I Was Raised By the Cubs In the Game

Chapter 35:

What if he scared Xia Fei?

What if the other party saw him, instead of being surprised, he regarded him as a beast that was going to attack him?

After all, in this era, it should be a very dangerous thing for a male lion to appear in the place where the crowd lives. I heard that there is a place called zoo in this era. Except for wild animals and some animals that can survive in cities, most of the orcs live in zoos.

Hong Yu hesitated a lot, but in the end he still took his steps and walked slowly towards the direction of the manor.

He thought, if he just looked at it from a distance and didn’t get close to Xia Fei, it shouldn’t cause too much panic, right?

With such thoughts in mind, Hong Yu slowly walked towards the manor.

But at this moment, Xia Feishi in the manor was unaware of what was happening outside.

He has just taken care of himself, although he is not so looking forward to seeing the stepmother and younger brother, but his upbringing from a young age still makes him have to take care of himself and prepare everything to meet them.

After doing these things, Xia Feishi went downstairs, but for some reason, Xia Cui and the others did not come.

According to what father said just now, they should have arrived near the manor, and they will be able to arrive soon, but now…

Xia Feishi was puzzled, so she called a servant to ask.

Just at this time, the servant in the manor came over with a phone, and it was Xia Feishi’s father who called again.

Xia Feishi received a call, and only then did he know that his stepmother and younger brother should not be able to come, and the reason they gave was that they met a lion on the way.

When she heard this statement, Xia Feishi’s mood was quite complicated.

This reason seems extremely unreasonable.

Even when his father said these words, he was a little bit inexplicable, and even after saying this, he sighed helplessly again, and added: “I will also say what is going on. I don’t know, do you keep any animals in the manor? I remember that your constitution is unable to touch animals, right?”

Hearing this, Xia Feishi felt a little disappointed, but she still nodded and said, “Yes.”

Usually, even the stray cats that sneak into the manor, he will keep away from them under the protection of the carer.

But he didn’t understand what his father meant by saying this: “Father, does this matter have anything to do with the manor?”

Then he heard a moment of silence on the other side, and then said, “According to what they just said, they met… uh, lions in your manor.”

Xia Feishi also fell silent.

He didn’t even believe that this sentence was spoken by his father.

In his eyes, his father has always been a very calm and rational image, never saying anything outrageous, but the words he said today are really not like words he would say.

For a while, Xia Feishi suspected that she had misunderstood her father’s meaning.

He hesitated for a moment and was about to continue his questioning, but his father quickly changed his words: “It’s okay, it should be because they were too tired, so they made a mistake, maybe they just saw a bigger cat, so they became suspicious. .”

Having said this, the father couldn’t help sighing again, saying that after his stepmother and the others saw the animal, they were really frightened. When they first contacted him, they couldn’t even speak clearly.

Xia Cui was the same, even a little more serious than his mother. He was almost in a trance, and now he can only point to the air and call a lion.

It seems that what happened just now has really frightened them enough.

But probably because he couldn’t even accept what he said, his father quickly changed the subject, and after a few words of concern, he hung up the call and let Xia Feishi go back to the house to rest.

Xia Feishi had no way of understanding this development, but in the end, she had to go back to her room alone.

After returning to the room, Xia Feishi suddenly didn’t know what to do. He told the animals not long ago that he wanted to leave, but in the blink of an eye, he returned to the room again for such a strange reason.

Because all the arrangements were interrupted, he thought about it and finally did not open the game immediately. He then walked towards the window, looking down.

Downstairs is the familiar garden, the scene that Xia Feishi is most familiar with. He has stayed in this manor for too long, so long that he can almost know the location of every flower and tree. There is nothing like a lion…

While he was thinking about this, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a suspicious shadow in a corner of his garden.

A bush in the garden moved, and there seemed to be something hidden in it, and the shadow stretched by the sun extended from there. Although Xia Feishi couldn’t see it clearly due to the blind spot of his line of sight, he still fainted. There is a feeling that it should not belong to the shadow of human beings.

Behind the shadow, there seems to be a long tail that is swaying slightly, and judging from its length, its size should not be too small.

In an instant, the first thing that Xia Feishi thought of was the phone call between her father and herself.

But after that, he quickly had another association.

He thought of the island in his game and the animal companions on the island. Among his companions, there was also a lion, which just left the island and went to the outside world not long ago.

