I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 88:

Although Xia Feishi said so, Yu Mo didn’t take it seriously, and his face didn’t even change.

Even after that, Xia Feishi still felt puzzled and asked several times, but Yu Mo still didn’t show any abnormality except for her body temperature.

So this matter was eventually put off by Yu Mo.

After returning home, Xia Feishi began to work with the other people who stayed here to welcome others and prepare for the follow-up.

What Dr. Yan said is right, Xia Feishi is indeed more suitable to stay here, because he is the person who knows the island best, and he can help everyone to do many things, such as guiding them to plant mysterious seeds and secretly helping them speed up the construction progress , and when everyone is not paying attention, “send” the previously collected materials to everyone.

Or that he even built a lot of new vending machines for everyone in the open space in the dead of night.

Although Xia Feishi initially wanted to help outside, but as he spent more and more time on the island, he became more and more focused on the things in front of him, and gradually forgot his initial thoughts.

However, during this period, Xia Feishi also discovered some anomalies.

This anomaly is still related to Yu Mo. Xia Feishi found that Yu Mo seemed to talk to him less and less recently.

Although it is said that Yu Mo usually seldom talks to people, it is completely different from now. The silence that Yu Mo has shown recently is very strange. Recently, he is no longer in Xia Feishi’s arms. Most of the During the time, he would secretly sit next to Xia Feishi, and then when Xia Feishi was busy, he would stare at each other seriously, as if he was thinking deeply about something.

Sometimes Xia Feishi would take the initiative to communicate with Yu Mo, and Yu Mo would show a slightly stunned attitude, as if his mind was not here at all, and only when he heard Xia Feishi’s voice did he reluctantly return to his senses.

This is definitely problematic.

But Yu Mo still refused to say what was going on.

Because they returned to the familiar island, everything was slowly improving, so Xia Feishi actually no longer felt as nervous and depressed as before, and they already had enough energy to worry about things other than survival.

So about Yu Mo, he wanted to find out no matter what, after all, he was his best animal companion.

Xia Feishi had this plan in his heart, and of course he didn’t rest. Of course, he didn’t let Yu Mo know what he was thinking, but was silently paying attention to Yu Mo’s situation.

When Yu Mo squatted beside him and looked at him in a trance, he would also secretly use the corner of his eye to pay attention to Yu Mo’s posture.

When he was resting, Xia Feishi would also look at his condition.

After a period of observation, Xia Feishi discovered that there must be something wrong with Yu Mo’s body, because several times, Xia Feishi found that Yu Mo would deliberately walk to the air outlet before returning to his arms. where, secretly blow the wind for a while.

He seemed to want to lower his body temperature a little before touching Xia Fei as usual.

After confirming this guess in his heart, Xia Feishi also gradually came to understand. No wonder Yu Mo has refused to stay in his arms like before.

It turned out to be because he was afraid that he would notice something wrong with his body temperature again.

But this kind of discovery made Xia Feishi even more worried. If it was really because of the temperature problem, why did Yu Mo suddenly get so hot?

Is there something wrong with his body?

Of course, in addition to the physical condition, Xia Feishi also found that Yu Mo seems to have a lot of things on his mind, and he has been very busy recently. Although Xia Feishi still doesn’t know what he is busy with, he knows that Yu Mo is very busy. During this time, I often meet other animals on the island. The ones I see most are probably Yue Xuan the panda, and Huo Hao, the penguin that Xia Feishi had just met.

Xia Feishi didn’t know Huo Hao’s occupation at first, but a conversation between Dr. Yan and Huo Hao made him understand that Huo Hao was not a soldier in the empire, but was engaged in medical affairs.

It was precisely because of this that Xia Feishi’s guess about Yu Mo’s physical condition became more certain.

When Yu Mo went back to the empire, he brought back Huo Hao who was a doctor. If it wasn’t for the fact that his health was really bad, why would Yu Mo bring Huo Hao back?

As a person who also has a doctor by his side all the year round, although Xia Feishi is reluctant to say this, he does have a wealth of experience.

Xia Feishi thought of Yu Mo’s saying that she couldn’t accompany him to the human world.

Maybe it’s all about the body.

After secretly investigating here, Xia Feishi felt that what she knew was very close to the truth.

And the accident that happened after that made Xia Feishi directly hit a strange scene.

The cause of this accident was that after Xia Feishi fell asleep that night, she was suddenly awakened by a nightmare.

Xia Feishi rarely had nightmares, and it was even rarer to wake up in the night, but he soon realized that it was probably because he was always worried about Yu Mo’s condition during the day, so he would have it every day. So Si Ye had a dream, he actually dreamed that Yu Mo was in the human world in order to save him, but he was eventually involved in the storm and disappeared.

