I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 40:

When Xia Feishi went downstairs, she happened to see the two of them sitting on the sofa in the hall, looking down at the things on the table.

Many of the furnishings in this manor were collected by Xia Feishi’s mother back then. She was particularly fond of these things. When she saw something beautiful, she would buy it back and put it in this manor.

Xia Feishi used to like to wander around the manor, because the items in the various rooms were gifts from her mother, and looking at them, Xia Feishi’s mood would also improve.

But now he saw two people sitting on the sofa, treating the delicate collection with rude behavior.

Xia Cui even casually tipped them on the table, or picked them up and ignored them, leaving them in a mess.

Xia Feishi was silent. After going downstairs, she first came to the table and carefully arranged all the collections on it. Then she turned around and prepared to deal with Xia Cui and his stepmother.

But just as he turned around, he vaguely felt that the curtain in the corner seemed to move slightly.

Is it wind blowing?

Xia Feishi turned her head to look, but the place soon returned to silence, and Xia Feishi didn’t see any problems.

At this time, the stepmother interrupted his thoughts, and quickly brought his attention back: “You can’t let the maid do this kind of thing, why are you packing things by yourself?”

Xia Feishi knew that she didn’t need to explain anything, so he sat down beside the two and began to deal with their conversation.

Xia Feishi was not good at such exchanges at all.

He is sitting here at the moment, listening to his stepmother and Xia Cui apologize for breaking his phone before, but he doesn’t know how to react.

He just shook his head wordlessly, indicating that it was all over.

Because there is no way for him to continue to care about it. When his father taught Xia Fei several times, he said that he was too serious and should not care about it. He couldn’t explain anything to anyone, so he could only make himself look like Don’t care anymore.

He had no way of telling others what that ordinary-looking game meant to him.

After their conversation, the mother and son talked about their move to live here, and they also said that in a few days they would send someone to clean up the vacant room and bring in all the things to be moved.

After saying this, the stepmother got up and started to look inside the manor. He was not satisfied with the many decorations here, and pointed out that he wanted to repair and re-decorate it, and pointed out many things that Xia Feishi’s mother brought back in the past. Said to be packed and thrown away.

Xia Feishi was silent, quietly wrote down those things, and planned to pick them up before they were thrown away.

At this moment, he Xia Cui said to Xia Feishi as if he was intentionally showing his favor, “Is your mobile phone ok now?”

Xia Feishi stared straight at him with dark eyes and did not immediately respond to his words.

When Xia Cui met his guarding gaze, she couldn’t help but laugh: “Are you watching out for me? What are you thinking about, brother?”

Xia Cui moved closer to Xia Feishi, and then said, “I was wrong about what happened last time. I heard that your screen is broken. I will find someone to fix it for you, so that you can forgive me, right? Oh yes? Also, what’s the name of the game you played last time?”

Hearing him talk about the game again, Xia Feishi finally said, “No need.”

Xia Cui blurted out, “No need?”

It probably took a moment for him to remember that Xia Fei responded to him with the first half of the sentence.

Xia Cui didn’t mean to retreat at all, he sat next to Xia Feishi, looked at him with a smile on his face, and said, “Why are you so defensive about me? Could it be that you are there? Are you afraid of me? Are you still a primary school student, afraid that I will ruin your game?”

Having said that, Xia Cui probably finally stopped disguising and hiding, and then the smile disappeared, and she lowered her voice and whispered in Xia Feishi’s ear: “Or are you afraid of me… Really drove you out? ”

After he finished saying this, he couldn’t help laughing “puchi”, clutching his stomach and laughing and fell on the sofa.

And Xia Feishi still lowered her eyes, unable to see her emotions.

The conversations between Xia Feishi and her stepmother and younger brother were all heard clearly by Xiang Zhe, who was hiding behind the curtain in the corner.

As the emperor’s personal guard who has stayed in the palace all year round, Xiang Zhe has been familiar with all kinds of intrigue since he was a child. This stepmother and younger brother have only just started their words, and Xiang Zhe can see what they really are. What do you want to express, or what is your purpose.

It was obvious that Xia Feishi was not living happily here.

And when Xia Fei…

Xiang Zhe shrunk his figure behind the curtain, his eyes fixed on Xia Feishi’s body, and he couldn’t help but tug at the curtain in front of him with his two claws.

