Imperial Uncle

Chapter 24 - Start reading

The emperor announced that I and the other five kings would enter the palace to discuss matters. I do n’t know what matters to discuss. Qi Qi was young, but he was very sophisticated in the art of the emperor. His actions were often unexpected, and you could n’t guess.

I ’ve been resting at home for a few days, and I ’m lazy with bones. I ’m wearing a crown and it ’s pretty summer. It ’s almost sweltering inside and out, so I have to put the fan in my sleeve and take a seat. I can fan the cool breeze.

When he arrived in the palace, a small **** came to guide the way, and the emperor invited some of the princes to the Xiude Hall. The Xiede Hall is not far from the Royal Garden. It is a quiet palace, and the hall is spacious and cool. When I arrived at the Xiede Hall, King Jia, Qili, and King Lu were already seated in the hall. King Shou was not in good health. In the past few years, King Shou’s mansion has actually been the master of Qili. Today, King Shou cannot support him. As usual, Kai Li instead. Qili stood up and saluted me. My two cousins, King Wang and King Lu, saw each other and sat down in a chair.

The top of the Xiude Hall is the emperor’s throne, and the other six seats are placed on the opposite side of three. I should have been sitting at the end of the west side, but Kai Li came to my father and sent him a generation away, so he sat at the end, I moved forward, sitting between King Lu and Kai Li, I just sat down and found out The fan came and the fan was cool, and the opposite King Jia frowned.

The five cousins ​​of the King are much older than me, especially the oldest King and King, who are older than my father. These two have never been with me, not to mention the fact that they are acting in the royal palace. And my little addiction.

The father of Jiawang Chengdian was not happy with my father that year. It is said that the grudge originated from the struggle between the two emperors who gave birth to Xianjia and my father. King Xia, together with Liu Xian and others, repeatedly spoke to Emperor Tong Guang, asking for the withdrawal of my father’s military power to prevent his rebellion. Emperor Tong Guang inserted his son Cheng Dian into my father’s army in order to reduce his hatred of my father, and let my father teach him the art of warfare and martial arts, but Cheng Dian was so arrogant that he refused to accept my father’s discipline. On one occasion, while my dad was back in Beijing, he claimed that he had attacked wildly, but was caught in a trap, and suffered damage to more than a thousand soldiers. His father was punished according to military regulations. King Jia first asked my dad to intercede. My dad did n’t know how to turn. If they didn’t agree, they would be more and more hated by their father and son, thinking that my father intentionally arranged the framing from the beginning to the end. The hatred grew deeper.

After Emperor Ying Chang succeeded, my father took over some of the military power to Cheng Dian, and in the presence of Emperor Ying Chang, he was regarded as a general. King Xian Jia, Cheng Dian, and even Emperor Ying Chang all thought it was my father’s intentional conspiracy. ungrateful.

Although King Jia’s house has always been at odds with me, but Cheng Dian is really a loyal prince. When the queen mother slyly pulled me, Cheng Dian thought that the king was covering the sky with one hand and controlled the political affairs. He did not know how to persecute the good, and he threw away his sleeves angrily In fact, no one expected that little military power he handed over, sulking in the royal palace to write poems and lyrical all day, I heard that on the wall of Jiawang’s study room, once filled with the poems written by King Jia, one of the long poems Yin is particularly famous. In his poems, King Jia compares Qi Yun to the sun, to me as a dark cloud covering the sun and blue sky, and to himself as an iron goose.

He firmly believes that good and evil will be reported in the world, and the last day of the traitor will come one day. The dark clouds can only temporarily shield the blue sky and the sun, and one day the world will be exhausted of turbidity and reappear, and hope that day of the old geese, even if the wings are interrupted by hail, the hair will be bald by the wind that the dark clouds rolled up. Now, ice and snow are almost buried in its head, it will still lie dormant in the haystack, on the old tree branch, looking up at the sky, waiting for one day, the sun will shine on it, and let its bald wings regenerate. Soaring into the sky, soaring above the blue sky, beside the sun.

Jiawang collected hundreds of long poems and short poems written in a few years into a collection of poems, called “Caolu Yan Yin Collection”, which was engraved in dozens and was presented to the Qingliu people. My grandmother Li Yue received one, and it was said that after reading, she had a long tear and had not eaten for two days. Because of curiosity, I also read a book. I was young and vigorous at that time. After reading the old Yan Yin, I felt a lot. I couldn’t help commenting: “Da Yan goes north in spring and summer, south in autumn and winter. How can I Broken by the hail, buried by the snow? Like a family bird, it was only in one place all year round. “

I said this sentence while standing under the corridor of the palace of the king. Among the subordinates in the palace of the king of Huai, there were quite a few detailed works. Within a day, the sentence of the king was passed out, and after several re-exports, it was full. Beijing all knows that Wang Huai is ridiculing that Jia Wang Lao Yan is not as good as a family bird.