This kind of thing is absolutely impossible, Yu Mo is so strong, and he will never let Yu Mo sacrifice himself to protect himself like this.

Xia Feishi kept comforting herself like this in her heart, telling herself that such a thing would never happen. After a while, he sat on the bed and tried to look back at the wolf cub beside his pillow, only to realize that Yu Mo never did. Knowing when, it is no longer by his pillow.

This incident made Xia Feishi’s heart tremble slightly. He hurriedly got out of bed, turned on the light and searched carefully in the room, but even so, he still didn’t see any trace of Yu Mo.

Now Xia Feishi can be sure that Yu Mo is not in the room.

Although this island is not absolutely safe, nothing has happened so far, let alone any gangsters or natural disasters.

Then Yu Mo suddenly disappeared from his side, there is probably only one possibility, that is, he left by himself.

But where did he go?

Because of the dream not long ago, even if she knew that Yu Mo left by herself, even if she knew that nothing would happen to him, Xia Feishi was still worried and hoped to see Yu Mo right away.

Only when he really saw Yu Mo could he be completely at ease and confirm that his dream would not become a reality for the time being.

Or maybe he doesn’t really know the difference between reality and dream. Could it be that something has really happened to Yu Mo?

Xia Feishi found that her worries and concerns about Yu Mo seemed to have become deep before she knew it, and far exceeded what she thought.

After searching in the room to no avail, Xia Feishi opened the door and walked out of the room, and quietly walked around the other rooms in the house. Except for the room where Wen Lan was, Xia Feishi searched every room. , still can’t see the trace of Yu Mo.

So it should only be possible outside.

But there are so many places that this island can go to now, and this place is so big, where will Yu Mo go?

Xia Feishi couldn’t guess for the time being. He could only rely on his own guesses. He went to the aviation center first. After confirming that he was not there, Xia Feishi left again and turned around by the pond. In the circle, there was still no one there. In the end, after Xia Feishi could not find his figure everywhere, Xia Feishi wandered aimlessly on the island, and finally came to a certain place silently.

Xia Feishi heard a strange sound coming from not far away, the sound was like the rubbing sound of the wind blowing the leaves.

But if you listen carefully, it doesn’t seem to be a simple sound of leaves, but another kind of strange sound, a sound that cannot be described for the time being based on Xia Feishi’s knowledge of this world.

Xia Fei suddenly stopped in her footsteps and noticed that the direction of the sound should be in the place next to the sea.

The surrounding area of ​​this beach is now decorated with a row of coconut trees, so when Xia Feishi walked over, he hid behind the coconut trees and did not immediately reveal himself. At the same time, he looked at the beach and the sea under the night sky in the distance through the gap here.

This is actually a dead corner on the beach. There are many stones stacked next to it, blocking it from the inside, so it is difficult for people around to see the scene outside.

So at this moment, probably only when Xia Fei sneaked here, he could see what happened here.

On the beach under the moonlight, Xia Feishi could see that Yu Mo was standing here at the moment, staring at the front with a heavy gaze, and there seemed to be a faint hint of pain in the pale complexion.

That’s right, Xia Feishi didn’t misunderstand Yu Mo’s appearance, because at this moment Yu Mo is no longer in the form of a beast, but he doesn’t know when he has returned to the form of a human.


It seems inaccurate to say this, because at the same time Xia Feishi saw this scene, he found Yu Mo’s current state, which can be said to be very strange.

Between Yu Mo’s forehead, something seemed to be growing outwards.

That thing loomed in the moonlight, as if it really existed, but it seemed to be just an illusion.

Xia Feishi couldn’t describe or explain it, but in Xia Feishi’s cognition, it should be something similar to deer antlers.

But Yu Mo is a white wolf, how could he have horns?

Not only that, Xia Feishi could even see that Yu Mo frowned tightly, covering his head with his right hand, and clasping his left hand tightly on his chest, as if something was burning there. It nibbled away at his body and drove him into the endless hell.

Xia Feishi had never experienced such a situation, so he was unable to experience such feelings and understand Yu Mo’s pain.

But just seeing this scene, Xia Feishi felt that she could no longer bear it any longer.

He couldn’t see Yu Mo endure such pain alone.

So after hesitating for only a few seconds, Xia Feishi couldn’t care about exposing himself anymore, he threw away everything at hand, rushed towards Yu Mo, and held him tightly. hug.

“How are you?” Xia Feishi nervously supported Yu Mo, who seemed to be crumbling. He could feel that Yu Mo’s body temperature was much higher than he thought, and the whole person was like a hot stove. , is continuously transferring heat energy towards the surroundings.

