It’s Colder Today

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

He sometimes speaks very bluntly, and seems to have no idea what shyness is. Wei Congying was touching her ponytail, running his fingers back and forth on the ends of the hair at the end of the ponytail.

I don’t know where the fun is.

Wei Congying’s nature is actually closer to that of a market rogue. He studied Chinese at a university, and a market rogue who is full of ink always has thousands of ways to justify himself.

He drank, and his usual lazy voice became more careless: “Look, even the works of the Nobel Prize for Literature have sex.”

“Those fragments of those masterpieces handed down from generation to generation are the most vivid in your eyes?” Shi Yun was playing with the ends of his hair, and when he turned to look at him, his scalp felt a slight pulling sensation.

Fortunately, Wei Zongying didn’t pinch it too tightly, Shi Yun’s hair was pulled out of his palm.

He stopped his hand: “Man is an animal, and you are my spring.”

The first half of the sentence is Zhang Ailing.

I don’t know who said the second half of the sentence.

People with ink talk about sex, which is too literary.

Shi Yun was curious: “Isn’t it enough? Don’t you feel bored?”

When asking this question, Wei Cong should feel that she is as innocent and playful as a child. His loose cotton padded clothes made her look thinner, and the street lights shone in from the car window, faintly.

Wei Congying leaned over, and the smell of his body rushed into Shi Yun’s nose, his voice was not loud, which made the sound of breathing more obvious: “No, you are very good at pinching, anyway, I feel very comfortable every time.”

Shi Yun felt that there was no way to talk like this today. In the closed compartment, when he approached, Shi Yun felt that his breathing was cloudy. She couldn’t do such things outside in the car so openly for the time being.

“How did they celebrate your birthday today?”

The topic turned bluntly, and the bully might not notice that he drank alcohol today.

He said: “Today’s game is not fun.”

It sounds like an answer to the question.

“It’s not fun?” Shi Yun twitched the corners of his mouth after hearing this, and said in a coquettish tone, “Then no wonder you came to me suddenly. If it was fun, I probably wouldn’t have come.”

Maybe it’s because I really like it a little bit, and sometimes it’s icing on the cake to see her lose her temper, or maybe she’s really good at keeping her temper in this aspect, so he doesn’t feel annoyed at all.

Wei Congying cupped her face: “I really miss you.”

Just by holding her face like this, Wei Cong should be able to see the teeth marks he bit on her just now.

Thumb touched the teeth marks on her cheeks, her face was very white, which made the teeth marks made by him very obvious.

The instigator even smiled unconscionably: “What about this tooth mark?”

What can be done?

Shi Yun was furious: “Just say that when I went to the dentist just now, I knocked down someone else’s denture.”

It sounds fake.

“But is your game over so early?” Shi Yun didn’t think it was like the routine of their group, it was a rare thing if they were not happy all night.

Wei Congying yelled at her: “So I really miss you, I sneaked out.”

In response to his embarrassing expression, Shi Yun also had an embarrassing expression. Shi Yun took the initiative to lean over: “Then do you have any birthday presents you want?”

What does he want? Wei Congying really doesn’t lack for anything, he is not short of money, he can get what he wants, so this made him once think that he is a person with very low material desires.

But if Shi Yun wanted to give him something, Wei Congying thought for a moment.

While thinking, he saw Shi Yun’s expectant expression.

She moved closer, put her hand on his thigh, and waited for his answer.

Wei Congying raised his hand, his fingertips brushed against the teeth marks on her cheeks, across her earlobe, and finally landed on the back of her neck.

Originally, the distance between the two of them was shortened by Shi Yun, but now he leaned closer to get closer.

Open lips, just two words.

With drunk carelessness.

“Fuck you.”

This answer really surprised Shi Yun, but not too much.

The hand on his leg patted down mercilessly, Shi Yun was quite forceful, but Wei Cong should not have been hurt.

Shi Yun sat up straight again, and his hand on the back of the neck moved away from her neck.

It is unrealistic to expect him to give a good answer on what gift he wants.

Shi Yun used his brains, then turned on the phone, and shrank to the other side of the car door as if guarding against a thief. It was strictly guarded, but she kept it secret. She seemed to have forgotten that the window of the car would reflect the screen of the phone.

Wei Congying didn’t poke her, just saw her like a blind man touching an elephant, deceiving himself and others to shop online.

White coat and stockings.

Talking about disgusting him, don’t the things you buy still serve that kind of thing?

Shi Yun huddled beside him and shopped online without knowing it. Wei Congying watched, and the more he watched, the more dry his mouth became. After she finished placing the order, she put the phone back into the pocket of her coat, and she was done: “Buy it.”

Wei Congying saw it all, and pretended not to know it. To cater to the sense of mystery she deliberately created, he moved towards the person who shrank to the other side, and asked knowingly, “What did you buy for me?”

Shi Yun made a gesture of zipping his mouth: “I won’t tell you.”

Pretending to be mysterious, Wei Congying also accompanied her in acting.

“Then what birthday present do you want?” Wei Congying asked her.

Shi Yun shook his head.

She’s not a duplicity person in this kind of thing, she said she doesn’t want a birthday or a present.

Or maybe she couldn’t get what she wanted in this life.

Seeing her shaking her head, Wei Cong probably didn’t give up.

Following Shi Yun’s shopping just now, he leaned to the other side, not forgetting to push Shi Yun’s head away with his fingers.

I can tell the truth, but when Wei Zong should be like this, Yun is even more curious.

He is mysterious, and he is very curious.

