It’s Colder Today

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 – (1)

The carpet is the wabi-sabi minimalist style that suddenly became popular that year. It feels a bit **** the soles of the feet, but it does not hurt the feet.

The lemon fragrance taste slowly volatilizes after the body is heated to more than 30 degrees. It may also be that the scent of smoked pine wood on his body is too long-lasting. When Yun sat between him and the coffee table, his sense of smell suddenly became a little dull, as if he could only smell that kind of smell.

Two people use the same bottle of shower gel, but it smells like two different flavors.

Wei Congying stepped back slightly, looking over from his angle, beyond his straight shoulders, he could only faintly see a side face. Her pierced ears are well maintained, and she doesn’t wear any jewelry at the moment, only a small black anti-blocking plastic stick is worn on the earlobe. After seeing that she was seated, Wei Cong should lean forward again, pressing his chest against her back.

His half-assembled model arm was handed over to Shi Yun, and Wei Zongying held the blueprint in his hand, and he stood the blueprint for Shi Yun to look at.

His short-sleeved arms touched, and the air conditioner made his skin a little cool.

Shi Yun looked at the blueprint in his hand, and he polished all the parts at hand. Wei Congying sat behind her and watched her assemble. She was surprisingly good at manual work, probably because of the steady hands trained in simulated surgery.

But the car overturned very quickly, and she put the legs upside down. The difference was a tiny bit but the model did not match. Wei Congying had already noticed it, but after watching her forcefully press the cow’s head to drink water, Wei Congying acted like a teacher. At this time Just pointed out her mistake.

Wei Congying put down the blueprint, brushed his arm across her side, half encircling her. Playing with Shi Yun’s wrong leg with both hands, he disassembled that part and reassembled it. Because she was sitting in front of him, he leaned forward slightly, resting his head on her right shoulder.

Shi Yun only needs to turn his face slightly to touch his cheek.

He seemed to be very focused, he kept moving his hands, and he was still explaining in his mouth: “Look, if you want to pretend like this, you’ve got this part upside down.”

After reassembling the wrong part of Shi Yun, Wei Zongying put it in Shi Yun’s palm.

You can stand up by attaching the leg parts and feet.

The other leg of the model was installed in the same way. Shi Yun polished off the hard edge with a file, and did not repeat the mistake just now. This time, he did not install it backwards. When she reacted, she felt that the chin resting on her shoulder was still there.

The skin on the chin was a little rough, and Shiyun’s skin hurt a little when it was worn down.

Shi Yun worked **** the model he bought.

At the moment, Shi Yun is a free labor force with zero pay and no pay.

From the corner of his eyes, Shi Yun saw that he was holding a mobile phone in one hand, the screen of the mobile phone was on, and the interface showed that it was a takeaway software, an urgent takeaway from an adult goods store.

She also saw clearly what she bought.

With his arm resting on the coffee table, a deep red mark was made on the edge of the coffee table. When Shi Yun realized it, he still felt a little pain.

She raised her arm, and before she had time to check it out, Wei Congying had already dropped the phone on the carpet.

The posture of her raising her arm was not good, and she tried to check it hard, Wei Cong should be afraid that her slender arms and legs would be twisted and broken. He just pressed his warm palm against the mark on Shi Yun’s arm and gently rubbed it.

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at the model on the coffee table, and she moved very quickly. Wei Congying was a little surprised: “The body is going to be exhausted?”

Shi Yun slowly freed his arm from his palm: “Hurry up.”

Wei Cong should see that she still has to get started: “Are you still playing?”

It’s not that they can’t play, I always feel that the two of them should do something else.

She fiddled with the last few polished parts: “Finish these.”

After finishing speaking, Shi Yun felt the person behind her leaning on her shoulder again, neither stopping her from pretending nor helping her.

A sour feeling slowly arose on her neck. After she assembled all the parts on a board, she raised her head and straightened her waist, and assembled the limbs of the model on the main body.

There is a prototype.

As if showing off, Shi Yun turned his head to share with him, but he hadn’t moved since just now, his chin was still resting on her shoulder, she tilted her head, and the tip of her nose touched his side face.

