Immortal Voices

Chapter 15 - Cure

Rong Xian shook her head. Her clear eyes contained warmth that could not be refused, and her sincere look made her totally incapable of talking nonsense: “I am a doctor. I heard that there are many herbs on this mountain, so I came here. Gathering, no one expected to get lost. “

Speaking of this, she was a little embarrassed: “After waiting for a while, I saw an elder brother.”

The woodman laughed and said, “If the girl doesn’t want to abandon, go with me. There are many mountain roads here. Unfamiliar people are more likely to get lost.”

Rong Xian said with a surprise: “Don’t be too disappointed, don’t be disapproved, thank you Brother, if it weren’t for you, I don’t know how long I’m going to walk in the mountains.”

The two walked and talked, and soon came to a small village. The people here lived at the foot of Xuanhua Mountain. Except for the hard life, there was no natural disaster.

At the village entrance, a middle-aged woman in a plain dress turned around anxiously, and saw the widower coming back, and shouted quickly: “Daniu, hurry up, your baby doesn’t know what happened to him and he suddenly spit and diarrhea. At this moment, she was unconscious and couldn’t even help her mother-in-law. “

“What?” Daniel threw the firewood aside and hurried toward the house.

Running halfway, he suddenly turned around and said to Rong Xian: “Girl, my son is sick now, can you please go to my house to see?”

Rong Xian nodded, and followed him in a serious way carrying a medicine box: “It is the duty of the doctor to save people and save people, don’t say such polite words, take me to see the children.”

The two soon came to the house. Daniel’s daughter-in-law was sitting on the bed watching her unconscious son wiping tears. When she saw Daniel’s return, it suddenly seemed to have the backbone: “Daniel, take a look Stone, he suddenly became like this. Mother Cen said she couldn’t cure it, it was my life. “

Daniel was full of anxiety, and he turned his head to Rong Xian: “Girl, please see what happened to my son.”

Rong Xian nodded, set the medicine box aside, and walked to the bed to diagnose the pulse of the child.

Daniel’s daughter-in-law also calmed down now. She heard from her husband’s mouth that the girl was a doctor. Looking at this young girl who seemed to be wrapped in fairy spirit, Daniel’s daughter-in-law felt a little insecure. .

After a while, Rong Xian released her hand and put the child’s hand back into the bed.

“Doctor, my family’s stones look like this, is there any danger?” Daniel and his wife asked anxiously.

Rong Xian’s eyes narrowed, warm and welcoming, which made people trust immediately: “Don’t worry, the stone is all right, he should have eaten the poisonous mushrooms outside, and it’s all right to drink two doses of medicine.”

She opened the medicine box, took out a small porcelain bottle from the inside, poured out a pill of the elixir into the child’s mouth: “This is Jiedu Dan, first help the stones to expel toxins from the body. I will talk about some medicinal materials in a while. OK, if not, you find someone to pick from the mountain, drink the stones after boil, and he will be alive tomorrow. “

Daniel responded quickly: “Okay, thank you girl, if it weren’t for you, I really don’t know what to do.”

Rong Xian smiled lightly: “It doesn’t matter, as long as the little stone is fine.”

After she had packed the medicine box, the child’s weak voice came from the bed: “Dad, mother.”

After seeing his son awake, Daniel and his wife rushed up in surprise and hugged the child kissed and hugged: “Mother’s stone, fortunately you are fine, fortunately you are fine.”

Daniel stepped forward and touched his son’s small face, and said to him, “Wake up, just don’t eat anything in the future, you know? Fortunately, this sister can help you this time.”

Stone glanced at Rong Xian secretly, his eyes lit up, and she felt that this sister looked so beautiful, just like a fairy.

It was late, and the Daniel family warmly welcomed Rong Xian and left her for dinner, letting her rest here for a night.

In the early morning of the next day, Daniel took the people from the village up the hill to find the medicinal herbs, and Rong Xian leaned against the tree and turned over the medical books.

Seems serious, but in fact thinks about other things.

She looked at the red runes around her and smiled.

After saving the child yesterday, the goodwill eliminated a trace of karma. This method was really useful.

At this moment, the rapid footsteps sounded, and Rong Xian looked back, but saw the small stone ran over quickly: “Doctor Rong, Doctor Rong.”

Rong Xian slightly raised his voice and said, “Little stone, your illness is not yet complete. Don’t run away.”

Little Stone scratched his head, slowed his pace, and came to Rong Xian’s side. He curiously looked at the book in Rong Xian’s hand and asked, “What book is Doctor Rong reading?”

Rong Xian held the book before his eyes and said, “It’s a medical book.”

“You’re all so good, you still need to read medical books.” Little Stone asked puzzledly.

Rong Xian said softly: “It’s always right to look more, so that you won’t go through the book when you need it.”

Little Stone nodded, and pointed to the picture in the book and asked, “Doctor Rong, what kind of grass is this?”

Rong Xian lowered her head and said softly, “This is Phoenix grass, which can stop bleeding, but also swelling and detoxification.”

The small stone carefully wrote down its appearance, and asked the herbal medicine next to it, “What about this?”

Rong Xian was not half impatient and said gently: “This is Chuanbei, which can relieve cough and phlegm.”

“What about this?”

“This is Dendrobium, which can supplement your body. It usually grows on cliffs.”

Time passed in a question and answer, and near noon, Daniel finally picked up the herbs.

Rong Xian divided the herbs and gave it to Dani’s daughter-in-law for her to boil, and she was relieved when she watched Xiao Shibei after drinking the medicine.

She stayed in the village for another day, and after prescribing medicine to other villagers, she said goodbye to them and left.

“Doctor Rong, are you really leaving? Can you stay for two more days?” Little Stone asked Rong Xian’s hand.

Daniel’s daughter-in-law stood aside and said, “Don’t make a fool, Doctor Rong has his own business to do, you obediently.”

Little Stone said pitifully, “But I can’t bear the doctor.”

He raised his head and blinked, and said, “Doctor Rong, can you stay for two more days, okay?”

Rong Xian bent down slightly, touching his head and said, “This is not possible. There are many other children who are sick like little stones waiting for me to go to the doctor. Does Xiao Stone bear to see them uncomfortable?”

Little Stone quickly shook his head: “Can’t bear it.”

He bit his lip and said reluctantly: “Then, Doctor Rong can’t forget me, come back to see me when I have time.”

Rong Xian frowned and smiled gently: “Okay.”

It’s not too early to look at it, she patted Little Rock’s shoulder and said, “Go back, don’t you be too playful to know in the future?”

The big cow daughter-in-law approached and took the hand of the small stone, and the two walked towards the house.

Little Rock turned his head and waved his hand and said, “Doctor Rong takes care, you must remember me.”

Dr. Rong said he would think he would come back to see him. He wants to eat well and grow strong so that Dr. Rong would not worry about him.

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