Infinite Lucky Emperor

Chapter 16 - Finish?

The sound of rolling stones caught the guard’s attention. A guard close to this side heard the sound and came over to investigate the situation.

When he walked around the corner and entered the darkness, Cheng Huaiqian, who had been waiting here, killed him with a knife. He held the barbarian’s body in his hands and slowly placed it on the ground. The whole process was neat and tidy, without making any abnormal noise.

Seeing that his companion had not come back, another guard felt strange and came over to check the situation, but was solved by Cheng Huaiqian in the same way.

Then Cheng Huaiqian bypassed the tower from the north and went around to the other side of the tower.

Xia Ruize, who was waiting patiently in secret, saw Cheng Huaiqian’s figure appearing on the opposite side, he pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the crossbow and arrow hit one of the two guards on the other side.

Before the last guard rushed over to check the situation, Cheng Huaiqian, who had appeared behind him, had already stepped forward to finish him off.

In this way, the four guards at the entrance of the gate of the tower hall were all resolved, and the ordinary barbarians who were drinking, revelling, or drunk and sleeping under the city wall did not know that there was a mutation above, and the barbarian leaders in the tower hall were also having fun. Don’t know what they are about to face.

Xia Ruize lightly walked to the door and pointed the crossbow and arrow at the hall. He even boldly stuck his head out, and then pulled the trigger at the barbarian leader sitting at the top.

The barbarian commander who was anesthetized by alcohol and a small amount of sweat medicine did not react until he was hit by two arrows. In the next second, he saw a person suddenly rushing in at the gate. When the other barbarians did not respond, he rushed all the way to the commander. Raising his hand and swinging the knife, he chopped off the right arm of the barbarian commander with one knife, and then chopped off the left arm of the barbarian commander with another wave of the knife.


The little barbarian commander let out a hoarse scream, but this was just the beginning.

After confirming that the combat effectiveness of the barbarian leader was resolved, Cheng Huaiqian immediately shifted his target. After finally reacting to the surroundings, the barbarians, who were desperately trying to rush up, took the initiative to attack.

Cheng Huaiqian’s swordsmanship has improved a lot compared to before. His swords are quick and heavy, and he has an advantage over barbarian leaders who are not stable enough to stand under the influence of alcohol and sweat medicine.

As for Xia Ruize, he didn’t hide anymore. According to the plan they had negotiated, he kept shooting at the barbarian little leader who was about to faint, until the watch on his wrist vibrated, reminding him that the barbarian leader had been killed.

Xia Ruize didn’t have time to check the specific information, turned his direction, and continuously attacked the surrounding barbarians with crossbows and arrows that could be fired continuously.

The barbarians who want to rush to Xia Ruize will not only meet Xia Ruize’s crossbow and arrows that seem to have no end and need no replacement, but will also be attacked by Cheng Huaiqian from behind.

As for rushing to Cheng Huaiqian, it is even worse. The basic strength has been greatly improved, and he has obtained the bonus of the exercises. Today’s Cheng Huaiqian can be regarded as a humanoid weapon, and will strangle all the enemies who dare to approach him.

A group of drunkards with weak hands and weak legs, and the killing gods who came to recharge their energy and preparedness, it didn’t take long to solve all of them.

When there was no standing creature in the hall except Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian, Xia Ruize rushed to the little barbarian commander to check the girl with long curly chestnut hair in his arms.

The girl was still breathing, but she had already fainted. Xia Ruize didn’t look at the dense traces of abuse on her body. She pulled a piece of cloth from the side to cover the girl, and then left the hall with Cheng Huaiqian.

Many barbarians below had vaguely heard the movement on the tower, but the leaders were all on the tower, and they didn’t know what to do for a while without a command.

When the barbarians finally made up their minds to go to the tower to check the situation, they saw a figure appearing in the center of the tower.

Although the night was dark and the eyesight of the barbarians was greatly affected, the fire in the camp lit up the sky for a long time, and they still saw that there was no barbarian’s iconic horn on the man’s head!

When they saw that man raised his crossbow and pointed arrows at them, all the barbarians below who were still awake only felt a “hum”, and a thread in their minds snapped.

The enemy appeared on the tower? What about the leaders? …Is it already…?

There was no time for them to be stunned. Xia Ruize’s crossbows and arrows had already started shooting one after another. The high-grade crossbows and arrows were more powerful. As long as they aimed at key positions, one arrow could kill an ordinary barbarian.

As for Cheng Huaiqian, before a large number of barbarians rushed to the tower, he had already walked down the stairs and walked to the bottom of the stairs.

Then, he proudly looked at the barbarians rushing up and chopped off the big knife in his hand.

The only narrow staircase means that at most two barbarians can rush in front of Cheng Huaiqian at the same time, which is not a big threat to him at all.

Not to mention that the corpse of the barbarian will stop the other barbarians from rushing up. The entrance of the stairs was a mess, and dozens of barbarians rushed over, but it was difficult to get up.

On the other side, Xia Ruize’s crossbows and arrows kept shooting down from the heights, and the barbarians who were unprotected had no place to hide. There was no other way than to dodge by themselves.

