I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs

Chapter 5 - Meow meow meow meow

Gu Yumian closed the live broadcast early because Xiao Leopard looked very sleepy.

His original plan was to take it to the police station after a meal to report the case, but after calling and inquiring, he was again told that he was currently busy and asked him to come back tomorrow. Gu Yumian had no choice but to wait one night.

He made a little snow leopard on the sofa with cushions and quilts.

“Uncle will take you to find your parents tomorrow,” Gu Yumian touched his little head, and was accidentally patted away with one claw, “well, good night.”

The snow leopard was originally a day and night creature, but Gu Yumian discovered that the animals of the interstellar era, regardless of their original habits, now work with humans. He thought about it and asked a little bit worried

“Yes, I’m afraid to sleep with my uncle at night.”


Little Snow Leopard looked at Gu Yumian for a while with the look of a fool, showing a little mockery in his laziness, then he lowered his head to circle himself with his tail, and closed his eyes.

Gu Yumian “Let ’s do this. I wo n’t close the door. If you are afraid, just come in.”

He went to take a bath, then left only a small night light and turned off the light to sleep.

Gu Yumian’s sleep quality was very good, and she fell asleep soon after lying down. However, in the middle of the night, he suddenly felt that the bedside was sunken, and then his chest was stuffy, as if something had been pressed, and the fluffy tail swept across the tip of his nose.

Moonlight paved the ground, quiet and serene.

But the other side is not.

Since His Majesty’s disappearance, the Secretary and the Executive have taken all the dignitaries accompanying him, and they have all gone crazy. Tucker’s executive didn’t close his eyes for two days.

Afraid of being used by people with care, can’t put the news on the bright side. The current surface of Tucker is calm and calm, but the dark place is already turbulent.

Compared with so many things that big men need to consider, the accompanying director who is waiting for the monarch is worried about another issue.

“Your Majesty didn’t carry any medicine,” the director took care of His Majesty for thirty years, watching the monarch grow up from an early age, he sighed, “I can’t sleep outside, what can I do”

Few people know that the monarch has severe insomnia. It used to be okay. After the war against the Zerg was over, the illness was so severe that he could only get a short sleep with medicine.

The monarch’s perverse temper is also largely related to this.

The most professional physicians in the Empire are helpless. The doctor said that this has something to do with His Majesty’s too strong mental powers and abilities. Unless a partner who is 100% fit is found, there is no cure.

But 100% fit is too difficult. And His Majesty is the person with the highest mental power rating in history. To be 100% compatible with His Majesty, his partner must also be very strong in mental power and power. But looking at the whole interstellar, where does this role exist?

The manager crossed his hands and prayed like every night in the past, “I hope that Your Majesty will be safe, and that His Majesty will have a good dream tonight.”

The veteran will not know that for more than nine thousand nights, he prayed for the first time.

The next day.

When Gu Yumian woke up, she found a few silver short hairs on the bed.

Gu Yumian “

He didn’t think too much and went to wash. He woke up very early, but didn’t expect Little Snow Leopard earlier. When Gu Yumian came out, she was licking her right paw, her body was stiff, she quickly lowered the paw, and she was sitting in front of her, looking at the front.

Gu Yumian was so cute that his heart trembled.

After having breakfast, he took the little snow leopard to the police station.

Gu Yumian found out that this little ancestor must have been spoiled at home. Even if he didn’t want to walk down the ground, he took Gu Yumian’s shoulder as his exclusive VIP seat and kept his eyes on the world.

After entering the police station, the police first took Snow Leopard for a basic inspection. Then, some of the words were not what the children should listen to. Gu Yumian asked a policewoman in the waiting room to take care of the little snow leopard. Little Snow Leopard wanted to follow him and was rejected, so he wanted to lose his temper and feel bad.

Policewoman “Baby, your brother is just leaving for a while, not abandoning you.”

Little Snow Leopard

The mood is even worse.

The light screen in front of the waiting room floats in the air and is broadcasting news. It is a clip of Taksin reporters interviewing Archduke Finnick and others.

