settled yet. The children of the same age in the village went to elementary school. The old lady was very anxious. I also secretly discussed with my son whether Lin Shu also likes boys. If she really likes it, she won’t say anything about bringing people back. The big deal is the same as Lin Mo’s surrogacy, right? But Lin Shu hadn’t even brought his friends back to his hometown for so many years. Today he suddenly brought a girlfriend back silently, and the old lady was just not crazy.

She pulled Jinnuo’s praise, Jinnuo was also very talkative, and coaxed the old lady very happy.

It took a long time for Lin Mo to realize that Jin Nuo turned out to be a doctoral student and he studied a specialty with Lin Shu. This year, there are not many female doctors with such high fashion and beautiful iqeq. Lin Mo properly placed the future sister-in-law on the position of genius, and the thoughts in his heart coincided with the old lady-be good, they will get married after birth How bad must the children come out?

Lin Mo and the old lady seemed to see a small book written by Lin Shufen.

The 80th birthday of the old lady had a very happy life, even if her daughter’s family who had already separated from her had not come, there was an elder son, a younger son, and a house of grandchildren and great grandchildren. chrysanthemum.

The Lin family has been working hard these years, and Lin Jian has never forgotten his roots. He made a fortune and turned back to drive the economy of the village. Now, in County L, who does n’t know that Qingtong Village is a famous villa village ?

The 80th birthday of the old lady Lin Jian held a big event for her, running water for three days, and also specially invited the older generation of local troupes to come and sing. Lin Jian and Lin Mo did not want to be too public, and did not say to the outside world. They only invited relatives and villagers in the family. Those friends in the business did not invite them. The old lady liked this arrangement very much, which satisfied her as an elderly person. Vanity is not too frustrating.

Hanfu and Hanmu arrived in the morning of the old lady’s birthday, because Han Xun and Lin Mo were in a mess with each other. Hanfu and Hanmu only differed by a few years, and they simply said according to the old lady. People called her elder sister and went to Lin Jian. Lin Jian followed the slow generation, and Lin Mo and Han Xun called their parents. There is no way, the chaos of generations is chaos, it is wrong to shout, how to get along simply.

“Grandpa, Grandma!” Two little Douding often make video calls with Hanfu and Hanmu. They are no stranger to the second elder, nor are they dazed Hanfu. The little mouth does not know how sweet it is. Second old heart and liver tremor. The busy guys hugged one by one, and the little guys enthusiastically left countless wet kisses on the faces of the two old men.

“Oh, we Xuanxuan are so good.” Han father holding Lin Zhixuan smiled and saw his teeth, it is strange to say, there are so many grandchildren and granddaughter in the family, the first one who is not afraid of him is Lin Zhixuan, the second is not afraid of him It’s Han Zhiyu. Father Han is now in his 70s, and his heart is softer and softer, and he is no longer as harsh to his grandchildren as he was to his children. Unfortunately, the children in the family are older and under the guidance of their parents. Grandpas are all very respectful. As the saying goes, the grandfather always feels that the children and grandchildren in the family will not be intimate with Lin Zhixuan brothers, at least there will be no treatment like this “hot kiss”. What Grandpa Han does n’t know is that Grandpa is so kind and loving in comparison with the ‘demon’ dad in the eyes of the little guys. And because Han Xun spoiled the grown-up, he had little fear of the elder brothers and sisters, and he would not teach his baby son to respect the old man, so he formed such a beautiful misunderstanding.

Lin Zhixuan looked like Lin Mo, but his temperament was not. His mouth was sweet, and his eyes were crooked with laughter. He said with a milky voice: “Grandpa, Grandpa is also good.”

“Hahaha …” The old man lived for decades, but it was the first time someone praised him.

Han Zhiyu saw that his brother was praised, but grandma didn’t praise him. Anxious, he confessed to grandma: “Grandma, grandma, I am also good.”

Han Mu also laughed out loud: “Yes, yes, we Yuyu are also good.”

Everyone laughed and said that it was noon soon. Lin Jian ordered a big three-layer cake for the old lady early. The noon meant a candle, and the old lady also made a wish piously.

Han Zhiyu and Lin Zhixuan just recently learned Happy Birthday Songs, Lin Mo and Han Xun only started their heads, the two little guys were not afraid of the little ones and patted the small meat claws, and they sang with milky voice: “… wish you Happy birthday, wish you a happy birthday … “After singing Chinese, I sang it again in English.

