It’s Colder Today

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

The car drove out of the school, Shi Yun sat in the co-pilot, closed his eyes and tried hard to fight against the glare of the setting sun at five o’clock in July. Light fell from between the leaves, casting irregular patterns of shadows in the direction they were heading.

Shi Yun: “I just told you which building it was in, and you actually found it.”

Wei Congying heard her speak, and slowed down the car: “I’ve been here once or twice.”

Shi Yun thought of the last time he helped Lin Fang to break up, and knew that the “one or two trips” this time would probably have nothing to do with Lin Fang, but she still deliberately sighed: “Lin Fang has talked with so many girlfriends.”

Wei Congying also knew that she knew clearly in her heart, so she didn’t hide it, and smiled: “It happened a long time ago.”

During dinner, Shi Yun knew that he had guessed wrong.

Because Wei Zongying received a call from the French restaurant he originally reserved when he was halfway through the Italian food, telling him that the appointment time had passed, and he called to ask if he would still come to dinner tonight.

After Wei Congying apologized to the restaurant, the staff of the French restaurant told him that the deposit for the reservation would not be refunded, and Wei Congying didn’t particularly care.

After hanging up the phone, he wiped some bolognese off some spaghetti with a fork. Shi Yun vaguely guessed that he was going to take her to eat French food, but why didn’t he tell her that he guessed wrong after he had already made a reservation for the French restaurant?

Wei Congying guessed that she would be curious.

He didn’t play tricks, it was originally a way to chase people and make them like him more. If the other party didn’t understand, wouldn’t it be all-purpose?

Wei Congying: “You guess it’s Italian food, I think you should want to eat this more.”

Shi Yun was taken aback, was this the only reason?

Recalling the time when I played cards with them, Wei Zongying asked her to guess that the two of them went to eat Japanese food that day. Did I guess wrong that time?

Shi Yun himself wouldn’t believe it if he said he wasn’t moved at all.

But she always felt that she deserved it, maybe because she was thinking about liking someone else. But sometimes she would comfort herself badly and make excuses for herself, maybe he has used this method of ‘picking up girls’ with every girl.

Wei Cong should raise his hand to indicate to the waiter that it is time to serve dessert: “If you like French food, we can have it in two days.”

Shi Yun: “But I’ll be busy for a while.”

Wei Cong responded, “What are you busy with?”

Shi Yun: “Study.”

She didn’t feel that she could continue to maintain a relationship with him when she was busy. He probably needed a girlfriend who would come whenever he called.

Shi Yun is not that kind of girlfriend.

The lights in the restaurant were not very bright, and the waiter put Wei Zongying and Shi Yun’s desserts on the wrong side. Wei Zongying didn’t bother the waiter, and changed the two plates by himself: “There is always time for dinner, right? Your teacher still won’t let me eat.” Do you want to eat?”

In the evening, Shi Yun went to his apartment again, and there was still a half-assembled gunpla on the coffee table as last time.

From couch to bed.

In the end, Shi Yun still hugged him as before, and the two of them lay on the same pillow. Wei Congying stroked her hair and saw that she was staring at him, with her fingers twirling her hair: “Why do you always stare at me?” ?”

Shi Yun looked at him, put his arms around his neck, leaned over and kissed his chin: “Because I like you.”

On the day my roommate Shi Yuan returned to school, it happened to catch up with a shower in the capital. Shi Yuan sent a message to Shi Yun, asking if she could come downstairs to the dormitory to help carry the luggage.

In the hot summer, the cats in the school are too lazy to move. They either lie under the shady camphor tree, or sleep on the tiled floor at the door of the shady dormitory building.

When Shi Yun received the call, he had just left Wei Zongying’s apartment.

Shi Yuan sat on the suitcase and waited for Shi Yun for a quarter of an hour. First, she heard the sound of the car engine. Shi Yuan poked her head out and saw Shi Yun who got off the car not far away.

Although it’s not a car, Shi Yuan feels that it should still be the one who sent Shi Yun back before the holiday.

