Immortal Voices

Chapter 21 - Transition (Qingyun Canada)

Holy Mountain Haotian Xianzong.

“Yu Xiu, you promised me that if I’m not here, you must live well.”

“Yu Xiu, to live, you must live.”

The youth sitting cross-legged opened his eyes violently, and a touch of cinnabar on his brows gave him an amazing feeling.

His whole body breath is as if in the cold place of the polar region, the jade crown is bundled with hair, and a white lotus-patterned brocade can see his lofty position in the sect door.

Shen Jiului rubbed his temples tiredly, stood up to the window, and looked at the deep and wide sea water outside. He took a deep breath, and there was a faint flash in his eyes.

It has been in Haotian Xianzong since he remembered, and now it has been 13 years. He often has the same dream. After he wakes up in a dream, he forgets everything, but the voice that often appears in the dream It was carved into my head.

Who is that man, he always feels like a knife.

He took out the old whitish purse from his neck, and gently touched the string of flowers above, and asked softly, “Sister He, do you know what kind of flower this is?”

Fan He came over lightly, looked down, and said with a smile, “It’s a fir tree flower.”

“Fir tree flowers?” Shen Jiuliu repeated.

“Well.” Fan He thought for a while and said, “It is said that the cedar tree flower can bring people luck, even if it happens unfortunately, they can be reborn again.”

Shen Jiuliu’s hand holding the purse tightened, which represented luck and rebirth?

The one who left luck and rebirth to herself, where did she go.

The **** stab in his dream distressed him, and the blood stains that couldn’t be washed off the purse, and the blood in the stone doll gave him an ominous feeling.

Who is the one who gave him these things, and that person, is it-still in this world? !!

“Do we have any flowers here?” Shen Jiuluu asked suddenly.

Fan He shook his head: “No.”

Seeing the lonely look of the young master, Fan He added: “It is said that a cedar tree was planted in a city surrounded by the sea in Nanzhou, and the cedar tree flowers are often undefeated due to the skills of the people who take care of it.”

Shen Jiuliu opened his eyes wide and asked, “Is there a name in that city?”

Fan He thought about it and replied, “Yes, it’s called Guitucheng.”

“Return to the soil? Since it represents Nirvana, why should we return to the dust again? It’s a strange name.” Shen Jiulu muttered to himself.

“Young Master, Young Master.” Fan He called out.

Shen Jiu stayed back to God and said, “Sister He, I want to leave the Holy Mountain.”

Fan He looked at him helplessly and said, “You are not the first time you have made such a request. You should also know what your body looks like. For the past ten years, you suffered from heart loss every month. Even the suzerain is helpless, but these three years have been frequent until every three days. There is no suzerain, the suzerain will not let you leave. “

Shen Jiu left cinnabar with consciousness touching his eyebrows, and that inexplicable voice sounded in his mind: My descendants of Yu Clan assumed the role of guardianship. If one day the grandchildren guarded the thief, they would suffer the pain of heart drowsiness until the death .

“Just to the death …” Shen Jiuliu shook his hand holding his purse, what happened to the pain of heartache, what he forgot, and how can he remember.

“Long stay.” A familiar voice came, and Shen long stayed without knowing who was coming.

The next moment, Lily of the Valley was standing beside him.

Thirteen years later, Suzuran has grown up, and her white disciple wears her innocence and innocence.

“Long stay, you’re looking at this purse again.” Suzuran mumbled and said, “Did you remember anything every day?”

Shen Jiuliu shook his head and said firmly, “Someday I will remember.”

Suzuran pulled up his sleeves, and his eyes were full of slyness: “It’s been a long time, don’t think about it, let’s go and accompany the teacher to practice sword.”

Fan He quickly stopped by: “Lily of the valley, the young master’s body is just right, don’t bother him, let him take a good rest.”

Linglan countered: “I also know that the younger brother is just right, but the younger brother always thinks wildly when he is alone, might as well go out with me to practice swords, maybe I feel better and I won’t get sick again.”

Fang He was speechless because of her strong words.

Shen Jiu Liu took the sword aside, and looked coldly, “Don’t you want to practice the sword? Let’s go.”

Suzuran smiled happily, and the admiration in her eyes couldn’t be hidden: “Okay, I know that Jiu Liu hurts my sister most.”

Looking at the back of the two, Fan He was faintly worried. Lily of the valley always liked the young master, and the elder and the master were happy to see it.

But the young master saw Lilan’s eyes completely without the feelings of men and women, and only regarded Lily as his sister who took good care of him. Alas, I hope that the young master will be able to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Outside the holy mountain.

Late at night, Xizhou Broken Leaf City.

The moonlight was bright and dripped slowly, like a layer of silver gauze for the entire Broken Leaf City.

The bustling streets of the day are quiet at this moment, and at this moment, the rapid footsteps sound one after the other.

A blue figure fled over the wall, speeding fast. Behind him, a young woman in a colorful dress desperately chased after holding a sword.

“Hey, I said Lou Sanniang, isn’t it just a pot of wine? Do you need to chase me for three days and nights? Maybe you fell in love with me, so you chase after me?” The voice came, leaving the woman behind her almost dead.

She flickered quickly and stopped in front of the man, and her charming face was cold: “Fall in love with you? Do you dream day by day? I tell you Yunfeng, let me put the wine back, otherwise I will let you spend my whole life Can’t drink wine. “

Yun Youfeng sat down on the wall and looked at Lou Sanniang with a smile. “But I have finished drinking, otherwise I will not rush to drink the next time I steal a drink. I will put it back when you chase me down.”

Lou Sanniang screamed angrily: “Junk!”

Seeing that the two were about to fight, they suddenly changed their faces.

They invariably stood upright, looking gazefully at the intersection ahead.

The sound of footsteps was from far to near. With the slow pace, the gentle voice of the man came with a touch of medicinal scent: “So good, so night, you chase me, beat and scold casually, San Niang You The wind is so elegant. “

Upon hearing this voice, the eyes of both of them flashed suddenly: “Rong Xian.”

The comer struck a purple long skirt, covered with a silver gauze, a purple jade belt and a waistband, and a black hair was bound by a wooden clog.

She was carrying the medicine box, and only the purse accessories with cedar pattern embroidery around her waist exuded a touch of medicine.

Compared with eight years ago, she has grown taller, more beautiful, and has a more peaceful and intimate atmosphere. Fengmou’s smile is soft and soft, as if she has contained the full moon.

“It’s really you, Rong Xian.” Yun Youfeng jumped down from the wall and came to Rong Xian to look at her carefully, teasing: “Let’s come to see the doctor who can die.” Fortunate for three lives. “

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