For a time, many scribes in Beijing who felt that the world was filthy and indignant, wrote poems and expressed their regrets. Today, the ups and downs of the house make the house sparrow run wild, the wild goose cannot spread its wings, and the house sparrow can mock the eagle.

Still others drew a picture, a fat house sparrow squatting on the back of a small rooster, with the inscription 睥睨 All beings.

My servant took this picture and a few poems to report to me: “Grandpa, Grandpa, those sour texts in the city are ridiculing the grandfather.” I was helpless, ridiculous, and ridiculed. I need to know that the mouth of the sour text is like a flood, and it is getting blocked The more it flooded, I had to look at the picture and said, “The family bird is so plump and cute, and the small **** is also painted beautifully, which is very good. Let them go. Everyone has a different hobby for birds, like a certain Some people love the eagles and geese, but the king likes the family bird. “

This sentence was naturally circulated again, and then circulated a few mouthfuls, and turned into several kinds of rumors. Rumors said that the king bird, the family bird was full, the wild goose eagle could not eat well, and the domestic goose was better than the wild goose. The second rumor says that King Huai compares himself to a rich sparrow and is proud of his love for Peugeot’s cock. The satire is like a group of flies in the eyes of King Huai. There are also rumors that King Huai, he is better than the family bird, better than those Yingying Yanyan.

What insults and slanders are compared to those who are indignant like Yingying Yanyan. These rumors naturally made the indignant scribes even more indignant, so there is another wonderful page in the king’s book of persecution of loyalty.

Therefore, when Jia Wang meets with me, he can barely be polite. The two sentences are generally well-characterized. He has always been old-fashioned. In the Xiudian Hall, I took out a fan and fanned it out, in his eyes, I am afraid that it is extremely unruly, disrespectful, and do not look at my nephew’s nephew.

King Lu and King Jia walked a little closer, and they did n’t always look at the king. Fortunately, there was a Kaili sitting beside me. I chatted with Qili for a few moments, and Qili asked: Did you ever go to Uncle Huang? “I said,” No. “

I used to have no pain for Kai Tan. After I was injured, he ran to King Huai’s house for three days and two times. Every time he brought a lot of things, but he didn’t go through them once. The things he sent were what he usually searched for. Treasures, what medicine can be used to cure the disease, Xianyu Pei, wine gourd used by Huaying, Dongfang Shuo’s medicine jar dedicated to the Emperor Hanwu, it is said that the decoction in this jar has double the efficacy. Of course, none of them are genuine, and most of them were bought by the king’s silver, but he was really sent as genuine, and the king still felt quite moved. But in the past two days, he did not see him.

Qi Li said: “Oh, my nephew heard that a Lingnan merchant recently planned to sell him a set of items, including the oil lamp used by Zhuge Kong Ming to continue his life, the piano played by the empty city timepiece, and the wife of Meng Gao. The horn combs that I have used, and the wrapper skin that Zhao Zilong used to pack Adou. “

There was a sudden rush in my mind: “It sounds like a lot.”

Kai Li said: “Anyway, according to the younger nephew, it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

I think my face must be green at this time. I pondered in my heart, otherwise I told Yun Tang and Wang Qin that they had made the countermeasures in two days.

Kai-li comforts me: “The uncle Huang doesn’t have to worry too much. King Wang has been a lot better lately. He’s just talking with that customer now, he may not buy it.”

He would n’t be surprised if he did n’t buy it, and I said to Qi Li, “I have something in my house these days, otherwise you told him that Liu Yanxiang is a person who knows goods. Let him ask Liu Yanxiang to look at the objects with him. some.”

The only savior that can prevent Qi Tan from emptying my palace is Liu Tongyi. Unfortunately, after the waterside on that day, I came out to ask him again. It was a little embarrassing.

Speaking, King Zong and King Blessing also arrived one after the other, and they took their seats after seeing the ceremony. The King Zong stared at the fan in my hand and said, “Is there something wrong with Wang Huai’s fan in this hall?”

I closed the fan and retracted my sleeve: “Thank you, Brother Wang, for your neglect.”

King Zong stared at the King and looked again, without saying anything.

King Zong, like King Jia, has never been used to me. But he couldn’t get used to me because it was different from King Jia.

Zong Wang Chengyuan is the oldest among the several kings I’ve waited for. He has been a loyal and honest man. He had also been a vice general under my dad in his early years. Although he was older than my dad, he always admired my dad. He also took much care of my mother and me. Later, I became infected with that habit, Zong Wang was furious. He had taught me several times, but unfortunately I never taught and changed, and Zong Wang then no longer communicated with Huai Wangfu.

He always felt that I had accomplished nothing, and humiliated the nickname of the title of King Huai who was left by my father, as well as the shameless fetish, so whenever I saw me, I would have a painful look.

When I saw his expression, he often gave up some guilt. He was pained, I was uncomfortable, and my heart was blocked. Therefore, generally, the king and the king did not meet much as a last resort.

After I put away the fan, the atmosphere in the temple was stiffened again. Fortunately, at this moment, the emperor arrived.

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