When Shi Yun went upstairs, he helped Shi Yuan carry the suitcase up, and while Shi Yuan was out of breath, she still didn’t forget to gossip about whether Shi Yun was in a relationship.

Shi Yun didn’t deny it, but Shi Yuan’s tone sounded weird: “Your boyfriend looks quite rich.”

As he spoke, another sentence came: “Your family is not poor either.”

The best way to interrupt Shi Yuan’s gossip is to turn the topic away: “Why didn’t your boyfriend come to help today?”

Shi Yuan struggled to carry the suitcase up the last step: “We had a quarrel. Hey, I don’t know why, anyway, as long as we don’t see each other, it’s easy to quarrel. And once we quarrel, it’s not easy to reconcile, and I don’t like it as much as before. “

“You two haven’t been together for long, have you?” Shi Yun helped her push the suitcase into the room, and found the remote control of the air conditioner on her desk.

“It’s been almost two months.” Shi Yuan sighed, “The quarrel happened to coincide with the freshman period, so I kind of want to break up.”

Shi Yun didn’t make another sound, she was always like this, on and off. Even the last boyfriend I talked with for a long time, always quarreled easily and quickly reconciled, then fell into boredom and quarreled again, and the cycle continued.

It’s just that Shi Yuan’s current boyfriend appeared this time, so Shi Yuan broke up with her ex-boyfriend, and the cycle was broken. But looking at it this way, if this boyfriend is similar to the last boyfriend, Shi Yuan seems to have started a relationship again, but it is just pulling a different person to start the same cycle as the previous relationship.

As soon as Shi Yuan mentioned her boyfriend, she thought of two people arguing. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, so she stopped mentioning it and asked Shi Yun, “What does your boyfriend do? How do you know each other?”

Shi Yun was fooling around and didn’t want to talk too much with Shi Yuan.

Recently Jiang Xuyang bought a new car.


It happened that the few of them hadn’t made an appointment to get together for a long time, so they called Wei Zongying in the afternoon and told him to play cards at the same place today. For the first time in history, Jiang Xuyang was not late, a few minutes earlier than Wei Zongying. When Wei Cong arrived, the three of them were frying golden flowers.

Before the waiter handed over the tea list, Wei Zongying said, “Jin Junmei.”

As soon as he sat down, Jiang Xuyang threw him the car keys from his pocket. Wei Cong should not have understood, took three cards, glanced at them and then put them on the table: “You think you will lose before you come?”

“I bought a new Kawasaki, I want you to change it for me.” Jiang Xuyang looked at the card and threw it in the middle of the table. The card was very small.

Wei Congying waited for the other two people beside him, and Lin Fang hesitated, as if he was making a big deal. He took Jin Junmei from the waiter and felt the tea was very hot, so he put it on the small coffee table next to him without taking a sip.

Ask Jiang Xuyang why he suddenly bought a Kawasaki.

“There is a traffic jam at work with four wheels. My dad recently set up an attendance check for me, and I’m not allowed to be late.” Jiang Xuyang said with tears in his heart. Once, he was stuck at the traffic light next to the company. At that time, he was only three minutes away from work. , he can’t just throw the car on the road.

Xiang Shaoyuan hurt him: “Did you say that the income you have created for your company since you went to work is worth the money of a Kawasaki? Besides, didn’t your old man buy a flying car? You don’t want to hitchhike?”

After finishing speaking, Xiang Shaoyuan felt that something was wrong, so he changed his words: “It’s just a chance?”

Jiang Xuyang refused: “Then there is no freedom after get off work.”

The three of them had chatted for a while, and Lin Fang was still thinking about whether Wei Zongying and Xiang Shaoyuan, who had left cards, were bombing him.

In the end, it was “forced” by the other three people, and it was fine after being scolded.

During the game, Wei Zongying was asked about dating. It is not uncommon for him to fall in love. After a few casual questions, Lin Fang asked him why he didn’t bring Shi Yun out.

Wei Cong responded, “She…is busy.”

