Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 12 - Kneeling for mercy

“I didn’t expect this kid to be an internal warrior. He was a big Dongan, and the internal warriors were numbered. Each of these people is a VIP in the Dongan giants. Even Haoge, the internal warrior must be Respectfully, this time I hit the iron plate. “

Surprisingly, Jinshan’s entire body was an uncontrollable tremor.

Bai Lao next to Hao Ge is an internal warrior. On the surface, Bai Lao is only Hao Ge’s bodyguard, but only those people know that Bai Lao is just repaying human feelings. If it was not for Hao Ge who happened to save Bai Lao’s life, Brother Hao, there isn’t that energy left an inner strength martial artist to do next to bodyguards.

“Jinshan, now tell me by yourself, aren’t you just that?”

Lin Feng glanced at each other gently, dismissive.

“Yes, I am.” Jin Shan nodded again and again, where dare to say half a word.

In the face of an internal warrior like Lin Feng, this uncle has been completely frightened.

The more you know about the inner warriors, the more you know the strength of the inner warriors. These people do n’t need any background power. Just one person is enough. Their fist is their greatest support. Whatever your background power is, Annoyed these martial arts practitioners, the other party is just one person, and you can kill you all over the door.

“I break your arm, can’t you be convinced?” Lin Feng said lightly, and in his eyes, there was a kind of condescending contempt.

“Serve, I take.” The broken bones on the shoulders brought intense pain, and Jinshan forsaw the pain.

The opponent is a powerful warrior. Such a character wants to kill him as easily as cutting a melon.

“Now that I have broken one of your arms, I will give you a chance to survive, and I will dispose of the other arm myself, and then kneel my head and apologize, I can spare you my life.”

Lin Feng continued, returning the words before Jinshan intact.

His voice is not loud and calm, but in this calmness, he has a breathtaking atmosphere, extremely cold, like the icy ice of thousands of years, and the sound falls in Jinshan’s ears, even more so Jinshan felt that his entire body seemed to be frozen.

At this moment, in a large conference room, the temperature seemed to drop a lot in an instant, and everyone’s hearts could not help but shroud a thick chill.

One arm of the other has been broken, and the other should also break the other arm and kneel down and apologize, otherwise it would be death, how domineering!

At this moment, everyone looked at Lin Feng’s eyes unconsciously with a little fear.

Damn it!

In their eyes, Lin Feng at this time had become the incarnation of the cold face.

“Bang, click.”


Jinshan shivered uncontrollably. He did not dare to hesitate, and threw the bone of his left arm against the wall and broke it. Then his legs softened, and he fell to his knees on the ground with a thump. on.

“Master, I was wrong, because I have no eyes, and adults will not remember the villains, please forgive me!”

“Forgive me, Master, please forgive me!”

Over and over again, as long as Lin Feng didn’t speak, he couldn’t stop.

“I let you break your arm, can you take it?” Lin Feng stared down at Jinshan.

“Serve, I am.” Jin Shan’s head slammed heavily on the ground, where he dared to say half a word.

“I asked you to kneel down and confess your mistakes. Are you dissatisfied?” Lin Feng continued to press.

“No, absolutely not.” Jinshan shook his head again and again.

“If you want revenge, then remember my name, Lin Feng.” Lin Feng continued.

“Don’t dare, absolutely dare not.” Revenge on a martial artist, how could he have that courage.

“Get out.” Lin Feng waved his hand impatiently.

I came to the headquarters building of Xinghe Group today to solve the internal crisis of Xinghe Group. Now the purpose of deterrence has been achieved. He just wants to continue quickly and then go back to practice.

Strength, the most urgent at present, is to improve their strength at the fastest speed.

“Thank you, Master!” Jin Shan froze again, and then struggled to get up from the ground and hurried away with a group of younger brothers, where there was no delay.

“Jin, let’s go back and tell Haohao, and let Haoge give you this bad gas.” When he went out, a group of younger brothers started to yell.

It seems to them that even if Lin Feng can fight again, Hao Ge’s men, hundreds of men and horses, can consume Lin Feng when they come to consume, not to mention Hao Ge has Bai Lao, who has seen Bai Lao’s strength That is a really powerful guy. Jinshan is not an enemy of Bai Zhao.

“Stop!” Jinshan snapped sharply.

He did not even dare to think about revenge. He only hoped that after telling Hao to Hao, Hao didn’t blame him.

“Jin Ye …” A group of younger brothers were unclear. So, they wanted to continue to say something, but just when they spoke, they were interrupted by Jinshan sharply. “Stop, all **** live for Lao Tzu.”

A group of younger brothers stretched their heads and did not dare to continue talking.

“Go back!” Jinshan continued, while whispering secretly in his heart, “Hao Ge knows that Lin Feng is an internal warrior, he will inevitably be soliciting, and with Hao Ge’s usual behavior, when the time comes, he will definitely take himself The brothers apologized in the face, only hope that by then, this kid will not be too embarrassed! “

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