Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 30 - hedge

The barbarians only saw Xia Ruize turn over and mount the superb warhorse that should have belonged to their little leader. At medium and close range, the crossbow arrow is more powerful, and the continuous shot of the crossbow arrow saves more time than the bow and arrow.

Cheng Huaiqian was finally able to use it. First, he shot all the 30 arrows of the mid-grade crossbow, and then not only did not retreat, but instead rushed to the fastest barbarian with the knife in his hand. The big knife in his hand even danced a knife handsomely. flower.

Obviously, Cheng Huaiqian’s body is thinner and smaller than the barbarians, but Cheng Huaiqian, who rushed into the middle of the barbarians, is like a wolf rushing into the flock. He is extremely fierce and unstoppable. under the sword.

Xia Ruize was always paying attention to the situation of his teammates. The arrows in his hand kept shooting out, helping to clean up the barbarians that were a little further away from Cheng Huaiqian, ensuring that the number of barbarians rushing to Cheng Huaiqian at the same time was controllable.

The two who cooperated tacitly and the barbarians rushing up the hillside fought. There were only two people on this side, but they couldn’t move forward with the barbarians who kept rushing up.

When the little leader in the barbarian camp below first saw the Daxia cavalry on the hilltop, he was even out of breath, and his eyes went black. How dare the **** Daxia people dare to run up to him and provoke him openly? Are you mocking him for Nuraihar’s inability to carry a knife?

When he thought of how he would be laughed at by other leaders after the news that he was provoked by the Daxia cavalry came back to the barbarian camp, Nuraihar felt that he was going to be mad!

When the little barbarian leader came to his senses, he saw that some of his subordinates could not restrain their anger and rushed up the hillside. He did not order to stop him. On the contrary, seeing that the Daxia people did not turn around and run away immediately, the little leader showed a cruel and cruel expression. Smile, these **** Daxia people! After you catch them, you must burn them to ashes!

So, the little barbarian leader and the two big commanders who led the troops watched with anticipation as a small commander led his subordinates up the hillside, waiting for the good news of their victory and return.

The success of the sneak attack by the Daxia people at night must be because the Daxia people have insidious methods. During the daytime, they face the Daxia people with fewer people at close range. The barbarians have not lost!

But after waiting, the barbarian leaders found that something was not quite right.

Not to mention the process of rushing to the hilltop, many barbarian warriors fell, and finally the barbarian hero who rushed to the front of Daxia still fell in pieces? So many barbarian warriors can’t kill a weak and pitiful Daxia person? Are they blind or are they joking with them?

Watching as the barbarians still standing on the hillside became less and less, more and more fell down, and large bloodstains flowed down the rocks, and even dyed a small piece of land red, the face of the barbarian leader was beyond description. , He couldn’t bear the anger report, he waved his hand and ordered to prepare to attack in person.

The guards immediately brought all the remaining war horses in the stable, and the meager twelve available war horses made the face of the barbarian chief even more ugly.

But at the moment of the death feud, it is more important to kill the two damned Daxia people. The little leader had to temporarily suppress the heartache of the BMW being robbed.

The three commanders of personal guards and the two commanders of the army under the little leader immediately got on their horses and followed him. Next, the four little commanders with strong fighting strength and two little commanders who were good at bows and arrows also got on their horses and chased after them. Go up, and then there is no and then…

The remaining war horses were all used up, and the other barbarians, regardless of whether they were small commanders or big bosses, could only run to keep up.

The barbarians of the big boss level are all equipped with war horses, and even some of the small bosses with good strength have already been equipped with war horses, not to mention the small commanders. These high-level barbarians have not experienced not riding war horses for a long time. The feeling of the legs are in a hurry.

In particular, most of the barbarians had just woken up from their sleep, and even before they had time to release the water, they immediately entered the battle. The suppressed anger in their hearts could be imagined, and they all cast hateful glances at Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize.

If their eyes could eat people, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize probably wouldn’t be able to leave even a tiny bit of meat residue.

Under the personal leadership of the little barbarian leader Nuraihar, in the early morning, the barbarian army, who had just woken up from sleep, rushed to the enemy on the hillside with a knife.

“The army is rushing up.”

Xia Ruize was condescending, immediately observed the changes in the barbarian camp, and loudly reminded his teammates.

“Good job! Cover me.”

Cheng Huaiqian replied loudly.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was surrounded by barbarians at this time, Cheng Huaiqian would probably still laugh out loud. His voice fell, and his attack suddenly intensified, making him unstoppable. At the same time, Xia Ruize’s crossbow arrow fell on the barbarians beside Cheng Huaiqian. Shengsheng suppressed the barbarians from being able to approach for a short time, and cut a **** path, Cheng Huaiqian ran out of the barbarian siege.

