I’m on the Road To Probation Paranoia

Chapter 23

Chapter 22: When The Green Plum Grows Up

The system suddenly said: “It’s Lin Ye!”

“!” Although Lin is a big surname, there was still some expectation when he heard it, but he didn’t expect it to come true, and he couldn’t help feeling incredible and wonderful.

Bai Han turned his head slightly stiffly, and met a pair of cold eyes unexpectedly.

“…” Bai Han shrank his neck, “System, are you sure she is really Lin Ye?”

Such a powerful oppressive force is not like the forest leaves of the year at all.

System: “Exactly, this proves that she is the real Lin Ye.”

Bai Han pursed his lips and called out hesitantly, “Lin Ye?”

“Long time no see.” Unlike Bai Han, Lin Ye is very sure that she is the one he has been thinking about for seven years.

Since the moment she saw Bai Han, her eyes never took her eyes off Bai Han.

She looked so focused and fascinated, but her mind was in a trance, so that she almost made a mistake.

Lin Ye’s eyes were dark and deep, like the black hole in the universe book that Bai Han had read before.

The gap between imagination and reality is so great that Bai Han did not know what to say for a while, pinched the corner of his clothes crampedly, and occasionally turned his head to take a peek at Lin Ye, just as he wanted to say seven years ago She didn’t dare to go out for breakfast.

It was Lin Ye who broke the embarrassment first, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly: “Have you returned to China?”

“Ah.” Bai Han nodded hurriedly, “I just came back.”

“I haven’t seen you for so long, you have forgotten me.” Lin Ye suddenly laughed, “I didn’t contact me when I returned to China… our classmates.”

“No, no, of course not.” Bai Han shook his head hurriedly, “I was talking about my childhood friend, but you…fallen from the sky.”

She thought she made a good joke, looked back at her roommate, and pouted: “Is it?”

“Xiaohan, this is the person you said you were looking for when you returned to China.” Lin Qian pressed her down from behind, put her chin on her shoulder, and bit her ear softly, “This is really you. My friend, the aura is too strong.”

Bai Han peeked at Lin Ye, pushed her elbow against Lin Qian, winked to signal her not to talk nonsense.

“Hi…Miss Lin, forgive me, I didn’t know she was your friend. If I had known, I would have never dared.” , the crying was dragged out, “Miss Lin, I was wrong, I don’t dare anymore, please forgive me…”

Several people almost forgot about this wretched man, Bai Han looked over, only to find that Lin Ye hadn’t let go of the man’s hand.

Lin Ye’s hands are fair and slender, with well-proportioned joints, as clean as the hands of ancient ladies playing the piano.

The place shouted again, almost kneeling down and begging for mercy.

Damn, if it wasn’t for him, her eyes would stay on her for a while longer.

Lin Ye’s face was calm, but he had already stabbed the man with thousands of pieces in his heart.

She let go of the man’s hand, and a young man with gold-rimmed glasses behind her handed over a pack of wet wipes in time.

Lin Ye took out one, lowered his head and rubbed his fingers carefully, not letting go of his fingers.

The atmosphere was suddenly cold, and everyone was speechless for a while. Just when Bai Han was racking his brains about how to reconnect with Lin Ye, Lin Ye suddenly asked, “How long have you been back?”

She raised her head slightly, her long chestnut-yellow hair curled around her cheeks, making her more aggressive.

Bai Han stared at that delicate and flawless profile face, no matter how she couldn’t match the yellow-faced and thin face when she was a child, whose cheekbones almost pierced her cheeks.

The sense of unfamiliarity blowing her face made her at a loss, and she spoke with a cautious estrangement: “Just over a week ago, I haven’t been back for a few days.”

Lin Ye lifted his eyelids: “Come back…are you going out?”

“Huh?” Bai Han hadn’t thought about this question before, stunned, and hesitantly said, “I came back as an exchange student.”

Lin Ye narrowed his eyes: “How is your body?”

Bai Han could hear the genuine concern in her tone, and the familiar feeling returned a little, and she bent her eyebrows: “It’s the same as before, just take good care of it.”

“I didn’t do it…” Before Lin Ye finished speaking, Yao Liang suddenly interjected, “Xiaohan, are you not in good health? Why haven’t I heard of you?”

Her health is much better now than before. As long as she pays more attention, she usually won’t get sick, but talking about her seems to be seeking sympathy, which is unnecessary.

Bai Han shook his head: “It’s not a big deal, it’s not important, I didn’t say it.”

Yao Liang frowned slightly, pursed her lips and said nothing.

Lin Ye saw it in his eyes, and his eyes turned around Yao Liang twice.

And Yao Liang also looked at her eyes.

In the air, the eyes of the two suddenly collided, creating fierce sparks.

Lin Ye took a step back and took a step forward, took Bai Han’s hand, pulled the person from the seat to his side, and raised his chin at the three people opposite: “Introduction ?”

“Oh oh oh!” Bai Han realized later, “These are my roommates, Lin Qian, Yu Yuan, and the one at the back, Yao Liang.”

Lin Ye nodded a little.

Bai Han glanced at Lin Ye, thought about it, and said, “This is Lin Ye.”

