Immortal Voices

Chapter 25 - See a doctor

Qing Bo got up and changed into a black brocade, covered her cheeks, and disappeared into the back room in a flash.

After he disappeared, an inconspicuous black mist in the back room slowly dissipated.

The city of Broken Leaf woke up with a hangover, and found that he was lying on the ground, looking at the figure by the window in shock, and could not put his tongue down: “Rong Xian, why are you so cruel? To bed. “

Rong Xian turned her head and said slyly, “You don’t look at your own size, do you think I can move you?”

Yun Youfeng stood up with a headache, patted the dust on his body and asked strangely, “Where’s San Niang, why don’t you see her?”

“It’s hard for you to remember me. Come over to drink sober soup.” Lou San Niang came with a bowl of hot soup.

Yun Youfeng’s face was a joy, and he took a quick drink from the front end of the bowl and drank. Haha laughed: “It’s still good for me.”

He didn’t even think about it, Lou Sanniang was really good to him and couldn’t throw him to sleep on the ground all night.

For such a lack of mind, Rong Xian was too lazy to bother.

Lou Sanniang also cried and laughed a little. She pointed to the water basin beside her and said, “I’ve already made water, go wash your face.”

Yun Youfeng smiled, walked over and wiped his face and asked, “Yes, what is Rong Xian going to do today?”

Rong Xian changed a green skirt with silver gauze today. She still wore a purse filled with unknown elixir or herbs. It was a little bit more noble and gentler than yesterday.

She picked up the medicine box that had been arranged a long time ago, and said, “I’m going to the largest Wei’an pharmacy in town to see a doctor.”

“Did you just come here last night, do you have a rest day to see the doctor again?” Yun Youfeng put down Pa Zi.

Rong Xian looked up at him, her eyes soft, as if standing in the clouds looking down at the mortal deities, and looked at the world with compassion and pity with her gentle eyes: “I can rest, but if the patient is delayed for a day, his life may be in danger Then. “

Yun Youfeng felt that Rong Xian was pure and innocent, but she was helpless on the face: “The patient can’t read it, aren’t those people the same when you didn’t come? One day, they can still die.”

Rong Xian’s eyes were clear and gentle, and his voice resolutely rebutted: “That’s different. Since I have already arrived, the patient is in front of me. Of course, I must do my best to heal them and get them out of the torment of illness. The healer first cultivates virtue, It takes great compassion, how can we be lucky? “

Yun Youfeng was speechless by her words. Although she felt that this kind of pure and perfect person was pedantic and ridiculous, she could not help but admire it. There are several people in the world who can stick to their principles and are willing to work for others.

After watching Rong Xian leave, he quickly took care of himself, took the knife and slowly followed, and now the people of Ziwei City have been grasping Rong Xian, he can be more secure when he is protecting in secret.

This man suffered so sadly when he was a kid, he can still grow so well today, and his heart is so pure that he has to admire him.

After Rong Xian came to Wei’an Pharmacy, the pharmacy’s owner was already waiting here.

When he saw Rong Xian carrying the medicine box, he rushed up and said with honor, “It’s you, Doctor Rong. Someone came to inform me in the morning that you would come, and I thought someone else had opened one with me. What a joke. “

Rong Xian smiled with a slight smile on his face, saying, “I haven’t seen it in six years, and my family is rich.”

Dongjia laughed and said with emotion: “Six years ago, there was a seasonal epidemic in Broken Leaf City. You stayed here for three months. You stayed up for six days and nights and finally controlled the epidemic, but you fell ill. The people are terrified, but fortunately you are fine. Bye bye now, I ’m relieved to see your spirit is still there. “

Dr. Rong always ignores himself when he sees a doctor, and makes him worry too, lest this person exhaust himself in places he doesn’t know.

Rong Xian followed him into the pharmacy, came to her seat six years ago, and said with gratitude, “Thanks to the owner’s concern, I have retained my place for so many years.”

Dongjia waved his hands and said, “Don’t be kind to me, this is what everyone means.”

“Is this Doctor Rong?” An old woman who coughed at the waist looked at Rong Xian for a long time and finally asked with a smile.

Others heard the words of Doctor Rong, brushed their heads and looked towards Rong Xian. Doctor Rong in front of him looked very young and very beautiful. His temperament was also gentle and gentle, which made people feel kind.

“Mother, is this Doctor Rong? Like a fairy.” A little girl with a blushing face lying in her mother’s arms exclaimed.

The woman kissed the child’s forehead, her eyes were sour, and said excitedly, “Yes, this is Doctor Rong. With her there, you will be well soon.”

Rong Xian nodded to the old woman and said with a kind smile: “It was Madam Wang. I haven’t seen it in six years. You haven’t changed a bit, as if we only saw it yesterday.”

Mrs. Wang was amused by Rong Xian’s words. She helped her hair up, and the wrinkles in the corners of her happy eyes came out. As a woman, who doesn’t like others to praise her appearance: “Dr. Rong will pick it up nicely Coax me this old woman. “

Rong Xianfeng’s eyes were slightly curved, and he came over with a silver needle: “I’m telling the truth, my wife should believe me, or I will be sad.”

Mrs. Wang covered her mouth and smiled: “Let’s believe in the letter, I don’t believe who else Rong can believe in.”

Rong Xian smiled softly, came to the little girl who just spoke, touched her forehead, and said, “It burns so badly that I’m comfortable with a needle, are you afraid?”

The little girl shook her head and said very strongly, “I’m not afraid, my mother said that Dr. Rong didn’t hurt at all.”

Rong Xian gently touched the child’s face and calmed, “Well, it doesn’t hurt at all, it will be fine soon.”

There was a hint of aura on her needle tip, and she quickly drew it down and pulled it out, watching the child’s flushing fade, and then said to the child’s mother, “I’ll prescribe some medicine, and you will go back and give the child two days to drink. Baby, the child is still young, let her try not to play with water and do n’t eat cold things. “

The woman touched her daughter’s forehead and found that it was not very hot at the moment, and said happily, “Doctor Rong, thank you, thank you.”

Rong Xian walked to the seat, holding a pen on the paper and writing the pharmacy. Her gesture of holding the pen seemed chic and calm, making people subconsciously quiet.

Passing the pharmacy to the apprentice, she smiled at the corner of her mouth: “Go, just grab the medicine and go home.”

The woman quickly hugged the child and followed the apprentice. Madam Wang came to Rong Xian and said, “Doctor Rong’s medical skills are getting better and better.”

Rong Xian said softly: “A higher medical skill can save more people, and I wish I could.

After taking the pulse for Mrs. Wang, she looked at her tongue and wrote the prescription while saying: “Nothing big. The climate has changed too fast recently. You may not be able to adapt to it, and if you do n’t pay attention to what you eat, it will cause cough Yes, drink this medicine for three days. “

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