I’m on the Road To Probation Paranoia

Chapter 9

Chapter 8: When The Green Plum Grows Up

“Lin Ye!” Bai Han yelled, woke up suddenly, turned over and sat up.

“Miss, are you awake?” Aunt Li pushed the door open and came in, “Lie down quickly.”

She tugged at the corners of her clothes to make the pajamas less close, and asked anxiously, “Where’s the friend I brought back?”

It’s okay not to say this, but when she said this, Aunt Li showed dissatisfaction and complained, “Miss, when is that friend you met, why is it so rude.”

“Miss fainted because she was so tired to take care of her. She was so good. She didn’t even ask about your situation, and left without saying a word.”

“Pulling the needle? Is she alright? What did Dr. Zhang say?” Bai Han was not surprised that she would leave, but she was surprised that she didn’t wait for the drip to finish, she opened the quilt and was about to take it off The bed, “Is Dr. Zhang still at home? I’m going to find someone to come back and hang the water.”

“What are you looking for, miss, don’t bother.” Aunt Li pressed her shoulders and forced her to lie down, “You don’t forget about people, but they don’t at all. missing You.”

“Aunt Li, stop talking!” Bai Han interrupted impatiently, “How was she when she left? The doctor said it’s not dangerous.”

Aunt Li hadn’t been rushed by Bai Han like this, she was stunned and subconsciously replied: “No, it’s alright, Dr. Zhang said that although her body is weak, she is very resilient, and she will be fine if she gets through it. .”

“That’s good.” Bai Han exhaled, leaned back, and repeated, “That’s good.”

“Miss, who is that, I haven’t seen you mention it before.” Aunt Li asked tentatively.

“No one, a new classmate, my friend.” Only then did Bai Han feel extremely sticky, “Aunt Li, help me run hot water, I want to take a bath.”

“Alright, I covered my sweat, it’s time to wash.” Aunt Li hurriedly went to the bathroom to work, and turned around and forgot about Lin Ye.

Bai Han asked the system, “Is she really okay?”

System: “Don’t worry, I did a body scan on her before she left, just as the doctor said, her body is very burdened, her physique is weak, and there are many minor problems, but overall it is a big problem. No.”

Bai Han pursed her lips: “If only I could be friends, it’s still too late to replenish my body.”

The system reassured: “Don’t be too discouraged, the villain is not as ruthless as Aunt Li said, she was concerned about you when she was leaving.”

Bai Han said in surprise: “Really?”

The system hesitantly said: “Count, count.”

Bai Han: “What is count, right?”

The system said: “Forget it, she was also frightened when you fainted and looked at you several times.”

Bai Han: “…”

System: “…Probably because you were still panting, so I left with confidence.”

Bai Han: “…” It’s better not to say.

“!” Bai Han saw Lin Ye, who had already arrived in the classroom before her, looked at his phone, and reassured that it was really six-thirty instead of seven-thirty, and said in surprise, “Lin Ye Ye? Why did you come so early?”

I used to step on the dots, but today is the first time.

Besides surprised but also a little worried, Bai Han cautiously and tentatively asked: “You, are you okay?”

Lin Ye stared at her for a long time, then looked away uncomfortably, took out the book and read it carefully, as if the glances just didn’t exist.

“…” Bai Han flattened his mouth, put down his schoolbag and sat down, looked sideways at Lin Ye, and carefully took out the lunch box, “You, you haven’t had breakfast yet, I You bring a lot, can you help me share some of it?”

She slowly pushed the lunch box over, raised her head to meet Lin Ye’s gaze, her eyes narrowed.

She brings extra copies every day, and every day she finds opportunities to ask Lin Ye, but Lin Ye never gives a response.

But today is different, Lin Ye had an IV in his home before, and since he has accepted it once, he doesn’t care about the second time.

Bai Han brought a lot more today.

Lin Ye’s eyes were still the same, Bai Han’s scalp was numb.

Just as Bai Han was about to pull the lunch box back, Lin Ye suddenly stretched out his hand and held down the corner of the lunch box.

“!” Bai Han looked at her in surprise, and the two looked at each other for a long time.

“…” The system hurriedly reminded, “Hurry up, let go, are you going to let her eat it?”

“!” Only then did Bai Han realize that she was too surprised, her hand was still holding the corner of the lunch box, she hurriedly took it away, and said in a panic, “Aunt Li’s cooking is still delicious, you Try it, try it and you’ll know.”

Seeing that she was not moving, Bai Han thought that her actions just now were really misunderstood, so she picked up the lunch box and slammed it open: “She made shrimp dumplings and matcha cakes today.”

The moment she opened it, the shrimp dumplings spun and jumped, almost hitting her face.