Of course the barbarians had to catch up, but they couldn’t keep up with Cheng Huaiqian’s running speed.

On the contrary, Cheng Huaiqian caught up with Xia Ruize, who had already started to ride on his horse. Xia Ruize stretched out his hand and dragged his teammates onto the horse’s back.

Then, Cheng Huai subtly controlled the horse, turned the horse’s head, and galloped wildly, alarming the Daxia cavalry in the distance. What made the barbarian army inexplicable was that Cheng Huai’s horse galloped in a direction that was clearly the direction of the little barbarian leader.

Seeing the provocative behavior of Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize, and seeing the BMW that should belong to them under Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize, the little barbarian leader let out a mad roar, used his legs to speed up again, and threw off the army running behind him. He rushed towards Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize.

When the distance was still far away, Xia Ruize handed the crossbow arrow to Cheng Huaiqian, drew the bow and shot the arrow by himself, aiming at a small leader who was running behind the little leader, who was also bending the bow and shooting arrows.

Cheng Huaiqian controlled the horse with one hand, and shot crossbows and arrows in the opposite direction with the other.

Xia Ruize and the barbarian commander who is good at shooting shot an arrow at each other. Compared with the little commander’s rich shooting experience, Xia Ruize’s experience is indeed much less, but he can’t stand his skills, bow and arrow, and personal strength bonuses. In addition, the target he aimed at was the warhorse under the little commander.

The result of the confrontation was that the little commander’s warhorse instantly overturned and threw the little commander on his back, and the arrow shot by the little commander was blocked by Cheng Huaiqian wielding his spear.

The battle of cavalry is still a battle on horseback. One point of weapon length has an advantage, and long spear is the most suitable.

The process of the two sides galloping and galloping toward each other was the process in which Xia Ruize kept drawing the bow to shoot at the barbarians on the opposite side, and the arrows shot by the barbarians on the opposite side kept being blocked by Cheng Huaiqian.

Under the extremely high agility value, these arrows seemed to slow down in Cheng Huaiqian’s eyes, and it was easy and simple to resist.

The arrows shot by the barbarian archers were easily blocked by Cheng Huaiqian’s spear, but the arrows shot by Xia Ruize were not so easy to block, because the arrows carried too much power and the speed of the arrows was too fast, which exceeded the barbarians’ expectations. , a negligence, is to resist the failure, the end of the breakdown.

When the war horses of the two sides were about to meet in the middle of the barbarian camp and the hill, there were only ten of the original twelve war horses on the barbarian side, and all the archers fell. Several barbarians who were good at bows and arrows fell one after another.

To solve the long-range threat of the archers, Xia Ruize put away the longbow, picked up the crossbow arrow returned by Cheng Huaiqian, and shot it at the fast-approaching barbarian leader at close range.

The little leader who was ready to fight with Cheng Huaiqian’s spear had no choice but to block Xia Ruize’s crossbow arrows first. When the horses met in the next second, he could only hurriedly withdraw the sword to block Cheng Huaiqian’s attack.

The high-speed galloping horses passed by in an instant, and Cheng Huaiqian’s spear collided with the big sword of the little barbarian leader. However, Cheng Huaiqian came prepared and attacked with all his strength, but the little barbarian leader was hurried and lost. , a wound was scratched at the waist and abdomen.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Huaiqian returned and swept a small barbarian commander with a shot, while Xia Ruize’s crossbow arrow hit a barbarian commander.

The speed of the duel on horseback is very fast, and the staggered time is only one or two seconds, but the battle situation has undergone tremendous changes.

When the two sides turned their horses to fight again, Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize repeated their old tricks and cooperated tacitly. Although they failed to injure the little barbarian leader again, they once again knocked down a barbarian leader and killed a barbarian leader.

Two consecutive battles against the barbarians failed to gain an advantage, and he was injured. The little barbarian leader was angry at the same time with a little more fear in his heart.

Just when he turned his horse’s head and wanted to charge again, by the way, when the running barbarians finally arrived to surround the battlefield, he found that he did not see the figures of the two Daxia people on the opposite side. On the contrary, he only saw them riding away. back.


The little barbarian leader who realized that he had been deceived and had been flashed had his angry eyes spitting fire.

Cheng Huai’s submarine control horse did not flee south as the barbarians expected. On the contrary, he rushed north.

