Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 1513 - Psychic fantasy

“I don’t know, what is the situation in the fourth stage?”

In Lin Feng’s voice to himself, he was full of curiosity, and walked towards the stone with strong light.

After a few stride steps, Lin Feng had already arrived, and the stone with bright light flashed in front of him.

“According to the old man, if you put your palm on this stele, you can start the test of the fourth level.”

Stopped, Lin Feng’s eyes fell on the shining stone stele, becoming more focused.

After my encounter, I was even more in a loss of mind, not knowing what I was thinking.

After a long time, I shook my head and calmed down from that state of absence.

“Forget it, this kind of imagination is difficult to guess.”

“I originally planned that if I could make a certain judgment, I would be able to make some preparations in advance. Now it seems that I can only do it!”

“But what about this, the soldiers came to cover the water to cover the earth, but they have to look at it, even a star Xeon who has at least entered the fifth stage of the sky, admired the fourth stage of endless, what kind of test?

“I hope to play a better tempering role on myself!”

After Lin Feng regained his thoughts, his eyes flickered with anticipation soon.

Although he knew that, according to what the strong man said, this fourth level was bound to be dangerous and life-threatening. But if you can get some temper in it, it would be a good thing.

After stunning, raise your palm and approach the shining stone stele little by little until it is completely on it.


The palm fell on top of the stone, and the original flickering light suddenly reached a new concentration.

The brightness of the twinkling light is the same, even if it is Lin Feng’s eyes, they all closed their eyes subconsciously in an instant.

For a moment, the grand world was shrouded in light from the stone monument. As if at this moment, there is only such a bright and dazzling light in this world, and there is nothing else.

Not only that, but also the violent power of Dao Dao, with the moment when the light of the stele rose to the sky, it completely filled one side of the world and continued to madly surging. The violent power of Daodao seems to have the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, as if this rolling power is an annihilation force. If they are allowed to rag, the world will return to chaos.

“What is the situation in this fourth stage?”

Lin Feng, who had already closed his eyes, exhausted his whole body strength, and then barely opened his eyes to open a faint gap.

Through this gap, he can more clearly feel how terrifying the power of the tumbling power between heaven and earth and the light that stabs one side of the world.


“嘭 嘭!”

“嘭 嘭 嘭 …”

Quickly, the moment Lin Feng opened his eyes with his eyes.

The dazzling bright light, and the violent amount of violent surging, after a moment, soon exploded in one side of the world. It’s like, in this world, countless fireworks and firecrackers are set off, and there is a deafening noise everywhere.

巨 This loud noise lasted for about a dozen breaths before gradually receding. At the same time, the exploding shattered light, as well as the fragmented breath of power, disappeared at the same time.


In the heavens and the earth, the violent wind rose sharply, at the same time, it began to be filled with patches of gray mist.

In an instant, this side of the world has been diffused by the mist, and no fingers are visible.


Seeing this, Lin Feng took a heavy breath.

It was at this moment that he felt a throb in his heart.

That feeling was like something was encountered, and even something he felt panicked was a little disturbed. Even in the vagueness, there was a chilling feeling in the back spine.

“Fourth level, coming soon!”

Qi Linfeng knew that this was the test of the fourth hurdle, and it was a sign that was about to come.

之间 Between eyes narrowed, it is unprecedented dignity.

However, at this moment, it seems like the wind is blowing, and the fog in one side of the world suddenly disappears. Not only that, even the scene in front of it is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

I just breathe, and it becomes like Dongan on the earth.

“How is this going?”

Lin Feng was puzzled.

Not only because of the sudden change of the scene in front of Dongan.

I am even more because this switch is still the rebirth of Dongan from the previous life.

At that time, he was still a student in the school, and did not marry Zhang Wanrong, and still maintained a love relationship with Xu Ruoyun. It’s just that this love relationship has reached a point of fame. He just spends his days drinking and drinking, and never cares about the slightest feeling of Xu Ruoyun.

Stopping on campus, Lin Feng can clearly see that Xu Ruoyun looks lonely after school. Both eyes have always been red, and the tears in the corners of the eyes have never dried, especially the helplessness of those eyes …

I ca n’t even imagine, how much pain I need to bear in my heart, and my eyes will look like this, with no glimmer of light!

“This is the test of the demon?”

