Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 8 - peace of mind

Cheng Huaiqian fought and retreated, more and more barbarians entered the courtyard, and more and more barbarians were injured by arrows.

Cheng Huaiqian only needs to hold on for a while, and it will be much easier to kill the poisoned barbarians. Those barbarians with deep poisoning will even fall down on their own if they don’t care.

As a result, the entire battle proceeded at a speed beyond the barbarians’ expectations. Most of the barbarians were killed and injured, and soon only a dozen barbarians were left.

The barbarians finally realized the horror of the crossbows and archers hiding in the dark. The three barbarians rushed to the auspicious restaurant under the instructions of the leading barbarians, preparing to deal with the crossbows and archers hiding in the restaurant first.

Cheng Huaiqian tried to block them, but was blocked by other barbarians. He could only watch the three barbarians turn to Xia Ruize, and only had time to shout to Xia Ruize, “Be careful!”

When it was about to happen, Xia Ruize did not panic. After trying his best to shoot two arrows at the two barbarians, he opened the gap in the ceiling and jumped directly to the third floor without taking a ladder.

When Xia Ruize rushed down to the second floor, he encountered the barbarians rushing up.

This was the first barbarian to charge straight at him. The huge size, hideous expression, and terrifying sword all brought a lot of pressure to people.

But Xia Ruize was no longer the little white who was too frightened to move when he first arrived in this world. He aimed calmly and shot an arrow at the barbarians at close range. In the next second, the crossbow and arrow retracted into space, and the big knife appeared in the In his hand, he took the knife and attacked.

Although Xia Ruize doesn’t have any advanced swordsmanship, his strength and agility have already undergone tremendous changes after such a long period of record accumulation.

The barbarians tried to avoid the crossbow and arrows, but they were too close, and they were still hit, and then they saw Xia Ruize slashing with a knife. Disdain flashed in the eyes of the barbarians, sneering and slashing at Xia Ruize, even the skinny Xia Ren dared to slash at him? Simply ridiculous!

Immediately afterwards, a scene that shocked the barbarians happened. A huge force attacked. In his eyes, the thin and weak Xia Ren actually slashed his big knife into the air? !

The expression of the barbarian was always frozen in surprise, because Xia Ruize had already learned from Cheng Huaiqian’s movements and killed the barbarian who had lost his weapon with a backhand knife.

When this barbarian fell with a bang, the other two barbarians who had been shot by arrows had just run up. Under the vigorous exercise, their blood circulation was faster, and correspondingly, the venom circulation was also faster. Therefore, two people appeared in front of Xia Ruize. A barbarian with black lips.

The experience of quickly ending the battle head-on made Xia Ruize’s confidence soar, and he took the initiative to charge towards the other two barbarians.

The attacks of these two barbarians were even more unbearable, and they were easily resolved by Xia Ruize.

After eliminating the three barbarians, Xia Ruize rushed to the window, dropped the sword, took out the crossbow and arrows, and fired several arrows at the barbarians fighting in the courtyard below.

The leading barbarian was shot unprepared, which made him realize that the Xia Ren who was hiding in the dark and attacking had not been dealt with, but he could no longer separate the troops to deal with it, because only the barbarians still standing were left. Eight, including the lead barbarian and four personal soldiers, as well as two barbarian chiefs and a barbarian warrior.

The expression of the leading barbarian was very serious, and the remaining barbarians under his command only surrounded Cheng Huaiqian for the time being and did not immediately rush to attack.

He really did not expect that a strong character such as Cheng Huaiqian would appear in the Xia people. He quickly killed dozens of barbarian warriors in a short period of time, and the other party had a tendency to become more and more brave. Such dangerous characters must be Get rid of him completely!

The leading barbarian gave a wink, and one of the barbarian leaders retreated outside the courtyard, obviously wanting to report and call for support.

However, as soon as the barbarian leader was discharged from the hospital, he was shot by two arrows one after another. After insisting on running a short distance, the barbarian leader fell to the ground weakly.

Cheng Huai Qian stood on the spot, his eyes were fearless, and he confronted the barbarians with awe. He tried his best to control his breathing and not reveal his state.

Although his body was a little thinner compared to the barbarians who were more than two meters tall, none of the barbarians present dared to despise him.

The barbarians are willing to consume Cheng Huaiqian as well, because before trying to solve the opponent quickly, every blow of his is a full-strength attack, the power consumption is very large, and he is also in a state of powerlessness at this time.

The leading barbarian sneaked around Cheng Huai twice. At this moment, a barbarian who had been shot by an arrow suddenly fell to the ground. When the leading barbarian looked over, he saw that his subordinate was already covered in black and purple.

The leading barbarian had already pulled out the arrow that hit him just now, but he couldn’t help but feel a chill in his heart when he saw such a scene, and realized that he couldn’t delay it any longer. It would be beneficial for the Xia people to delay it.

So, the leading barbarian made a gesture, and the rest of the barbarians attacked together.

Xia Ruize has been holding back from attacking, because it is possible for the opponent to dodge or block the arrows because of the barbarians who are in the state of defense. Only when they shoot when they are unprepared or fighting with Cheng Huaiqian, the opponent will not have time to dodge.

So, seeing the barbarians move, Cheng Huai moved, and Xia Ruize moved too.

The last stage of the fight was the most tragic. The rest of the barbarians were elites. Although Cheng Huaiqian was close to exhaustion, the previous ten barbarians helped him improve his strength. His basic strength was improved again, and he was barely able to recover. Resist.

Xia Ruize only had six arrows left at this time. He couldn’t waste them. He aimed carefully one by one, and finally shot the lead barbarian with one arrow, the small barbarian leader with two arrows, and the other three barbarians with one arrow each.

After shooting the crossbow and arrow, Xia Ruize immediately rushed out of the restaurant with a knife.

Although the arrows have been shot, he still has a big sword and can still fight!

When Xia Ruize rushed into the courtyard, his eyes were full of blood. Seeing from a distance from a high place and touching his shoes with blood were two completely different shocks, but he didn’t have time to think about it too much at this time. Seeing that his companion was almost unable to hold on.

Cheng Huaiqian was indeed approaching his limit. Although his strength would increase a little every time he killed a barbarian, his energy was limited. He even felt his arms trembling, and he was almost unable to hold the knife handle.

There were several knives on his body, each of which was used by Cheng Huaiqian in exchange for killing a barbarian. The barbarians fell one by one, but he was about to fall, and the blood had blurred his vision. In a trance, he saw the temporary The teammates who cooperated ran over, and there was a burst of peace of mind in my heart.

Xia Ruize rushed over and slashed at the barbarians who were besieging Cheng Huaiqian without any rules.

In the end, only the leading barbarian was still holding on tenaciously. He looked at Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize with fierce eyes, as if he wanted to eat them raw.

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