Not long ago, he was still nervous and puzzled because he had arrived in a strange human world. When he saw the previous mother and son appear, Xiang Zhe also really looked forward to seeing the real Xia Feishi. , but when Xia Feishi really walked downstairs, Xiang Zhe realized that his anticipation for this scene was stronger than he had imagined.

When he really saw Xia Fei.

When it really belongs to the real Xia Fei, as long as you get a few steps closer, you can really touch him.

However, what happened in front of him was very irritating, Xiang Zhe didn’t even have time to think about other things, he saw the mother and son say such words in front of Xia Feishi.

And Xia Feishi didn’t refute it from beginning to end. It seemed that she had some concerns, so she always seemed to be gentle and gentle.

Although Xiang Zhe didn’t understand the relationship between human beings, no matter what era, it was probably the same. He knew that sometimes, for some reason, they had to swallow a lot of things to avoid trouble.

But Xia Feishi couldn’t provoke him, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t.

Because he’s just a kangaroo now.

What does the grievances between humans have to do with kangaroos, he just happens to be unable to see them.

When Xia Cui in the distance was still deliberately angering Xia Fei with his words, he probably noticed that no other words could make Xia Feishi react too much, and the only thing that could make Xia Feishi feel good There was something strange in his demeanor, only when he mentioned that game.

Xia Cui suddenly understood, so he continued to inquire about the game.

When asked about Xia Fei at the end, he didn’t want to pay attention to him. He even rushed over and started to grab Xia Fei’s mobile phone.

Xia Feishi didn’t expect Xia Cui to do this. He couldn’t accept the other party’s rude behavior, and quickly wanted to push the person away.

Xia Cui deliberately said in an innocent tone: “Can’t you even show your brother? Are you rejecting us from the very beginning?”

Just as he said these words, while Xia Feishi was absent-minded and tried to respond, he quickly took away Xia Feishi’s mobile phone.

When he finally got the thing, Xia Cui shook the phone in his hand vigorously, but before he had time to say more, he stared straight at the back of Xia Feishi in horror.

Of course Xia Feishi noticed his gaze, but Xia Feishi didn’t care, he just thought it was Xia Cui playing with him on purpose, so he didn’t look back at all, just took this opportunity to quickly grab the phone back .

After grabbing the things back, he carefully put away the phone.

However, during this process, Xia Cui still had the same expression just now, even her eyes were still in the same direction, as if she hadn’t moved from beginning to end.

Xia Feishi finally sensed something was wrong and frowned, “What’s wrong?”

Xia Cui’s face was pale, and it seemed that it was because of what happened in front of him, so he was evoked a bad response. He slowly raised his hand, pointed behind Xia Feishi, and murmured: “This is this. WTF?”

Strange footsteps sounded behind her. Xia Feishi noticed that the sound was not like human footsteps, but more like an animal like a rabbit kicking its legs and jumping over. But it is impossible for a rabbit to make such a movement, which should be a larger animal in comparison.

The shadow slowly approached behind her, and Xia Feishi turned her head in an instant.

The picture in front of him is full of irrationality.

In the very humanistic hall of the manor, at this moment, there appeared an animal that should never have appeared in this place.

A muscular kangaroo with the height of an adult.

At this moment, this kangaroo was standing behind the sofa in the hall so aggressively, his eyes were full of danger, and he was looking down at Xia Feishi and Xia Cui.

The whole scene was full of discord, so that when Xia Feishi saw this kangaroo, her initial reaction was to think whether she was still in the game world or entered a dream.

Otherwise, how could he have seen such an animal in his manor.

And this kangaroo looks so like…

When Xia Fei saw this scene, she didn’t feel any fear, only surprised and questioned.

Even if an animal really came to him, he didn’t feel that there was anything to be afraid of. He didn’t feel any malice from the other side. On the contrary, he even felt that the other side was friendly to him.

He felt something in his heart, and after staring at the kangaroo for a while, he murmured, “You are…”

But this kind of atmosphere was destroyed in the next second, because Xia Cui couldn’t stand the shock behind him, and after holding it for so long, he finally couldn’t help but let out a loud cry. His voice soon came to Xia Feishi’s stepmother. The woman was also frightened by a lion last time, so now she suddenly saw such a strong kangaroo, she didn’t even have time to think about anything, and instinctively I just want to run outside.

The whole hall was a mess because of the appearance of kangaroos.

Xia Feishi didn’t have time to stop it, so the woman picked up a vase from the side in a panic and smashed it at the kangaroo.

