Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 16 - Stranger

The next day, at more than ten o’clock, Zhang Wanrong was lying on the bed listlessly.

“Dad, Mom, I’m sorry, my daughter is useless, even the only Galaxy Group you left to me will be ruined!” The girl said to herself, her eyes moist.

The ringtone of the cell phone rang at this time. The call was made by her assistant. She originally wanted to hang up directly, but after hesitating for a long time, she still pressed the answer button, “Kelly …”

“Mr. Zhang, good things, great things.” Xue Kaili said excitedly.

“What’s good?” Zhang Wanrong asked subconsciously.

Xue Kaili continued excitedly:

“Su Jie of the Marketing Department turned himself in, admitting that the jade jewellery that was pushed into the market turned into glass products. He secretly lost the bag, and the jade jewellery that had been dropped was also taken to the public security organ by him. He also took out a collusion with his rival jewelry company to steal evidence of our latest style jewelry. “

“The city bureau has notified us to go through the collection procedures. In addition, the industrial and commercial bureau has also informed us to go through the understanding procedures in the past. Even the rival jewelry company has started to contact us, hoping to talk about the theft. talk.”

“Okay, that’s great. You’re waiting for me at the company, and I’ll hurry up.” Zhang Wanrong hung up the phone excitedly, and hurried to the company as soon as possible.

On the side of Lin Feng, after getting up, he went directly to the antique street. He wanted to buy some cinnabar yellow paper, which was used to draw the symbol of peace.

Although drawing Fuyu, Xianyuan’s effect of carving spells on jade is better, but in his current situation, he can’t do it yet, so he can only use the yellow paper and cinnabar for the second time.

In the room, Lin Feng was ready to start drawing the runes.

To draw runes, cinnabar yellow paper is only used as a medium for carrying, and the rune drawn by immortal Yuan injected into cinnabar is the key.

It took a lot of fairy yuan and energy to draw Fu Fu, and Lin Feng, who was fully absorbed, began to draw wholeheartedly. In a short moment, sweat beads overflowed on his forehead.

“Unfortunately, although the foundation is small, but the strength is still too poor. The lowest end of the first fret symbol has failed to draw. If it was before, even the top nine fret symbol is also twisted by hand, and it is still directly used in Xianyuan. Carved on jade. “

No matter whether you are drawing runes on yellow paper or on jade, the runes you draw are divided into nine levels, and the effect between each level is very different. For example, the peace runes he draws now, if you reach Jiupin, even if it is In the area where the nuclear bomb explodes, it can be safe and sound, but a product can only resist the impact of ordinary bullets and vehicles.

Lin Feng’s first drawing of Fu Yun ended in failure. He didn’t care and continued to draw. In fact, he had already expected this, otherwise he would not buy bundles of yellow paper in Fengshui Store, and The whole box of cinnabar, even the brush, bought several.

For a whole day, Lin Feng drew runes in the room. In a large room, there were abandoned yellow paper everywhere on the ground. The same runes were outlined with cinnabar, but these runes looked incomplete.

“Two, one day, so much yellow paper and cinnabar are exhausted, only two of them are finished.”

Looking at the only two Fuyu on the table, Lin Feng provoked a self-deprecating smile.

The first emperor of Jiuzhong Heaven, which used to spend a day and consumed countless yellow paper cinnabars, actually only drew two peace symbols with a one-pin charm. If this kind of thing reaches the heavens, it must be laughed off.

“Two for two, one for Wan Rong and one for Ruo Yun. For the time being, it’s enough.”

“If there is a need later, you can wait to draw after the foundation is completed, and then the success rate will be much higher.”

Stopping, Lin Feng murmured to himself.

If it comes to the deficits of previous lives, like Zhang Wanrong, Xu Ruoyun is also his most owed woman.

at dusk.

Zhang Wanrong returned home, dropped a pair of high heels, put on a pair of pink slippers, and leaned down on the sofa.

“The company’s affairs were really settled. Su Jie took the initiative to surrender and said that the jade jewelry that was put on the market and turned it into a special glass product was stolen by him. On the other side of the rival company, he could not deny it in the face of absolute evidence. Now he began to seek compensation and settlement. … “

In her mind, all she remembered was all that happened today.

Incredibly, if it wasn’t for her own experience, she would never have believed that all this had happened.

“I’ll take care of the company.”

“You can rest assured that tomorrow, the company’s affairs will be resolved.”

“Trust me.”

Recalling Lin Feng’s words, Zhang Wanrong’s mind suddenly came up with an idea that even she felt incredible:

“Are all of this really solved by Lin Feng?”

Thinking about it, Zhang Wanrong got up and pushed open the door and went in.

In the room, I saw Lin Feng standing there with a lot of tiredness and sweat on his face. The table in front was covered with traces of cinnabar, and the ground was full of yellow paper.

“What are you doing?” Zhang Wanrong frowned, and frowned.

“It’s okay, I’m idle and boring to learn to draw peace charms, Wan Rong, this is the peace charm I drew, and I’ll give it to you.” Lin Feng took one of the two complete runes and folded it neatly and passed it.

Zhang Wanrong took the Ping’an charm and put it in a shoulder bag. The corner of her mouth provoked a bitter smile. “Just rest early, I’m tired too.”

The voice fell, turned and left, and his back was lonely.

Lin Feng knew that he had been misunderstood again, but he still didn’t care, “As long as Ping An Fu Wanrong accepts it.”

Although the Ping An Fu is just the most common one, it is an extraordinary treasure above the earth.

Lin Feng believes that if the world knows the role of peace amulets, he will not hesitate to worry about how many rich people spend a lot of money on this.

In the evening, Zhang Wanrong went out to participate in a business partner’s fair. At present, the internal crisis of the Galaxy Group has just come into contact. Such a fair is particularly urgent.

Lin Feng then left, and Xu Ruoyun lived in the apartment opposite the school. This time when he was born again, it was time to meet this woman who had failed in previous lives.

“Mr. Lin.” As soon as he went out, he was stopped.

“Who are you?” Lin Feng said lightly.

“Three brothers of Jinshan, presumably Mr. Lin must be familiar?” Said the visitor with a smile.

“Do you want to take revenge on them?” Lin Feng looked cold and murderous.

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