The poor body shape is really flawed at this time, with his hand resting on Shi Yun’s head, let alone looking at it, Shi Yun couldn’t hit him even with a swing of his arm.

The movements of the hands were quick, and it didn’t take long to place the order. Then, like her, he put the phone into the pocket of his trousers, and made a movement of zipping his mouth: “I won’t tell you.”

If you don’t say it, don’t say it. Shi Yun wasn’t curious anymore, he always felt that the things they gave were about the same, probably some brand-name bags.

Shi Yun: “I don’t want a birthday present, I really don’t want it.”

The snow outside the car fell silently on the roof of the car. Both Shi Yun and him were born and bred locals, so they didn’t like the heavy snow in the north that much.

The river is pouring and the moon is setting, and the lanterns are just beginning to come on.

Standing on the street lamp in the snowy night, she looked very lonely, Shi Yun couldn’t sneak out for too long, she had to go back, smelling the smell of alcohol on Wei Congying’s body, Shi Yun reminded him to let Lin Fang drive when he went back, and put it on the bedside table when he went to sleep at night. A cup of water.

She opened the car door and was about to get out of the car, then took off the padded jacket she was wearing and returned it to Wei Congying.

Wei Cong got out of the car with her, Shi Yun handed him the padded jacket, and the chill hit him instantly: “Why are you getting out of the car? Sit in the car and wait.”

Wei Congying took the padded jacket and wrapped it around her body: “It’s only a few minutes, stay with me for a while.”

He was wearing a round-neck sweater underneath, and Shi Yun struggled to put on the clothes himself: “Then go and accompany you in the car, be careful of catching a cold.”

Wei Congying didn’t listen, and looked up at the dark night, unable to see where the snow fell from: “This year it snowed very early, if everyone hides from the snow, it will be sad.”

It does not make sense?

Shi Yun got goosebumps: “Since when did your literature major include non-mainstream literature of the post-90s generation in modern times?”

“Gray-headed.” Wei Congying pinched the sides of his clothes with one hand, caught the snow with the other, and then fell on Shi Yun’s head, “Isn’t that romantic enough?”

Hearing Wei Zongying’s words, Shi Yun was taken aback, did he grow old with Linxue?

It seems that it is also such a winter. Under the eaves that can shelter from the rain in summer, neither she nor anyone has a key.

The two stood in the first snow that winter, and the briquettes were piled up under the eaves in winter, and the wind was still hanging. There was not much shelter for the eaves that could shelter from the rain.

The man was drenched in snow and asked her to stand inside.

And she sneaked up next to him, and pulled off her hat.

She has also done such a thing as snowing and growing old.

The appearance of falling into memory is obvious.

Wei Congying looked at her: “What are you thinking?”

Perhaps Shi Yun should thank Ye Shi for hiding her expression, she only recovered her previous expression for a moment.

“But I don’t want to grow old. I think I will still be like this when I am eighty years old.” Shi Yun shook his head, shaking the snowflakes from his hair.

“Then it will be an old monster.” Wei Cong should see her tossing her hair, so he put on the padded hat for her.

Lin Fang didn’t know when to come, Wei Zongying was dressed very thinly, and wrapped the padded clothes around Shi Yun’s body tighter.

Act patiently and caringly.

Shi Yun looked down at his hands with red knuckles from the cold in the snowy night, feeling ashamed like a plum tree with buds growing in winter.

She knew that Wei Congying might just be playing with her, but she always felt guilty for treating him as another person.

He touched the flashlight in the pocket of his coat.

She looked up at him: “I’ll give you a gift first.”

“Oh?” Wei Cong should not be able to think of what to give right now, could it be a kiss?

I saw her take out a small flashlight from her pocket.

The flashlight looked ordinary, probably used by their doctors to check the pupil dilation of patients.

“How to say?” Wei Congying looked at the small flashlight in his palm, “Light up the way forward?”

Shi Yun patted him on the shoulder in relief: “After all, he is a literature student, very smart.”

Facing the dark night ahead, Wei Zong turned on the switch of the flashlight. The lighting ability was as good as visible to the naked eye, and it was still dark three meters away: “It seems that my road ahead is not very bright.”

I thought it would be easy to fool me if I drank too much, Shi Yun used his brains: “I’ll order a big one for you, it’s super bright. It will show up on time at seven o’clock tomorrow morning, and the limited time experience will last until five o’clock in the evening, and then it needs to cool down for more than twelve o’clock. Hours.”

As soon as I heard it, I knew it was the sun.

“The sun?” Wei Congying asked her.

It seems that he didn’t drink too much wine, so it’s not easy to fool around at all.

Wei Congying touched the small flashlight in his hand: “Then the two of us are responsible for the global greenhouse effect?”

What a cold joke.

Wei Cong should have put the small flashlight into his pocket in front of her, and didn’t return it to her.

The minute slowly turned towards 12 o’clock, Shi Yun told him to let go, and then hugged Wei Congying in his padded jacket.

Touching the cool skin outside his collar with his hand, he tiptoed his cheek against the skin of his neck: “Happy birthday.”

“Stupid.” Wei Congying hugged her back, “You should have told me about your birthday earlier.”

Shi Yun shook his head, rubbing against his chin: “I really don’t want to celebrate my birthday.”

After finishing speaking, Shi Yun let go of the arm holding him: “Get in the car, you will really catch a cold like this.”

Shi Yun pushed him into the car and threw the padded jacket to him: “Call Lin Fang to come over quickly and drink more hot water when you go back.”

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