I’m Using the Interstellar Live Broadcast to Raise Cubs

Chapter 26 - Meow meow

Unlike Tucker, the live broadcast of Capital Star has developed for many years and is approaching a mature and stable period. Stability to some extent also means that class solidification and polarization are firmly fixed by the most popular anchors, and the remaining anchors can barely drink some of the remaining porridge.

Of course, the government has made efforts to control this situation, but the effect is not great.

As far as the hot list of the day is concerned, this list is to select the top ten live broadcast rooms with the most comprehensive daily display on the homepage recommendation position. It has been a full four months, and there have been no new faces on the hot list that day. All the top anchors in the dozens of districts have come and gone, and most of them have changed positions.

It is conceivable that Gu Yumian, a newly-announced anchor who has just passed the rating assessment and broadcasted for the first time on Capital Star, was able to make it to the hot list of the day. It was an incredible thing.

The discussion of the people eating melon spread from Weibo all the way to the Star Forum, and posting it is not immune.

1 This anchor was recommended by a cloud before. At that time, it was because of human beings. But it wasn’t my hindsight. I thought he would be angry at that time.

2 On the first day, I went directly to the top ten of the heat list on the day. I do n’t talk about these problems from humans and the countryside, this data is too fierce. Shall we witness the ascension of a new generation of top gods orz

3 Don’t rush to a conclusion. The rating results have not been announced yet. In addition, his race is indeed bruised, we still have to see how the finals of the rookie game ended.

4 Although, however, his live broadcast is really good-looking, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since I ’m not watching it all day, I ’m not eating well

The 5 live broadcast itself is absolutely amazing, and the last firework was put on for an hour, my girl ’s heart burst completely. Although I know that fireworks should have nothing to do with the anchor, but really, it’s too coincidental, and it’s so nice

At the same time, the tag of a firework placed for one person on Weibo has also been heated up.

“Those things in love are posted here, thick coded here. Today I was watching a live broadcast of a new anchor. The anchor said that he wanted to watch the fireworks, and was immediately stunned to say that there is no fireworks bb at this time. As a result, everyone watched Arrived, it was really fireworks at 9 o’clock last night for a full hour

“Generally, the fireworks display will be announced in advance, and it will start at 6 or 7 this time. This time the fireworks are sudden. And the anchor’s angle is the best viewing position. It feels like the fireworks are just for him. Qaq So romantic and sweet. “

But soon, because everyone felt that this statement was simply nonsense. Your Majesty has just arrived in Xiacheng District. Who can get the permission to display such a large firework at this time is more likely to be even worse.

The biggest possibility is that a politician in Xiacheng District put up a firework in order to please and welcome.

By the time Gu Yumian was broadcasting, the number of fans had risen from thousands to tens of thousands, and gifts had also been collected.

At that time, the popularity was very high, and the audience were very reluctant, but Gu Yumian was because he was going to sleep with the children, and finally I was very sorry to broadcast it.

Summer nights in the mountains are exceptionally peaceful.

There was only a small yellow lamp in the small tent. Gu Yumian lay on the quilt side and could hear cicadas and water from a distance. Baby Panda is a very optimistic and naive character. She has no mind and soon fell asleep holding Gu Yumian’s hand.

Little Snow Leopard’s nest is on the side of Gu Yumian’s neck, firmly seizing all the sights and embraces of Gu and Mian, sleeping in a lazy and lazy manner.

Throughout the tent, only Gu Yumian was awake.

“Tuantu, how do you know that there will be fireworks at that time?” He reached out and scratched the little snow leopard’s chin, his voice sounded as if he was asking himself, “Maybe it happened”

“How do I think you, a kid, are hiding a lot of things from me”

Little Snow Leopard moved his nose in his sleep. After a while, he kissed Gu and Mian ear unconsciously. Gu Yumian could feel the slightly moist touch on his ears, and it felt a little itchy. This little guy seemed to be pleased with him and made him careless.

Gu Yumian couldn’t help laughing, and some of his thoughts suddenly disappeared.

Their Xiaoxue group has always been very clever, this little thing is nothing.

He roughly passed the recent events in his brain, and planned for the future, and gradually fell asleep in the sound of even breathing of Little Snow Leopard and Little Tang Yuan.

This time the live broadcast also let Xingkong Operation Department see the commercial value of Gu Yumian.

It’s hard to say what the anchor rating of A is. Gu Yumian can please the public reviewers, but may not please the audience. But this first live broadcast is enough to represent the facts.

Most interstellar viewers eat Gu and sleep

And the president Fang Leina has all the words, helping Gu and Mian apply for the s-level anchor review process.

If this happens, Gu Yumian may become the first s-class anchor in history.

Several people in charge of the operation held a temporary meeting to discuss the publicity and training of Gu Yumian. So, the afternoon after camping, Gu Yumian’s interim agent, Tangtang, found him.