Shi Yun tilted his head back to avoid it like an electric shock, but he didn’t move.

His chin was raised from her shoulders, and he wrapped his arms around her. The hug was not tight, but there was not much room for Shi Yun to dodge. Wei Congying leaned closer, breathing heavily.

He approached very slowly, giving Shi Yun enough time to react, so when the tip of his nose touched, Wei Congying found that Shi Yun didn’t avoid it anymore, so he knew that kissing was at least within her allowed range today.

At first, it was just a light touch, and he was as if he was away. The word pure love didn’t fit him at all. He kissed her lightly and left. His eyes were also open, just looking at Shi Yun like this.

Seeing Shi Yun also looking at himself, staring at him far longer than simply looking at him. It’s just that her eyes were clearly focused, but Wei Congying felt that she seemed to be in a daze, as if she was looking at him and not looking at him.

Until love is like an effervescent tablet thrown into water, like those small bubbles that are produced, the effervescent tablet falls, and the small bubbles rise.

Those small bubbles overflowed from Shi Yun’s eyes.

Wei Cong touched her shoulder through her pajamas, and met Shi Yun’s eyes. He thought of her staring at him like this last time when he was playing cards, and thought of her saying that she liked him for a long time.

The palm prints are attached to the cloth, and the temperature of both parties is transmitted to each other’s skin through the cloth. Wei Congying gently pinched the flesh on her body, and said in a frivolous tone, “Do you like me so much?”

Shi Yun didn’t answer this question. Looking at the person who was close at hand, he recalled another person in his mind, with almost the same tone as him. A long time ago, she and a person wrapped in a blanket watched thousands of golden lights fall on the ridge, and the clouds and mist rolled up on the balcony of the hotel.

Memories fermented, Shi Yun looked at him, finally turned around, put her arms around his neck, leaned over to **** his lips, her warm tongue brushed against the cool lower lip, she tasted the faint mint in his mouth smell.

Wei Congying was almost lying on the carpet due to her sudden pounce, but the strength of his waist, abdomen and back made him stabilize in mid-air while leaning back. Wei Congying supported the ground with one hand, and hugged her to him with the other.

The hand on the ground left the carpet, and he raised his arm to embrace her. Wei Cong just touched the back of her neck with his hand, and he felt his teeth biting his lower lip lightly, which didn’t hurt.

A slightly green kiss, probably because it was the first time kissing him. She just sucked his lips and did nothing else.

Wei Congying supported the back of her neck and felt the bones of her cervical spine under the skin. The protruding bone fit in his palm. The palm of his hand was big, the front palm pressed against the back of her neck, and his thumb lightly pressed her throat.

By the time Shi Yun realized it, she had turned around completely and sat face to face with him.

His hair was wrapped around his fingers that lightly clasped her neck, and the hand that pressed her throat gave her a slight suffocation feeling, but there was no discomfort caused by suffocation.

His hand rested on Shi Yun’s neck, the hand a few degrees lower than the skin of her neck had an obvious presence on her neck. Feel the rise and fall of her Adam’s apple in the palm of your hand, feel the beating of her carotid artery. He controls the important level of her oxygen intake, just like the captain of a ship in a tsunami storm.

Through the not-so-soundproof doors, they heard the sound of steel cables running, then the elevator arrived, and then footsteps.

Before the doorbell rang, he turned his face and pressed his lips against Shi Yun’s hair. His breath was a little unsteady, and he asked her, “Do you want to do the next thing?”

For a moment, Shi Yun didn’t know that he was asking himself, but the person he had been thinking about in his mind was asking himself. Looking at his face, she just nodded, not understanding who she was answering.

The doorbell was rung.

The expedited courier has arrived.

Wei Congying got up and walked over quickly, and opened the door before the delivery boy called him. The handover ceremony was quick, as soon as the door opened and closed, in just a few seconds, there was an extra paper bag in his hand. The voice of the delivery boy begging for praise finally disappeared at the door.

He walked over while opening the sealed paper bag.

He casually took a square box out of the bag, and threw the rest away.

