Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 19 - Shock of the drugstore owner

“I’ll go, don’t I, so accurate …”

The owner of the medicinal material store directly threatened him. Originally, he thought that Lin Feng was just a cowardly young man. He wanted to flicker the other party, but never thought that the other party was so proficient in medicinal materials. A casual glance gave him an accurate identification.

“Once the boss, take out the 30-year-old ginseng here.” Lin Feng, too lazy to continue the nonsense, said straightforwardly, while referring to the drawer where the ginseng was placed for 30 years.

From the moment he entered the door, he smelled the only 30-year-old ginseng drawer in this medicinal store, and this one was exactly the drawer in the direction of his finger.

“How is that possible? How is this possible!”

“It would be an exaggeration to directly point out the drawer where ginseng has been in for thirty years!”

“The drawer is plugged in. How did this guy know? Did this guy smell the smell of ginseng for thirty years?”

The aggressive drug store owner’s response was even more exciting.

He has been in the medicinal materials business for many years and has deep experience in understanding Chinese herbal medicine. However, even so, he needs to watch it closely, even with the help of a magnifying glass or some other equipment, to make an accurate identification.

But now, Lin Feng can tell it just by smelling. This ability is really shocking.

“Master, this is a real master!”

After calming down, the owner of the drug store hurriedly lost his smile, “Master, terrific, terrific.”

“Master, please wait a moment, I’ll get it for you.” As he said, he hurriedly opened the 30-year-old ginseng drawer, and took out a delicately packed rectangular box from it.

“Master, this is the thirty years you want …” The owner of the drug store opened the box and continued respectfully, but before he finished speaking, Lin Feng directly interrupted the conversation. “I know, this is the strain, And here you are, there is only one such herb with a vintage of thirty years.

“It’s just a pity that this 30-year-old wild ginseng has some defects, but fortunately the defects are not large, and it is not too big for the impression of the entire ginseng.”

Along the way, 30 years of ginseng, this one in this medicinal shop is still the first one. Although there are some defects, fortunately, the problem is not, but I accidentally touched a reed at the root when digging For such a 30-year-old ginseng, the absorption of reiki leaks is small and insignificant.

“Defect? ​​Master, what else do you see?” The owner of the drug store asked tentatively.

“Lu Xu, this ginseng has a reed broken, it must have been accidentally touched when digging.” Lin Feng replied casually.


The owner of the medicinal material store that had just slowed down to God’s medicine, was directly intimidated again, his heartbeat could not be accelerated, and his breathing could not be suppressed.

After a good amount of work, this is a difficult restoration of calm.

Yes, it’s really right. Such a 30-year-old ginseng did break a reed accidentally when it was excavated.

The fact that Lin Feng smelled the year directly was enough to shock him, but he never thought that Lin Feng not only smelled the year, but even the small flaw of the 30-year-old ginseng.

Such flaws are really too subtle. Even if he knows the truth, it will take a long time to find the broken beard. After all, the beard is too small, even bigger than silk. Thin and easy to ignore.

“What strength is this?”

Demon evil, pervert, if it is not seen with your own eyes, it is really incredible.

“Boss, how much does it cost?” Lin Feng asked, shaking the ginseng in his hand.

He knew that with the strength shock just now, the next price of the owner of the drug store will be a very fair price.

“Money? Master, you are very kind to say this. Master, if you can directly smell this 30-year-old ginseng, it means that you have a destiny. I will give you this master ginseng for free.”

The owner of the medicinal store shook his head again and again, and what money does it cost to face such an expert who knows medicinal materials. If he can use such a 30-year-old ginseng to pay such a master, this sale is definitely worth it.

He is in the medicinal materials business, and in the future, he may be useful to the other party. When that happens, this relationship can play a big role.

“No money?” Lin Feng narrowed his eyes thoughtfully and had seen through the mind of the owner of the drug store.

“Yes, this 30-year-old ginseng, I will give it to the master in vain. Just let’s make friends. My name is Deng Jianhui. I have been doing herbal medicine business in this street since my parents. If there is a need to rely on the master, Please also master you can give a helping hand. “The owner of the drug store was straightforward and did not hide his mind.

In the face of such an expert as Lin Feng, it is better to confess directly.

“Sure enough!” Lin Feng whispered secretly.

He had already guessed it. The other party was fancy for his strength. After all, the other party was in the medicinal materials business. In the future, there might be places where he needs help.

Using a 30-year-old ginseng to make a relationship, this sale is definitely a bargain to the owner of the drug store.

“Master, my old Deng’s family has been doing herbal medicine business here for so long. We have a relationship in the black market and the white market. Seeing you like the master, it seems that you need a lot of such ginseng for more than 30 years. You can pick it up directly from me when it comes to the master, and save the master the trouble. “

Deng Jianhui continued, but from the appearance of Lin Feng, he could see that the other party needed a lot of ginseng for thirty years.

“In this case, I’m not polite. Thank you very much for Boss Deng.” Lin Feng smiled and nodded. “Don’t worry, Boss Deng will talk about the need for the ginseng for 30 years, although he can rest assured. Naturally, I will not let Boss Deng go to waste. “

“Polite, the master is polite. How much money I collect, I will give it to the master as you are. Where can my old Deng earn the difference from the master again?”

Deng Jianhui replied with excitement, and the other party promised to help him.

“Mr. Deng, in addition to ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum and Polygonum multiflorum can also be used. In short, as long as it is a herb of this level, it can be used for more than 30 years, with defects and no major damage.”

Small flaws will not leak too much aura in the medicinal materials, but if the damage is serious, it will not work, and the aura absorbed in the medicinal materials will be lost too much, so for him, it has lost its value.

“Okay, no problem, all wrapped up in my old Deng.”

As Deng Jianhui said, he asked for Lin Feng’s number, and then dialed directly. After the call was connected, he hung up:

“Master, this is my number. It is useful. Despite the orders, thirty years of medicinal materials, I will do my best, and when I have something, I will notify you as soon as possible.”

“Yes.” Lin Feng gathered the ginseng and turned to leave.

“It’s great, it’s really great. A 30-year-old ginseng has delivered such a master. This sale is really a bargain!” Deng Jianhui shouted excitedly in the medicine store.

When Lin Feng went out, he continued to sniff along Dehua Street, but he continued to smell the end and found nothing.

“The situation on the earth is really evil. It’s just a small watershed like 30 years. It’s just like this. Isn’t it more difficult for a century or more?”

“However, with that boss Deng’s help to collect, it will definitely be much easier, but the matter of making money is even more urgent.”

Lin Feng sighed to himself, left Dehua Street, and drove back to the villa.

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