I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 91:

Although Xia Feishi really wanted to go on adventures with the team, but when he was really assigned to a team that was going to explore further afield, he couldn’t help but start to hesitate.

This hesitation was not because of him, but because of Yu Mo.

He felt a little annoyed now. At first, he didn’t think much about anything, but when he heard that he was able to go with the team, he was sincerely happy, but when he calmed down, Xia Feishi finally thought about Yu Mo’s current physical condition. , as if not suitable for such an adventure.

Because we are going to leave tomorrow, everyone was told to go home and pack up and prepare before departure.

Xia Feishi took Yu Mo back to her residence like this, and after returning to the room, Xia Feishi held Yu Mo in her arms and placed him on the table in front of him, and whispered worriedly, “You really Do you want to go with us?”

Yu Mo did not hesitate: “Of course.”

He knew exactly what Xia Feishi was worried about, so he didn’t give Xia Feishi time to hesitate, only said: “There is one thing I haven’t told you yet, the way I and others came to this island back then. The difference is that the red spar brought me here.”

Xia Fei had long been impressed by his spar, and now hearing Yu Mo say that, he couldn’t help but be stunned: “Is it it?”

Yu Mo nodded and said calmly, “That’s why I want to go further afield, because I feel that this place should have something to do with the red spar that changed me, so I went to explore this place to be able to Find a solution to your body’s problems.”

When Xia Feishi heard this, even though she knew it was dangerous, she had no reason to stop it.

He finally nodded and agreed to Yu Mo, and the two prepared together. The next day, they followed the leader of the human shelter and Yue Xuan, and finally headed for the deeper west of the island, a direction that had never been explored before.

This game world does look very peaceful and peaceful, but the areas waiting to be explored outside the island are far from being as peaceful as they seem.

Xia Feishi and Yu Mo had experienced storms and dangers when they were exploring and opening the aviation center.

But fortunately, when they first started to move forward, they did not encounter too dangerous conditions.

Presumably because of luck, their initial journey did not encounter much danger.

The most tense situation is probably that someone accidentally stepped on the vines on the ground on the way forward. The vines suddenly seemed to be awakened by some kind of monster from a deep sleep, and the vines in all directions stretched towards them. It’s like preparing to wrap them in it.

However, all the people who came this time have good fighting ability, so this problem was solved very commonly. The whole process was too simple, so that even the least timid people behaved quite calmly.

Of course, Xia Feishi didn’t panic too much, but Yu Mo, who was in Xia Feishi’s arms, could still feel it. When danger came, Xia Feishi clearly hugged him tighter.

That must not be an illusion.

The journey was not always smooth sailing, and after three days, they reached the edge of a wide river somewhere.

Because of the unique cartoon style of this world, walking in this world and looking at the surrounding scenery will probably not have any strong sense of danger. Except for the violent storm, there is no sense of danger in any scene.

But this fast-flowing river made everyone feel a near-dangerous scene for the first time.

After all, there are a lot of people present, not everyone can swim, and the river is wide, so of course there is no such thing as a bridge in such a place. So if they want to pass, they have to cross this dangerous river.

But just standing by the river and looking down, they saw a shadow under the rapids, and it seemed that something was about to move.

Faced with danger for the first time, Yue Xuan, the leader of the team, and the human leader quickly ordered everyone to gather, and then began to divide into groups. They divided the animals who could swim and those who couldn’t, the animals who could swim and those who couldn’t. Two groups of each.

Then, the person who knows water will take the person who can’t, and take the bag to swim to the other side.

They all know that this is a dangerous thing, but their exploration has just begun, and naturally it is impossible to stop like this.

After making arrangements, everyone began to go to the other side of the river in an orderly manner.

During this process, Yu Mo and Xia Feishi naturally became the objects of care.

After all, Yue Xuan knew Yu Mo’s condition all too well, and Huo Hao, who was a doctor, was also with the team, so the first group they brought across the river were Yu Mo and Xia Feishi.

The two sat on the backs of the sea lion warriors, and the whole process went smoothly and without danger with the team to the other side.

After descending to the ground, Xia Feishi did not breathe a sigh of relief, but hurriedly looked back at the people who were continuing to cross the river behind her.

Although he came here safely, he still had a bottomless feeling in his heart, as if something strange was always hidden under the water, trying to break out of the water.

Hope everyone can come here safely…

However, I don’t know whether to say that Xia Feishi’s intuition is too accurate, or whether they should say that their luck is indeed too bad, in short, during the process of crossing the river, an accident did occur very quickly.