Xia Feishi was rarely so anxious in his heart. Now he seems to finally understand a little bit about how Dr. Yan and Wen Lan felt when he was sick.

Xia Feishi said quickly, “I’ll call Mr. Huo Hao to come here, can you hold on…”

He said that he was about to get up to find someone, but although Yu Mo seemed to be in great pain and even had difficulty breathing, when Xia Feishi was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly raised his hand and directly clasped his wrist, He was pulled back.

Xia Feishi turned her head slightly and asked, “You have something to tell me, don’t you?”

For some reason, Yu Mo didn’t say anything, but Xia Feishi was able to guess such a thing based on his understanding of Yu Mo.

Yu Mo’s cheeks were soaked with cold sweat. He looked a little weak, but this didn’t make him really vulnerable. He relied on Xia Feishi’s support and still stood upright. He opened his mouth in a hoarse voice and said, “Yes, you don’t have to go.”

Although such a request sounds rather reluctant, and even seems to be a bit taboo to avoid doctors, but Yu Mo has had such an experience for a long time, so after a moment of silence, he asked again: “Is it because it is useless?”

Yu Mo didn’t say anything, he pressed his voice down in his throat, and finally just nodded lightly.

Because some pain can only be carried by oneself, and there is no way to solve it by medical means, so even if a doctor is called, it will probably be of no use.

Xia Feishi understood what Yu Mo meant, so he did not go to Huo Hao again.

The reason why he is so clear about this is because it was the same every time he was sick in the past. Medicines or external treatments can only be used as means, but they cannot completely relieve the burden on his body.

So there are some processes that he still needs to carry on his own.

Although Xia Feishi was helpless and helpless, he could only look at Yu Mo with distressed eyes, and helped him sit down on the beach. together.

The surrounding scenery is actually very beautiful. There is a crescent moon hanging in the sky, which looks graceful and graceful. The scattered stars in the night sky are also twinkling. The shadows they cast fall on the sea, shaking the light and decorating it. The world is like a fairy tale.

It was indeed a fairy tale world, but unfortunately the atmosphere between Xia Feishi and Yu Mo was extremely solemn.

Xia Feishi silently counted in her heart how long Yu Mo’s pain lasted. Although he didn’t know what happened, he could feel that Yu Mo was shaking slightly unconsciously at the moment. .

This has nothing to do with his own ability to bear, but the muscles involuntarily react in pain.

After nearly forty minutes, Xia Feishi finally felt that the stiff body of the person beside her seemed to finally slowly begin to stretch.

This change made Xia Fei suddenly relieved, and even her heart, which had been chilled by the sea breeze just now, seemed to be beating again.

And it was only at this time that Xia Feishi realized that he and Yu Mo were hugging each other tightly.

No, to be precise, Yu Mo didn’t have any strength during the painful process just now. All his mental strength was used to fight against the strength in his body, so in fact, he will hug Xia Feishi now. , because Xia Feishi hugged him first.

It’s the kind of tight hug that’s face-to-face, cheek-to-cheek, and hands around your back.

After realizing this, Xia Feishi was slightly stunned, and then quickly let go of Yu Mo, and suddenly felt her cheeks start to get hot.

Strange, why does it get so hot?

No, now should not be the time to think about it.

Xia Feishi quickly brought back his thoughts, he then put aside the messy thoughts just now, looked at Yu Mo carefully, and after looking at his whole body carefully, he finally asked: ” Do you feel better?”

Yu Mo had completely returned to his normal appearance at this time.

Although this may not be because the pain has completely disappeared, but because the most severe pain has passed, so under Yu Mo’s disguise, there is no way for others to see what is going on with him.

Xia Feishi’s question was unsurprisingly answered by Yu Mo’s affirmative nod.

But in the face of Yu Mo, who was so calm and seemed to be fine, Xia Feishi felt even more uneasy.

He blinked, and then his eyes fell on Yu Mo’s forehead, and then he asked again: “What happened just now? I seem to see a horn on your head? That is… what?”

In the process of asking this question, Yu Mo couldn’t help but hesitate for a moment.

He was worried whether he thought too much, which would make Yu Mo feel overly worried, but after a short thought, he still felt that he couldn’t really feel relieved, so he asked again.

Yu Mo fell silent.

At this time, he should actually have to hide it.

But when he faced Xia Fei’s eyes with pure worry, Yu Mo found that he had no way to prevaricate it.

Perhaps the first step in liking is that you should confess yourself without concealment.

Then try it out.

Yu Mo’s words stopped, and he took back the random reasons that came to his mouth, and then said: “Yes, as you saw just now, my beast form is not a white wolf.”

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