“Your Majesty is unwell and is resting,” Grandpa Finnick looked at the camera, forefinger at the table casually, smiling, and said, “Yes, yes, we also hope that Your Majesty will recover soon.”

The background sound was noisy, and the sound knocked out by Archduke Finnick was almost covered up. Only an extremely keen person could discover that he was typing a military Morse code. Translated into

Your Majesty, please pay attention to safety. If your status is not stable enough, don’t reveal your identity first, in order to prevent it from being used by interested people.

This time there was a duke. The duke was so proud of himself that he was so greedy that he wanted to mix everything. Everyone knows Sima Zhao’s heart. Finnick knew that Her Majesty was too lazy to care about him, but this time it was okay anyway, and he wanted to take care of the other side by the way.

I didn’t expect this to happen, but gave the other party a chance.

This is what they mean by people.

Little Snow Leopard looked at the light screen, his ears moved, and his eyes narrowed after a moment.

the other side.

Gu Yumian explained in detail what she knew to the police, and then asked, “Mr. Police Officer, is it possible to lose a child? Without light brain, how can I contact the parents?”

The police heard about it half a long time ago and shook their heads at this time. “It will not be a lost child.”

What does Gu Yumian mean?

The police told him a cruel fact “If there is no light brain on your body, it is not a lost child.”

In the interstellar era, the integration of identity cards and mobile phones is equal to the light brain, its importance is self-evident. The light brain cannot be easily damaged. As long as it is not damaged, it will automatically follow the owner, so it will not be lost.

And to destroy the light brain, unless it is a long-term attack by ss level or above.

“But in the whole interstellar, only the next person has a mental strength level greater than ss. So, in theory, without light brain, they are all abandoned children who were abandoned at birth.”

“Also,” the police passed a document to his brain, “this is the child’s report.”

Gu Yumian took a look, it said

Race money panther albino.

The mental strength rating is not awake.

Awakening is extremely difficult.

“No,” Gu Yumian frowned. He was an animal science student, and he couldn’t admit it. “It’s a snow leopard.”

The policeman shook his head. “Snow Leopard hasn’t heard of this race. It is very normal for the albino species to awaken their mental strength, their intelligence, their ability to communicate without language, and their inability to become human.

“Ah, anyway, how to deal with it, sir, think about it. We all understand what you choose, after all, everyone’s life is not easy.”

Across the waiting room across the wall, Little Snow Leopard sat in his seat with grey-blue eyes flashing a little mockery.

Albino is equivalent to waste, which is a consensus in this world. The abandonment rate of albino species is very high, and very few are willing to adopt albino species.

It knows all the evaluations of albino species

“Why did the royal family give birth to albino species and produce waste?”


“Your Majesty was too lazy to give it a name, and the queen was almost going to choke it. You said such a thing, what was born to do?

“What are you afraid of? The albino species is mentally inferior, and it doesn’t understand it anyway, right, little hybrid.”


“I want to grow up with it.”

Little Snow Leopard’s eyes opened suddenly.

The youth’s voice was clear and fuzzy, like a bit of oxygen injected into the frozen deep sea thousands of meters, faintly shining.

He said, I want to grow up with it.

For a moment, it didn’t even hear the specific content of the speech.

After half an hour.

Gu Yumian left the police station with a small snow leopard, and the little guy had a q version of a toddler’s light brain on his neck. Gu Yumian just made some money yesterday, and after buying Lighthead, he became a poor man.

The q version of the light brain is a small bow-shaped collar, which is specially designed so it will not be uncomfortable. Little Snow Leopard looks cute and looks like a little gentleman wearing a bow tie. Gu Yumian likes it.

But Xiao Leopard was so disgusted with this light brain that he bit and didn’t bite off, and wanted to follow Gu and Mian to lose his temper.

“Let ’s run out of money, little ancestors, leave it first,” Gu Yumian calmed it, “I ran out of money all at once, how can I give you delicious food, right?”