Shi Yun is a little busy. Starting this semester, she needs to enter the department and take care of her own courses. She goes to the outpatient clinic with the teacher every day and participates in surgery. There is also a 24-hour overnight shift waiting for her every five days.

Shi Yuan has completely broken up with that little boyfriend at the moment, and she is too busy to be sad and find another one. She is lying on the bed in the dormitory, and she needs to take a good sleep during the one and a half hours of lunch break: “I thought It was painful to take the exam to practice medicine last year, and now I know that last year was simply the last island of comfort.”

Shi Yun took the time to reply to Wei Zong’s text message. He is also very busy recently.

After Jiang Xuyang found such a job for Wei Zongying, he started spending time in the car factory again. Cheng Ge was with him, and the two of them left early and returned late, which can be regarded as wearing stars and wearing moons.

When Wei Congying chatted with Shi Yun, he kept talking to each other, sometimes an hour or two apart, sometimes half a day.

The content is very boring.

But still send it.

Compared to him, Cheng Ge’s cell phone seemed a bit busy, and the serial messages were like a deadly scythe.

Wei Cong would feel annoyed when he heard it, but Cheng Ge was used to it. Accustomed to his girlfriend Fang Qian looking for him all the time, he would send messages and call him frantically without replying.

Cheng Ge is not from the capital. He came to work in the capital after graduating from an ordinary university. It sounds good every month, with a five-figure salary, but the expenses in the capital are far greater than he imagined.

His girlfriend is five years younger than him, and she met Cheng Ge when she came to the garage to repair a car with her father.

Fang Qian is still in college, thinking like a child.

It has been more than half a month since Wei Congying saw Shi Yun again, and it is rare for her to have a day and a half to rest.

When Shi Yun saw him, he had just finished his 24-hour overnight shift and had a daytime class. Thirty-six hours without sleep.

The work of dealing with people consumes both physical strength and experience. When Wei Zong answered the call, she had just finished her last class.

Last night in the inpatient department, she heard the sound of snoring one after another, and she didn’t know which uncle and which aunt were singing the double reed and the trumpet.

During the full course during the day, I did not fall asleep because of coffee.

Like her, there were many students who had just finished class at this time. Shi Yun left the teaching building, and after walking for two minutes, he saw Wei Zongying at the barricade made of iron trees.

Both he and the car are conspicuous.

He didn’t sit in the car, but stood by the car door, waiting for Shi Yun with his hips akimbo.

Tall and tall, with dignified features.

Wei Congying leaned against the car door and waited for a while, and saw her walking towards him with weak steps. Wei Congying walked over and put his arms around her: “Why do you feel so tired?”

Shi Yun hugged him and closed his eyes: “I haven’t slept for thirty-six hours.”

Wei Congying took down the schoolbag on her shoulders and said, “It seems that the French meal will have to be moved back a little bit.”

She yawned: “You can eat it too.”

Romantic candlelight dinner.

Shi Yun looked at the white candlestick next to her, and moved her gaze upwards slightly. She kept staring at the flickering candle, which looked like a pocket watch swinging in the hands of a hypnotist.

She was actually very tired and sleepy.

But still sitting next to Wei Zongying, listening to him talking about the car modification in the past few days.

Her sense of taste also became dull due to being too sleepy, and the **** steak was served, she took a bite without noticing the fishy smell, the blood stained her lips, she chewed mechanically, until Wei Cong responded Raising her hand and wiping it off with a tissue, she seemed to regain some consciousness and swallowed the beef in her mouth.

The soothing piano music in the dining room is hypnotic.

Not long after the meal, Wei Congying received a call from Cheng Ge.

It is said that there is a slight problem with the exhaust pipe that Wei Zong should modify this afternoon.

Originally, he was not in a hurry to go there, but Wei Cong should remember that he had assembled it without any problems, and Cheng Ge was very curious when he called to say so.

Shi Yun didn’t mind if he went to the garage, anyway, she could catch up on sleep on the way.

A two-seater car doesn’t have a back row for Shi Yun to put her schoolbag in, and she didn’t bother to put her schoolbag in the trunk, she just put it on her lap, put on her seat belt and waited for sleepiness to strike.

