I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 89:

Yu Mo’s words really surprised Xia Feishi.

He asked in a low voice, “Isn’t it a white wolf?”

But whether it was two years ago or now, the Yu Mo that Yu Mo saw was clearly a white wolf cub, what if he wasn’t a white wolf?

And during this period of time, Xia Feishi also heard from other people that Yu Mo and the gray wolf Yu Hao are from the same clan, aren’t they both of the wolf clan?

Xia Feishi felt puzzled, but he also knew very well that Yu Mo had no reason to deceive himself at this time.

Xia Feishi thought a lot at this moment, and after a while, he suddenly had a flash of light and thought of something.

When Yu Hao took him to the amusement park, he also changed his appearance and disguised himself as a dog.

So is Yu Mo also disguised?

Yu Mo probably understood what Xia Feishi had already guessed, so he nodded and said, “Well, when I first came to this island, I became a cub because of my injury, but I came here later. , because I don’t want my beast form to be seen.”

He said these things without concealment, maybe because there was so much happening tonight, so he looked tired: “Some stories are long and boring, do you want to hear me? ”

Xia Feishi nodded without hesitation: “I want to hear it.”

Although he didn’t say the last half of the sentence, he actually knew very well…

His heart told him that he wanted to know everything about Yu Mo.

Yu Mo then said: “You should know that I am a bloodline disabled person.”

Xia Feishi nodded again. Although he didn’t actually know that much about these things, and he wasn’t so clear about the status quo of the empire and the experiences of those with broken blood, he was still able to infer something based on what Hong Yu and the others said. .

Yu Mo: “My family is very big and famous. This family has a very strong sense of honor and will not allow their descendants to have bad bloodlines, so when they found out that I was handicapped, they gave me to me. Sent to a remote planet, sent a few people here to take care of me, and then let me fend for itself.”

When Xia Feishi heard Yu Mo’s words, she heard a familiar feeling from it for no reason.

The same was sent away alone, the same grew up alone, the only difference is that Yu Mo’s life seems to be more difficult than his own, because he has been completely abandoned since he was born, and Xia Fei Shi It was during this process that he slowly ushered in his own judgment.

Their experiences turned out to be so similar.

When he heard this, Xia Feishi could not help but start to feel worried. He couldn’t help but want to ask Yu Mo, to know his past experiences, and whether there were people like Dr. Yan and Wen Lan around him. People, will they take good care of Yu Mo.

Xia Feishi’s anxiety was even reflected on his face. Although Yu Mo had no strength now, he still felt a little amused when he saw his demeanor, so he said, “At least I have grown up safely until now.”

Xia Feishi held Yu Mo’s hand and looked serious: “Fortunately, you have grown up so well.”

Xia Feishi could feel the same way about this experience.

However, this was only a part of Yu Mo’s past. His experience was far more complicated than what Xia Feishi had imagined. After that, Yu Mo recounted what happened in the days that followed.

Even if he was sent to a remote planet and regarded as a descendant of a family that had been abandoned, Yu Mo still had to learn etiquette every day and learn many rules that seemed completely useless.

Children of the orc race will look like cubs in beast form before they are born until they are five years old. This look is the fastest to learn things, and the growth cycle is much faster than that of human form.

However, Yu Mo was an accident. As a person with incomplete blood, when he was born, he was born with a incomplete form of animal tail and beast ears, neither a complete human form nor a complete animal form.

In this state, Yu Mo’s learning speed is much slower than that of children of the same age, and it is much more difficult than them. At that time, there was such a saying in the family that Yu Mo’s brain was dull, and he was not qualified enough. Where did he seem to be? Not as good as anyone else’s.

Even so, for Yu Mo, at least he can still live well.

But until later, the sky of the empire changed, and there was conflict within Yu Mo’s family, and everyone began to fight infightingly in order to seize the throne.

When he heard this, Yu Mo thought that Xia Feishi probably couldn’t understand what he said, so he took the initiative to pause and tried to explain, but Xia Feishi immediately nodded: “I know! Although my family doesn’t seem to have any. Chances are this kind of thing happens, but I’ve been exposed to such works before, is it for property rights? Or family business or something? Everyone stumbling on each other like this?”

Yu Mo: “…”

His demeanor was complicated, and the battle for the throne of the empire was described by Xia Fei as if he was fighting, and Yu Mo didn’t know that this was not an image after all.

But he couldn’t explain it clearly, so he could only nod his head and say, “Yes, I will be expelled from the empire after that.”

Xia Feishi couldn’t understand such a result. Even though he knew that this happened many years ago, Xia Feishi still murmured, “Expulsion?”

