Immortal Voices

Chapter 17 - Bitter master

Yun Youfeng sat up on the ground, and felt the injury in his body was much better. The corner of his mouth habitually evoked a grinning smile, and said with a smile: “I thought I would die this time. Thank you for your little girl. “

Rong Xianfeng’s eyes were bent, and the silver needle was put back into the medicine chest. The voice was gentle and calm, as if with Zen, people could not help but relax: “Don’t thank you, you should never die.”

Yun Youfeng was choked for a moment, couldn’t help laughing, the ending rose, and the low voice was full of magnetism: “Little girl, you are really interesting.”

Rong Xian’s hand paused for a while, then quickly restored to peace, as if the unnaturalness was an illusion just now.

She didn’t take care of the wind and wind, and her lowered eyes were full of contemplation. How could this person’s voice be so familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere.

She has a good memory, and anyone who has met can call out a name.

But this man she didn’t know, it must have been that she had only heard her voice and never looked at her face.

——Shiqiao Aya!

The name suddenly appeared in the mind, only people who could not hear his voice, only the black masked man who appeared in Shiqiaoyu that year.

Rong Xianfeng’s eyes flashed, she thought she should know who this person was.

The one who beat her so excitedly in front of the sword mound that she forgot her purpose and was finally stunned by her!

She turned her eyes, and seemed to want to move more easily. She rolled up her sleeves: “You are also very interesting. I have gone to half my life and I have to make jokes.”

Yunyou Feng laughed, “There will be blessings if you don’t die. Little girl, you are really mine, mine! Ga,” the word blessing did not say after all.

His voice froze suddenly, staring at the beads on the girl’s wrist.

This bead is too familiar, and that was the only thing he had done in his life, which made him not sleep well for five full years, and the reason why he was desperate to escape from the person’s control.

All these years, as long as he closed his eyes, he seemed to be able to hear the sorrows of those innocent people, the blood of the land and the fire in the sky …

Even if he didn’t kill any of those people, he didn’t save any one.

Yun You closed his eyes heavily and asked dryly, “Little girl, what’s your name?”

There was an unpredictable light in Rong Xian’s eyes, and when he turned back, he looked puzzled, “I’m Rong Xian.”

Rong Xian!

This year the doctor became famous for his medical skills.

But Yun Youfeng obviously didn’t care about Rong Xian’s ability. He was concerned about that name.

Five years ago, the little boy pulled up the girl’s hand with red eyes and let her run together. The name was: Xiaoxian.

Counting the age, that child should have grown up like that.

For a while, Yunyou Feng stayed in place and couldn’t say a word.

I encountered a bitter master at the time of dying, and was saved by the bitter master. This is to give his life to return to the other party.

Rong Xian ignored him and had already tested the results. After that, he could use this person to find the murderer behind the scenes.

She lowered the shovel and carefully cleaned the herb, a flash of light flashed through her palm, and the herb turned into a white powder.

She carefully put the powder into a small porcelain bottle and put it in the medicine cabinet.

After busy, I turned back to Yunyou Fengdao and said, “The medicines I want have been found. Although there are still injuries on your body, you can go now. Would you like to go back with me?”

Although it is a questionable tone, Rong Xian will never accept rejection.

Fortunately, Yun Youfeng replied without any hesitation: “Yes.”

He hasn’t figured out how to deal with it. Although he doesn’t want to face the suffering master, escape is not his style.

“My name is Yun Youfeng.” Yun Youfeng introduced himself: “I have been traveling in the rivers and lakes before, but I did not expect to be found by the enemy and killed me for three years.”

Rong Xianfeng’s eyes were bent, and she smiled: “You can still live alive after being hunted for three years. You Feng’s repair is definitely high.”

I wanted to come to this person who did not kill the heart, plus the enemy was ignored to let himself escape.

Yun Youfeng waved his hand and said, “It’s the enemies who have no climate.”

A flash of smile in Rong Xian’s eyes made Yunyou Feng stunned. After a short while, he reacted and returned because it was because of bad weather enemies in his mouth that he almost lost his life.

Yunyou Fenggan laughed twice and quickly shifted the topic: “Dr. Rong is alone, and he wants to come to a high level of skill.”

Rong Xian’s breath remains unchanged, her smile remains unchanged, but a sorrow of grief emerges from the bottom of her eyes, but it makes her heart tremble: “When the family changes every hour, I will live alone. When Master finds me, I have been seriously injured, and I can’t practice it at all. Therefore, I have been studying medicine for many years to save people. “

Yun Youfeng’s hand trembling on his side trembled, but the smile on his face was bright and clear: “Dr. Rong’s heart is benevolent and admirable.”

Rong Xian chuckled, noticing the person in the dark, taking him to the medicine hall where he lives now.

“Doctor Rong is back, Doctor Rong is back.” Just now at the door, the apprentice of the drugstore came happily.

“Doctor Rong, you are finally back.” Xiao Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

He took the medicine box from Rong Xian’s hand and said seriously: “Doctor Rong, Zhang’s mother-in-law, Li’s son, and Wang’s old lady have all been waiting for more than an hour. They must ask you to see a doctor and say no You will not leave. “

Rong Xian smiled softly and said, “Anyway, I’ll go and see them. You can arrange a guest room for this hero first.”

“Yes.” Xiao Yin shouted a little cricket came over and took Yun Youfeng to the guest room, hurriedly running towards Rong Xian carrying his medicine chest.

When he came to the medicine hall, Rong Xian said hello to another doctor, who patiently soothed the patient, and then went to see them one by one.

“Xiao Yin.” Rong Xian called softly.

Xiao Yin rushed over and said, “Doctor Rong, please call me.”

Rong Xian quickly wrote a prescription and handed it to him, instructing him: “After you catch the medicine and boil it, send it to the hero just now, watch him drink and come back.”

“Okay, Doctor Rong.” Xiao Yin quickly grabbed the medicine and ran towards the yard.

Rong Xian then took the pulse for another person. After Wang Wen asked, he took the dragon and snake and wrote down the prescription.

Until night fell, the entire town was quiet, and all the sick people in the drugstore had finished reading.

The candlelight flickered in the medicine hall, and Rong Xian organized the prescription unhurriedly. After that, she checked for the lack of the medicinal materials to be collected the next day.

“A lot of people are looking for you.” A magnetic voice suddenly sounded, which added a little popularity to this quiet medicine hall.

Rong Xian didn’t look up, her lips always had a slight smile, warm and kind: “It’s everyone’s uplifting.”

She put down the herbs in her hand, and then looked back at the intruder who had broken in, and teased, “The wind is coming and gone, it seems that the injury is already good.”

Yun Youfeng leaned on the windowsill and smiled, saying, “Thanks to Doctor Rong, if I weren’t for you, I might have died soon.”

Rong Xian’s lips evoked: “You shouldn’t die.”

There was a flash of light in her eyes, and if this person was not related to Shi Qiaoyu, she would not have rescued him.

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