Nodding his head, he seemed extremely sleepy.

If I haven’t slept for thirty-six hours, it’s no wonder I’m not sleepy.

He drove very steadily on the road, and there was no sudden steering wheel or slamming on the accelerator and brake. Wei Cong should not drive fast, and looked at the dozing person in the co-pilot from the corner of his eye from time to time.

While waiting for the red light, Wei Zongying stopped the car, sat in the driver’s seat, with his hands on the steering wheel, turned his head to look at the people next to him, and the street lights shone into the car from the front windshield and the window.

Her eyelashes are long and cast a small shadow under her eyes. The summer clothes are very thin, and the chest cavity that rises and falls due to breathing is obvious. Wei Congying stretched out his arms to help her adjust the seat back slightly, making her lie down more comfortably.

He didn’t drive fast all the way, and she didn’t wake up when he passed the speed bump. Even parking was very slow, and the co-pilot just woke up when the engine was turned off. After staying up all night, he seemed a little dazed, unbuckled his seat belt and carried his schoolbag with his eyes half-closed, and got out of the car with Wei Congying.

The sultry heat outside the car is not so uncomfortable in the face of sleepiness, the leaves rustle and rub against each other, the wind carries a few clouds across the sky, and the missing moon is not very bright.

The planes flying overhead flickered, and the flights rose and fell.

In the industrial-looking depot, many operating areas were dimmed. A car was neatly parked in the parking area. There was a sound of locking the car behind it. The headlights of the car were still on, illuminating them as they walked The road to the depot.

Wei Congying saw the schoolbag on Shi Yun’s shoulder, and reached out to help her take it off: “Why don’t you put it in the car?”

Shi Yun’s shoulders loosened, and she took his arm: “Forgot.”

They walked a row of rolling doors, and finally he swiped open the small door on the side with a magnetic card, pushed open the glass door and let Shi Yun come in first. Only one operating area was lit, and the sound of metal tapping echoed through the empty garage.

Wei Congying reminded Shi Yun to pay attention to the line under her feet, and led her to Cheng Ge’s side.

Seeing that he is still busy with the car, it is estimated that Cheng Ge has stayed until now after he left first today: “Did you take a break?”

Cheng Ge heard Wei Zongying’s voice and took off the earphones: “Today my girlfriend happens to be busy at night, so I don’t need to accompany her, I just want to say hurry up.”

Shi Yun took his schoolbag from Wei Zongying’s hand, and consciously sat on the sofa and waited for him. Sitting and sitting, she found a comfortable position and fell asleep leaning on the armrest of the single sofa.

She was in a deep sleep, and Wei Cong didn’t wake her up when he spoke to them. He talked to Cheng Ge for a long time, and when he realized it was getting late, he turned around and found that Shi Yun had fallen asleep on the sofa.

It is always said that ordinary beauties are judged by their faces, while real beauties are judged by their temperament. It is very reasonable to describe Shi Yun.

With a plain face and her hair sticking to her face, it didn’t make people think she was sloppy. Wei Congying squatted on the sofa, brushed the hair off her face, and pinned it behind her ears, revealing the face that was different from the mass assembly line and the stereotyped beauty.

The more I looked at him, the more I felt that I was quite discerning.

She is already beautiful, otherwise can I ask her for contact information? I don’t feel tired after looking at it for a long time, which may be the reason why this face is not procedural.

Shi Yun felt that she had slept for a long time, and it wasn’t the alarm clock that woke her up. It was the phone ringing, her eyes slowly opened, and she saw the surroundings clearly.

Still in the garage.

Today is Sunday, and no one comes to work at the depot.

There was a shopping bag on the coffee table. Shi Yun remembered that she was sitting on the single sofa, but when she woke up, she was lying on the couch next to her, with a thin blanket covering her body, and her schoolbag was at her feet. She stretched, kicked her schoolbag, and was kicked off the sofa by her.

She didn’t want to move at all. The ceiling of the depot was very high, and several portholes were made on the wall near the roof. The fine dust danced in the light, making the golden sunlight nowhere to hide.