He couldn’t understand why the family struggle finally came to this point and was expelled from the empire, so where could Yu Mo go? At that time, he was obviously a child of only a few years old, and he didn’t even have the ability to survive.

Regarding this memory, Yu Mo actually no longer has too strong emotions, because the revenge that should be avenged, he already avenged it a long time ago.

So until now, the proportion of these things in his life is only a few seconds of memories.

He went on to recount what happened next.

In fact, in a sense, if it wasn’t for that expulsion, he wouldn’t have succeeded in turning over and gaining the power to take revenge.

After being expelled, Yu Mo lived a bad life for several years. He used to work in the place where the interstellar pirates were ravaged, helping them do things, and he also picked up garbage on the barren star. In order to survive, he could do anything. , However, the empire has always cared about his existence, and even after expelling him, it still sent people to try to obliterate him.

Under such pursuit, Yu Mo finally escaped to a planet without a name.

In that planet, he did get rid of the people who were chasing him, but it was not until the chasing soldiers behind him disappeared inexplicably that Yu Mo realized that the planet was not as simple as it seemed.

It was a planet filled with poisonous fog.

But when Yu Mo really realized this, it was too late for him to leave. He lost consciousness because of the poisonous fog and fell on the planet. At that time, he thought he would die.

But a bizarre thing happened. When he regained consciousness and opened his eyes again, he found that there was a strange red spar beside him.

The reason why Yu Mo was alive was because he touched this thing at the last moment when he was struggling before he fell into a coma, and held it tightly in his hand like a life-saving straw.

And this spar does not know what kind of special power it has, but he actually helped Yu Mo, allowing him to remove the poisonous gas from his body, and also isolate the external poisonous gas, allowing Yu Mo to survive well.

With the help of this spar, Yu Mo no longer needs to be afraid of the poisonous gas. As long as he takes this crystal with him, the poisonous gas will automatically disperse in front of him wherever he goes.

This kind of thing gave Yu Mo a new turning point. Because of this spar, this planet, which was extremely dangerous to others, became the safest place in his eyes.

He can find all kinds of food in the mountains and forests on the planet, and he does not need to fear the pursuit of others, so he wears this spar on his body and lives here.

But what Yu Mo could not have imagined was that although this spar could free him from the threat of the poisonous mist, it was not something that could be completely controlled by him.

The strangeness on the spar was unknown to Yu Mo at the time.

He discovered the problem with the spar one day after living there for two and a half years.

When Yu Mo was fetching water by the pond one day, he suddenly saw his own reflection in the water, and——

He found that there was a strange blood color in his originally blue pupils.

At first he thought it was a reflection in the water, which made him delusional, but as he noticed such an abnormality once, he began to pay more attention to it after that.

Because of this, he found that his eyes gradually changed from the pure blue of their race to a crimson like that spar.

That kind of redness made Yu Mo have a bad feeling, and what happened next made his bad feeling become a reality, because he found that his body was the same color as his eyes, and gradually began to develop. Change.

The top of his head, just in front of his ears, began to ache, as if something strange was trying to push it out.

Along with that, his body seems to be getting itchy gradually…

This kind of change has lasted for a long time. Yu Mo can’t judge what this change means to him. He is surrounded by unknown fears. The spar that once saved his life has now become the The source of pain and fear.

This kind of change is very slow, but it is also extremely annoying. After another half a year, Yu Mo can feel the change in his body almost every day.

Although he is in human form with incomplete blood, he can feel that his beast form seems to be gradually being changed by this red spar.

Gradually he realized that he had probably become some kind of monster.

He didn’t dare to let himself become a beast again, no matter at any time, even when he was sleeping, he still maintained his human form.

He had a strong hunch that this was a change he couldn’t bear.

But in the end, he was still unable to withstand such power.

One day after that, he finally could no longer control this spar exuding strange energy, the energy in his body began to become disordered, and his consciousness gradually became blurred under such energy.

He couldn’t describe what was going on, but when he regained his senses, his surroundings were completely different.

Yu Mo didn’t know how long he had lost consciousness, and what he did during this time, but he could clearly see that the forest and lake in front of him had completely dried up, and in his At his feet, a cyan flame was still burning continuously.

There were dots of cyan fire all around, as well as broken trees and burnt wreckage.

Although Yu Mo didn’t know how the whole thing happened, he knew very well that there was no one else on this planet except himself.

Therefore, he is the only one who can destroy this place and cause such destruction.