Without a prefix, Lin Ye and Yao Liang looked at her at the same time, Bai Han didn’t notice it, but Lin Qian rolled her eyes and exaggeratedly said “ah-“.

Lin Qian’s eyes turned on the two of them: “Lin Ye, the person you said you were looking for these two days, right?”

Lin Ye squinted: “Are you looking for me?”

Lin Qian hurriedly replied: “That’s not it, it’s really a coincidence, I just said that you’re moving and it’s hard to find it, this is just like filming a TV series, maybe this is… It’s doomed.”

“!” Bai Han glared at Lin Qian, wishing to rush to cover her mouth, “What nonsense!”

She looked at Lin Ye in a panic, suddenly met a pair of deep eyes that seemed to be able to see into her heart, the tips of her ears were red, and her cheeks were steaming like a steam engine .

Deliberately looking for you, don’t get me wrong.”

Lin Ye raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Bai Han’s cheeks became even hotter, he turned his face uncomfortably, not daring to look into Lin Ye’s eyes.

Lin Qian didn’t think it was a big deal to watch the fun: “Hey, why are you so shy?”

Bai Han: “…” It seemed like she was stuffed into a hot pot.

Bai Han looked down at his toes and completely gave up communicating with Lin Qian.

“Give me the phone.”

Slender fingers stretched out in front of him, Bai Han raised a confused face.

Before she could react, Lin Ye’s hand consciously reached into her pocket and took out her mobile phone.

After lighting up, she shook her face, and the screen was immediately unlocked.

Lin Ye opened the address book, entered a string of numbers, and dialed out.

There was a buzzing vibration from her body, Lin Ye ignored it and poked Bai Han’s mobile phone: “This is my phone number.”

“Oh.” Bai Han leaned on tiptoe to look, and found that Lin Ye was typing his name, “This mobile phone and number were obtained just after returning to China, I still haven’t remembered the phone number. Woolen cloth.”

Lin Ye paused with his finger, and when he returned, he saw that there were only less than ten phone numbers in the address book.

After thinking about it, she added an English letter before her name. Her phone number jumped up immediately, occupying the highest peak, and her eyebrows were relieved.

Bai Han didn’t say anything when she saw it. After she finished the operation, she returned the phone and put it in her pocket without looking at it.

Lin Ye: “Do you live in school?”

Bai Han nodded: “Yes.”

Lin Ye glanced at the many dishes left on their table, and patted her on the shoulder: “I still have something to do, you guys eat slowly, I’ll treat you.”

“No, no, I…” Before Bai Han could finish speaking, Lin Ye looked into her eyes, “Why, are you still polite to me?”

“Not really.” Bai Han didn’t know why, but he always felt that after so many years apart, Lin Ye was no longer the pitifully bullied little one.

In a place she couldn’t see, she grew up a lion who didn’t need to speak, and could scare people just by her aura.

This kind of forest leaves made her unfamiliar and fearful, and she couldn’t figure out her position for a while, and she didn’t know whether to stick it up as shyly as before, or to put the two of them together like adults. The relationship is positioned to the level of ordinary friends.

Lin Ye’s hand slid down naturally and patted her arm: “Okay, you two eat first, then contact.”

The tone was suddenly intimate, even more familiar than before the two separated a few years ago, even Bai Han was stunned, nodded dumbly, and was pushed back by Lin Ye. .

Lin Ye called the manager before he left, ordered them some meat and vegetables, and specifically instructed: “Change the bottom of the pot with a nine-square grid, and the other bottoms remain the same, mushroom soup and tomato. Change the base ingredients, don’t put too many seasonings, especially mushrooms, put some medicine… Forget it, Secretary Yu, you will explain to them later.”

“Okay.” The gold-rimmed glasses nodded.

Lin Ye reassured and warned again: “The dishes ordered later are placed in the mushroom and tomato pot, and two pairs of male chopsticks and a colander…”

“It’s alright, I don’t have to avoid eating so much now.” Lin Ye was taciturn before, when did he become so rambunctious.

Seeing the roommates stunned and staring at the mandarin duck pot that was so chaotic just now, Bai Han hurriedly stopped her from destroying her dormitory friendship in disguise: “Aren’t you still busy? Come on, let’s go, don’t delay.”

She pushed Lin Ye out: “I… call you?”

Lin Ye turned her head and rubbed her hair suddenly: “Call me.”

Seven years ago, Bai Han was about the same height as Lin Ye, but seven years later, Lin Ye in high heels is more than a head taller than Bai Han in flat shoes.

Bai Han opened his eyelids, just to see the soft smile in Lin Ye’s eyes, and the invisible barrier between the two disappeared.

She smiled back subconsciously and said affectionately, “Okay, I’ll call you when I get back.”

After Lin Ye left, the hot pot restaurant quickly changed them a table. I don’t know if it was an illusion. Whether it was the bottom of the pot or the dishes, they were all fresher and more delicious than the first table. There are many features not on the menu.

Yu Yuan bit the spicy beef, the sauce ran down the corner of his mouth, and said vaguely: “Bai Han, is she really your friend? How did you meet?”