Some barbarians tried to wake up their drunk companions to face the enemy, but no matter how vigorously they shook and called out to their companions, they found that their companions did not respond at all, and had completely fainted.

The barbarians finally realized that they had been plotted a long time ago, and the fallen companions were not drunk at all, but more likely to be poisoned!

But now it is meaningless to say that there are less than forty barbarians who can stand up and fight.

Forty barbarians seemed to be more than the thirty barbarians who surrounded Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize in the morning, but the situation was completely different.

Not to mention that both Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian’s basic strengths have doubled, and their attack weapons and attack methods have also been upgraded. More importantly, they now occupy an absolutely advantageous position.

Xia Ruize can keep shooting from a height in safety, and Cheng Huaiqian only needs to face up to two opponents at the same time, which is really a piece of cake for him now.

Finally, their opponents were weakened both physically and mentally.

There were basically no barbarians who didn’t drink, and their attack movements were more or less affected by alcohol, not to mention the news that all the barbarian leaders on the city tower were likely to have died, which made the barbarians panic.

Therefore, the number of barbarians attacking was indeed large, but the threat brought by them was not as big as in the morning. Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize solved all the barbarians, but it was only a matter of time.

After receiving a warning from Cheng Huaiqian before, he secretly ran away from the middle-aged cook who hid outside the camp, and witnessed the battle that took place in the very center of the barbarian camp from a distance.

In the eyes of the Daxia people, the barbarians have always been invincible in close combat. There are rumors among the people that compared with the barbarian warriors, the warriors in Daxia are not equal to one. force.

This is why the barbarians of less than 200 can easily capture and control the entire Bianlu City, because the city residents of Bianlu City simply do not have the courage to rise up against the naturally fierce barbarians.

Under the influence of the deep-rooted concept of avoidance, middle-aged chefs cannot imagine that there are people from Daxia who dare to take the initiative to fight against the barbarians, and it is even more unimaginable that people from Daxia have the advantage? !

Those two strong men…are they really human?

The chef just watched helplessly as the number of barbarians became less and less, and all the barbarians that rushed up were cleaned up. If it didn’t count, the two strong men also cleaned up the barbarians who had fainted on the ground.

In the end, the two stood still among the barbarians all over the place? Really divine!

What the chef didn’t know was that Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize were looking at the newly released tasks on their watches.

That’s right, after the last fainted barbarian was killed by Xia Ruize with one arrow, the watches of the two of them began to vibrate violently at the same time. It was completely different from the slight vibration of the previous kill reminder, which made the two subconsciously raise their hands to pay attention.

[The barbarians who invaded Bianlu City in the first round were killed and injured, and the city residents in Bianlu City got a moment of relief, but a bigger crisis is coming… At 12 noon, the barbarian backup team will arrive at Bianlu City and completely destroy Bianlu City. Lucheng continued to attack Daxia.

Extended mission: Stop the progress of the barbarian attack

Mission Completion: Reward according to the degree of blocking the barbarian backup team]

As soon as the extended task came out, Cheng Huaiqian immediately came to Xia Ruize’s side and showed his watch. After comparison, the tasks they received were the same.

Suddenly remembering something, Cheng Huaiqian turned around and ran back to the tower. The girl with curly chestnut hair was still in a coma. Cheng Huaiqian directly pulled her arm to check her watch of the same style.

Without the control of the owner, the content of the watch is displayed directly to two strangers.

In the [personal] information, the two saw that the girl’s personal information was:

【Name: Luo Jinger

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Strength: 0.8

Agility: 1

Constitution: 2.9

Spirit: 1

Life: 29]

In addition, the [Quest] area has the same main quest information as the two, but there is no kill reminder, and other areas are also blank. It can be seen that the girl has not killed the barbarian, so she has not obtained the Overkill buff.

What’s more worth noting is that there is no reminder of extended tasks in Luo Jinger’s [Mission] area, that is to say, this extended task is probably only received by Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian.

This contains a hidden message, that is, if you want to start an extended task, you may need to meet certain conditions first.

For example, the extended quest that Xia Ruize and Cheng Huaiqian received now jumped out after all the barbarians in Bianlu City were wiped out. Then, it is very likely that the opening condition of this extended quest is that all the barbarians who invaded Bianlu City were wiped out in the first round. Those who have made a certain contribution can receive extended tasks.

The No. 180 barbarians who invaded Bianlu City were basically killed by Cheng Huaiqian and Xia Ruize, and it was only natural that the two of them could get a reminder of the extended mission. It is understandable that Luo Jinger didn’t start the extended mission if she didn’t contribute.

“I was thinking before, as long as we kill all the barbarians in the city, can’t the main task 1 be easily completed? It seems that it is too simple, the task will adjust the difficulty in time according to our performance, and it will not make us easy. passed.”

Cheng Huaiqian pulled Xia Ruize to sit on a clean chair in the corner of the hall, and regardless of the barbarians scattered all over the floor, he began to discuss extended tasks.

Xia Ruize silently looked at the curvature of Cheng Huaiqian’s mouth. The extended mission had reminded them that tomorrow, no, it was past midnight. In fact, today, a barbarian backup team will arrive at noon. Why is this person not nervous at all? Seems a little excited?

Thinking so, Xia Ruize asked the same question.

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