Tangtang Mianmian, we have discussed it carefully in the starry sky, and feel that I can’t just declare you casually. Give you a bottom up in advance, your anchor rating is very high, and there may even be a chance to reach a higher level in the future.

So, we want to wait for you to cut out the video first, then shoot an advertisement, and then make an official announcement together. The filming time is tentatively scheduled for next Friday afternoon. The information on the advertisement is available to you. If you are not satisfied, you can tell me.

Gu Yumian took a look at the advertisement, and remembered that one of the newcomer support projects was the right of advertising.

“It turned out that I’m half a celebrity,” Xiao Xuebao went to school, and Gu Yumian sat on the carpet with the baby panda. “Yuanyuan, can I count it as a promotion?”

Xiao Tangyuan was cheerfully playing a high-five game with him. When Gu Yumian asked him a question, he uttered a small milky voice in a very dazed voice.

Just in my last life, the main income of Internet celebrities actually came from promotion fees, both hard and soft. The promotion is very profitable. Gu Yumian’s high school classmates have just learned about this. A multi-million-dollar u host once received a hard and wide price of around six digits, and bought a house in the center of Shanghai in two years.

But it’s strange to find the anchor directly to shoot the advertisement. Shooting ads should be a celebrity artist and model

Gu Yumian couldn’t figure it out. He was a little worried that he couldn’t do well. After all, he had no relevant experience at all. Gu Yumian asked Tangtang again, and then he understood.

The brand Tangtang is very good. It also has related cooperation with the Imperial Academy of Sciences. The quality of word of mouth is no problem, that is, the publicity and exposure cannot keep up. Moreover, the director they are looking for in this advertisement is too strict. Recently, the popular traffic and stars of the period can not be noticed. They just thought that the dead horse was the live horse doctor to find the anchor, and then we sent the information of the anchors. The director picked you, it may be just right.

Tangtang is okay, in short, it is also an opportunity. You don’t have to be too nervous to try it. The chance of success is actually small, in case it becomes a leak.

Tangtang is still more than ten days away from the rookie tournament. Your main task now is to stabilize the live broadcast, and at the same time to cut out the video.

This brand is really good. Tangtang has seen their R & D process, so they worked hard to help Gu Yumian fight. However, due to the fact that the product positioning is partial, I have found several tens of millions of fan bloggers who can’t support anything.

Because of this, Gu Yumian got such an opportunity, and the top anchors in the starry sky had no objection. A few of them were still secretly waiting to see Gu and Miao’s joke.

Since Tangtang said so, Gu Yumian really felt relieved.

He had seen the materials and advertising schemes, and had a rough idea in his mind, and then devoted himself to cutting videos. The technical threshold for editing in the interstellar era is much lower. As long as there is a light brain, it can be cut, and there is no need to learn e or VideoStudio.

But the core remains the same.

On Friday afternoon, Snow Leopard still went to school, and only Gu Yumian and the baby panda were in the villa.

“First of all, I have to have a brain of art cells,” Gu Yumian watched a video that she tossed for several days, very helpless, “Yuanyuan, I don’t think I’m this material.”

The material of the video is the last live broadcast. For a three-hour live broadcast, it is very difficult to extract the best part and edit it into a few minutes of video. It is also very difficult to maintain the narrative rhythm, the beginning and end, let people understand and empathize. Gu Yumian feels this touch He has a blind spot in his knowledge.

Xiaotangyuan curiously crawled into Gu Yumian’s arms, leaning his head to see the semi-finished product projected on the light screen.

Gu Yumian stayed up for a few days after cutting the video, and was so sleepy that he put his chin on the baby panda’s head and wanted to rest for a while. As a result, the eyelids became heavier and more sleepy.

five minutes later.

Appearing a year old boy in bib sitting in Gu Yumian’s arms, looked around blankly. He first felt being held in his arms by Gu and Mian, as if he was being held by a big brother, feeling at ease.

Then he saw his finger crickets, and changed back again

Intermittent return to normal, it really turned out to be reborn two times. The little boy blinked roundly, and after a short while, his gaze was suddenly attracted by the video being played in a loop on the light screen in midair.


The little boy just looked casually at first, and then his expression gradually became serious.

Some older fans know that the twenty-four pot undergraduate course is not a acting department but a director department. Although it is often said that he just relied on his natural racial superiority and family background, Twenty-four Pots is indeed a real science class. He graduated from a self-directed micro-film and won a newcomer award.

He distinguished between stones and real things.

For example, this video in front of you can see many loopholes in the eyes of professional people. For example, the transition is slightly rigid and the time axis is wrong, but it can’t conceal the fact that it is a piece of jade. Saitama is also jade.

The little boy looked really itchy, and couldn’t help but make some minor and inconspicuous changes, changed the turning and the rhythmic flaws, and worked hard to maintain the same duration, so Gu Yumian could not find it. What clue.