However, Xiang Zhe’s speed is very fast, and this attack can’t hurt him at all. Even when the opponent was about to pick up the second thing and smash it at it, he knew how important these things were to Xia Feishi, and he jumped to it in advance. In front of the woman, after teaching the other party mercilessly, he used his tail to roll up the ornament that fell from the woman’s hand, and then slammed the man out.

Next, Xia Feishi saw that the mother and son were being chased by kangaroos, and ran out in a panic.

Although as a herbivore, a kangaroo sounds far less scary than a lion, his muscles and physique give people an infinite sense of oppression and deterrence. No one would want to be kicked by those amazing legs. foot.

Looking at this scene, Xia Feishi couldn’t help chasing after the door, holding the door and shouting out before the kangaroo caught up with the two: “Little sting!”

In fact, even Xia Feishi himself couldn’t explain why he called out this name. One was a game and the other was reality, even if the kangaroo in front of him was the same species as his animal companion in the game, Little Sting , but there are so many similar species in the world, and he has no reason to think that this has anything to do with the partners in the game.

But he still shouted out inexplicably.

Xia Feishi looked at the animal on the opposite side with mixed emotions, but what made him stunned was that the kangaroo opposite heard his voice, whether it was a coincidence or a real feeling, so he actually turned back. head.

This time, Xia Feishi was a little uncertain.

He stood inside the door, walked slowly in the direction of the kangaroo, pressed his beating heart, and asked in a low voice, “Little sting, is that you…”

After saying this, Xia Feishi miraculously saw the kangaroo on the opposite side, and actually gave him a slight nod.

It was just a very light movement. If it wasn’t for Xia Feishi’s constant staring at each other, maybe he wouldn’t have been able to detect it at all. It could be called an accidental action, but it could also be understood as the animal’s response, but in any case, Xia Feishi did see the other side nod.

The untimely expectation in Xia Feishi’s heart spread again.

On the opposite side of him, Xiang Zhe did not stop.

Just when he started to teach the mother and son for Xia Feishi, Xiang Zhe had already felt the power flow in this time and space. He could feel that some kind of energy was constantly passing by, and he could stay in this time and space. Time should not be long.

At this time, Xiang Zhe realized that he was only a short stay in this space-time.

He can stay here for a few more minutes at most. During these few minutes, he can choose to have a few more minutes with Xia Feishi, who has finally met, or he can choose to do other things, such as while he is still alive. At the time, try to solve some troubles for Xia Feishi.

Xiang Zhe chose the latter.

Although it was a pity that the meeting time was short, he could only meet Xia Feishi in a hurry, but he hoped that his coming here was valuable.

He flicked his tail lightly at Xia Feishi, rubbed his outstretched palm again, then turned around and attacked the annoying mother and son.

Although it did not cause much substantial damage, the intimidation was definitely not small.

Looking at the kangaroo that jumped out, Xia Fei retracted her hand in a trance. She couldn’t help but look down at her palm, feeling a momentary daze in her heart.

To Xia Cui and the other mother and son, this kangaroo looked extremely fierce. It appeared suddenly and disappeared suddenly. It seemed that he just passed a corner, and he quickly disappeared.

They were beaten all over, and their embarrassed appearance was completely different from the brilliance and high-spiritedness they had just arrived.

Xia Feishi left them behind and said that a doctor would be called to look at the wounds for them.

But they didn’t stay, they didn’t even mention the issue of living here, they just left the manor in a hurry.

It seems that this place has left a lot of shadows for them, and they will not consider moving in in a short time.

But after they left, Xia Feishi put on her coat again and pushed open the door to the garden.

He walked hurriedly towards the outside, the maid behind him couldn’t help but follow him and asked Xia Feishi’s purpose, Xia Feishi didn’t explain, just shook his head, and then ignored the trees and flowers in the manor. Start looking.

But unfortunately, he still did not find the kangaroo in the end.

The kangaroo just now disappeared here out of nowhere, and it looked as if it never existed at all.

But Xia Feishi knew that its existence was real, because the kangaroo felt real when it rubbed against his palm just now. The slightly rough and hard, but warm feeling was indeed not fake.

And he looked down at the trampled footprints in the garden, which also confirmed its authenticity.

A kangaroo actually appeared on his estate.

If this is true, then is it possible that the lion that Xia Cui and their mother and son had mentioned not long ago also existed?