Quickly, Lin Feng understood everything, and his face was unprecedentedly dignified.

“No wonder, this fourth level will be called the most difficult one by the Starry Xeon who has at least entered the fifth-order entry stage. What is more difficult? It’s more difficult! “

For the test of the demon, Lin Feng knew it again, but this was the hardest thing to overcome. After all, even the strongest starry sky in the realm of Emperor Respect will leave some memories in his mind that cannot be erased. And these memories will become the demons when the demons are tested. This is also the most terrible place for the demons.

The last life was when he entered the Holy Heaven, he couldn’t defeat the demon, and eventually he died. Fortunately, it was Xumina who was found from the Holy Ruins that made him escape, and gave him a chance to regenerate.

However, he did not disappoint the opportunity of this rebirth, and made up for the regrets left by the previous life. Although it happened a few times during the period, Zhang Wanrong and his family were put in danger, but in the end, they all survived it in shock.

At this point in his thoughts, Lin Feng’s solemn complexion was obviously much better.

However, this relaxation only lasted for a few moments, and as the screen switched again, it fell into a more intense dignity.


画面 The screen in front of me was switched, and soon it was cut, outside the door of a KTV.

He had just finished drinking with a group of fox friends and dog friends, Xu Ruoyun stood outside the door, completely blocking his way.

Lin Feng still remembers this day very clearly. It is he and Zhang Wanrong who set the date for the wedding. It was also the day when Xu Ruoyun would be hurt.

Until now, when I think about the day of my previous life, every scene is like a movie, and it keeps repeating in my mind.

“If, if Yun …”

Unconsciously, Lin Feng has brought himself into the scene in front of him.

It seems that at this time, he is the one who just came out of KTV at the time of the previous life. There are a group of fox friends and dog friends beside him, Xu Ruoyun just stood in front of him like this.

Lin Feng, who pouted his mouth a few times, moved. He wanted to say something several times, but didn’t know how to speak. In the end, it was all, and he swallowed back to his mouth.

“Brother Feng, since you decide to break up, let’s break up.”

“If Ruoyun wishes Brother Feng and Miss Zhang a hundred years together, they will grow old!”

It was raining that day. Xu Ruoyun didn’t even wear a raincoat. Xu Ruoyun, who was thin and thin, stood on the road like this, and poured heavy rain on himself.

After saying that, she turned around and left on the road running away.

“If Yun …”

Xi Linfeng felt his heart as a knife twisted, yelling at the back of Xu Ruoyun running away.

However, I do n’t know if it ’s too rainy. Xu Ruoyun, like he never heard his shout, continued to cry while running on the road.

In this way, the footsteps went further and further, until the whole figure completely disappeared from the eyes.

“Sorry, sorry …”

Zhe Linfeng knows clearly that all of this is an illusion created by the fourth stage.

毕竟 But after all, everything that happened in the hallucinations really existed in the previous life.

So much so that, unknowingly, Lin Feng has completely substituted himself into the illusion.

蹲 He squatted in the heavy rain. His red eyes were rolling and hot tears kept dripping.


“Lin Feng, you are a complete bastard!”

He seems to be venting his anger on himself, Lin Feng growled, punch after punch, and constantly hit the ground.

With every punch I throw as much as I can, there will be a bang on the ground like a metal cross. In such a space, the ground does not know what material it is. Rao is Lin Feng’s body, which has reached a level comparable to first-order artifacts. After hammering on the ground, it is still like an ordinary person, hammering on hard stones. .

With each punch falling, a few openings will be opened on the fist, dozens of punches will go on, and a pair of clenched fists will already be blood dripping and the flesh blurred.

However, Lin Feng, as if he could not feel the slightest pain, just like that, he continued to punch after punch, facing the ground, exhausting all his strength, hammering non-stop. Even the bones inside started to crack and never stopped.

I didn’t know how long it was, until the picture in front of me started to change again, this was considered a stop.

His body was formed by the five elements of the immortal body. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as there is Reiki, you can regain with Reiki at any time.

此时 However, at this time, Lin Feng did not use this ability to recover, even the vitality that Beiming Emperor Yan wanted to release automatically was stopped by him.

He held his breath and focused all his attention, turning his eyes slowly as the screen switched.

The screen quickly switched to, Xu Ruoyun was invited to the hotel in the name of a class reunion.

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