He squatted down next to Shi Yun, then reached out and picked her up from the carpet.

When Wei Congying was studying in the United States, he lived in a host family. The widow across the door was a delicate woman who lived a hard life with three children. There is a yard of camellias in front of her house.

During the flowering season, you can always see the branches of a bunch of camellias growing out of the wooden fence of the flower garden.

Now he thought of the red camellias that filled the yard during the blooming season, and a wall-climbing tiger that did not exist appeared in his memory.

The camellia and the creeper are planted together, and the creeper climbs along the branches of the camellia. That is the instinct of growth in the gene of the creeper, and it wraps around every branch of the camellia.

Intertwined and intertwined, the yard is full of red, and the yard is full of green.

So all the flowers and all the leaves grow wildly towards it, are shackled by it, and wrapped by it.

The cement gray sheets of washed cotton have been matted for a few days, and there is no smell of detergent, and there is not much lemon smell of shower gel.

He probably doesn’t smoke in bed, so the bed doesn’t look like an ashtray.

There was no light in the bedroom, and there was a big gap in the curtains. Shi Yun turned his head and looked at the rainy scene outside through the window.

It’s a pity that her position is not a good viewing position. The glass with rainwater blurred the bright neon lights in the night scene, and the neon lights exploded in the water droplets, as if everything in the myopia world.

The sight moved to another window that was not blocked by the tall building opposite. That window could see the sky, but after looking at it for a long time, she finally saw only darkness, a cloudy sky with no stars or moon.

The light cast into the room is not moonlight but neon lights.

The accumulated water on the road pooled and finally flowed into the sewer.

A drop of rain the size of a mung bean can overturn an ant’s boat, and the rain outside the window doesn’t seem to stop for a while.

He bullied her for not reading Wang Xiaobo’s book and for not knowing “The Golden Age”. Wang Xiaobo said that there were as many stars in the sky as dew, and he said that there were as many raindrops on the window, which is an ordinary description of the scenery.

Now there are dark clouds above the capital city, there are obviously no stars, what is there like dew?

Is it the neon lights that bloom brightly in the raindrops? Is it the camellias in the yard of the neighbor opposite in his memory?

Or is it the love that gushes out of her eyes every time she looks at him? Without a mirror, Shi Yun couldn’t see her eyes. She faintly felt that he had misinterpreted the meaning of this sentence, but she didn’t have any literary ink in her mind, so she couldn’t figure it out.

But being able to see his eyes, his eyes and face full of joy, this is a perfect crime for him.

Wei Cong used his feet to hook the blanket at the end of the bed, and unfolded the blanket to cover Shi Yun’s body. He was so sweaty that he didn’t want to lie down, and the broken hair on his forehead was wet with sweat. Find the remote control of the air conditioner and lower the temperature in the room. After covering her with a blanket, he turned around and asked Shi Yun next to him, “Do you want to take you to take a bath?”

Shi Yun didn’t answer this question, but said softly, “Can you give me a hug?”

Wei Congying was startled, then lifted the blanket and lay down next to her again, hugging the person next to her whose body temperature gradually dropped into his arms.

She is like a koala, and like a baby monkey who cannot live without her mother. Shi Yun buried her face in the crescent of his neck, and her close bodies felt the sound of each other’s heartbeats.

Wei Congying seldom did things like being gentle after something happened. Although he wasn’t very used to being hugged after something like this, he still didn’t push Shi Yun away, nor urged her, and quietly felt that her breathing and heartbeat gradually became stable.

Time passed little by little, and the heavy rain in the city seemed to have stopped.

I don’t know how long it took Shi Yun to leave his arms, and she returned to her previous appearance. She went down to the ground, bent down and picked up the pajamas on the ground: “I’ll take a shower first, is that okay?”

A simple rinse is enough.

Shi Yun reapplied the lemon-flavored shower gel, changed into the previous pajamas, **** his messy hair, and felt a little powerless.

She returned to the bedroom wearing oversized slippers, and he was still on the bed.

Shi Yun sat down by the bed and looked at the person leaning on the bed. The quilt covered his stomach. His skin was not white, but the scratches and teeth marks were obvious. Wei Congying sat down because of her, his eyes slightly moved away from the phone, and fell on her face, waiting for her to speak.

