Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 236 - end

The fact that they lost a lot of high-level tactics in each battle made Yingli’s army unable to hold on. They really couldn’t figure out why Lou Yanjun, who was already in a downturn, showed his momentum instead. Military fight?

The Ying Li Empire, which suffered successive setbacks, could only retreat and seek peace. The two sides stopped the war for the first time in three years and entered a long negotiation period. In the end, the Louyan Empire occupied the development rights of two-thirds of the resource star, and the Ying Li Empire occupied one-third. As a result of the development rights of an area, the two sides reluctantly reached an agreement, ending the long three-year war.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who made outstanding contributions to this result, were inscribed on the monument of meritorious service of the Louyan Empire and passed on forever.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who did not know that they even went to the Louyan Empire textbook, returned to the world of immortal cultivation, and together with other immortal cultivators, they witnessed another empty vortex speeding up, spinning, shrinking, and disappearing.

Then everyone’s eyes turned to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian.

At that time, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian had not yet recovered from the intense and tense battlefield atmosphere. They looked back inexplicably and stared at everyone.

Song Feng Yuxian Chang noticed the red blood in the eyes of Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, and thought that Murong Ruide, who returned first, said that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were fighting around in the back world, knowing that these little guys must be exhausted, so they took the lead. road:

“It’s alright, alright, you are all exhausted, go back to rest and sleep first, and I’ll talk about it tomorrow.”

After speaking, he waved his hand and urged Xia Ruize, Cheng Huaiqian and Murong Ruide to go back to rest first.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian looked at each other and hurriedly returned to their pocket pavilion after salute, because they had already received the notification that the main quest was completed:

[Main quest: Complete two back-of-the-world experiences

Mission Status: Completed

Mission Rating: Perfect

Mission reward: 4,000 survival points; 4 free attribute points (perfect extra reward for mission evaluation)

Special Note: Congratulations on your successful promotion to the Golden Book Area. Will leave the mission world in five seconds. five four three two one……】

At the same time, there is also a completion prompt for the hidden extension task:

[Hidden extended task: Completely solve two past lives.

Mission Status: Completed

Mission Rating: Perfect

Mission Rewards: 16,000 Survival Points; Two Coordinate Anchor Points (one reward for each complete solution); one rule; all attributes reward +16 (perfect extra reward for mission evaluation)]

The [Coordinate Anchor Point] that hides the reward of the extended quest is in the Xiuxian world, and each coordinate anchor point can stay in the Xiuxian world for half a year.

More importantly, in the one-year period that the two [coordinate anchor points] can stay in the world of immortal cultivation, if they can completely solve the other worlds, they can get the coordinate anchor point again, that is to say, it is hoped that through The way of fighting to support the war”, gained a lot of time to stay in the cultivation world of immortal cultivation.

After analyzing the rewards, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian disappeared into the world of immortal cultivation and returned to the endless world.

Different from the previous few times, the two people who appeared in the exclusive space this time sat on the ground with their eyes closed and did not open their eyes for a long time, because the Lord God had instilled a lot of secret content in their minds as soon as they returned to their minds.

After a while, Xia Ruize opened his eyes first, looking around the more open and huge exclusive space, his eyes were very complicated. Cheng Huaiqian followed closely, his face full of thought.

After successfully entering the golden book area, the two of them obtained secret information related to the endless world, the Lord God, etc., and finally understood what they had been doing all along…

The endless world is divided into five areas: jade scroll, golden book, silver page, bamboo silk, and white paper. Among them, there is only one existence in the jade scroll area, and that is the main god.

There are a little more in the Jinshu area, and with the newly promoted Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, there are a total of 8 “guardians”. Among them, there are three in Huaguo, two in New Melia, and one in each of Europa, South India and North Bear.

The reason why they are called “Guardians” is because their duty is to assist the Lord God to protect the safety of the real world.

The crisis facing the real world is the same as the world of immortal cultivation, that is, there are countless other worlds forcibly posted to loot resources.

Countless planets and civilizations have been born in countless universes and spaces. Some of these planets have a natural world with clear wills, perfect rules, and huge development potential. They are called “Original Worlds”.

