Injustice Superman Breaks Through the Second Dimension

Chapter 11 - intense situation

The signal lights on the satellite flickered rhythmically. Kent had already discovered it and saw the Stark company’s LOGO above, but ignored it. I didn’t expect it to be addicting. The camera never left during the move. on him.

After leaving the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch, Kent had nothing to do for a while and reminisced about his heroic deeds in the universe. He didn’t expect to be monitored by a satellite, and it was still a private satellite.

But Kent doesn’t just want to remember, his ears have been paying attention to the situation of the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch. Didn’t he catch the mastermind behind the assassination of the president? However, it seems that his attitude is very tough at present, he doesn’t give any face to Director Nick at all, and he is even a bit anti-customer.

Director Nick had no evidence to imprison Stryker, so he could only keep him in the name of an invitation to visit. He hoped that Professor X would find the mutant who assassinated the president and come back to identify Stryker as soon as possible.

But Professor X couldn’t find anyone, because the blue-skinned mutant was erratic. Even if he had a brain wave amplifier, it would be difficult for the professor to find a mutant who moved so fast and without rules. Obviously this time Colonel Stryker was prepared. Here, I specially found a mutant who was not easy to find to perform the task.

It’s true, Stryker knows the intelligence of the X-Men and the weaknesses of their abilities. All this information was interrogated from Magneto in the prison, including the efficiency of Professor X’s brainwave amplifier.

With Magneto’s information and his careful design, this time he is going to pull out the mutant nail in one fell swoop. Stryker hates mutants, his son is a mutant, he thinks his son is a monster, his soul has been taken by mutants.

Now Stryker is asking Nick to take him to visit the meteorite that brought Kent to Earth. The carefully collected rubble is now being studied by scientists.

“These rocks do not contain any elements of the earth, all the matter comes from the universe, and these rocks have special radiation, but they are not a threat to us humans.”

“Don’t aliens come to Earth without a spaceship?” Stryker doubted whether the meteorites could allow aliens to travel through the universe.

The scientist explained: “According to the words of the No. 1 target, these stones are his aircraft. It was originally a very rounded ball, but it turned into a stone during the long flight.”

Stryker expressed his disbelief: “This is obviously nonsense. I think your methods are too gentle. There is no need to be polite to this kind of alien. If it were me, I would have taken everything from his mouth. It came out.” Very strong.

The scientists are speechless, you new comer, don’t brag, you have no idea how weird the No. 1 target is. In fact, at the beginning, he was obviously a normal big man who was in line with human aesthetics, but after landing, he was invulnerable to guns and even his hair was rock-solid. Later, he learned that he did not let go of the last surviving compatriots to kill them one by one. The destructive power larger than a day, and the sudden appearance of clairvoyance and hearing, everything is too weird. Even scientists who believe that aliens are all possible can’t bear it, and that everything is possible has a limit.

Although it was Kent who captured Stryker, Stryker only thinks that Kent is an alien mutant. Mutants are mutants. They will not become noble because of alien genes. They are all garbage. .

“I thought the famous S.H.I.E.L.D. must have made some achievements in the field of alien research. It seems that you, Director Nick, have no ability at all. I will apply to the president to send the No. 1 target to my department. I will definitely Get all the information in the shortest time possible.”

Director Nick said blankly, “I’m afraid you have no chance, because I have released Kent, and he has now left SHIELD.”

Stryker did not expect that Chief Nick would do such an overreaching thing, and his face changed greatly: “How can you?” “He is not yours, but belongs to the United States, you did not try to release him at all, only the president can The right to amnesty for Target No. 1. You don’t have that right! I will recommend to the President that you be removed from your position as Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“I have already reported all the situation to the president. The president will handle me personally, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

Stryker saw Chief Nick’s appearance that the dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, and snorted angrily: “I’m going back to Washington now, you not only condoned the No. 1 target to attack me today, but also released the No. 1 target without authorization, yours The crime is enough to go to court-martial, and I will report it to the president truthfully.”

“I’m afraid not. You risked assassinating the president, so I can’t let you leave.”

“Nick Fury, don’t be too complacent. You can’t protect yourself now. Do you want to add a charge of illegally imprisoning a government official?”

But no matter how harsh Stryker’s words were, Chief Nick just didn’t want to let Stryker go.

“Okay, Chief Nick, let’s see.”

The status of Stryker and Chief Nick are similar now, except that Chief Nick is in charge of a secret service organization, while Stryker is in charge of the military unit.

There are a group of racist special forces under Stryker who hate mutants very much. Stryker chose them and trained them into a powerful force specially against mutants. His background in the military is no weaker than that of Chief Nick, and he is about to compete. Behind Stryker is an extremist military boss. Although there are people behind Chief Nick, but the background is much more complicated than that of Stryker, so he may not be able to exert his energy.

Stryker’s words were not only a threat. In the evening, his assistant had already arrived in New York with the army. Several armored vehicles blocked the New York S.H.I.E.L.D. branch disguised as a general company, led by a slender Asian woman. , the heavily armed army has already rushed into the S.H.I.E.L.D., and an armed conflict is about to break out.

Stryker’s loyal subordinates knew that the officer was in the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch in New York and rushed over immediately. They wanted to rescue the colonel.

The drama of the special agent vs. the special forces almost happened. Fortunately, Director Nick came forward in time to prevent the two sides from colliding with each other. God knows what will happen if the fire is really opened, but the people present are all American soldiers.

“What about the director?” Coulson lowered his gun, no one wanted to fight with colleagues in different departments, but the menacing and armed intrusion on the opposite side was really deceiving. Are they S.H.I.E.L.D. so easy to bully?

Director Nick didn’t expect Stryker’s subordinates to be so crazy. If this is not handled properly, they will all be subject to a military court. If there is no order to collide with the government department, don’t the other party have no brains?

Really not, because Stryker’s No. 1 subordinate, the beautiful Asian woman, is also a mutant under his control. Everything is aimed at protecting Stryker. Naturally, he will not worry about not going to the military court. As for the soldiers under them, they are just soldiers who obey orders are their duty, even if they collide with S.H.I.E.L.D., they are just orders.

It is such an army that can kill mutants without thinking.

The atmosphere was very embarrassing. Director Nick contacted Professor X and got bad news, but he still failed to find the mutant who assassinated the president. Nick is reluctant, but now I’m afraid he can only let Stryker go.

Especially at this time, the president’s order has also come. After thinking about it, the president does not believe that Stryker is behind the scenes.

For a time, all the pressure was on Director Nick to release Stryker. Director Nick’s face was dark. He still thought that Stryker was a major suspect, but now there is no clue. Even the victims feel that Stryker is innocent and that Stryker is not guilty. The armed capture of his subordinates, it is obvious that he has no chance of keeping Stryker anymore.

Although not reconciled, this time it was Stryker who won: “Agent Coulson, Agent Natasha, go and invite Colonel Stryker out.”

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