Shi Yun did have a question that he wanted to ask, and he thought of what his grandma said on the other end of the phone when he called him before. Ask him: “Have you broken up with your ex-girlfriend yet?”

She can’t do three.

Wei Congying wanted to laugh, he thought it would be something else, but he didn’t expect it to be this question, and he planned to answer it properly. But looking at Shi Yun, he suddenly played tricks: “I’ve done everything, is it too late for you to ask this question now? If I didn’t break it clean, are you going to apologize to her?”

Originally it was Wei Cong who should tease her, but she didn’t expect that her expression didn’t change, she said calmly, “Yes.”

That ‘yes’ made Wei Zongying speechless. He was taken aback for a moment, and after a few seconds of silence, he lowered his eyes: “It’s broken, I broke up with you before and haven’t contacted you again.”

After finishing speaking, Shi Yun’s expression still didn’t change much.

The temperature of the air conditioner in the bedroom was not high, she lifted the quilt to cover her legs: “Why did you break up?”


Wei Congying thought of the scene he saw that day, and twitched the corners of his mouth. He didn’t think he had misunderstood Huang Rui: “She is **** or bisexual, I saw her taking a shower with a girl the other day.”

that’s it?

Just that sounds like an excuse for a scumbag to break up on purpose.

Shi Yun snorted: “Didn’t you guys take a hot spring together? Didn’t you go to the big bathhouse to take a bath together?”

Seeing her pulling the quilt to cover her legs, Wei Congying found the remote control of the air conditioner from under the pillow and adjusted the temperature to 26 degrees. Throwing the remote control to the side, he looked at her: “Yes, but will you girls help each other wash?”

It still sounded like an excuse, Shi Yun glanced at him: “Didn’t you men rub each other’s backs and mud?”

Wei Congying put down his cell phone, put his hands on his chest without a quilt, like a statue of a European Madonna piously sleeping: “But they wash each other’s hands.”

Shi Yun understood, and pulled the corner of his mouth: “It’s really not your fault.”

Wei Cong should bring the topic back to the beginning: “So I broke up with her.”

After finishing speaking, Wei Congying sat up and reached out to pick up the pants on the ground. When he lifted the quilt and got out of bed, Shi Yun turned his eyes away. After seeing him put on his pants from the corner of his eye, Shi Yun turned his head to look at him again.

Wei Congying lowered his head to fasten the lace of his trousers, lifted the blanket and picked up the phone, and patted Shi Yun on the head with one hand: “Do you want to eat something?”

Shi Yun tilted her head and freed her hair from his hands. With bare feet on the ground, he walked to the window in two or three steps.

Although the sound of the rain is quieter now, when the curtains are opened, it is still raining outside. The raindrops hang on the window glass, blurring the scenery outside the window, and the neon lights of the tall buildings not far away are blurred. Shi Yun closes the curtains again : “Isn’t it good to bother the delivery guy in this day?”

“There should be something to eat in the refrigerator, go and have a look?” Wei Congying left her the slippers beside the bed, and walked out barefoot.

Wei Congying went to the bathroom first to take a shower, and when he came out of the bathroom with a towel on his head, Shi Yun didn’t make trouble in front of the refrigerator, but stood in front of his bookshelf.

“What’s wrong?” Wei Congying walked over and stood behind her.

When Shi Yun was taking a bath, he probably read some books, not some adult magazines, but they were all world famous books.

Ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign.

Shi Yun originally thought it was just for decoration, but he picked up two or three books at random, and all of them were marked after reading.

Shi Yun was a little shocked: “A lot of books.”

Wei Congying guessed why she was surprised. Shi Yun walked towards the kitchen as he passed by, “I’m from the Chinese Department of my university.”

Unspeakable level of surprise.

Sure enough, the sentence should not be judged by its appearance.

Wei Zongying opened the refrigerator, and there were only some quick-frozen food in the refrigerator besides beer.

There are still a few eggs.

