Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 1517 - Retreat for hundreds of years

Lin Feng stepped on the ladder and quickly entered Xianfu.

了 Without the existence of the remnant soul of the illusive old man, such an immortal palace has become an ownerless thing, and it is extremely easy to refine it. But after all, it is a powerful Xianfu, plus Lin Feng’s strength is still weak, it still takes almost a day to fully refine the Xianfu and take full control.

“It is indeed worthy of the immortal mansion left by the Starry Xeon who has completed the fifth-order Dacheng.”

“The treasure inside is really full of sights and everything!”

In a matter of seconds, everything in Xianfu was completely thought of.

Lin Feng felt her eyes narrowed excitedly when she felt the treasures placed in different places in Xianfu.

In such a fairy house, there are many real treasures, which are packed in various ways. There are all kinds of immortal treasures, there are all kinds of magic drugs, and so on. In short, there are all kinds of treasures.

A lot of these babies can be of great use to him now. Not only can you use this to promote cultivation to the realm, but you can also temper the physical realm, and you can also improve the quality of the mixed Yuan Feijian.

Although there are many, they are not used now, but with the improvement of realm strength, more and more can be used. I believe that in the end, whether it is to cultivate the realm or the power of the physical body, or the grade of the mixed Yuan Feijian, can take this opportunity to rise to a terrible height.

Especially the treasures collected in the last hall, there are about hundreds of them, all of which are the most precious ones. Even for him in the previous life, he is a real baby. With these treasures, when his realm breaks through [Literature Museum] to the robbery, he can use this to increase the maximum speed.

I can return to the realm of the previous life in the shortest time.

“I didn’t expect that an old guy who had crossed over to the fifth step of Dacheng, could actually collect so many treasures in his hand.”

“I don’t know, does this old man’s collection have anything to do with the monument inscribed in the holy market with the same pattern as the Sumina ring pattern?”

Zhe Linfeng said to himself, the expectation of that stone monument in his heart, along with it, soared to a new height.

At this moment, the determination that had been made in my heart has become stronger.

As long as you can reach the fifth stage of the Mahayana first stage and break away from the starry sky, you must continue to increase your realm strength to the realm of robberies at the fastest speed.

Even if it ’s just a first-order entry, after all, in this state, you can reach the threshold to enter the Holy Market. At that time, with the map given by the old man and the memory experience of the previous life, as long as you are careful enough to find the place where the stele is located, there should be no problem.

After working hard for a while, Lin Feng calmed down from that expectant thought.

After the encounter, in a single thought, take out all the babies that you can use now, and after refining these babies, with the improved strength, you can continue to refine the babies that you can continue to refine.


There are thousands of elixir of elixir, as well as magical treasures, piled up in front of Lin Feng.

Suddenly, it piled up into a hill.

Zhe Linfeng sat cross-legged and began to refining all over his body.

Among these treasures, there are treasures that can be used to temper the physical body, there are also treasures that can be used to promote the cultivation of the realm, and some can be used to improve the grade of the mixed sword.

In this way, Lin Feng, sitting cross-legged, had been in retreat for hundreds of years, until the refining of all the treasures he could refining was completed.

One day, two days.

One month, two months.

One year, two years.

Ten years, twenty years.

Uh …

For fifty years, …, seventy years, …

For ninety years, …, ninety-seven years, …, one hundred years.

Time lapses day by day, unconsciously, a whole hundred years have passed.

For a full century, Lin Feng’s strength has also been greatly improved.

Xun is not only a state of cultivation, but also physical strength, and even the rank of the mixed Yuan Feijian.

“This baby, less than a hundred years old, is also the most valuable and difficult to refine.”

“After all these things are refined, they should reach an extreme!”

I felt the baby with less than a hundred pieces in the end, and after Lin Feng whispered secretly, he was quickly involved in the refining.

One year, two years.

25 years, 10 years.

20 years, 25 years, 30 years.

For thirty years, Lin Feng is an extremely long time for ordinary people on the earth. But as far as the practitioners are concerned, even the practitioners of Kunxu are only a short period of time.

仙 For Xianmen, especially the Xeon who reached the Mahayana realm, it is not worth mentioning. For thirty years, it was just a snap. After all, after the Mahayana state, some of the strong retreats may reach thousands of years or even thousands of years.


After decades have passed, all the refining treasures and all the forest peaks that have been refining have finally been released.

Only when he opened his eyes and stood up, the whole body burst out with the only breath of power fluctuations.

This breath is much stronger than a hundred years ago. If you compare it, it seems that he is the true strongman at this time, and the strength before a hundred years is just a fragile ant.

“Click, click …”

Lin Feng’s body was up and down, and the powerful atmosphere of the surge was released. At the moment Lin Feng was in a large area.

The seemingly empty air burst into bursts of sound, and the sound was like the ice that was being hit hard. It was only a moment, it was a clear crack visible to the naked eye.


Stretching between the bones and bones, the surge of surge that erupted from Lin Feng’s body has reached an unprecedented height.

Originally had broken into the void of the cracks, and the cracks were made up. After a moment, it exploded countless fragments. A picture, like a completely broken tempered glass.

清晰 The scene that is clearly visible to the naked eye is like a spider web!

“Is this the power after the breakthrough? Really cool!”

“Finally, I did not disappoint, the countless treasures I refined!”

Lin Linfeng nodded contentedly, feeling the strength of the whole body.

