Investment Return System, Start by taking Demon Empress as a Disciple

Chapter 38: A Gentle Kiss, Hopefully won’t be noticed by Master?

Chapter 38: A Gentle Kiss, Hopefully won't be noticed by Master?

"Stop! Who goes there? How dare you intrude upon our Jin Ding Sect!"

A disciple guarding the sect's entrance saw a blood-covered Daoist flying towards them at an incredible speed and hastily rebuked.

However, the figure didn't pause for a moment and flew directly towards the sect's entrance. For a moment, the disciples guarding the gate were about to shout an alarm, preparing to alert others of an enemy attack.

But when that disheveled figure arrived at the entrance, all the disciples were left stunned.

"Sect Master!?"

"We pay our respects, Sect Master!"

Who would have thought that the sect leader, who usually exuded an ethereal aura and carried himself with the bearing of a great expert, would appear in such a disheveled state?

"No need for formalities," Sect Master Yang Chun said absentmindedly, not in the mood to engage with them. He allowed the disciples to rise. When he stepped through the sect's entrance, he finally felt a modicum of security.

Thinking about that witch, he still felt a lingering fear! If he hadn't kneeled quickly enough, he might have ended up like Sect Master Luo Wu, that old bastard.

"Sect Master, are you all right? Could it be that you were ambushed by members of other sects? Have enemies pursued you? Should we activate our protective formation immediately?"

The senior disciple among the guards stood up and immediately began questioning.

"No need to panic. You don't need to worry about this matter. Also, don't spread the news of my current state around. Understood?"

Sect Master Yang Chun took a few deep breaths, adjusting his mindset and returning to his usual carefree demeanor.

After giving some instructions to the disciples, he returned to his cave dwelling. At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder: Would the Sect's protective formation be of any use if that witch truly targeted their Jin Ding Sect? Thinking about Luo Heaven Sect, a force comparable to their own, Sect Master Yang Chun felt a twinge in his temple.

"The protective formation is useless… If it weren't for my speed, I would have been buried with Luo Heaven Sect from that barrage of divine techniques!"

After cleaning himself up in his dwelling, Sect Master Yang Chun went to the main hall and gathered all the elders currently within the sect.

"Sect Master, how did your conversation with Luo Heaven Sect go?"

As soon as everyone was present, one of the elders asked. They were all aware of the purpose of Sect Master's visit to Luo Heaven Sect.

"No need to talk about it. Don't mention Luo Heaven Sect anymore. Remember, don't bring up our plans to cooperate with Luo Heaven Sect again!"

As soon as he heard the elder's question, Sect Master Yang Chun swiftly reprimanded, forbidding any further discussion of the matter. He couldn't afford to have that witch find out.

"Um... it seems like Sect Master didn't come to an agreement with Sect Master Luo Wu. But it doesn't matter. With the fall of Luo Heaven Sect's chief disciple and their inability to compete in the secret realm, they no longer pose a threat!"

The elder who had been reprimanded was a little confused, not understanding why Sect Master was so irritable. Nonetheless, he didn't dwell on it too much.

"What threat do they pose? Luo Heaven Sect has been annihilated! Annihilated, you understand?

"In the blink of an eye, the entire Luo Heaven Sect was wiped out right in front of me! That old bastard Sect Master Luo Wu is dead too!

"Remember, if you ever encounter a woman named Leng Yanran with horns on her head, never provoke her! No, you can't even talk back to her, let alone look at her more than once!

"If I find out who antagonizes that witch, I'll be the first to tear them apart! Do you understand?!"

As Sect Master Yang Chun thought about that terrifying scene, his eyes couldn't help but reveal a trace of fear. He gave a stern lecture to all the elders present. He didn't want to see that witch standing outside the Jin Ding Sect's gates one day, especially with a bunch of divine technique jade pendants in her hands.

"Luo Heaven Sect… annihilated!?"

"Don't repeat this Sect Master's words. Remember, don't mess with someone named Leng Yanran!"

"I'll remember!"

In an instant, the high-ranking members of Jin Ding Sect firmly etched the name Leng Yanran into their minds. Naturally, they wouldn't dare provoke her, considering the state their Sect Master was in.

Besides Jin Ding Sect, the other two major sects of the Northern Region also received news of Luo Heaven Sect's annihilation by a Profound Sky Realm woman.

Initially, the two sects didn't believe it and even sneered at the news. But as the information spread, they began to suspect its validity and sent people to investigate Luo Heaven Sect.

The results they eventually brought back left the two major sects dumbfounded. On that day, they publicly announced that they had no prior relationship with Luo Heaven Sect and hoped that the senior who destroyed Luo Heaven Sect wouldn't hold them accountable.

Illusory Mountain, a charming figure was hurrying along the road.

Thinking about her stern Master awaiting her, Leng Yanran's cold expression finally cracked into a small smile. She believed she had done well in fulfilling her Master's instructions this time, and she still had many divine technique pendants and formation discs left unused. Would her Master praise her for it?

At this moment, Leng Yanran's face was filled with an innocent and cute expression, much like a little girl eagerly anticipating praise from her elders.

However, if those cultivators who had witnessed how she annihilated every disciple of Luo Heaven Sect without batting an eyelid could see her now, they would undoubtedly shake their heads and declare, "Don't believe rumors and don't spread them. There's no way this is the expression that a ruthless witch who wipes out entire sects without a second thought should be showing!"

With no fierce beasts bothering her along the way, Leng Yanran soon arrived at the entrance of the Heavenly Dao Hall. She turned her head toward the Enlighenment Vine Chair and, as expected, found her Master comfortably dozing off on it.

Leng Yanran couldn't help but feel puzzled. Why did her immensely powerful immortal Master always seem like he hadn't practiced at all? He was either sipping tea or sleeping. She had never seen her Master practice!

Could it be that her Master's usual cultivation method was as simple as sipping tea and sleeping, just like ordinary people?

Well, there's no use pondering. If I can't understand it, I won't think about it. Whatever the Master does is always right!

Leng Yanran approached her Master's slumbering form with caution, not intending to wake him. Once beside him, as she looked at her Master's visage, she couldn't help but be filled with countless emotions.

How could there be such a perfect being in this world as her Master?

Ever since she had laid eyes on her Master, men in this world had lost their luster in Leng Yanran's eyes. In fact, all other men made her feel repulsed! For some inexplicable reason, she found herself drawing closer to his vermilion lips.

"Softly now, be careful. Master shouldn't notice…"

Her nervous expression flushed with warmth, but gazing at her peacefully sleeping Master, she couldn't pass up such a perfect opportunity.

In the end, she clenched her teeth, determined. Even if the Master woke up and reprimanded her, it would be worth it!


"Oops, I guess I overdid it, lacking experience for my first time!"

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