He took the ingredients out of the refrigerator. He is not very good at cooking, but after studying abroad for three years, he still knows how to cook instant noodles and fried eggs.

When the pot was cooking, Wei Congying came out of the kitchen, looked at Shi Yun who was still standing in front of the bookshelf in disbelief, he was not angry, and smiled: “It doesn’t look like it?”

Shi Yun nodded without seeing, and walked over: “It doesn’t look like it.”

The discussion about whether Wei Zongying was a cultural person did not continue. He pointed out the dumplings and wontons he took out from the refrigerator to her: “Which one do you want to eat? Or both?”

“Let’s all order.” Shi Yun has never been able to choose this kind of thing.

A pot was waiting for the water to boil. He bent down and took another clean pot out of the dishwasher, poured some oil into it, felt the temperature in the pot with his palm hanging above, and held the spatula in one hand. Holding the egg in one hand, knock it lightly on the cooking table, and beat the egg with one hand.

The sound of sizzling came from the pot. He adjusted the size of the fire and watched the egg whites bubbling in the pot of hot oil: “Do you like soft-boiled eggs?”

Shi Yun: “I like to fry older ones.”

Wei Zong carefully flipped the eggs with a spatula, and fried them a little longer when he heard her request.

The water over there boiled, and after he took the fried eggs out of the pot, the small plate was placed beside it. He picked up the quick-frozen dumplings and wontons next to the cooking table, and put fifteen of them in each.

Shi Yun was sitting at the dining table outside, looking at the figure in the kitchen, he was not in a hurry, it seemed that sometimes it was rare for him to cook a quick meal for himself to deal with it.

Ten minutes later, he brought out two bowls of dumplings and wontons in two trips. On the second trip, he held a plate with fried eggs and a bottle of vinegar in his hand.

Before he sat down, Shi Yun seemed to be ordering: “Is there any soy sauce?”

Wei Congying turned around and went to the kitchen to find her an unopened bottle of soy sauce from the cabinet.

Shi Yun opened the soy sauce bottle and poured the soy sauce and vinegar on the fried eggs.

Wei Congying watched her bite down with a big bite, and he didn’t feel too embarrassed. He doesn’t like quick-frozen dumplings and wontons very much, and always feels that the fillings inside are not as delicious as those made at home. But it may be because he really exhausted his energy just now, he ate fifteen dumplings and wontons very quickly.

After he took a sip of the soup, he looked up again. There were still a few dumplings left in Shi Yun’s soup bowl, and the yolk of a whole fried egg was in the bowl next to it poured with soy sauce and vinegar, and the white was gone.

Wei Cong responded, “You don’t eat egg yolks?”

Shi Yun heard the sound and looked at the small bowl next to him, then nodded.

Wei Congying asked again, “Where are the boiled eggs?”

Shi Yun shook his head: “I don’t eat egg yolk either.”

Wei Cong responded, “Where are the salted duck eggs?”

Shi Yun nodded this time: “I’ll eat this.”

Wei Congying was probably interested: “What about the mixed ones? For example, whitebait stewed eggs, or scrambled eggs.”

Shi Yun swallowed the three fresh dumplings in his mouth: “Eat these.”

He continued to ask: “Do you have any other interesting tastes?”

Shi Yun thought for a while: “If it’s a plate of braised chicken wings or a plate of braised chicken legs made at home, I’ll eat it, but if it’s a whole chicken cut into pieces and braised in soy sauce, I won’t eat it.”

Wei Congying was amused by her: “Then what if it’s fried chicken nuggets?”

Shi Yun: “I’ll eat this too.”

After she finished speaking, the person opposite laughed even more happily. She thought it was not a funny thing.

“Your taste is quite amusing.” Wei Congying saw her disapproving expression after finishing speaking, and asked, “No one ever said that?”

Shi Yun shook his head.

Wei Cong responded, “Then what did others say?”

Shi Yun: “It’s hard to raise.”

Not a very friendly word, Wei Congying put away the smile on his face after listening to it, and became a little serious and focused: “I feel like I’m going to buy an egg white separator in the future.”


It’s a magic word.

