I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 90:

Yu Mo couldn’t remember the details of the battle at the time.

When he didn’t tell Xia Fei all these processes, some things could be said, and some things were unnecessary.

Those aren’t very glamorous processes after all.

His **** and brutal name was also spread at that time.

Probably before that, no one could have imagined that a person with a broken bloodline who was expelled from the empire as an abandoned son would be able to return to the empire in such a manner, and use his own means to take back what he should have.

In fact, Yu Mo didn’t really care about the throne, his initial desire was just to live.

It was the persecution of those people that made him get to that point step by step.

Later, when ascending the throne and stepping on the throne of God, changes and eradications all became just natural.

Yu Mo concealed the following process, and only talked about the step of returning to the family. Hearing Yu Mo’s story, Xia Feishi felt distressed.

In Xia Feishi’s heart, Yu Mo, who is a blood-deficient person, is already a poor and pitiful image of being bullied. Now that he hears this, he is even more certain of his thoughts. Although Yu Mo’s original intention was not to make Xia Feishi feel poor and need to be taken care of, but in the end, he created such an image for himself.

Xia Feishi gently hugged Yu Mo and said, “So your current situation is because of that strange spar back then…”

Yu Mo nodded and said in a low voice, “Yes.”

Xia Feishi worried: “Will there be any impact?”

Of course the impact will be, and it will not be too small. Yu Mo explained to Xia Feishi about his situation in advance, just to prevent him from bringing danger to Xia Feishi if something really happened, he said: ” I used to think of ways to suppress this kind of power, and I didn’t want myself to change back to that monster again, but my suppressing ability has been very limited so far, if something really happened, or I couldn’t completely suppress it. This kind of power has become what I don’t want to become, and I hope that by then, you will try your best to…”

Having said that, Yu Mo closed his red eyes, and his voice became a little more solemn: “I hope you can stay away from me as much as possible, don’t get close to me, bring Hong Yu and the others to find a way to subdue me and minimize the damage. .”

Of course, that must be a helpless act in an uncontrollable situation.

Yu Mo has already made a decision in his heart, unless he is completely immobilized or loses all reason, and if he still has a choice, he will definitely keep himself away from the situation under his control. Here, stay away from Xia Feishi.

He will go to the uninhabited planet ahead of time, and he will not let himself cause trouble to anyone.

When I told Xia Fei these words, I just hoped that when the unfortunate thing happened, Xia Fei would not be completely ignorant.

Yu Mo rarely talked to Xia Feishi about his past. These words were what Yu Mo wanted to say, but in fact, they also had a kind of temptation.

He wanted to know what his monster status would be in Xia Feishi’s eyes.

He had thought about many possibilities, maybe Xia Feishi would feel frightened, maybe he would feel pity, or some other kind of reaction, but such speculation was eventually rejected by Yu Mo, he felt that those were not Xia Fei Time.

What kind of reaction would the real Xia Feishi be? He found that he had no way to make an accurate guess. Until now, when Yu Mo looked at Xia Feishi helplessly and looked at himself, he realized that Xia Feishi’s initial reaction was unexpectedly high. is comforting him.

Xia Feishi didn’t even think about what she should do when facing this monster.

All he could think about was Yu Mo’s feelings.

Is that right?

Yu Mo was a little stunned, but after a while, he couldn’t help but laugh.

Xia Feishi: “Can you still get up…”

He was originally asking this question, but when he lowered his eyes to see Yu Mo’s smile, he couldn’t help but stop his words and looked at Yu Mo puzzled: “What’s wrong?”

Yu Mo said: “I’m fine now, I was just suppressing that power just now, it’s fine to ease it a little now.”

Xia Feishi saw his game with that kind of power in his eyes, but he actually didn’t understand it. He carefully helped Yu Mo to get up, and when the other party really stood up, Xia Feishi raised his head and looked at Yu Mo. Mo, suddenly stopped again.

Yu Mo let his body lean against Xia Feishi’s thin body. After noticing Xia Feishi’s movements, he asked, “What are you looking at?”

Xia Feishi shook her head and said thoughtfully, “I remember that I haven’t seen you like this for a long time. It turns out that you are so much taller than me.”

Yu Mo looked at Xia Fei when he was only as tall as his chin, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, “It’s normal that humans are not as tall as orcs, I’m just a wolf, and my height in human form is not too exaggerated. You should go see Hong Yu and Xiang Zhe in their human form.”

Xia Feishi said with some annoyance: “I was much shorter than you two years ago. At that time, I thought I could grow longer.”

Because of Xia Feishi’s words, Yu Mo’s mood became completely clear. He reached out and rubbed the former’s head. Human hair is delicate and soft, and it feels completely different from animal hair.

Yu Mo said, “You’re already fine like this, don’t worry about how tall you have to be.”

Xia Feishi said: “Because it is taller, it will make people look more secure.”

Yu Mo: “Huh?”

He originally wanted to ask, why Yu Mo wanted to pursue something like a sense of security, and whether he was not doing well enough to make him think that he had no way to protect him.

But Xia Feishi quickly said: “Because now everyone has their own animal companion, my companion is you, so I hope I can look more reliable, as your partner, I also want Do your best to protect you.”

Yu Mo was silent for a moment because of Xia Feishi’s words, and then he said, “I’m protecting you.”

Xia Feishi shook her head, her eyes were a bit stubborn: “Partners need to protect and trust each other. You should trust me, not condone me.”

Yu Mo: “…”

He stared into Xia Feishi’s eyes, and he was very sure of Xia Feishi’s attitude. He knew that Xia Feishi was saying these words seriously.

Yu Mo’s heart softened slightly because of this, he nodded and said, “You are right.”