At first, when an orc was taking people across the river, he was accidentally hit by the current and swayed and almost fell.

But things turned completely bad soon. Not only did the water flow become more rapid, but at this time, strange water plants began to grow unknowingly below the water surface, wrapping around the moving forward. Swimming orcs.

These aquatic plants appeared strangely, with no warning at all, and they were growing very fast, but in just a few minutes, they were already floating on the water, filling the entire river in front of everyone into strange green.

They are like monsters dancing wildly with tentacles, devouring the humans and orcs who are in the water at the moment.

Many people have been rolled off the backs of animals because of such violent movements, struggling to be dragged by water plants and vines all over their bodies, constantly being pulled underwater. They kept struggling and calling for help, but their bodies continued to slide down.

In just an instant, the entire team in front of them was in chaos.

Xia Feishi was anxious, but he didn’t know how to water, and his strength was not that great. He could only try his best to lie on the edge of the water, try to use the flames to expel those water plants, and try to save the people who were dragged.

However, there are too many aquatic plants, and there are also many people in the water. If these aquatic plants are not eliminated first, it is impossible to save all the people.

But in a short period of time, how can we wipe out all the aquatic plants of this amount without hurting the people in the water?

Xia Feishi couldn’t think of such a possibility. Seeing the familiar figures struggling in the water, he bit his lower lip, ignoring that his hand had been pinched and turned blue and red during the dragging process. Never let go.

Yu Mo was by his side. When the accident started, he was blocked by Xia Feishi with a protective attitude, but at this time he came out.

As a Zerg emperor who has experienced countless things, Yu Mo calmly judged the situation. At the same time, he also noticed the panda who was scrambling on the ground beside the river tossing something.

At this moment when everyone is saving people, Yue Xuan has no reason to be entangled in the pile of instruments in front of him, unless those things have an unexpected effect.

Yu Mo quickly made a judgment. He is now in the form of a white wolf cub, and his movements are flexible, so in just a moment, he pulled Xia Feishi to Yue Xuan.

Xia Feishi was trying to save people, but his response was not slow, and he was brought over by Yu Mo. Xia Feishi immediately guessed his intention. He looked at Yue Xuan, and then at Yu Mo’s demeanor. , asked softly, “What can I do now?”

Yue Xuan was busy when he suddenly saw Xia Feishi and Yu Mo coming. He instantly seemed to have found a life-saving straw, and said quickly, “You two! I need the energy to activate the machine, and…”

He said this, glanced behind him quickly, and soon saw the human leader who had been dragged into the water in the crowd.

Yue Xuan raised his claws and pointed over there: “I still have a few important parts of my machine over there, I need to get what’s in that man’s bag!”


Xia Feishi quickly realized that all the energy in this world is based on the energy value of the world, which is the one they saved through the live broadcast.

Xia Feishi can now use all the functions in the game, does that mean that as long as he starts the live broadcast, he can continue to accumulate energy and provide it to Yue Xuan?

After thinking of this, he immediately responded: “I can try to provide you with energy!”

Yu Mo was not surprised by Xia Feishi’s response. Obviously, he also thought of the same thing as Xia Feishi, so the next thing to solve is only the parts.

Yu Mo raised his head and looked at the leader of the human team floating on the water not far away. His voice was calm and firm: “I’ll find the remaining parts for you.”

At this time, Yu Mo didn’t have to do it himself.

But the surrounding situation is too chaotic, delaying a few more seconds is extremely dangerous, and it may lead to death, so Yu Mo and the others did not even ask Yue Xuan, what can he do with this instrument, only Choose to believe.

But when Yu Mo said this, Xia Feishi suddenly looked at him.

Yu Mo looked at him calmly, with no intention of evading.

He thought that Xia Feishi would stop him, but surprisingly, Xia Feishi didn’t. He just nodded lightly at Yu Mo and silently said “be careful”.

Such a response surprised Yu Mo.

But there was a smile in his red eyes because of this, he nodded, and then flexibly jumped away again, actually walking through the water with his agile walking.

Every time his toes fell, he would just step on the aquatic plants that had surfaced. However, because of his extremely fast skills, he had not even waited for the aquatic plants to react and stretched out their tentacles to grab his ankles. Jump away and head towards the next target.

The speed of the whole process was extremely fast, even to the point where it could not be seen clearly by the naked eye.

Even if Xia Feishi was watching the figure closely, he could only see his afterimage as a wisp of snow, walking through the chaos.

Xia Feishi could see that Yu Mo didn’t need to worry about it.