Lin Qian nodded like a chicken pecking rice: “You two have completely different styles of painting, how old is your friend, what are you doing, this looks, this aura, this skill, you are still a secretary when you go out , you don’t worry about her, oh oh, tell me honestly, do you worry about her finding a boyfriend?”

Bai Han was speechless, and gave her a chopstick of beef: “So much meat can’t stop your mouth?”

Lin Qian bit the beef and pursed her mouth: “I see, it’s obvious that you are more worried.”

Yu Yuan then said: “Yeah, you don’t tell us if you are not in good health, no wonder you didn’t eat two bites of hot pot, do you want to avoid it? You always order it from your friends. Eat it, tsk, I really don’t consider us friends.”

It’s almost there, there’s no such exaggeration, let’s do it, let’s eat quickly.”

She looked at the layers of plates with a headache, and scratched her face with a headache: “Why did I order so much, I don’t know if I can finish it.”

“Let me taste, let me taste.” Before Lin Qian could finish eating, she went to grab what Yu Yuan wanted to eat. Still in full swing, the unpleasantness that was interrupted by the wretched man just now was completely forgotten.

“Liangliang, why don’t you eat it?” Bai Han smiled as he watched the two live treasures fight with chopsticks for the last piece of steak, and turned his head with a smile, just in time to meet Yao Liang’s distant gaze.

Yu Yuan turned his head and found Yao Liang’s bowl clean and untouched: “Yeah, why don’t you eat it? Is it because I and Lin Qian are too fierce?”

Lin Qian gave her a look: “You are fierce, don’t pull me.” She also looked at Yao Liang, “Liang Liang, you are not losing weight, you are already very standard. , there is no need to reduce it at all, this last steak is for you!”

She knocked off Yu Yuan’s chopsticks, and quickly picked up a piece and put it in Yao Liang’s bowl: “The food in this restaurant is really good, and I will come back for the next dormitory dinner!”

Yao Liang glanced at Bai Han, looked down at the steak, poked it silently, and said with a smile, “It’s nothing.”

Bai Han always felt that her smile was a little forced, but she didn’t want to talk about the privacy of others, so it was hard to ask questions, so she didn’t think much about it.

The aroma of the hot pot floated on her nose, Bai Han was really hungry, so she put down two bowls of green cabbage and tofu, and waited for the tomato soup in the pot to bubbling and bubbling. Take it up and swirl it around in the vinegar sauce, filling your mouth with one mouthful, full of the fragrance of cabbage and the dense taste of tofu, which is extremely satisfying. .

“Miss Lin, I really didn’t know she was your friend, otherwise I wouldn’t dare to give me a hundred courage, Miss Lin, I was wrong!”

Lin Ye left the hot pot restaurant and turned directly into a dark alley next to him.

The man who flirted with Bai Han’s words and tried to move his feet just now was pinned down by several men in black, knelt on the ground with difficulty, raised his head and begged.

Lin Ye’s high-heeled shoes stopped a centimeter in front of his hands on the ground, and the toes almost touched his fingers.

The man subconsciously curled back up, but he didn’t dare to call again.

The cold moonlight hit Lin Ye’s face, reflecting a metallic icy luster.

At this time, the forest leaf was as sharp as a bladed knife, surrounded by a blade as thin as a cicada’s wing, slicing into every inch of the opponent’s skin.

“Ah—” There was another shrill scream, and Lin Ye said lazily, “It’s so noisy.”

Immediately someone squatted down and blocked the man’s mouth, moaning and crying stopped abruptly.

Soon, the man seemed to have been stripped of all his bones, and lay on the ground like a puddle of mud.

Lin Ye turned his neck, suddenly stepped on the man’s hand, and stomped on the sharp high heel.

The man twitched violently, twitched, twitched, rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, no longer moving.

Lin Ye turned his neck, lowered his head and said calmly: “You don’t know? You don’t know, I don’t even know she has returned to China. In order to protect her, I endured not going to her. , don’t even inquire about her news, but what about her?”

Lin Ye laughed at himself: “She didn’t even want to tell me when she returned to China, you say, why didn’t she tell me, did she forget me long ago? Huh?”

“It turns out that she eats with everyone and takes care of other people’s feelings. Obviously, she can’t eat, and she has to order so much. It turns out that in her eyes, I am a friend, just like everyone else.”

Lin Ye said inexplicable words, the man didn’t understand a word, he looked at Lin Ye, whose expression was calm but his eyes were inexplicably terrifying, and moved hard to avoid .

The body seemed to be nailed to the spot, unable to move at all.

“She’s back, but she has to go.”

“No, since she is back, I will never let her go again.”

Lin Ye chuckled and let go of his feet, without even looking at the half-dead man: “Let Secretary Yu handle it.” He lifted his feet and left the alley.

The author has something to say: Lin Ye: Just ask if you are afraid!

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 Qinglian on the rain;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: often go back to Lothric to see, love Xinxinao, cici, Qinglian on the rain, teacher Bobo 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: cover your mouth…laugh! 16 bottles; 4 bottles of Jiu Mo;

There are red envelopes in the comments of this chapter, ask for auspiciousness, thank you for your support!

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