I’m in Konoha: Start with Mangekyo Self-Made Plug-In

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 The Quarrel In Hokage’S Office

Not to mention that Uchiha Yue came back with a lot of victory and added a lot of training tasks to himself.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, who said that they had finally returned to the Hokage building, looked at the Hokage building full of battle marks and dead Anbu’s corpse, and their faces were really ugly.

The low air pressure emanating from the whole body made the elite ninjas who followed them dare not even breathe a little more, for fear that they would directly arouse the anger of the two bosses and die inexplicably.

“Hiruzen, Danzo, you guys are finally back!”

In the somewhat dilapidated Hokage office, Mitokado Homura, who had already been waiting here, saw Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo return, and immediately spoke with a rather heavy tone.

“Tell me! What’s going on, and what about Koharu? Why isn’t she here?”

Seeing Mitokado Homura speak, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo’s expressions were finally still ugly, but the low pressure on their bodies finally eased a little, and Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke directly.

However, before dealing with the mysterious masked man this time, they were preparing in the Hokage building, and after he and Danzo left, Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu were sitting in the Hokage building.

Now that such a big thing happened in the Hokage building, he naturally wanted to ask the specific situation of the two.

“Koharu has suffered some injuries and is being treated now. He should be fine soon. As for the person who invaded this time…it’s the mysterious masked man.”

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen’s questioning, Mitokado Homura first talked about Utatane Koharu’s situation, and then when he spoke of the intruder, he paused, and there seemed to be a flash of fear in his eyes, and then he finally spoke.

“Humph! Hiruzen, what are you going to say now? If it wasn’t for you before, I would have been able to interrupt the teleportation of the masked man and leave him behind.”

Mitokado Homura’s words just fell, and Danzo, who was dissatisfied because he was blocked by Sarutobi Hiruzen before, couldn’t help but snorted, his tone was full of dissatisfaction with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Hiruzen, what’s going on?”

Hearing Danzo’s words suddenly, Mitokado Homura’s expression changed suddenly, and he asked with some doubts.

“Enough! Danzo, haven’t you figured it out yet? The masked man we encountered, and the masked man who invaded the Hokage building, are not alone at all.”

“And your roots, it should also be the work of the masked man who invaded the Hokage building, all of us have been tricked!”

It seemed that Danzo’s stupidity was finally unbearable, Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted in a stern tone, and even though Danzo’s expressions froze, he was speechless.

“Okay! The current situation is not the time to hold anyone accountable. We need to immediately find a way to find the masked man who really made trouble. Otherwise, the next time he shoots, it may only be more serious.”

Seeing that both of them were captured by his own aura, Sarutobi Hiruzen’s tone softened, and he continued to speak in a deep voice.

“Hiruzen, I know what you mean, but do you really think that special time-space ninjutsu can be easily imitated?”

“Furthermore, if it is the exclusive pupil technique of the Mangekyō Sharingan, will there really be two identical pairs of Mangekyō?”

“So, instead of believing that another person did all this, I still think it was the previous masked person. After all, it’s not too difficult ninjutsu to do something like a clone.”

Seeing that Sarutobi Hiruzen’s tone softened, Danzo’s courage suddenly recovered a lot, and then he said, still sticking to his original intention.

“It shouldn’t be possible to clone, because the masked man I saw was too strong!”

“Not only is he immune to all Ninjutsu and Taijutsu attacks, even illusions are completely useless, and each of his attacks is so powerful that even an elite Jōnin can’t take his tricks at all.”

“And if such an existence is just a clone, how powerful will his body be? It’s impossible.”

Hearing Danzo’s words, Mitokado Homura’s eyes flashed with fear again, and his mouth also retorted.

“I can also guarantee that the masked man we met before is also the main body, not an existence like a clone.”

“Also, although Mangekyō Sharingan’s abilities are ever-changing, we cannot fully guarantee that a similar Mangekyō will not be born.”

“So, the current situation is that in the Uchiha family, there is still a hidden Mangekyō owner who we have no information at all, and the ability of this pair of Mangekyō is still the space-like pupil technique.”

“Now, perhaps the owner of this pair of Mangekyō is on the side of the rebel Uchiha, and even knows our previous plan against Uchiha, so he misleads us and wants us to fight another masked man who would have helped us. , both lose.”

Also refuting Danzo’s judgment, Sarutobi Hiruzen said affirmatively, and fully stated his own analysis.

“Is that so? Uchiha! Sure enough, it is a family loved by God, and its bloodline is too deep! Mangekyō Sharingan is so endless, it always appears suddenly. And facing such Uchiha, we really Will it be able to wipe them out?”

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen’s words, before Danzo could speak, Mitokado Homura couldn’t help but sigh in surprise, and his tone was filled with a sense of powerlessness.

“Humph! The bloodline of the Uchiha family is indeed incomparably powerful, but they are not a family loved by God, but a naturally evil family born with a curse.”

“The stronger their strength, the higher the Sharingan’s evolution, the more pain they endure, the more prone to mental problems, and become a destabilizing factor that threatens Konoha, and that’s the way it is now.”

“So no matter what, we must eliminate them. Only in this way can Konoha be more peaceful and develop better.”

“Also, if Hiruzen’s judgment is correct, then given the current situation, we have no choice but to back down. This will be a war. We must use thunderous means to strike immediately without any hesitation. .”

Hearing the sigh and negativity of Mitokado Homura, Shimura Danzō was extremely unhappy, when even he couldn’t help but snorted and said, and after speaking, he stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen, signaling him to make up his mind quickly.

“No, the Uchiha family is still a part of Konoha. As Hokage, I must not order the massacre of my own villagers.”

“Also, with the existence of that mysterious and powerful Uchiha, the current Uchiha family is no longer an existence that can be easily dealt with!”

“So, until we find this mysterious Uchiha and solve it completely, we’d better not act rashly.”

Although there was a momentary heartbeat, Sarutobi Hiruzen suppressed the thought in an instant, and continued to speak.

“Hmph! Hiruzen, you are too cowardly, Uchiha is preparing for a rebellion now, do you really plan to wait for them to fully attack before making a passive counterattack?”

“In that case, Konoha will not only suffer huge losses, but will also become the laughing stock of the entire ninja world.”

Seeing that even now, Sarutobi Hiruzen is still so indecisive, Danzo finally couldn’t help shouting angrily, his face full of disappointment.

“Don’t worry, I will never allow such a thing to happen, and that mysterious Uchiha is impossible to hide.”

Not having changed his mind because of Danzo’s anger and disappointment, Sarutobi Hiruzen just spoke decisively, with an unmistakable tone in his voice.

“You’ll regret it, Hiruzen!”

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen going his own way, Danzo said angrily, then slammed the door without waiting for him to continue speaking.


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