After half an hour.

When Gu Yumian woke up, the baby panda was sleeping in his arms, and the light screen was automatically turned off.

He glanced at the video and couldn’t help sighing again. I have changed a lot of versions, and I really ca n’t change them. I plan to send them to Tangtang first, so I ca n’t say any more.

Ding Dong.

At Stars Headquarters, the work of the agent, Sugar Candy, lights up, showing that a new newsletter has been received.

The sugar candy person left the desk to pour coffee and work with her brain open because she was still transmitting a file with a partner.

It is so coincident that the server of Xingkong is being updated and repaired, the company’s intranet is pumped, and the video sent by Gu Yumian is directly transmitted to the partner’s mailbox.

Sugar cubes went to pick up the coffee, was temporarily called by the supervisor and ordered a few things. When he returned to his seat, he was scared by the bombardment of the partners in the chat box.

You uploaded another video, and it was wrong 14:40.

Sorry, I accidentally clicked on how to turn it off. There should be no content. 1443.

Twenty-minute blank, and then

Miss Fang, is this video to be submitted to the Qinglan Cup? I dare to pack tickets, not to mention the first, the first three must be stable at 15:00.

If it is not for submission, you now, immediately, immediately advise him to submit it. Just now our Chief Judge teacher has seen it, his elderly man said a good word, and now he is analyzing the rhythm and technique of the content frame by frame. 1500.

In addition, I have a cough working in the Academy of Sciences, and my friends have also seen it. He is now asking me who is the person who makes videos and records videos. Do you know 15:00?

Sugar sugar “”

Sugar sugar “”

Uptown, inside the Academy of Sciences.

A handsome teenager in a white coat, sitting expressionlessly in the chief position, watching a video playing on his private light brain.

His appearance is too young, and the rushing staff are at least a hundred years old. Several light screens are suspended in the air and scrolled through various data. Occasionally, test tubes collide and the instrument comes lightly. It looks very serious and very technological.

This is the Empire’s First Academy of Sciences.

The single center of all the knowledge and achievements of the entire empire, and the cutting-edge research and development sites of all new achievements, have gathered all the geniuses of the empire for nearly a century. This young man has just reached adulthood this year and is already the chief of the Academy of Sciences. It is conceivable that he is a genius among geniuses.

He lived independently at an early age. Few people, including his parents, knew that the teenager had not eaten for two weeks, and lived barely by losing nutrition. It’s not intentional, it’s just a lack of appetite.

According to the doctor, it is a long period of mental stress and high-intensity work at the Academy of Sciences that has caused his desire for all life activities to decline, including loss of appetite and long-term insomnia. But now that work is at a critical juncture, he cannot withdraw at this time.

This video was transmitted by the partner. It only lasted for more than eight minutes. After watching it again, it was automatically looped.

For holographic video, the background music is a very gentle and romantic backswing. The picture at the beginning was just some fuzzy color blocks, and then gradually became clearer, and the colors gradually became richer from the beginning.

Twilight, bonfire, mountain wind.

The thick soup sizzled on the stove, the sound of mountain breeze, cicadas and cicadas in the ears were long, and the food on the tip of the nose was fragrant. The embrace of the youth gives an inexplicable satisfaction that can make the heart feel soft, and it has become a small world that is invincible.

The video uses color as a clue to connect several small pictures one by one.

Obviously there are no plots and lines, but they are extremely grasping, constantly sinking and deepening with human emotions. It seems that reaching out can touch the soft and boundless night in the midsummer mountains.

After the twilight sank, there was a starry sky, sweet and delicious watermelons and chats under the night sky, and endless stories.

But it’s not all satisfactory. There are some regrets, there are missing things, there are things that have not been completed, everything just hastily drew a period in the sultry cicada, with a little bitterness and sourness in the sweetness.

In this atmosphere, you can always taste something subtle and restrained. Emotions are affected and infected by this night, waiting for the point when it is about to overflow.


The colorful fireworks burst out unexpectedly.

Countless color blocks and pictures rushed in, and the sound of the piano cut in at this time. The sound of the piano like a stream of water poured out, embracing the whole world, like a rain of flames coming to the world, and all the emotions that belonged to this season and this night were released at this moment.

The shock of that moment was beyond words.

After the climax, the music became gentle again and entered the closing part. The last shot is freeze-framed on a book with the title page of Xia.

A pair of fair and slender hands closed the book, and the video came to an abrupt end.


In the Academy of Sciences, the boy closed his eyes.

He could feel the long-lost drowsiness and appetite, and he was warned by the spasm in his empty stomach for a long time, which was not before a long time ago. He even wanted to walk into the video and be hugged by the youth to taste the taste of porcelain mud chicken, whether the soup is delicious, and then take a bite of cold watermelon.

This feeling turned out to be very good.

It was like a long time passed, and finally one day, I came back to life.

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