I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 156

Chapter 149 As I saw (6)

How could Ye Zhen appear at this time?

Thinking of Xu Hankai, who was lying on the floor in the room and couldn’t even make a painful cry, Xu Jiao realized for the first time that she was facing the trouble of collapse of a human setting. The moment her eyes met the girl outside the door, her mind flashed quickly. Three words:

How! What! do!

Not only was Xu Jiao unable to react, but Ye Zhen was actually at a loss after knocking on the door. After all, in her memory, the little sister next door was a poor little sister who had been bullied by her stepdad, although she and Xu Jiao had been bullied before. The encounter made her discover that the background of the current story is somewhat different from her inexplicable memory…

But, could it be that Xu Hankai, a scumbag, has also changed?

With a little urge to explore the truth, Ye Hao was anxious to get wise, and took out a mint from his pocket when he ordered the restaurant to take out at lunch, and opened his palm to Xu Jiao:

“I just moved here recently. I just made some desserts at home. Would you like to try it?”

Xu Jiao glanced at the mint in the palm of her hand, knowing that she was using it to coax the child, and before she thought about whether to maintain the human setting in front of Ye Hao, she looked at the other person’s side. hope.

How about dessert?

I didn’t see it.

Not to mention the plastic bags, even the shadow of the fast food box was not seen.

What dessert, the emperor’s new dessert, the one that only smart people can see?

Ye Zhen successfully read the doubt from her gaze. After being awkward for two seconds, he quickly bent down, looked level with Xu Jiao, and answered with a smile: “My sister doesn’t know how many people in Jiaojiao’s family are, and I don’t know how many people in Jiaojiao’s family. How much do you prepare, or do you come with me to pick it up?”

While talking, she quickly recalled whether the few osmanthus coconut cakes in the refrigerator that she ordered at noon looked like she had made herself.

Before Xu Jiao could decide whether to agree or not, suddenly there was the sound of something falling down in the living room behind him.

There was a heavy “boom”.

Ye Zhen subconsciously wanted to look inside, looking far away, and seeing nothing. When he lowered his head again, he was facing Xu Jiaochong’s slowly blooming, innocent and beautiful smile.

Ye Zhen: “…”

She hesitated for a second, and asked without knowing anything, “Is there anyone in the family?”

Xu Jiao stared at her for a few seconds, then lied: “No.”

It turned out that she was hitting her in the face, and there was another collision in the room.

Xu Jiao: “…”

Ye Zhen didn’t think too much, only worried about what Xu Hankai was about to do to Xu Jiao. While she said, “Is the adult in the family there? Let me say hello”, while gently blocking Xu Jiao’s hand on the door. Push away and walk into the house.

Xu Jiao was still quibbling and saying “no”, but how could Ye Zhen believe it? Thinking of Xu Hankai’s scumbag behavior, after all, worry prevailed. Even if you know that Xu Jiao who gets along with herself in the previous worlds will probably not have any problems, but sometimes worry is like this, it doesn’t matter whether the other party is or not. powerful.

She quickly entered the room, leaving Xu Jiao behind her, who was trying to stop her, and looking at Ye Zhen’s back, which was a lot taller than herself, Xu Jiao stared at her and walked in, until she realized that she didn’t know when she was hurt by the pain. Grab, the one who rolled over to the table…the one who barely saw his face.

The terrible red fell all over the ground, and the blood dyed half of Xu Han’s clothes red. In his previous rolling pain, the ground was rubbed against the ground, and some other liquids were mixed in it. Now this **** man is working. By the side of the coffee table, I saw her coming, widened my eyes and looked at this side with a terrifying face, making Ye Zhen breathe.

The next moment.

She turned around, looked at Xu Jiao, and then walked quickly in Xu Jiao’s direction.

Xu Jiao: “…” Sigh.

It’s said that there is no one at home.

She and Ye Zhen looked at each other, but in their hearts there was a little leisurely communication with the system: “Oops, my autistic set seems to be collapsing. If this world fails, can it come back?”

She was quite unwilling to be willing to this sister.

And I don’t know if Ye Zhen sees such a horrible scene, will he go back to have nightmares at night.

Xu Jiao felt a little regret in her heart. She felt that she shouldn’t treat her lifesaver like this. Xu Hankai made it by herself, and Ye Zhen didn’t make any mistakes. Why did she watch this scumbag punishment-torture scene?