But Shi Yun knew that for a person like Wei Congying, this word was like a scumbag who simply wanted to have a one-night stand and promised a silly girl to call her at night when they left the next day.

His type is too good at making a bad story look good in a few words.

In the end, there were two dumplings and one wonton left. The leather surface had become hard and dry, so Shi Yun didn’t eat it and wasted it.

The dishwasher starts working.

The two of them were too full to sit in the living room.

Wei Congying continued with the half-assembled model before the start, and Shi Yun continued to stand in front of his bookshelf, with his finger on the spine, he slid across the title of a book: “There is still a dream of Red Mansions.”

Wei Congying was busy assembling the model in his hand, looked up at her, then lowered his head and continued to fiddle with the parts in his hand: “My first book of sexual enlightenment.”

Shi Yun thought he had heard wrong.

He laughed: “Jia Baoyu’s first test of cloud and rain.”

Good guy, I still remember the chapter names.

Shi Yun put the “Dream of Red Mansions” back on the shelf in his hand, ashamed for him: “The author can be mad at you.”

“It’s called that if you want to write a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation, you must mix the purest reality in it, and you must add some realistic plots.” Wei Congying joked.

Shi Yun continued to look at his bookshelf, there were many books on it.

“Wei Congying.”

Wei Cong should hear her calling him, and raised his head: “Huh?”

She looked up as if she was looking for some book.

Shi Yun: “Is there a collection of poems? Or a collection of love poems?”

Wei Congying put down the model parts in his hand, stood up, and repeated her words: “A collection of love poems?”

Shi Yun hummed, and turned around to find that he had already walked beside her. The bookshelf was originally customized according to his height, and he could easily find the books on the top row.

Wei Congying glanced at the books on the bookshelf, and pulled out a pink book from a pile of books. The sides of the pages were gold-painted, and the binding was very careful.

He handed the book to Shi Yun: “This book is full of love poems. Other words, there is no special collection of love poems, they are all collected poems by a poet.”

Shi Yun opened the book in his hand: “I’ll read this one first.”

Even though she said so, Wei Zongying still found several books for her and put them next to the sofa. Stacking several books together, Wei Congying saw Shi Yun who was reading. She read very quickly, as if she was not reading but looking for something.

But Wei Zongying didn’t say anything, after putting the book away, he continued to work on his model.

When the soreness came from her neck, Shi Yun just put down the book of poems in her hand, and judging by her expression, it seemed that this book didn’t suit her ‘taste’.

Wei Congying put the assembled model on the display shelf, and after looking at it for a while, he closed the sliding door of the display cabinet with satisfaction.

Looking at the person on the sofa, her expression was a little disappointed, not like the expression she should have when she sees an ‘unattractive’ book. It seemed that he was disappointed when he didn’t find what he was looking for, but Wei Zongying’s attention was not on her unusual expression, he saw Shi Yun’s flushed knee.

Of course he knew why.

Walking to the edge of the sofa, he placed a generous palm on top of her head: “Going to bed?”

Shi Yun raised his head, his palm brushed Shi Yun’s hair and landed on her side face, another question popped into Wei Congying’s mind: “Does the knee hurt?”

It’s just a little red, not very painful.

Shi Yun got up from the sofa and followed him into the bedroom again. When she was carried in for the first time, she couldn’t observe carefully, but now she looked around.

His bedroom is like his living room.

There is not much furniture, but there are many things.

I don’t know if it has something to do with his high school in the United States. The bedroom has a bit of American retro feel.

A projector sits on top of a stack of books, and several framed puzzles lie on the floor, The New Yorker and Arboretum. The walnut shelf is half full of books, half full of perfumes and accessories.

There was a clean ashtray on the bedside table, and the book spread out under the ashtray was Chandler’s Tough Guy Marlowe series.

The room looked a bit messy, but there was some order in the chaos.

What gave Shi Yun this illusion at least was that there were no dirty clothes littered in his room, or that he shook out a hard sock that had lost his ‘partner’ from the quilt when he was sleeping on the bed in the middle of the night.

He likes to put a lot of things at home.