Directing at it, twelve cavalrymen rushed out from the slash, followed by their chief horse, and rushed north together.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize rode a horse together, with an empty horse and cavalry at the back, followed by eight barbarian horses and more than a thousand barbarian warriors who were madly running and chasing.


Cheng Huaiqian turned his head to look at the scene behind him, and was overjoyed.

The chest vibrated, and Xia Ruize, who was in front of Cheng Huaiqian, couldn’t help but glance back, and saw the eight barbarian war horses alone and a large number of barbarians running wildly.

The barbarians were too “poor”, and Xia Ruize couldn’t help laughing.

“We have to hold down our speed and not run too fast, otherwise the pursuers feel that they can’t catch up with us, and it won’t be fun if we don’t chase.”

After the joy, Cheng Huaiqian slowed down the speed of the galloping horse in time according to the situation behind.

The BMW under them is worthy of being the one-of-a-kind BMW that belonged to the barbarian little leader. Although it is far from the amber horse in terms of heart-to-heart connection, its quality is already very good. The speed of two people with a load can even surpass other loads. A cavalry’s Great Xia warhorse, of course, is very powerful in stimulating small barbarian leaders.

Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize ran on their horses at the forefront, and now he said that he wanted to slow down the speed, and the cavalry under him could only obey.

To be honest, although these cavalrymen have been in the army for a long time, it is the first time they have experienced such an exciting and intense scene.

A barbarian army of the size of a small barbarian leader was chasing behind him, but instead of thinking about how to speed up the speed of the war horse to escape, they were thinking of slowing down the speed of the war horse and hanging the barbarians to continue chasing.

Such an incredible experience, I am afraid that my comrades in arms will not believe a word when I say it.

It was also at this time that the cavalry came to realize how wise and crucial it was for the two officers to take the entire barbarian camp’s war horses into one pot the night before. The barbarians without war horses could only be hoisted by them like kites. .

Cheng Huaiqian slowed down the speed of the war horse, and the little barbarian leader in the rear also slowed down the speed of the war horse. After the anger dissipated a little, he finally remembered that there were no hundreds of war horses galloping behind him, and the barbarian warriors under him now have no war horses. Relying only on the legs, the marching speed is naturally slower.

In order not to leave the big army, the barbarian leader could only slow down.

But fortunately, the quality of their enemy’s warhorses is very poor, and it is not enough to run and run, so that they will not be lost.

In this way, galloping all the way, chasing all the way, the barbarian army forcefully chased for half an hour.

A big commander who followed the little barbarian leader looked at the Daxia cavalry in front of him tangled, then turned his head to look at the barbarian army behind him, and continued to look far away, but he couldn’t see the big camp that rested last night…

He felt that something was not right. Wasn’t their mission to go south through Bianlu City and continue to attack the hinterland of Daxia? Why are you heading north now? Even the main camp was left to the south of the team?

The barbarian leader struggled for a while and wanted to speak to remind the little leader. At this moment, he saw the leader of the Daxia cavalry in front stood up, one person continued to control the horse, and the other actually turned back and pulled the bow and arrow. ? !

Under the horrified eyes of the barbarians, Xia Ruize was half-kneeling on the horse’s back, Cheng Huaiqian hugged his waist to help him fix his body, and Xia Ruize drew his bow in the direction of the little barbarian leader.

This arrow was shot straight at the barbarian little leader, and the little leader immediately waved his knife to block, but this block, the heart that was just a little calm immediately became angry, and there were no other concerns in his eyes, and he only stared at the cavalry of Daxia. Keep chasing.

The barbarians riding on war horses are not bad, but they are suffering from those who are running. They just woke up, and their bladders are about to burst before they can empty their bladders. Running with a blank mind.

But the leader is in front, and the order to pursue has not been withdrawn, and they will continue to chase, which is really desperate!

After that, whenever the barbarians in the rear became slack in their pursuit, Xia Ruize shot an arrow at the little barbarian leader, and the little barbarian leader who was controlled by anger would shout and order his subordinates to pursue hard.

When the barbarians were chasing diligently, Xia Ruize’s arrows changed their target. He didn’t aim at the barbarians on the warhorses at all. He specifically aimed at the high-level barbarians in the army of barbarians running behind. The high-level barbarians on the battle horses had already run with black eyes and sweating profusely. Facing Xia Ruize’s fast and ruthless arrows, they couldn’t dodge.

The barbarians who fell to the ground with the arrow would immediately be overwhelmed by the barbarians rushing up from behind. The barbarian leader, who was only chasing after the Daxia people on horseback, didn’t notice that his senior men were falling to the ground and disappearing one by one.

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