He quickly forced himself to withdraw his mind, then opened the game control panel in his sight, and selected the “Start Live” button again.

After careful calculation, he has not started the live broadcast for a long time, so now when he is going through this process, he has a strange feeling in his heart.

However, this strangeness soon turned into a familiar feeling after starting the live broadcast and seeing the barrage on the live broadcast screen.

Even though it has been a long time, seeing these barrages, he still recalls his loneliest days, the times when these barrages were with him.

Meanwhile, the Empire.

The empire is not stable now.

Because most of the entire empire’s troops have been sent to the human world, this is actually the most precarious time. The federation has taken advantage of this time to occupy many planets on the border of the empire, and the people of the empire are unwilling to surrender to the people of the federation. , so whether it is civilian or military, it is still struggling to resist.

They are trying to buy more time for the armies of the human world so they can get things done faster and get back to the Empire.

In such a tense atmosphere, everyone could not remember to care about other things at all.

When the empire is dying, everyone is staring nervously at StarNet, trying to understand the latest battle situation. Of course, some people will try to watch the past live broadcast room of the imperial military.

Since the imperial army took a large number of troops to the human world, this live broadcast room has not been taken care of for a long time.

Xia Feishi disappeared. Although people knew that he was well protected by the imperial army, everyone had no way of knowing how he was doing now.

At the beginning of the live broadcast room, you can also see the panoramic view of the island through the lens.

But I don’t know since when, I think it is no longer necessary to open it, so the military finally closed the live broadcast here.

Xia Feishi’s live broadcast has accompanied the people of the Empire for more than two years, and now it has been shut down like this, and many people feel very sorry. If possible, they would prefer to be able to guard the live broadcast room. Even if Xia Feishi didn’t show up every day, but only occasionally started broadcasting, they would feel very relieved.

Before they knew it, Xia Feishi’s existence was no longer a rare ancient human being for the people of the empire, no longer a beautiful ornament, but a friend who truly existed in front of them.

Even if they were separated from the screen, even if they could only communicate through barrage, even if Xia Feishi himself didn’t know how many people his company had saved.

When the war is chaotic, people will enter the live broadcast room to seek a moment of peace.

So now, even though Xia Feishi’s live broadcast room has not been opened for a long time, there are still many people in the empire. When they have nothing to do, they will habitually open the live broadcast room to take a look.

Look at the empty black screen and imagine the human teenager sitting on an island like a fairy tale world, chatting and laughing with them in the sunlight.

But today, something unexpected happened.

When a few imperial people opened the live broadcast room as before, ready to stare at the black screen live broadcast room for a few seconds, and then turn it off.

They found that the live broadcast room with a black screen suddenly popped up.

The picture in the live broadcast was very chaotic. At first, someone was screaming uncontrollably, and then the picture became clearer, and people were no longer so nervous. They finally saw the situation on the screen clearly in the midst of rapid breathing.

This should still be the original island, and everyone saw Xia Feishi as expected.

But today’s Xia Feishi didn’t have a smile on his face, and he didn’t seem to be leisurely. He was in this place, I don’t know where in this world, there was a vast river, and in the river, countless The strangely floating water plants are sticking out their leaves from the inside, entangling people and animals in the water or riverside and sinking.

At the moment of seeing this live broadcast screen, all the people in the live broadcast room were stunned.

This scene gave them too much information, which made them unable to react in an instant, and they didn’t know which thing to be surprised by first.

For example, in this picture, in addition to Xia Feishi, there are actually so many humans.

For example, what are these appalling aquatic plants.

Like what’s going on right now…

Everyone didn’t have time to think about it. They were worried about the situation in the screen, and the barrage was sent out quickly, but the entire screen was covered under people’s worries in an instant.

At the same time, the moment the people of the empire found out that the live broadcast was on, they all opened their social systems one after another to spread the news.

In just a few minutes, millions of people poured into the live broadcast room, concerned about Xia Feishi’s situation.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was once again piled up with a thick layer.

At the same time, Xia Feishi in the game world also saw the barrage of everyone.

He hasn’t started broadcasting for a long time, and he doesn’t really expect to get feedback from the audience immediately after he starts the live broadcast, but when he sees the continuous growth of the audience in the live broadcast room, he sees the thick concerns sent by them. At the barrage, Xia Feishi couldn’t help staring at the screen, then closed her eyes in a hoarse voice, and nodded to everyone, “Thank you, thank you.”

It turned out that when he couldn’t see it himself, he was being cared by countless people all the time.

