Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 6 - Divide equally

Xia Ruize paid special attention to the time this time. No one touched the treasure chest after it exploded. After five minutes, the items would automatically appear in his space.

While Cheng Huaiqian was resting, the white iron box that the barbarian leader Xia Ruize had just killed had automatically retracted into the space.

The information prompt is a big knife:

[Big knife (white middle grade): larger attack power and stronger hardness. Additional sharpness properties. 】

As soon as the knife was taken out, it formed a sharp contrast in appearance with the big knife that Xia Ruize snatched from the little barbarian leader.

Xia Ruize slashed each other with two knives, and found that the knife snatched from the little barbarian leader was easily cut into a small gap by the big knife opened from the treasure chest.

Looking at the shiny broadsword in his hand, and at Cheng Huaiqian who was resting in the courtyard, Xia Ruize struggled for a while, and finally decided to give the knife to Cheng Huaiqian for the time being.

They are currently working together as a team, and a strong teammate is also good for him.

So, Xia Ruize opened the ceiling of the attic, put down the ladder, stepped on the ladder to the third floor, and beckoned to Cheng Huaiqian, who was resting in the courtyard and ready to go out to continue “fishing” at the window.

Cheng Huaiqian thought that Xia Ruize had encountered an accident, so he quickly observed the surrounding environment and rushed to Jixiang Restaurant.

Cheng Huaiqian, who rushed upstairs, and Xia Ruize, who ran downstairs, met at the corner of the first floor. Xia Ruize handed Cheng Huaiqian the big knife in his hand and the pot of water that the woman gave him, and told him “be careful”, then went back upstairs. run.

Cheng Huaiqian was stunned for a moment, looked at Xia Ruize’s back, and then looked at the things in his hand. After a while, he laughed. The smile was full of joy. He hadn’t experienced the feeling of being cared for for a long time.

Cheng Huaiqian didn’t shy away hypocritically, took a new knife, replaced his big knife with multiple nicks, opened the kettle and drank a small half of it in one breath, taking back the space. Turned around and left the Lucky Restaurant.

I don’t know if it was because of the bandage or because of encouragement, Cheng Huaiqian only felt that his steps were a little lighter.

Soon, another barbarian team under search was found by Cheng Huaiqian.

With Xia Ruize’s reminder, Cheng Huaiqian knew in advance that he would meet a barbarian team after turning the corner, so he made preparations, rushed out and killed an unsuspecting barbarian, then turned around and ran to the predetermined courtyard. .

The remaining four barbarians were stunned. They never thought that there would be people from Xia who would dare to resist.

This time, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian cooperated more tacitly, and Cheng Huaiqian’s weapons were more powerful. He easily killed one barbarian and abolished three.

Cheng Huaiqian pointed to the three barbarians who had been abolished and fell to the ground, and motioned to Xia Ruize to kill them.

With one arrow, Xia Ruize dealt with three severely injured barbarians.

But this time, the treasure chest did not explode.

Xia Ruize was a little lost, but Cheng Huaiqian was used to it.

At this time, it was noon, one morning plus one noon, the two of them cooperated to kill more than a dozen barbarians. The record was extraordinary, but it also aroused the vigilance of barbarians.

When Cheng Huaiqian left the courtyard again to “fish” for the barbarians, he found that the remaining barbarians began to gather together, and even more than a dozen people would gather together, and it was difficult to find sporadic teams.

With the assistance of Xia Ruize, Cheng Huaiqian finally selected an eight-member barbarian team. Although it was a team of eight, there were actually two barbarian leaders, one with a full staff, and the other with two barbarian warriors.

This time the battle process was a lot more difficult, after all, there were many barbarians.

If Cheng Huaiqian had already killed a large number of barbarians before, his physical fitness would have been greatly improved, even to the point of crushing ordinary barbarian warriors. In addition, the accuracy of Xia Ruize’s firing of crossbows and arrows was greatly improved. There is a chance to kill with one blow, and neither of them dared to challenge the eight-man team.

During the battle, Cheng Huaiqian found that a barbarian was about to leave him and go to the restaurant next to him to find trouble with Xia Ruize. the barbarians, and dealt with him first.

In the end, Xia Ruize’s arrows were all used up, Cheng Huaiqian added two more wounds, and the two finally solved all the opponents.

When the battle was over, Cheng Huaiqian sat on the high platform in the courtyard, gasping for breath, took out the water bottle that Xia Ruize gave him, and poured all the remaining water in one breath, only then did he feel that the energy lost by his body had been replenished a little.

This time, Cheng Huaiqian killed a barbarian leader and four barbarian warriors, and Xia Ruize killed a barbarian leader and two barbarian warriors.

In fact, according to Cheng Huaiqian’s plan, it would be best for the two to share the record evenly, but Xia Ruize focused on assisting him and tried his best to leave him with the kill. In addition, there were many enemies in this attack, so he could not leave the opponent’s serious injury to Xia Ruize to kill, so in the end he Take the lead of the record.

Thinking of this, Cheng Huaiqian looked up at the roof of Jixiang Restaurant. At the small ventilation window, Xia Ruize, with only two eyes exposed, was conscientiously and carefully exploring the surrounding environment, so that he could rest in peace.

A hint of warmth spread to his heart, Cheng Huaiqian clenched his fists, felt the surging power, and made up his mind secretly.

Soon, new treasure chests appeared. This time, Cheng Huaiqian harvested a white iron box, and Xia Ruize harvested a white iron box and a brown wooden box.

The two have already discovered that there is a high probability that the small barbarian leader will explode a white iron box, which is likely to be a good item of grade, and the ordinary barbarian warrior will have a small probability that a wooden box will explode. Most of them have no grade, but they are practical. thing.

Of course, Cheng Huaiqian looked at his own gains, and then looked at Xia Ruize’s gains, and began to doubt the rules he had summarized before.

Why is he looking at it, the one upstairs has his own lucky attribute, and if he kills ordinary barbarian warriors, there is a high probability that the wooden box will burst out?

Look at the powerful weapon in his hand, the one upstairs burst out, the bandage on his body is also burst out, he obviously kills more, but the one upstairs burst out more treasure chests… Cheng Huaiqian suddenly felt the sadness of being crushed by Emperor Ou.

What’s even more embarrassing is that he can be a RMB player, but he can’t find a channel for krypton gold, bad review!

Heartbroken, Cheng Huaiqian found a white gem from the white iron treasure chest that could temporarily upgrade the weapon level. Xia Ruize’s white iron treasure chest also exploded a gem, a dark green gem. The introduction is:

[Poison gemstone: Inlaid on a white-grade weapon, it can add poison to weapon attacks, and the cumulative use time is limited to three hours. 】

Three more rolls of bandages were opened in the wooden box.

Xia Ruize was quite satisfied, it seemed to be very practical.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian calmed down for a while, and did not go out to continue fishing for barbarians. The main reason was that Cheng Huaiqian had consumed a lot of physical strength and needed time to rest and recover, and Xia Ruize’s crossbows and arrows had consumed all the arrows, so they had to wait for more than ten minutes, until two o’clock in the afternoon. will be supplemented.

However, the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind was unceasing, and the two of them wanted to rest, but the barbarians came to them.

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