I’m in Strike the Blood, Inheriting The Template Of The True Ancestor At The Start

Chapter 23

22. I Haven’T Seen You For A While And Got Into Such A Big Trouble

“Don’t die too soon…”

Announcing indifferently, Nangong Yu slowly raised his right hand.

A suffocating sense of crisis suddenly rose in Xian Guyong’s heart, she lightly gritted her teeth and forced herself to remain calm.

Yuantang Yuan, who was resident in Itogami Island, returned to the Lion King institution without any warning, which caused a great sensation.

Xian Guyong is still very aware of Yuantangyuan’s strength.

Later, under the narration of Yuantangyuan, the impression of a high-ranking vampire who acted recklessly was deeply reflected in everyone’s mind. Because there was no official action, she didn’t know much about Nangong Yu’s intelligence. All I know is that the ‘Void Witch’ uncharacteristically forcibly suppressed this incident and publicized it as the work of the ‘Black Death Emperor’ and the name of Nangong Yu.

Other information, it is said that three newly debuted demon idols seem to know the inside story of the incident…

As for the authenticity of this matter, they did not seriously investigate.

After all, rumors are just rumors…

But now Xiangu Yongji is very regretful, if only she could collect more information…

The True Ancestor of Vampires is not someone who is easy to deal with. When she faced the ‘third princess’ Jiada Kukokan, she was able to leave unscathed because the other party did not know her abilities.

But this unfamiliar true ancestor who has some understanding of his own abilities in front of him should not be so easy to fool…

She can be sure that this level of magic and oppression is definitely the true ancestor!

Even… is beyond the existence of the true ancestor!

‘You must not give him the chance to summon a Beast! ’

The moment Nangong Yu’s words fell, Xian Gu Yong took the lead in raising the silver pistol.


With the shooting, the whole world fell into silence.


A huge explosion sounded constantly on Itogami Island.

Nangong, who was teaching a class to students, immediately frowned as he looked in the direction of the explosion.

“This class is here first, and the rest of the time is self-study.”

After leaving this sentence, she hurriedly walked out the door.

Looking at the black-haired girl’s disappearing back, Aurora couldn’t help but looked out the window and murmured.




Xian Guyong bit his lip, staring at the smoke and dust in the sky without saying a word.

Her image was extremely embarrassed, her face was covered with black marks, and her blue-and-white sailor suit had turned into a tattered beggar’s outfit.

The dark alleys no longer exist, the remaining ruins and broken walls can barely see the original appearance, and most of the surrounding buildings have been reduced to ruins.

‘Did it work? ’

This is her last trump card!

“Zizou… You are really cruel! A name like a terrorist is more suitable for you.”

She couldn’t help but widen her eyes at the sound of laughter coming from the smoke and dust in the sky.

As the smoke gradually dissipated, Xian Guyong also saw the scene inside…

“Concentrated by such a level of attack… actually… unscathed… how is this possible…”

The strong explosion did not leave any traces on Nangong Yu, not even his clothes were damaged in the slightest!

At this time, Nangong Yu was tightly wrapped in a black flame gauze.

“Don’t take out this kind of thing to scare children.”

If you want to really hurt him, first ask him if his dark magic will answer!

The flaming gauze formed by Hellfire Refinement has been tested by Nangong Yu and Nangong that month, and even Aurora’s attack cannot be broken!

Not to mention this kind of attack…

Not worth mentioning at all!

Without any hesitation, Xian Gu Yong directly activated his ability.

In the quiet environment, she raised the pistol at Nangong Yu and pulled the trigger.

Even if it is the true ancestor, how many times can this level of attack be resisted?

She absolutely couldn’t believe that Nangong Yu wasn’t affected in any way by the explosion just now!


The deafening explosion sounded again, and a strong wind hit, and Xian Guyong’s blue eyes were gradually occupied by despair…


She has realized it.

How ridiculous it is to challenge the true ancestor of vampires without a plan!

“Is this the true power of the true vampire ancestor…”


real monster!

It is impossible for human beings to overcome this existence!

“You were so loud just now, but now you look so ridiculous. Are you here to be funny?”

Looking at Xian Gu Yong who was in despair, Nangong Yu sighed in disappointment.

what is this?

He hadn’t started yet, Xian Guyong, who had a high fighting spirit just now and vowed to knock him down, actually showed such a ridiculous expression now.


Xian Gu Yong smiled bitterly.

She tried her best and failed to leave a trace on the opponent’s body. If there was a regret medicine, she would definitely not take this mission!

Provoking this kind of existence, the Lion King agency has reached the most dangerous level!

Maybe even asking for help from the three true ancestors, there should be no way to change the fate of the Lion King organization that is about to be destroyed…

However, Xian Guyong didn’t know, and Nangong Yu had a headache at this time.

Since he dared to provoke himself, he naturally would not let this woman go easily, and he would also go to the headquarters of the Lion King Agency to find the other three saints for tea.

If you kill it directly, it seems a little too cheap for this woman…

“Zi! I haven’t seen you for a while, and you actually caused me such a big trouble…”

The voice of dissatisfaction suddenly sounded.

Along with the ripples in the space, Nangong Nayue’s figure instantly appeared beside Nangong Yu.

After glancing at Xian Gu Yong, who was extremely embarrassed, Nangong said fiercely at Nangong Yu that month.

“Don’t you play games at home? Why did you come out all of a sudden? You still have such a big trouble with a guy of unknown origin. Don’t you feel uncomfortable if you don’t do it?”

“You’ve wronged me, Nayue Sauce.”

Putting away the flame gauze, Nangong Yu shrugged and spread his hands helplessly.

“These things are the fault of the Lion King agency. It has nothing to do with me, okay?”

“…whispering sound!”

The black-haired girl who was speechless couldn’t help smacking her lips, and then turned her attention to Xian Gu Yong, who was unlovable.

“The people of the Lion King organization are really good! You dare to launch such a large-scale attack on this island, do you know how many casualties this time because of you!?”

In the face of Nangong’s questioning that month, Xian Guyong slowly raised his head and asked indifferently.

“Have you been watching?”

“When you cause a second explosion.”

Nangong said coldly that month.

“Don’t you think it’s a bit ridiculous that you, who are hanging around with the true ancestor, are now asking me such a question?”


Without making any answer, the black-haired girl just smiled sarcastically.

According to the meaning of these words, she still has to live or die with Nangong Yu?

If it weren’t for her watching, the ghost knows what unexpected things Nangong Yu would do…

“You better take care of yourself first!”

She didn’t intend to interfere in Nangong Yu’s decision anyway.

The Lion King Agency has always wanted to intervene in Itogami Island’s affairs, so it’s a good thing to make them pay a little price this time.


At this moment, Nangong Yu, who had been silent for a long time, looked at Xian Gu Yong with a bright smile.

“Although you make me very unhappy, after all, I’m not a devil either…”

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