Immortal Voices

Chapter 1 - War

The endless sea waves are turbulent, and a fairy-like mountain is suspended above the waves. This is the legendary sacred mountain.

On the sacred mountain, the two masters of immortality and demon retreat all year round and ignore the customs.

However, in the past hundred years, the two demons had frequent frictions, and the flames of war spread across the sacred mountain with a thunderbolt. Without the knowledge of the two lords, the two sides have been endless.

The two armies confronted each other, and the two lords were forced to exit the customs and came to the battlefield.

“Respect the Lord with your heart, don’t see him for a long time, don’t come without any fuss.” Above the clouds, Shen Xiyu, the monarch of Haotian Fairy, had the temperature and indifference without any emotion. He seemed to be only thirty years old, and those pairs looked down, and Yun Cun Yun Shu’s clear eyes were daunting.

Opposite him, Rong Xian leaned against the cloud chair in a black dress lazily, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was full of sarcasm: “Of course, no problem, after all, you Haotian Xianzong hasn’t hit my unintentional cliff, I can sleep peacefully.”

Shen Xi smiled bitterly. He had no idea how to fight it. He was taken out by the elders and sent to the battlefield during the retreat. He is still confused: “The Lord is laughing and joking, there is you, and the heartless cliff is better than iron. The bucket is still safe. “

Rong Xian grinned, her white fingers rubbing against a string of flowers embroidered by red silk threads on a black dress, like a bell, her aggressive and beautiful face made her even more imposing: “Oh.”

A sarcastic tone was given to Shen Xi, and this difficult-to-communicate appearance made the two parties fall into a weird silence. Shen Xi knew that if he didn’t speak, the Lord could rest with him here in the wild.

In the end, Shen Xi spoke first: “Respect the Lord, there will be no progress after fighting. If we win, if you win, Haotian Xianzong will see a person without a cliff in the future and retreat a thousand miles away. If I win, the magic power Shrink the unintentional cliff. “

This kind of fight for children to play house is really boring. From their perspective, even if all the people below are killed, it is just a small fuss.

Rong Xian narrowed her eyes, and Shen Xi’s proposed play fit her. The most important thing was that she was very busy and had no time to fight. I believe Shen Xi is the same. To their point, hard cultivation is the main thing. These tedious things will only make them feel that they are wasting time.

However, Rong Xian did not decide directly, but instead turned to ask the Ningyue Lord around him: “Ningyue, what do you think?”

Ningyue sneered and said arrogantly, “Zhong Xiu is the number one in the world. How can Shen Xi compare with Zun Shi.”

Rong Xian glanced at her in surprise, feeling that she was a bit abnormal, and the usual condensing month was not like the madness of the people in the world. Could it be that she has been in retreat for a long time, so that the condensation moon has swelled to an uncontrollable level?

She decided to teach Ningyue well after the war, so that she would definitely be disadvantaged after she knew the heights and heights: “Looking at Ningyue means agreeing with this battle.”

The words fell, and the next moment she had appeared in the void, her skirts were mopping the ground, and a sense of grace and luxury was revealed in the coldness and coldness: “Fight.”

After getting approval, Shen Xi’s figure disappeared from the cloud and came to Rong Xian. He can calm down this inexplicable battle with the fastest speed, and he is also very happy. He still hasn’t finished things, and he has to deal with the elders before he can get away.

The two lords fought, and the two powerful forces below also retreated separately, making room for the two strong men.

Ningyue Yue stood in the clouds and glanced at the four elders who were watching the battle in the opposite direction.

In the void, the momentum between Rong Xian and Shen Xi climbed steadily, flying around the rocks in the miles of sand, and the hilltop was crushed into flat ground by two momentums.

It wasn’t cut, it was solidified.

Such a peak force makes everyone fascinated.

The two move at the same time, and no one can see the battle between them. After all, the two are already the strongest in this world.

Rong Xian’s long skirt did not have any influence in the matchup, and she raised her hands to carry the majestic power of the world.

Shen Xi looked a little surprised. He had never played against Xi Xinzun. This was the first time.

It is clear to the rest of the Holy Mountain the reputation of the Lord, or even people outside the Holy Mountain.

Thousands of years ago, when he became famous, he could kill Fan Chen a few times with his own power. Numerous Xiuxianmen and Taoism were extinct. Even the magic prison could not take her. Blood flew up into the void at that time, letting Fangtian go down for three full days of blood rain.

The method of restoring the heart to the Lord is fierce and kills countless people. It is surprising that such a cruel person can cultivate to this state without being devoured by the demon. As a result, Shen Xi found that this man was fierce and fierce, but his breath was pure, and he was not disgusting and disgusting like other demons.

Although unexpected, Shen Xi’s movements were not relaxed at all, and each move was toward the dead end of the hood.

Rong Xian is also easy to block. Both of them want to reach a higher level. They also try to test each other. When the temptation is almost done, they use their best tricks to prove each other’s way.

After Shen Xi dodged Rong Xian’s killing moves, his killing arrived quietly, and he rushed towards Rong Xian’s Dantian. Rong Xian’s body moved and he was about to escape, but found that his body was out of control.

An unfamiliar poison was quickly destroying her meridians, pouring into her dantian.

Her pupils shrank suddenly, and she was counted!

She only drank a cup of tea after leaving the customs, and the poison was in that cup of tea!

She brewed the tea herself, and she took the water herself, but the tea was picked by someone else.

The person who can meet her is undoubtedly the most trusted person around her.

A name emerged in her mind, and Rong Xian had no time to think about it. The spiritually condensed sword in Shen Xi’s hands pierced her Dantian, exploded inside her body, ruined her foundation and broke her heart.

Rong Xian’s body shook, her face paled, and the color of her pupils quickly faded.

Shen Xi let go, and the sword turned into aura and dissipated in the air.

His face was also very ugly, and he never thought that he could not hide away.

The Lord and his heart are counted!

Shen Xi was a little annoyed, but now she can no longer save her.

“Respect the Lord!” Lord Ningyue screamed loudly: “Shen Xi, you dare to kill our Lord, everyone obeyed, killed the people of Haotian Xianzong, and avenged him.”

Rong Xian was still floating in mid-air, and the blood on her body tickled.

She glanced at the condensing moon that rushed over, although eager, the excitement and ambition in her eyes could not be completely concealed.

She-betrayed herself.

Rong Xian sneered, it was really unexpected. This can be said to be a girl with a big hand in her hand. It was not enough to give her supreme power, but she still wanted her life.

“Respect the Lord …” Shen Xi cried softly.

He also saw the look of Lord Ningyue, and even without thinking, it was clear that Ningyue was calculated to honor the Lord.

Think deeper, the two wars of immortals may also be provoked by someone in order to kill the lord of the heart with their own hands, otherwise how can they go from the state of well water to the river to endless in a short time .

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