If he hadn’t been in his live broadcast room all the time, it was impossible to notice him immediately.

He still couldn’t figure out what ability he had to get everyone’s waiting and waiting. At this time, apart from being grateful, he really couldn’t think of any words to express his feelings.

He bowed gently towards the crowd and thanked him again seriously.

“It seems that every time I find you, I need everyone’s help.” Xia Feishi bit her lip, her smile a little helpless, “But now I have only this way.”

He didn’t have time to explain the situation to everyone, but it seemed that everyone didn’t need his explanation.

It’s just that he opened his mouth like this, and everyone offered him help unconditionally.

He saw many barrages swaying continuously.

– Energy value is it! I am already very familiar with this, and I will also use a new way to stimulate energy value!

– ah ah ah ah baby, don’t be afraid! Mama will help you!

-What should I do? It looks so dangerous, baby, get out of the way, don’t get caught up in those things!

– Energy value high-speed extraction method, click /me/home/page/come/look.

There are still many barrages like this. Everyone understands the priorities of the matter, so they all cooperated and began to transmit energy values ​​to Xia Feishi.

Even Xia Feishi himself could not have imagined that they could have such an effect, but it was only a moment after the broadcast, not even three minutes, and the energy value had already started to soar rapidly, almost as fast as Xia Fei’s time telling stories. after effect.

Sometimes the more urgent the situation is, the more potential people can be stimulated. Everyone has too much energy, so when Xia Fei passed these energy values ​​to Yue Xuan to help him turn on the machine in front of him, Yue Xuan even had a little bit of energy. I was worried that my machine would explode in an instant because it couldn’t withstand such a large amount of energy.

But fortunately, although the machine looked a little overwhelmed, it finally stood firm.

This is a very weird looking machine, with weird buttons and transmitters on it, and when it’s turned on, it starts to explore all around and seems to emit some weird energy.

However, although the machine works, it is still missing something.


Just as Yue Xuan said that, without even needing him to wait, Yu Mo returned to them in a timely manner.

And he was holding a green backpack in his mouth, there was no doubt that this was what he got from the human leader just now.

Yuexuan didn’t dare to neglect, although Yu Mo’s speed of action had reached an unbelievable level, but Yuexuan didn’t even have time to marvel, he just quickly took things from Yu Mo, and then surpassed With the speed that his panda’s body should have, he quickly put all these parts into the machine.

The machinery was still working continuously, emitting a tense working sound.

Although Xia Feishi couldn’t feel the energy fluctuations in it, he could clearly feel the changes in the surroundings after the machine worked.

Those vines that were still growing crazily just now, for some unknown reason, seemed to feel some kind of threat under the action of this machine, so they gradually began to shrink back.

They seem to have sensed something, and they don’t even dare to extend their tentacles to others, they just scramble to dive underwater.

Within moments, they disappeared into the water.

The entire river seemed to have recovered in just an instant, and people couldn’t see the slightest trace of water plants at all, except for the strangulation marks that were dragged on everyone’s body just now, nothing else existed.

It was quiet here as if nothing had happened.

After a brief silence, the orcs began to work quickly under command, dragging the struggling people to shore.

And those people who knew how to swim also tried their best to swim back by themselves, and by the way, they also brought some animals around them who couldn’t swim.

After about ten minutes, everyone returned to the shore in good condition.

And it was also at this time that everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, collapsed on the ground and gasped.

Xia Feishi also felt that her hands and feet were slightly numb, as if she had lost her strength.

However, he didn’t let himself indulge in such slack for too long, he just took a breath, and Xia Feishi quickly looked at Yu Mo beside him.

He tried to check whether Yu Mo was injured, but Yu Mo moved faster than him, the latter jumped on his shoulder quickly, then stretched out his paw to probe his forehead, and asked seriously, “It’s okay. Is it?”

Xia Feishi looked at his serious appearance, curled her fingers and shook her head, trying to remind Yu Mo that she was still streaming live.

But he didn’t have time to remind him.

Because at this moment, Yu Mo had moved closer to him, as if he could feel at ease after confirming it himself, Yu Mo leaned over and gently sniffed his neck to confirm that there was nothing on his body. After the **** smell, it was barely relieved.

However, his actions also attracted the attention of other people in the live broadcast room.

– This wolf cub looks familiar.

-Is this the one from two years ago? Has he not grown up yet? Why is it still a wolf cub?

– Shouldn’t he be concerned about his actions just now! Did you not see it? It was like he was kissing Fei just now!

– Who the **** is this guy! ! !

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