Shi Yun was lying on his overly soft bed, the dumplings and wontons in her stomach were still bathed in stomach acid, maybe she would get up and roll a few times, doing synchronized swimming in her stomach.

Shi Yun was a bit sleepy at first, but now he feels full and can’t sleep anymore. She has been sleeping on a hard plank bed since she was a child because of her body shape and good health. Of course, the dormitory conditions in the school are not up to the level where she can bring Simmons in. After going to school, she continues to sleep on a plank bed.

Wei Congying played with his mobile phone for a while, and chatted in the group of several Faxiaozai.

Xiang Shaoyuan and Lin Fang were trapped in the bar because of the heavy rain before, and they ran into a few beauties who were together. Now that the rain stopped, they simply continued the second half with the beauties. Now they are shaking people in the group, asking if they have gone.

Wei Zongying checked the chat history and didn’t reply, Jiang Xuyang was also pretending to be dead in the group.

After swiping through the chat history, he gradually fell asleep, and was about to put down his phone when he heard several movements of turning over from the side. She was like an ant on a hot pan, tossing and turning, like a bed scalding her butt.

“What’s wrong? You haven’t slept well?” Wei Congying glanced at the phone’s battery, it was fully charged, and unplugged the charger, “Do you want to charge your phone?”

Shi Yun didn’t play much, the battery is still enough. After lying down and failing to find a comfortable position, Shi Yun broke the jar and lay flat: “Don’t you think your bed is too soft? A soft bed is not good for your waist.”

Wei Congying lay down with a flat pillow, and laughed out loud when he heard Shi Yun’s words. He lay on his side and looked at the person next to him, and she gave him a side face, a face that made people feel ‘I feel pity’ when he frowns.

The facial features are well-proportioned, Wei Congying looked at her, and suddenly admired the correctness of Yun when he struck up a conversation. Hearing her say that the soft bed is bad for the waist, he smiled and said with a bit of nonsense in his tone, “Okay, you have the right to speak. Your knees are red like this, soon? My waist is bad?”

When Shi Yun heard him speak nasty words, he raised his leg and kicked him lightly under the blanket: “I’m talking to you seriously.”

“Understood.” Wei Congying didn’t hide, and let her kick him over, “Then where can I find a non-soft one in the middle of the night? How about we go to the carpet and make a floor?”

Feeling that he was still not serious, Shi Yun turned over and faced him with the back of his head.

Seeing that she was angry, Wei Cong laughed even more happily. He raised his hand to pick her up, put one arm under her neck, and put the other arm around her: “Okay.”

—’Okay’, listening to some deceptive words.

Wei Congying: “Then you pick a mattress that you feel comfortable, and it’s good for your waist when you sleep, and send it to me, and I’ll buy it.”

Sleeping with your arms on your pillow is romantic but uncomfortable, but Shi Yun didn’t tell him to take his arms back, nor did he forbid him to hug her. She leaned half in his arms, closed her eyes and rested her mind, and her tone sounded tinged with fatigue: “I think what’s the use of being comfortable, you try it yourself, and then try to choose the hardest one.”

“I’ll try it myself?” Wei Cong should tease her, “How can this be, you won’t come to sleep in the future?”

The word ‘later’ again.

The rain outside the window has stopped, and there are still raindrops hanging on the glass. This “later” smells like plants after the rain. It smells fresh, but when I bite it down, I find that the inside is damp, soft and moldy.

Wei Congying finished teasing her, seeing that Shi Yun didn’t answer, he leaned up to look at her expression, the relaxed expression before falling asleep, Wei Congying pinched her cheek as if revenge, Shi Yun didn’t care, when he lay back behind him He muttered something, but she couldn’t catch what it was.

Although Shi Yun felt that his bed was very uncomfortable, he still slept until after seven o’clock the next day. Barely opening her eyes, she looked at the unfamiliar ceiling, and the soft mattress made her uncomfortable. After stretching, she turned over and hit the person next to her with her arm.

After being hit by Shi Yun, he opened his eyes in displeasure, his expression was not very good, but he didn’t say anything. Pulled the quilt up, and then continued to sleep with eyes closed.

