I’m in Konoha: Start with Mangekyo Self-Made Plug-In

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 The Power Of Plug In Level

The dark room has been illuminated by bright lights, and Uchiha Yue, who has calmed down from his over-excited emotions, is looking at his eyes in the mirror.

I saw that Uchiha Yue in the mirror was childish, but he was already quite handsome. Compared with the future Uchiha Sasuke, his face was no worse.

A pair of scarlet-based, black three-edged shuriken, with hollowed-out center, the pupil pattern is quite similar to Uchiha Obito’s eyes, but softer, the completely different eyes are slowly turning, making his already handsome face Add a touch of mystery and attraction.

“Hehe, Mangekyō Sharingan started at the age of ten. Such an achievement is a year faster than that of Uchiha Itachi, the filial son. It seems that my qualifications are not worse than his!”


While thinking in his heart, he had completely accepted all the information from Mangekyō, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more proud of Uchiha Yue, who was fully aware of his own pupil technique.

At this moment, Uchiha Yue only felt that all the grievances and pressures accumulated in the previous three months were completely thrown away, and the whole person could not wait to scream to express his excitement.

And the reason for this is because the pupil technique he awakened is basically the same as what he envisioned, and in addition to being absolutely powerful, it has unlimited potential, far beyond what ordinary Mangekyō pupil techniques can match.

In Uchiha Yue’s view, as long as anything can find its laws, clarify its principles, and want to interfere, it will become easier.

The same is true for Sharingan. As long as you grasp the conditions for Sharingan’s promotion, and understand the principle of the birth of the pupil technique when Sharingan transformed into Mangekyō, then it is absolutely not impossible to carry out human intervention under the right medicine to obtain the ideal ability. .

Then, with this thought in mind, Uchiha Yue, with his unique intelligence advantage as a traverser, as well as his unimaginable vision and thinking mode, not only tried to store negative emotions Chakra in advance to open Mangekyō.

In the past three months, he has made a breakthrough based on the principle of Sharingan, also known as the Eye of Spiritual Reflection, which can generate pupils according to the state of mind.

More than once, I have imagined my Mangekyō pupil technique, and analyzed what kind of thoughts and obsessions I have to have, and what kind of mentality I have to have the corresponding pupil technique.

Then, when everything is finalized, Uchiha Yue is constantly giving himself psychological hints, constantly strengthening his desire for the corresponding pupil technique.

And the hard work pays off. After three months of continuous belief strengthening, with the assistance of Sharingan Hypnosis, and because he himself completely gave up resistance and cooperated fully, the mental state he envisioned was perfectly achieved.

So, when everything was ready and Mangekyō transformed smoothly, his pupil technique was exactly as he expected and turned into what he wanted.

Uchiha Yue’s pupil technique, whose left eye is named Izanagi, can turn reality into a dream, and is a powerful force capable of reversing life and death and turning reality into nothingness.

In the original work, it was carried forward by Danzo’s hand. Before the Sharingan on his arm was exhausted, no matter how much he killed, he could not die.

And the inspiration for this pupil technique naturally comes from this, and because it is the exclusive pupil technique that comes with Mangekyō, the defect of blindness after one use has been successfully improved.

It can be said that with the existence of such a pupil technique, it is impossible for Uchiha Yue to be killed until his pupil strength is exhausted, and his life-saving ability has soared by an unknown number of levels in an instant.

Then, after talking about the pupil technique of the left eye, he said that the pupil technique of Uchiha Yue’s right eye was called Izanami.

Of course, Izanami’s inspiration also came from the original work. It was performed by Uchiha Itachi. At the cost of a Sharingan, the orochi Kabuto fell into an endless circle of illusions. Getting out of it can be regarded as a power that turns reality into reality.

However, compared to Izanagi in the original book, Uchiha Yue’s pupil technique is more powerful, and it is a pupil technique that is completely opposite to Izanagi.

That is to say, when he uses this pupil technique, he can completely create things out of thin air, and bring things that only exist in illusion into reality.

It can be said that with this pupil technique, he is Shirou Emiya in the Ninja world version. He can project whatever he wants, and he no longer has to worry about not having enough weapons.

Of course, these two pupil techniques are already extremely powerful, but if they can make Uchiha Yue so excited, it will not be so simple.

Moreover, if you take it out alone, it can’t be called unlimited potential at all.

Therefore, what really excited Uchiha Yue, and after spending countless energy, finally got the true plug-in level ability that he wanted, was the power of the fusion of such two opposite and harmonious pupil techniques.

Specifically, it is like Uchiha Obito’s Kamui Pupil. Although it looks like two relatively similar Pupils, in fact, these two Pushus can be regarded as different manifestations of the same Pushu.

His real pupil technique is only in Kamui space. In addition, whether it is Hollow, teleportation, or space warp attack, it is essentially achieved only through Kamui space.

Then, perhaps it was because Uchiha Obito’s pupil technique truly achieved the two in one, that his pupil technique was multiplied and multiplied, which was much more powerful than other Mangekyō pupil techniques.

In addition, the improvement of pupil power, such as Hashirama cells, is just icing on the cake.

Therefore, it also refers to the special characteristics of Uchiha Obito’s pupil technique. When the two complementary pupil techniques held by Uchiha Yue are completely conceived, the mysterious world bounded between illusion and reality is also Appeared in his induction and was completely mastered by him.

Then, that is the formation of this world, Uchiha Yue felt that his two pupil techniques were truly connected into one, and the originally monotonous release methods and effects became too much open in an instant.

It can be said that, with this special world as the backing and center, Uchiha Yue’s two pupil techniques have gone beyond the scope of a single technique, and have risen to the realm of ever-changing, infinite possibilities.

“Hehe, sure enough, this is the correct way to open Mangekyō Sharingan!”

“Those guys who don’t know how to take the initiative to develop and utilize it are just trying to collect heavenly things! No matter how powerful and strange the pupil technique they possess, they are just weapons that have already been formed. There is basically no more potential and future. That’s it!”

Wei Wei tries to use the power in her eyes, feeling the wonderful state of being almost omnipotent, Uchiha Yue can’t help but sigh again, and she is also satisfied and looking forward to her future.


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