Maybe he really came out of the game not necessarily.

This kind of thought only existed in Xia Feishi’s mind for a moment, and soon he rejected his unrealistic guess. It was already very irrational for him to indulge in the illusory game world. If this happens again The fantasy, probably he really has no way to really go out from here, really face the outside world.

Although Xia Feishi denied the speculation about the lion, the shadow was really suspicious. He stared upstairs for a while, and finally chose to open the door and walked down.

On the way, he passed by the maid who was cleaning. The maid couldn’t help but raised her head and looked at Xia Feishi who suddenly ran out: “Master?”

She had never seen Xia Feishi in such a hurry.

Xia Feishi was anxious to know what the shadow outside was, so she just answered her casually, and continued to run out without stopping.

He vaguely felt that the shadow should be related to himself.

Due to physical reasons, Xia Feishi really rarely did such strenuous exercise, but the distance from the upstairs to the downstairs garden made him gasp for breath.

With his right hand on the wall next to him, his footsteps finally slowed down as he approached the bushes in the garden.

“who is it?”

Gently asked in that direction, Xia Feishi then slowly moved forward, not worrying about her own safety at all.

There was indeed a shadow there, but now when Xia Feishi approached, the shadow suddenly disappeared for no apparent reason.

It was as if the figure that had been hiding there had suddenly disappeared.

When Xia Feishi’s question did not get a response, he gathered up his courage and continued to walk in that direction.

It was only when Xia Feishi opened the complicated branches and leaves that she saw that the end was empty, and there was nothing at all.

The shadow that was originally here has long since disappeared, and there is no trace of its existence at all.

Xia Feishi stared at this open space, and couldn’t help but wonder in her heart, could it be that the shadow just now was his illusion?


In this kind of thinking, Xia Feishi quickly noticed the footprints not far from her feet. The footprints stepped on the lawn, clearly reflecting the traces of a certain figure hiding here just now, and those footprints It’s very big, and the shape is clearly not a human shape, but…

Xia Feishi couldn’t help being stunned. Could there really be lions in his manor?

But where has it gone now?

Hong Yu has now returned to the spaceship.

Not the Q-style multicolored toy spaceship he left, but a truly well-structured Imperial spaceship.

The moment he saw the surrounding scene, Hong Yu’s expression was still a little dazed.

Just a few seconds ago, he was still hiding in the human manor, secretly looking at Xia Fei who was standing at the attic window, but the next moment, he has once again traveled through time and space, returning to the era that originally belonged to him.

He turned his head blankly, looked around, and found that although the spaceship indeed looked like a normal spaceship, if you looked at the parts of the space a little more closely, you could see that it was the same as he was driving from the island of the game world before. The spaceship is the same.

Therefore, he should still be on the same spaceship, but the spaceship has changed its appearance and is separated from the appearance of the game world.

Also out of the game is himself.

Hong Yu looked down and found that he had changed back to his original human form.

He was finally able to leave the island. After several months, he was finally able to regain his human form again. For Hong Yu, this should be something he was very much looking forward to, but now he is not in the mood to do it. This happy.

On the contrary, the most feeling in his heart at this moment is still loss.

It was time for him to see Xia Fei.

In that world that belonged to humans thousands of years ago, the young man stood in front of the window, his body was paler and thinner than when he saw it in the game world, his body had the exquisite beauty like an ancient statue, but his eyebrows In between, it seems that there is a lot of shallow melancholy hidden.

Hong Yu originally just wanted to see him from a distance, but when he saw him, Hong Yu couldn’t help but want to get close to him.

But he didn’t have time to do these things, until his body was swept away by the energy of time and space again, Hong Yu finally slowly realized that the time he existed in that world was limited.

And after reaching the critical point, he returned to his original world again.

He was only briefly in the human world for half an hour.

Is this because of a bug that occurred when traversing the game world just now?

Maybe once again, he still has the opportunity to go to the human world thousands of years ago?

Hong Yu discovered the problem, and thought that he might be able to tell other people about it before returning to the island later.

And before that…

Just as Hong Yu was thinking about these things, a communication sound suddenly came from his spaceship signal device. Hong Yu looked back and knew that the patrol army of the empire had noticed his spaceship, so he was requesting communication.

Hong Yu’s expression became solemn.

He has been away from the empire for too long, and he doesn’t know what kind of situation he will encounter when he comes back this time.

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