The number of source worlds is relatively small, in sharp contrast to the “edge worlds” that occupy the vast majority.

The world will of the marginal world is inherently ignorant and vague, the rules are incomplete, the development of civilization is extremely slow or the development direction is extremely biased, and there are major flaws.

Out of the instinct of self-rescue and growth, the marginal world will stretch out tentacles of temptation, trying to find the original world, and if it finds it, it will force itself to connect to the original world.

Once successfully connected, the edge world will invade the original world with all its strength, trying to steal the perfect rules of the original world to fill its own loopholes.

The real world where Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were born, and the world of immortality they just experienced, are the two origin worlds.

And the quest world released by the Lord God and the endless revelations in the world of immortal cultivation are the many marginal worlds that are forcibly attached to the two original worlds.

The beauty of the perfect rules of the source world exudes temptation all the time, tempting the endless world of marginal worlds to come closer and try to seize it.

Of course, the origin world with perfect rules also has advantages and means of self-defense.

For example, there is spiritual energy in the world of immortals, so immortal cultivators are cultivated, and the will of the world will leave the troubled marginal world to immortal cultivators to solve.

Cultivators will help the will of the world to expel most of the fringe worlds that are not welcome. Only a few fringe worlds that please the will of the world and can in turn be borrowed from the source world will be left behind.

Of course, there are some marginal worlds where the level of development of civilization is even much higher than that of the source world it is targeting. In this case, the world can only rely on the world will of the source world to forcibly suppress the connection channel between the two worlds, stretch the front line, and wait for the world Civilizations within grow up to solve each other’s day.

This is the way the world will of the immortal world will solve the marginal world.

The real world where Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian were located was the origin world of science and technology testing, and it was a new origin world that faced more marginal worlds with a higher degree of development than themselves.

The world will of the real world has been miserably caused by the many marginal worlds that **** blood on it. If the natural rules are not perfect, it is impossible to protect the civilization that is still a seedling in the world from developing and growing smoothly.

The civilization in the world has finally developed intelligent human beings, and the will of the world hastily threw the souls of some dead humans into the marginal world. Those human beings who fiddle around can occasionally cause trouble to the marginal world and make the real world relaxed. Relax.

In this way, after thousands of years of development, the model of today’s endless world has gradually formed.

The will of the world as the Lord God selects the souls that have just died, and can put them into the marginal worlds around the real world at the least cost, and then issue tasks to them.

Most of the souls thrown out have never returned, but there are always people who can complete the main task of disrupting or assisting the marginal world, and are successfully brought back to the real world by the Lord God. In return, the Lord God bestows them life and strength.

This is the case with Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian. After the accidental death, their souls were first thrown into the marginal world with a lower level of development. As a result, their performance was exceptionally good, which made the Lord God pay more attention to them.

After that, many mission worlds were specially arranged by the Lord God for them. As a result, they were able to complete the challenge perfectly every time, and they often brought unexpected surprises to the Lord God, so what they got was extremely rich rewards.

After all kinds of tests, the two have grown to a certain level. The Lord God has arranged for them the world of immortal cultivation with a cooperative relationship as the mission world of the promotion zone. While giving benefits, they will finally test their ability to deal with the betrayal.

The result of the test made the Lord God very satisfied, so the two of them were successfully promoted to the golden book area, and they were successfully promoted from the testers to the guardians.

Next, they will assist the main **** and guard the development of civilization in the real world together.

There are only 8 people in the Golden Book Area in total. Apart from their own exclusive space, there is no public space at all, and there is no need for the main temple, because they can directly communicate with the main god.

After sorting out their thoughts, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian met Han Yuan, the original guardian of Huaguo, who was born more than 400 years ago but still looks like a middle-aged man.

Han Yuan was very happy to see Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, and said cheerfully:

“With your participation, we are the most powerful party, hahaha.

Don’t worry, the task of the guardian is not heavy. You can force yourself to participate in the exploration of the newly discovered marginal world once a year. When you want to do a task and communicate with the Lord God, you can choose any task world you want to go to.