The phone is still ringing.

Shi Yun had no choice but to get up from the sofa, but the phone on the coffee table was not hers, nor Wei Congying’s.

Looks a bit old, with lots of scratches, even the screen is shattered.

Shi Yun picked up the phone and looked around. Turning around and seeing Cheng Ge coming out of the bathroom, he pointed to the phone in Shi Yun’s hand, and Shi Yun realized that it was his, so he handed the phone over.

The phone looked a bit broken, but the loudspeaker effect was very good. As soon as the call was connected, Shi Yun heard the aggressive girl’s voice on the other end of the phone.

She pretended to be deaf, sat up on the sofa again, and woke up.

Seeing the shopping bag on the coffee table, she reached out and took the bag over, which contained toiletries.

Towels and toothbrushes are provided.

Cheng Ge followed the phone and walked out. As soon as his hand touched the doorknob, the door was opened from the outside.

Wei Congying just came back from smoking a cigarette, looked in over the process, and found that Shi Yun had woken up, and was sitting on the sofa in a daze.

He folded the lighter and cigarettes in his hands, walked to the sofa, rubbed her head with his hands: “Are you awake? Go wash up, I’ll take you to have breakfast.”

Shi Yun raised his hand to hold his wrist, took his hand from his head, and looked at the time displayed on the watch: “It’s past nine o’clock?”

Shi Yun picked up the shopping bag and stood up from the sofa: “Where is the toilet?”

Wei Congying pointed her in the direction, and then bent down to help Shi Yun pick up the schoolbag that fell on the ground. He didn’t notice that a small thing fell out of Shi Yun’s schoolbag.

After patting the ashes on the schoolbag, he put it on the sofa.

When Shi Yun came out after washing, the sun outside was already very strong. Wei Congying picked up Shi Yun’s schoolbag that didn’t match him and got up from the sofa. Walking all the way out, Shi Yun looked at the empty depot with no staff, she even forgot that today is a day off.

“The garage works so late?”

Wei Congying took her hand, listened to her words, and smiled: “The capitalists will cry when they hear your words. Our car factory works five days off and two days off, overtime is all voluntary by employees, and double overtime pay is completely in line with Labor Law.”

Shi Yun didn’t pay attention at first, but he noticed that the subject of his words was “our car factory”, and guessed that he probably spent money to join the team: “Then the boss also worked overtime yesterday?”

Wei Congying turned his head to look at her: “The proprietress is already eating and living here.”

Knowing that it was his teasing words, Shi Yun knew clearly but pretended to be confused: “Are you talking about Cheng Ge?”

Just finished speaking, holding her hand, squeezed her palm vigorously with five fingers: “Is it itchy?”

They walked out from the side door of the depot, and Cheng Ge was standing not far away, talking on the phone, facing the wall, and while talking on the phone, he was peeling off the raised plaster on the wall.

The voice is a bit loud, it may be arguing.

Before leaving, Shi Yun took a second look, although it was only nine o’clock, but the car was already hot, Shi Yun put his schoolbag by his feet and put on his seat belt: “It feels like Cheng Ge and his girlfriend are always arguing. “

Wei Congying just started the car. Hearing Shi Yun’s words, he subconsciously raised his head and glanced in Cheng Ge’s direction through the front windshield. It’s not that he’s from out of town, so he just wants to make more money to make his girlfriend’s parents accept him. But, his girlfriend is very clingy when she’s in a relationship when she’s young, and she can call to check on the post without replying to the message for a quarter of an hour the kind of person.”

It sounds a bit too clingy to check the post in a quarter of an hour.

Wei Cong should drive the car out of the depot, turn on the turn signal and wait for the straight car to pass before looking for an opportunity to merge into the traffic flow. He suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and called Shi Yun.


Wei Congying: “I found out that you really don’t cling to me at all. If my girlfriend doesn’t reply for a quarter of an hour, I will check the post. If I don’t reply for a long time, you don’t respond.”

Indeed, just like when she was busy and he was busy a few days ago, the two of them couldn’t talk a few words a day.