Could that lion be… Xiao Hong?

Xia Feishi had guesses about this bizarre reality.

And in the future interstellar time and space at the other end, Xiang Zhe has completely left the game world with the spacecraft and traveled into space.

Suddenly returning to the original time and space, returning to the familiar spaceship, Xiang Zhe took a deep breath, recalling what had happened just now, and his emotions were still somewhat unrecoverable.

He actually traveled to the human world in the past and met Xia Feishi in the real world.

If this kind of thing is said, I don’t know how many people can believe it, and how many people will feel envious because of his close contact with human beings.

What made him even more miraculous in retrospect was that he actually beat up vulnerable humans himself…

If they were seen by the guys from the Imperial Human Protection Association and the Research Association, they would probably be furious.

Sitting in the driver’s seat of the spaceship, Xiang Zhe couldn’t help but smile bitterly, but after laughing like this, he felt bright again. Although he didn’t cherish the time to have much contact with Xia Fei during this meeting, he saw When he arrived at the other party, he had communicated with the other party, and even helped him. For Xiang Zhe, this trip was not wasted.

Then he couldn’t help but think of Hong Yu who had left the game world Kojima before him.

General Hong Yu, has he also been to the time and space of human beings like him?

Xiang Zhe sat in the seat thinking wildly, but he didn’t spend too much time thinking about these things. After a short adjustment, he carefully adjusted the spaceship, then determined the coordinates, and began to go in the direction of Emperor Star. .

It took Xiang Zhe more than two days to go from the E star field where he came out of the game world to the capital of the imperial star.

And when he arrived at Emperor Star, the atmosphere here was obviously much worse than he imagined.

He made a little disguise for himself, so that no one with a heart could see his identity, and then finally took to the street and began to ask for information.

Before Xiang Zhe left, the situation in the empire was relatively stable for the time being, but now it has only been a few months, the entire empire is in chaos, and the situation in the empire is in turmoil. Prince Yu Hao is now in charge of the power of the empire, but because of The forces of all parties obstructed and there was no way to immediately ascend to the emperor’s position, so they were dealing with many parties.

It seems that this pull will continue for a long time, and during this pull, there have been several battles within the empire.

In addition to this, General Hong Yu, who had just returned to Emperor Star from a state of disappearance, also caused chaos in the empire the day after his return.

The general is said to have been dissatisfied with His Majesty Yu Mo for a long time, so even if His Majesty was dead, he still had no way to vent his anger, so after returning from Star E, he immediately summoned the army and took the Emperor to death. The cemetery was surrounded, and the digging began.

According to rumors, General Hong Yu has a deep grievance against His Majesty Yu Mo. It is said that after digging up His Majesty’s bones, he completely smashed the bones of his whole body, and even tortured him in various ways. The fire turned to ashes.

These are the information that Xiang Zhe has heard through various channels.

Xiang Zhe and Hong Yu lived on the island for a long time, of course he knew that these rumors should be just rumors, and they couldn’t be taken seriously.

However, based on this information, he determined at least two things. The first is that Hong Yu has returned to the empire safely, and the second is that His Majesty’s “death” is really strange.

Xiang Zhe silently left the bar where he asked for news, and after buying a new terminal machine through a special channel, he dialed a number and contacted the Fourth Army.

A huge storm is brewing within the Empire.

But this doesn’t seem to matter much to the animals in the game world.

Xia Feishi has spent significantly more time in the game recently than before.

Since the last time he saw a kangaroo in the real world, Xia Feishi’s heart has always been full of doubts. That day, Xia Feishi couldn’t see the kangaroo again. After searching for it to no avail, he returned to his room and was very happy. Quickly open the game and return to the world of the game.

After entering the game, instead of interacting with the small animals as usual, or harvesting fruit in the orchard, he went to the room of the kangaroo sting first.

The inside of the room was clean, and everything was placed as before, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Xia Feishi then checked the paintings and photos hanging on the wall, but still didn’t see any problems.

Is it really possible to connect games and the real world?

After Xia Feishi looked at the room, full of thoughts, he manipulated his character to turn around, and then he saw the animal companions who were following behind him, who were all concerned at the moment.

Of course, the concern of the white wolf cub is much more subtle than that of other animals.

Xia Feishi looked at them concerned and worried, and shook his head at them to show that he was fine. Then he looked at the group of animals, thought about it, and asked, “If you guys leave this island…”

Where will it go?

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