As a guardian, the most important duty is to block the surrounding area as soon as possible when a new marginal world is connected to our world, so as not to affect the lives of ordinary humans.

Oh, yes, you young people have a common language with those in power now, and the task of communicating with those in power in the future will be handed over to you, the old man is old, it is time to enjoy leisure, hahaha…”

After Han Yuan introduced the responsibilities of the guardian to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, he left happily.

He has a marginal world “exclusive” to him. During the process of doing the task, he repeatedly obtained the rules given by the will of the world, so he can travel back and forth between the real world and his exclusive world at will, and can stay in the exclusive world for a long time. .

Compared with the real world that doesn’t quite fit his living habits, Han Yuan is now staying in his own world all year round, and he has also created a kingdom exclusively for him in it, which is very pleasing.

Han Yuan happily ran away, and the task of contacting those in power was left to Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian.

As a guardian, it is inevitable that the person in charge of the area in charge needs to cooperate. For example, if the connection hole of a new edge world is opened directly in the downtown area, the person in power needs to be responsible for transferring the work of ordinary people.

Therefore, the rulers of various countries in the real world vaguely know some secrets about the endless world and the existence of the Lord God.

Because of this, those imprisoned testers, including Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian who were sent to prison by themselves, will be centralized in a special place for unified management, giving them the opportunity to continue to enter the mission world, and also for them in the real world. behavior is strictly monitored.

After Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian left the endless world and returned to the real world, they quickly contacted the top-secret department of Huaguo according to the method provided by Han Yuan. They were not ready to show up directly, but they only informed several surrounding countries including Huaguo from a distance. The news of the guardian replacement is convenient for future cooperation.

Soon, the rulers of other countries in the world also learned the news of Hua Guoxin’s promotion of the two guardians, and they were very envious.

Many natural disasters are actually caused by the movement when the new edge world is forcibly connected to the source world. There are more guardians in the territory, which means that various disasters will be resolved in the fastest time, and ordinary human beings can live and work in peace and contentment. , who can not be envious?

This time, the news came out that the newly promoted guardians were clearly from Huaguo, and the surrounding countries frequently showed goodwill to Huaguo, hoping to please the newly promoted guardians, so that the other party could quickly help when something happened to their own country.

Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, who are missed by many people, are eating with their parents at the moment. If they are promoted to the Jinshu District, their biggest feeling is probably that as their strength becomes stronger and stronger, they can control their own destiny and feel at peace in their hearts. , no longer need to worry that this hard-earned life will suddenly disappear one day.

The Lord God promised that even if their bodies were accidentally destroyed while exploring the new world, He would do everything in their power to retrieve their souls and recreate their bodies.

Or maybe they will have mastered the power to reshape their bodies by themselves. In short, they are already the healthiest and safest human beings in the world.

So, Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian formally invited their parents to meet to discuss their marriage.

Soon, on a private island with beautiful scenery, under the witness of relatives and friends, the two officially became husband and wife.

The wedding rings of the two were made by Cheng Huaiqian himself, and they were concentric rings that could sense each other’s status and position no matter how far apart they were.

The hands wearing the wedding ring clasped together tightly, and Xia Ruize and Cheng Huai hugged and kissed amid the laughter of their relatives and friends.

The great time in the future, they spend together!

Dilemma and challenge blocking the way, they face it together!

The glorious glory won, they enjoy together!

The author has something to say:

Sprinkle flowers~End of text~

There are boundless emotions in my heart. The creation process of this book is actually not too smooth. There are several worlds in the middle that are relatively dull, and I am not very satisfied myself. I don’t know how many times Calvinka has been bald…

Haha, it’s all over, today it’s over~ It’s the most beautiful cub in my writing~

Give it a flower~ and give yourself a flower~

The next book is expected to be “I live in a mansion in desperation”, a novel about the construction of the end of the world~

Please help me with the collection of columns and new books~

It is expected to take a break for about a month to open a new book. At that time, you are welcome to come and have a look~

It’s a big deal, if you’re not interested, then cancel the collection, hehe~

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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