Shrimp dumplings are thin and filled with thin skins, round and jade-like. Under the sunlight, they are crystal clear. You can see the brightly colored peas and large prawns inside.

Looking at it, the mouth is full of water, Bai Han pushed the lunch box in front of Lin Ye like a gift: “You try.”

“Oh, by the way, chopsticks, chopsticks!” Bai Han hurriedly searched in the schoolbag, but the more anxious he became, the messier he became, the schoolbag was almost turned upside down, and there was no sign of the chopsticks.

Just when Bai Han was at a loss, Lin Ye had already reached out and squeezed a plump shrimp dumpling like a fat baby, glanced at her, and slowly brought it to his mouth.

Bai Han watched the shrimp dumpling stuffed into her mouth, licked her dry lips, and asked expectantly, “Is it alright? Does it suit your appetite?”

Lin Ye didn’t seem to chew much at all. After swallowing the jujube whole, she couldn’t stand her staring hard at herself, and asked coldly, “Aren’t you going to eat it?”

“No, no, I’ve already eaten it.” After Bai Han blurted out, she remembered that she had said something wrong and that she had eaten breakfast, so she hurriedly changed her tone, “No , but I have a little belly at home, I won’t be very hungry, you eat first, eat first.”

Lin Ye stared at her thoughtfully, pulled the lunch box over, and ate several.

Bai Han looked at it, the corners of her mouth could not be restrained upwards, she happily opened her schoolbag, hummed a song and laid out the textbooks one by one, and saw the inexplicable geometry proof problem without so much headache Now, don’t worry if you can’t make it, and draw auxiliary lines happily.

“Your thinking on this question is wrong.” Just when Bai Han had written all the blank space and couldn’t find a solution to the problem, a familiar and unfamiliar voice suddenly came from her ear. He was stunned for a moment, then looked at Lin Ye in surprise, not sure if there was a problem with his ears just now.

“Auxiliary line, it should be put here, using the theorem of edge, corner and edge, it can be concluded that these two triangles are completely similar, and then this side is equal to this side is also equal to 30 cm, so We have to come up with a condition, look at this side…”

“What do you see me doing?” Lin Ye frowned slightly, “Is there something wrong with my face?”

“No, no, I am, that is, you say the question, say the question, I will listen.” Bai Han was a little flattered all of a sudden, his tongue could not be straight.

“You, study, it’s pretty good.” Bai Han squeezed the pen, not thinking about the topic at all, his eyes fell on Lin Ye’s long and thick eyelashes, and he had nothing to say.

System: “…Will you chat? You can see her grades before talking about it!”

The teacher has a lot of opinions on Lin Ye. She doesn’t pay attention to her in class at all, and occasionally even kicks her out.

Lin Ye’s learning depends entirely on self-consciousness, but she doesn’t have much time, and with insufficient conditions, even if she works hard, her grades are still sloppy. Dish, such a simple topic will not.

“…start, at least better than me, you can help me in the future, and you should consolidate yourself.” Bai Han decided to ask a tutor when he went back, strive to improve his level, and then Make progress together with Lin Ye.

Of course, if Lin Ye wants to, he can make up lessons with her, and he can teach her by himself. After all, setters are not so good.

But looking at her attitude towards herself, this is obviously an extravagant idea.

Lin Ye’s face was pale, and he couldn’t see his emotions. He looked down at the question without looking at her.

This action fell in Bai Han’s eyes, inexplicably lonely, she turned her face away, stuck her tongue out angrily.

Really. Wrong.

“The chemistry lab lost a bottle of dilute sulfuric acid, did you hear it?”

“Dilute sulfuric acid? Who did the experiment and didn’t return it?”

“I don’t know, the chemistry teacher is looking for it everywhere. After all, it is also a dangerous item. It just disappeared for no reason. It’s scary.”

Bai Han finished his homework and heard some students in the corridor gossiping.

It was originally something that had nothing to do with her, but for some reason, I always felt that my heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if something major was about to happen.

A terrible thought suddenly flashed in his mind, Bai Han hurriedly poked at the system: “It won’t be taken by Lin Ye!”

The system also froze for a moment: “You ask me who I ask.”

Bai Han: “…what can you do?”

System: “Before your mental breakdown, according to the employee protection manual, you will be sent out in advance.”

Bai Han: “…”

The system hesitated: “It’s not impossible.”

Bai Han suddenly panicked. Although the dilute sulfuric acid in the school laboratory was less lethal, it would kill people after treatment. She immediately trotted back to the classroom, but did not see that Lin Ye was more nervous “It’s over, it’s over, I seem to have seen her go out just now!”

System: “!”

The system voice also clearly panicked: “Malicious wounding is to enter a juvenile detention center. If you go to that kind of place, the villain will be completely helpless.”

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