The air conditioner in the bedroom was turned on all night, and the sound of electrical appliances was not loud. The location on the 11th floor could not hear the noise downstairs. The neighbor next door opened the door and left. There seemed to be a child in that family. The mother stood at the elevator door and yelled something, probably urging the dawdling child to hurry up, the elevator was coming soon.

The mattress is soft and the pillows are soft. The pillow was still a bit high, and Yun’s head hurt when she slept, she raised her head and tore off the pillow, turning over to face him.

Wei Congying’s eyes are pretty, peach blossom eyes. The double eyelids are also very obvious. I don’t know if I used eyelash growth liquid, but the lower and upper eyelashes are very long.

Shi Yun’s eyes fell on his face, and every time he looked at him, Shi Yun would still be in a daze for a long time.

The night light had been on all night, and now it mixed with the light coming in from the curtains.

Last night, Wei Cong probably pulled his arms back at some point, and now he is lying on the bed with his arms stretched out under the pillow, and half of his face is sunk in the pillow core. Boys seem to like this sleeping position very much.

Shi Yun looked at his face for a long time.

Noticed that a handful of his hair was curled up, standing in the air.

Like a braid.

Everything in the room was very quiet, some fine dust fell on the projector, the words of thousands of painstaking efforts lay silently on the paper, everything in the room was silent, only the two of them breathed lightly.

Shi Yun raised her hand and pushed back the handful of hair. After she was done, before she could retract her hand into the bed, Shi Yun realized that he was awake.

Wei Zongying stretched out his arms and pulled her into his arms. Shi Yun’s face was pressed against his pajamas, he had just woken up, his voice was a little low and a little rusty, a small beard came out from his chin, rubbing against Shi Yun’s cheek, itching and hurting. With his palm on her shoulder, Wei Congying felt the coolness of her shoulder, and pulled the quilt towards her.

Shi Yun struggled a bit, but he hugged him even tighter: “Aren’t you sleepy?”

“Not sleepy.” Shi Yun couldn’t get a good night’s sleep. Originally, this was also her normal time to wake up.

But the owner of the two arms that were pressing on her didn’t seem to think so. He always insisted that he could fall asleep with his eyes closed and without talking.

This is a point that people who have difficulty falling asleep can’t reach a consensus.

But maybe he was really tired, Shi Yun closed his eyes and lay down for a while and really fell asleep again.

When she woke up again, there was no one next to her. There was something under her head. Obviously she took the pillow away at that time. Shi Yun yawned and turned to look. It was a few clothes, which were neatly folded and placed under her head. .

The closed bedroom door was opened, and Wei Congying stood at the door, seemingly not intending to come in. Seeing the person on the bed looking back at him half asleep, Wei Congying opened the door completely, and stood at the end of the bed: “Breakfast is ready, do you smell the fragrance?” ?”

Shi Yun sniffed, then shook his head. She wasn’t a person who had a particularly difficult time getting up, and it was also because she was too embarrassed to stay in bed with him, and walked towards the bedroom door while yawning and snoring.

When Shi Yun came out of the bathroom after washing, her drowsiness was completely gone. Walking out wearing slippers that were several sizes too big, Wei Congying was already sitting at the dining table.

There is only a cup of coffee in front of him, and a bowl of porridge next to him.

There are two small bowls next to the porridge.

In one bowl was a fried egg with separated yolk and white, and some soy sauce and vinegar were poured into that bowl. The other bowl was empty, and he had just taken two hard-boiled eggs from the bowl, knocked the tops of the eggs on the table, and cracked the shells.

A paper towel was placed on hand, and the egg shells were thrown on the paper towel.

Wei Congying looked at Shi Yun in a daze, and told her not to stand there stupidly: “Don’t you not eat egg yolks? I’ve divided them up.”

On the old side of the omelette.

Eggs with white and yolk separated are like fish without bones. Swallow it down without hesitation.

Shi Yun chewed a fried egg that suited his own taste, and slowly raised his head to look at the person opposite, he had peeled the boiled egg. While packing up the eggshells, he met Shi Yun’s gaze.

In fact, he doesn’t need to do this far, and she is not what he imagined.

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