The conversation between the two has come to this point, the night has come to an end, the clouds on the horizon have begun to leach a trace of light, and the dawn is about to appear.

Xia Feishi was actually very tired, but he forced himself to cheer himself up in front of Yu Mo, and now it’s a bit dark. Of course, Yu Mo would not let him continue to hold on like this. They supported each other, walked slowly with their backs to the light of the rising sun, and returned to their residence.

It looks like an old man.

Yu Mo suddenly had such an idea in his heart, so he looked up again as if inadvertently, and saw the profile of Xia Feishi’s face at this moment.

Yu Mo’s physical condition still hasn’t improved. He still seems to be lacking energy from time to time. Sometimes he almost fell asleep in Xia Feishi’s arms several times while everyone was working.

But the change is that now that he knows Yu Mo’s state, Xia Feishi will take the initiative to take care of Yu Mo more and help him explain to others.

Yu Mo didn’t know how long he could last, but he thought that at least until things in the human world were temporarily settled, and before the crisis in the Federation was temporarily lifted, he would not be able to use the reagents with confidence and let him Lose your fighting power.

In the midst of such waiting, Xia Feishi and Yu Mo finally waited until the first group of teams to the human world returned to this island.

The news they brought back this time was good.

During the whole month of search and rescue trips, Dr. Yan and his team not only did not have one injured, but brought back hundreds of people.

These hundreds of people were all the people they met during the expedition. Doctor Yan and others rescued them, and then they explored together for a while, and finally they all returned to the island together.

With the participation of these hundreds of people, the island was instantly lively. Fortunately, Xia Fei had already made full preparations on the island. They were building new houses and opening up new land every day. There are a lot of people who come, and they will not fall into the embarrassing situation of insufficient space for activities or insufficient accommodation.

In the process, there is one more thing worth mentioning.

That is, after Xia Feishi’s deliberate inducement, the people living on the island now finally understand the benefits of the mysterious seeds.

After several times the fruit from the mysterious seeds sold a lot of gold coins, or got very useful things, everyone has understood the purpose of this mysterious seed, and then everyone started to plant them in batches.

Compared with the original manual work such as picking up branches, the amount of gold coins obtained by planting the mysterious seeds is completely doubled.

It’s only been a month since the expedition team went, and the people who stayed on the island have used this time to refresh the entire island, and have purchased and built many new things.

The changes on the island were so great that not only the search and rescue team who had left and returned was surprised because of it, but even Xia Fei, who was on the island every day, was also surprised by it.

Although Xia Feishi was also on the Transformer Island in the past, he was only one person after all, but now there are hundreds of people doing this at the same time…

The change brought about by the number of people is huge. Everyone brainstormed and kept thinking about accumulating gold coins. After all, the gold coins earned by earning gold coins are the gold coins in this world. Of course, the more the better.

The most exaggerated among them is probably Xia Feishi’s father, Mr. Xia, who unilaterally refused to break up with him.

Mr. Xia is indeed a very qualified businessman. He used many of his methods in the market to compete with the world system, saving everyone a lot of trouble and earning a lot of gold coins.

It has to be said that everyone is playing their own role, and even people who don’t seem to be special in ordinary times have found what they are good at on this island.

Of course, after the rescue teams brought back hundreds of people, as the number of people evacuated on their island increased, everyone was able to start thinking about new plans.

Among them, Hongyu led the orc legion, and the leader of the refuge on the human side also brought a few young and strong people who could talk to each other. After discussing with each other, everyone decided to implement a new plan.

Divide the entire team into three new groups, one group is responsible for continuing to return to the human world and saving more people, and one group is responsible for continuing to build the island and expand it so that more people who will be rescued later live.

And the last team will start the plan they made at the beginning.

That is to find a way to find other broken places in this world, and to find a way to repair it.

The human world is destroyed because the core of the world has been damaged, so there are so many disasters in the human world. So to really solve the problem, the real key is actually in this core world.

This is something that Yue Xuan mentioned before. At that time, he said that he had not thought of a solution for the time being, but now he has determined that it is not wrong to plan in this way.

After such discussions, most of the people present affirmed the feasibility of the plan.

Everyone agreed to this plan.

Finally, it’s time to start grouping.

Among the people Xia Fei was more familiar with, Mr. Xia and his family, Mr. Xia and his wife were naturally assigned to stay here to continue building the island, but Xia Cui became the need to go to explore elsewhere, trying to repair the core of the world of that group.

Xixi and Yu Hao also stayed here, Dr. Yan continued to go to Earth to save people, while Wen Lan stayed here as a logistical construction island.

As for Xia Fei, he needs to follow the expedition team to explore and repair the core of the world.

Before getting such an arrangement, Xia Feishi actually did not expect it.

He originally thought that with Hongyu’s character, they would continue to let him stay on the island and continue to do things like before, but things didn’t develop like this. After thinking about it again and again, they chose to let Xia Feishi follow him. The team goes on an adventure.

Of course, it is best to be able to no longer be protected and try to do what you can, but Xia Feishi couldn’t help but be full of doubts.

In the end, it was Yu Mo who gave Xia Feishi’s answer.

“This matter was brought up by me.” When Yu Mo told Xia Fei, “Because of some things, you and I have to do it.”

This was something that Yu Mo had already thought about long before he set off from the empire.

Yu Mo continued to say to Xia Feishi: “This matter will be very dangerous, you need to be fully prepared, and…”

Although he has made such a decision and preparation, judging from Yu Mo’s advice, he still doesn’t seem to be completely at ease with this matter.

But Xia Feishi said, “I’m not afraid of danger.”

Yu Mo paused and said, “Then, get ready to go.”

He has a hunch that this exploration will change a lot of things and allow them to truly discover the truth of the core of the world.

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