Yu Mo found that he had changed back to the beast form in the process of losing consciousness, but he could clearly feel that his beast form was different from the past. His body was much larger than before, and his limbs were much heavier. He slowly stepped forward, and finally saw his reflection in the pond where there was only a shallow shoal left.

He turned into a huge monster with extremely long hair, red eyes with a murderous aura, and double horns on his head.

That is definitely not what the wolf clan should look like. His posture has far lost the characteristics that the wolf clan should have, and he has become a monster that has never appeared in the records.

Xia Feishi was always listening quietly to Yu Mo’s story, and when he heard this, he had unconsciously grabbed Yu Mo’s arm.

He didn’t know what he should say to appease Yu Mo at that time. Time had passed for too long, and Yu Mo, who was still young at the time, couldn’t hear his appeasement.

But Xia Feishi still said softly, “You are not a monster.”

It doesn’t matter if you change into that form, Xia Feishi said, “You are just very special.”

“Special” should not be considered a monster.

Yu Mo thought that he didn’t care about these things anymore. He had long passed the time when he would panic, and he would resent his strange body, and would like to cut off his horns because of that.

But after hearing Xia Feishi’s reassurance, Yu Mo still felt that many things were not so difficult to accept.

He shook his head and continued: “At that time, I found that I couldn’t change back to human form for the time being.”

During that time, Yu Mo, who couldn’t change back to his human form, could only wander in the mountains and forests all over the planet in such a disgusting attitude.

He often has no way to control the ability in his body, and he will inadvertently burst out with excessively amazing power, burning the jungle in front of him, or accidentally destroying various things there.

He is very aggressive, and often loses his mind under the impact of the energy in his body, turning into a monster that only blindly attacks everything around him.

Originally, Yu Mo thought that he would always live on this planet in this way, but an accident soon came to him.

Because there is a fleet of Empire, I don’t know why it suddenly landed on this planet.

They are the empire’s poaching organization, and they often go to various planets in remote areas of the empire, looking for beasts that have not undergone genetic evolution on these planets, so they don’t have human form at all.

These beasts usually have high value and are domesticated as ornaments or mounts for nobles.

The more bizarre and special the beast, the greater the value and the more popular it is in the auction process.

So when this group of poachers saw Yu Mo in the form of a beast, they judged that this was the most special new species in recent decades, and it was the best “goods” that could attract madness.

So they used countless means, and finally spent a lot of manpower and material resources, captured Yu Mo with difficulty, and sent him to the ship.

The reason why Yu Mo was caught by them was because he was still awake at the time, and another reason was that he wanted to leave this planet and wanted to try it out. If he left here, he could Can’t find a way to change back.

So Yu Mo just resisted a little and followed them onto the ship.

But unfortunately, just as the ship was being transported to the auction planet, Yu Mo lost control again.

He became mad and bit more than half of the people on the ship, and it was at this time that the group of poachers finally realized what a terrifying monster they had provoked. So they hurriedly found a nearby planet, and after dropping the monster here, they quickly fled away.

Coincidentally, the planet that the group of poachers threw Yu Mo down happened to be the planet where the Federation and the Empire fought as a battlefield.

The appearance of Yu Mo almost changed the whole battle situation.

Because he was in the form of a beast, Yu Mo, who was in madness, was naturally regarded by the federation as a reinforcement of the empire. The federation team launched a fierce offensive against him, and Yu Mo was provoked by these troops, and immediately began to become manic. The crimson eyes became even colder, and in the end, it only took two hours to solve the opponent that the imperial army had been struggling to defeat for a few days.

After this battle, the entire Federation knew that there was a guy with scarlet eyes and strange horns, who was as powerful as a monster from the empire.

As for Yu Mo, this battle exhausted all the energy in his body, and he finally regained his half-human form with incomplete blood vessels because he lost his strength and fell into a coma.

After recovering, Yu Mo was picked up by the soldiers who came to clean up the battlefield.

At that time, Yu Mo was only a half-year-old boy. He fainted because of his exhaustion, his face was pale, and he was the weakest person with incomplete blood vessels.

No one could connect him with the beast that ripped apart the enemy team on the battlefield just now.

They thought that Yu Mo was just a guy who accidentally broke into the battlefield, so they carefully rescued and protected him and brought him back to the empire.

A very coincidental thing is that when they returned to the empire, it coincided with the second turmoil in the empire. After the forces of all parties changed, other forces in Yu Mo’s family declined. Finally, his clansmen found him and Hope he can become the new leader of the family.

At this point, the story is nearing the end, Xia Feishi murmured and asked, “So you went back?”

Yu Mo lowered his eyes and said, “Yes, I went back and won too.”

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