Little Snow Leopard still looked displeased and calm.

Gu Yumian suddenly felt more cute.

Let him throw away the little snow leopard, Gu Yumian must not be able to do it. After the formalities, he became the legal guardian of Little Snow Leopard, and will be regularly inspected. If he fails to fulfill his duties as a guardian, he will be legally responsible.

“Take you to buy some daily necessities first,” said Gu Yumian. “Yes, let me give you a name. What about Xuetuan?”

Gu Yumian’s talent for naming pandas is really bad.

Gu Yumian liked the name very much.

Little Snow Leopard “”

He pressed his claws on Gu Yumian’s lips, his face was intact, and he protested strongly.

“It seems you like it too,” Gu Yumian said with blind eyes, “It’s up to me.”

Little Snow Leopard “”

Then Gu Yumian took Xiao Leopard to the store to buy its daily necessities.

Because of poverty, he couldn’t afford to go to high-end supermarkets. Gu Yumian went to a private store with high customer evaluations, and still maintained the ancient earth’s business model.

The owner is a golden retriever. Outside the shop, two little golden retrievers lie in the sun. The owner greeted him, “Sir, what to buy”

“Buy daily necessities for children,” said Gu Yumian, “is there a cat area?”

Gu Yumian counted, and wanted to buy a small bed, quilt pillows, various standing medicines, and special bathing props.

“Yes, I’ll take you there.”

The two little golden retrievers woke up at this moment. One of them moved his nose, walked to Gu Yumian crookedly, grabbed his trousers and climbed up, and the other yelled twice at Gu Yumian’s feet and began to crawl.

Gu Yumian’s heart melted. He had no resistance to these little animals. He just wanted to reach out and pick up the two little cubs. Suddenly, the little golden retriever became rigid.

Gu Yumian “

Gu Yumian didn’t see it. Little Snow Leopard sat on his shoulders, staring at the two milk dogs indifferently, and his tail loosely circled Gu and Mian’s neck. It puts this human within its sphere of influence and has no interest in sharing it with other creatures.

The little golden retrievers trembled in that look, and a few seconds later they fled.

Gu Yumian “

This is a situation that has never happened before.

In order to feed herself and Snow Leopard, Gu Yumian has to work harder to make money.

If it was only himself, be more frugal and live on the guaranteed minimum wage. But now we have to raise children, and the cost has greatly increased.

Although the police said that Little Snow Leopard would not be able to awaken mentally and intellectually, she and Gu Yumian didn’t care about it. Since the child is raised by him, he will give it the best within his ability.

That night, Gu Yumian analyzed her yesterday’s live broadcast. Anchors are either talented, good-looking, or cheerful, and talk about narratives. To be fair, Gu Yumian feels that he is not too prominent in any aspect.

However, the audience ’s response was good in the end. What ’s the key?

He is not a chef, and even if he can make some foods that match the taste by being clever, he is still not qualified to be a food anchor.

Gu Yumian took out yesterday’s video and barrage situation analysis, and finally found the key point.

When the second half of the live broadcast was switched to the first view of Little Snow Leopard, the barrage began to warm up.

He has some ideas on how to do the next live broadcast.

“Tuantuan,” Gu Yumian hugged Snow Leopard, please. “Live on tomorrow, please do me a favor. I promise you, not tired at all.”

Little Snow Leopard “”

It stared at this human with displeasure, who was this stupid name?

In the past, when it showed this look, internal ministers and various officials had long been kneeling and shivering, but the humans didn’t take it seriously.

He shook the paw of Little Snow Leopard. “Agree, ancestor, please.”

Little Snow Leopard “”

After waiting for all kinds of human begging and saying a lot of good words, Snow Leopard nodded pretendingly calmly.

The next day, Snow Leopard slept, and Gu Yumian spent all morning lightly preparing for various preparations, and then boarded the starry sky live broadcast platform again at 2 pm, intending to start live broadcast.

Then he was taken aback by his fan count.

One, two, is he a majority zero

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