Now he can bear Shi Yun not saying a few words a day, and when he is done with Jiang Xuyang’s car, he may feel that there is almost no difference between having a girlfriend like Shi Yun and not touching it.

Shi Yun chose to throw the pot back at him: “You will be bored by then.”

Wei Cong smiled: “Then you also have to let me experience the feeling of being clingy, in case I like my girlfriend to be clingy.”

Shi Yun didn’t believe that none of his ex-girlfriends was clingy, so she didn’t say it directly. Turning his head to look out the car window, he yawned: “Then you have to eat breakfast first, and you will have the strength to cling to others when you are full.”

He didn’t let Shi Yun guess what he had for breakfast.

He drove the car directly to the business district next to his apartment, a Hong Kong-style tea restaurant.

It shouldn’t be the first time for him to eat, he knows the way.

After saying hello to Uncle at the front desk, he took Shi Yun inside. There were only two of them, but they occupied a round table.

Wei Cong should explain to her that the chef owner of this shop used to be the cook of his grandparents, and his skills are outstanding. Later, when he got older, he retired from his grandparents and opened a store by himself. At the beginning, the location of this store was not well selected, and not many people went there. Therefore, he lost a lot of money. After his grandparents learned about it, they gave the cook a shop, but they didn’t ask for anything in return. The main reason was that it was close to the place where Wei Cong should live, and he could take care of his food in disguise.

Although he didn’t come a few times at all.

The matter of ordering food was handed over to Wei Congying. After he finished ordering, the waiter sent them two more cards. Wei Congying ordered a pot of tea: “This is the soul of this breakfast.”

Cards are used to choose snacks.

Wei Congying pointed in the direction of the cart: “You go and choose what you want to eat, and then Auntie will stamp you.”

Shi Yun went to pick out crispy egg tarts and quicksand buns, and when he returned with two small plates, the ‘Four Heavenly Kings’ of morning tea had already been served.

— Shrimp dumplings, pork ribs, chicken feet and beef balls.

Wei Congying poured her a cup of tea: “It’s time to blow water.”

Shi Yun gave him a quicksand bag: “What do you mean?”

Wei Cong should explain: “Talk about the mountains.”

Morning tea is to be eaten until noon, and the shopping malls that open at ten o’clock have customers coming in and out one after another. The chef’s craftsmanship is very good, and he served more than a dozen dishes one after another. Shi Yun looked at the dishes and said, “Did you order too much?”

“If you can’t eat enough, you can’t eat it all.” Wei Congying picked up a chopsticks dish for her.

Shi Yun criticized him: “It’s not good to waste.”

Wei Congying: “So I often donate money, and every time I waste it, I will donate money to charity organizations.”

This is the origin of those certificates of donation on his bookshelf.

In the end, Shi Yun ate all of it, and he was a little bit full. He goes to check out, but the waiter recognizes him and refuses to ask for his money. He had no choice but to put his phone back. Looking at Shi Yun who was following behind him, he reached out and took her hand: “I told you not to eat too much.”

Still the same sentence: “Waste is not good.”

Wei Congying matched her pace, making the steps very small and slow: “Take a stroll to eliminate food.”

Shi Yun looked around, she had visited this business district before, because it was not far from their school: “What are you shopping for?”

They ate from ten o’clock to noon, the sun was shining brightly, and the progress bar of the hot day was about to enter the middle. The ‘Spidermen’ are hanging outside the mall, replacing the latest posters of a high-end brand that has settled in the mall. This job is frightening to see.

Wei Congying thought for a while, with a serious expression: “I’ll take you to buy socks.”

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-1409:57:24~2022-05-1614:27:18~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 48939798, sleep for another five minutes 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast the landmines: 5 for Ajiu; 2 for solar maintenance and another five minutes of sleep; , 149551401;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of tuiioo, a pepper; 8 bottles of carrots stolen from the moon; 2 bottles of Tangerine, Old Times; 1 bottle of My Half Heartbeat, YVONNE, Beibeila, and Chewing Carrot;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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