Everyone sang along with the two of them. Everyone’s face was filled with happy smiles. The cameraman invited quickly pressed the shutter to freeze the happy moment forever.

The author has something to say: in two-for-one extras, you are full of happiness, and I wish you all who read the text are also very happy ~~~~ o (n_n) o ~

Wenwen here is all over, thank you for your support, I hope to see you in the new text ~~~ 么 么 哒 ~~~

Thank you local tyrant girls for their overlord tickets ~~ What’s it ~~ Some sweet kisses with little baby x2.

Throwing a grenade late at night: 2014-03-1409: 00: 39

Throwing a mine Throwing time: 2014-03-1400: 24: 37

Throwing a mine Throwing time: 2014-03-1400: 24: 24

Throwing a grenade late at night: 2014-02-2411: 01: 57

Tossing late and throwing a grenade throwing time: 2014-02-2209: 02: 30

Waiting for love to throw a mine throwing time: 2014-02-2113: 43: 40

Tossing late and throwing a rocket throwing time: 2014-01-3119: 34: 37

Waiting for love to throw a mine Throwing time: 2014-01-2715: 32:00

Rot woman … threw a mine and threw time: 2014-01-2306: 01: 01

August laurel fragrance threw a mine Throwing time: 2014-01-0821: 13: 12

A long stream of mines threw a mine Throwing time: 2013-12-2621: 36: 44

Yiyun threw a mine Throwing time: 2013-12-2602: 26: 46

The fire-laden lamb threw a mine. Throwing time: 2013-12-2512: 53: 50

Meow Meow threw a mine Throwing time: 2013-12-2022: 38: 57

Green tea salmon threw a mine throwing time: 2013-12-1903: 44: 33

The fired lamb threw a grenade throwing time: 2013-12-1717: 04: 01

a.s threw a mine Throwing time: 2013-12-1218: 00: 39

The fire-laden lamb threw a grenade throwing time: 2013-12-1113: 52: 58

The leaf of Weiye threw a mine tossing time: 2013-12-0319: 25: 13

Zhuyuan Yurun threw a mine. Throwing time: 2013-12-0312: 19: 52

Kotaku threw a mine Throwing time: 2013-12-0300: 21: 58

A long stream of mines threw a mine Throwing time: 2013-11-2720: 36: 00

Tossing late and throwing a grenade throwing time: 2013-11-2708: 51: 06

Tossing late and throwing a grenade throwing time: 2013-11-2708: 49: 04

Rot woman … threw a mine and threw time: 2013-11-2707: 14: 47

Kotaku threw a mine Throwing time: 2013-11-2701: 08: 34

Wildfire Chunmeng threw a mine throwing time: 2013-11-2700: 36: 35

The wind threw a mine Throwing time: 2013-11-2011: 02: 39

Zhuyuan Yurun threw a mine throwing time: 2013-11-1813: 00: 39

A mine was thrown outside the Six RealmsThrowing time: 2013-11-1720: 17: 17

A long stream of streams threw a mine Throwing time: 2013-11-0200: 56: 27

A mine was thrown outside the Six RealmsTime: 2013-10-3021: 01: 36

Aimingwang threw a landmine throwing time: 2013-10-2020: 57: 20

Xiao Fang threw a mine. Throwing time: 2013-10-2011: 32: 52

Spiders threw a mine and threw time: 2013-10-2009: 29: 41

Throwing a mine Throwing time: 2013-10-1722: 14: 14

Yuxue Fei Fei threw a mine throwing time: 2013-10-1722: 10: 00

A long stream of mines threw a mine Throwing time: 2013-10-1713: 16: 01

Tutu threw a mine Throwing time: 2013-10-1711: 50: 01

A long stream of mines threw a mine Throwing time: 2013-10-1622: 27: 22

Pork grass threw a mine throwing time: 2013-10-1609: 53: 15

wow threw a mine Throwing time: 2013-10-1521: 14: 18

teacat007 threw a mine Throwing time: 2013-10-1412: 31: 34

Yuxue Fei Fei threw a mine throwing time: 2013-10-1408: 46: 05

A long stream of mines threw a mine Throwing time: 2013-10-1322: 30: 50

Qian Qian threw a mine throwing time: 2013-10-1317: 30: 37

XI Gege threw a mine. Throwing time: 2013-10-1221: 58: 10

zyh threw a mine throwing time: 2013-10-1006: 48: 53

Xi Gege threw a mine. Throwing time: 2013-10-0907: 23: 02

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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