After more than a hundred years, his practice has stepped out of the realm, a realm that has more than one big realm, and has entered the second-order ultimate perfection. As for the physical body of the five elements, they have also entered the second-order perfection of the imperial realm. The mixed Yuan Feijian stepped into the ultimate first-order artifact.

All three have reached the edge of a breakthrough!

“The breakthrough of the physical body and cultivation is a breakthrough in the realm, and the power increase brought about by the surge of power and the impact on the void can make an accurate judgment.”

“However, to the extent that the quality of the Xuanyuan Feijian, which has been upgraded to the highest level of first-order artifacts, is to what extent the power can be improved, I still have to use Feijian to verify it myself.

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng was already impatient in his heart. In a single thought, he would mix the flying sword of Yuan Yuan and sacrifice it in the air.

The originally mixed Yuan Feijian, who was suspended in front of him quietly, shook violently in the air, then rose into the sky and levitated into the air.


混 In mid-air, Hunyuan Feijian trembled again.

Suddenly, it was a radiant swordmang that was more than 20 kilometers long and burst out.

The Jian Jian Mang is extremely solid, looking up, as if there is a giant sword that is more than 20 kilometers long, across the sky. The giant sword is very sharp. Between the mighty winds, it has already begun to be released, countless iron blades that cut iron.


Feeling the mighty power of the wind blade, after Lin Feng’s improvement of the level of flying swords in Yuanyuan, the power boost brought by it has skyrocketed to a new height.


This sword was cut out, Lin Feng did not bless with combat skills, nor did he release physical strength and Xianyuan power, but just let the sword spirit control the mixed Yuan Feijian and cut off independently.

But even so, the power after the sword was cut was still terrifying. Compared to before the retreat, the sacrifice of the full strength of the flesh, plus the blessing of the anti-sky swordsmanship of Honghuang Nine Swords, and the sword with the sword spirit to control the Yuanyuan Feijian, is even more powerful.

This sword was cut out. The twenty-kilometer-long towering sword-mang disappeared and disappeared, and there was no trace after cutting the void into a rift that penetrated the world.

What’s even more shocking is that this split has not recovered as quickly as before. It just kept the cracked mouth like this one, which really split the void in half.

The whole process lasted for dozens of breaths, and then it returned to normal.

虽然 “Although there is not a large leapfrog in the Yuanyuan Feijian, after all, it has been upgraded from the lower grade to the extreme perfection, and the leap in the four minor stages has increased the power, which is still extremely scary.”

“If you compare it with Xiuwei’s strength, it’s enough to make up for the eight small realms!”

Looking back at the original void, Lin Feng’s face couldn’t be excited all the time.

Although he had known for a long time that the level of quality of the four mixed-level Feiyuan Feijian was improved, it must be very terrifying.

However, even so, it still has no effect. At this time, the shock caused in my heart by my own eyes.

凭 The power that can be released by the independent control of the sword spirit is still much stronger than the power that can be exploded in the past, plus the tactical blessing. If it was just that sword, it also blessed all of its own strength and the powerful combat skills of the Nine Swords of the Frozen Nine Swords. The power that can erupt can at least increase several times.

一切 All of this is enough to prove that the level of improvement of the mixed sword of Yuanyuan Feijian is really terrifying for the increase of the power of the sword body.

It took a long time for Lin Feng to upgrade from the Feijian rank, and the power brought by him soared, and he returned to God.

“With your current cultivation as the realm, physical strength, and the blessing of the mixed Yuan Feijian, no one will be your opponent under the Mahayana fourth order.”

Zhe Linfeng said to himself, stepped out, has come outside Xianfu.


After refining the entire Xianfu, the whole person has been connected with the idea of ​​Xianfu.

Only a few thoughts, Lin Feng had already immortalized the house, and his income had to be paid.

There is a transmission channel outside Xianfu. This is the transmission channel that Dongtian connects with the outside world.

Zhe Linfeng stepped into it, his body flickered, he appeared again, and he was back in the sea of ​​no delusion.

“Finally back!”

Feeling the familiar and unfamiliar atmosphere of the delirious sea, Lin Feng stepped on the ground and fell into a loss.

After a long time, this is considered to be a slowdown to God, and his eyes once again fell on Xumi Najie.

I entered Xianfu this time. Although I learned a lot, no matter whether I am in the realm or the realm, I have made a big leap. Even the grade of the Feiyuan Feijian is a leap forward.

However, all of this is due to Xumi’s precepts. If it was not when he was about to step into the door of the light curtain, he would give a timely warning. Not to mention that both Xiuwei and the realm have made a breakthrough, and the Yuanyuan Feijian has a great leap forward. Even he himself must be buried in the gate of the light curtain.

When I thought of this, Lin Feng naturally remembered another story of the fifth-ranked Dacheng strongman who had robbed him.

“I don’t know, what kind of situation is such a stone monument with the same pattern as Xu Mina’s?”

I remembered that what was said, Lin Feng quickly fell into a loss.

Although he did not know why such a stone stele would be engraved with the same pattern as the Sumina Ring, it is certain that since both appear in the holy market, they must have an inseparable connection.

“To figure out all this, we can only wait for the realm strength, after breaking through to the fifth stage of the Mahayana, to break away from Xianmen and win the starry sky, and then look for opportunities!”

Xi Linfeng said slowly, withdrawing his thoughts.

I stepped forward and stepped towards the deeper area of ​​the delusional sea hinterland.

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