She pressed her toes crampedly and moved her lips, as if she wanted to explain something. Who knew Ye Zhen walked up to her quickly, and the first reaction was to pull her into her arms and not let her go. Looking at the tragic situation of Xu Han driving over there, he took out his cell phone and dialed quickly:

“Hello? Hello, 120? Someone is injured here. The address is…”

Xu Jiao was pressed by her in her arms, she smelled the smell of laundry detergent or fragrance on her clothes, closed her eyes, and did not struggle. Listening to Ye Zhen’s leisurely call on the phone, she was fascinated in her mind. Vaguely thought:

Is the big sister of the neighbor’s house such a calm person?

And now there are only two people in the house, myself and Xu Han. No matter what, a normal person enters such a room and finds that the adult is tortured, but the child is not stained with blood, and he can even open the door in a normal manner. Think it’s scary, right?

Don’t you think she is a terrible person?

After Ye Zhen finished the phone call, he wanted to put the phone back in his pocket. He looked down and saw the top of the child’s hair. He couldn’t help but raised his hand and touched it. He found that Xu Jiao’s hair was exceptionally soft and his movements lightened slightly.

Xu Jiao noticed her re-touching movement and raised her head to look at her, her dark gaze ran into Ye Zhen’s line of sight, ready to say what she had just made up:

“Dad he…”

Ye Zhen interrupted her, “Are you okay?”

Xu Jiao was silent for a while, shook her head, and Ye Zhen smiled: “That’s good.”

She took Xu Jiao to go outside, and said to her in a coaxing tone: “Your father may have accidentally suffered some injury. Jiaojiao will come to her sister’s house first, and wait for the doctor to come to see her father, okay?”

Xu Jiao heard her rhetoric that was more casual than her own, and no longer tried to argue for herself. Instead, she had a little interest in Ye Zhen’s family, obediently letting the other party pull herself home.

Xu Hankai was left in the living room, intentionally or unintentionally, and continued to be tortured.

Look at the other side.

Xu Jiao was taken home by Ye Zhen.

When she stepped into that room, Xu Jiao’s first reaction was–

It turned out to be like this here.

In childhood, when she later repelled her home extremely, she could only be quiet for a while in that shelter, but at that time she could hardly remember anything from the outside world. Only later, she bought the house. , In order to recall the vivid appearance of people in this room from the dusty and dim world.

As she imagined.

Her gaze swept across the shoe cabinet at the door, to see the blue fabric sofa in the living room, the beautiful white coffee table, the artistic floor lamp, and the wall-mounted bookshelf design half decorated and half used for books. .

Xu Jiao stared intently, as if she wanted to remember everything here.

Thinking about what he had promised before, Ye Zhen walked to the refrigerator in the kitchen and recalled what she had seen in the living room of Xu’s family as she walked. She noticed a very mysterious aura in Xu Hankai’s body.



If she remembered correctly, when she was wearing Xia Jingzhe’s identity, she had turned up some spells that ordinary people could use in the records of the school, and illusion was one of them.

Illusion arts do not have a high demand for spiritual power. Some ordinary people who go to Kunlun for longevity because of insufficient aptitude, even Kunlun’s outer door cannot enter, so they will consider staying as a disciple of the sweeping, and then use this modest force. Change some contribution points, and use these contribution points to listen to some simple courses.

When they really have nothing to learn, these people will go to the mountain to be some juggling artists. They will use illusion as a way to set up stalls at the temple fairs during the festivals. They will also be able to live more comfortably than those who work in the fields. .

But looking at Xu Han’s opening, it doesn’t look like a normal illusion effect.


She also didn’t feel the existence of spiritual power in Xu Jiao’s body. What level of illusion is this?

Ye Zhen absently opened the refrigerator, took out a stack of coconut osmanthus cakes, and walked out carrying the sweet and sweet pastry, only to find that Xu Jiao was still standing in the original place, motionless, as if she was fascinated by the decoration design of her house. Live the same.

Ye Zhen’s gaze softened a little unconsciously, and he placed the plate with pastries in his hand on the coffee table, beckoning to the children:

“Jiaojiao, come here.”

Xu Jiao walked quickly in her direction, but when she sat down in front of the sofa, she was a little careful in her movements, as if the sofa could be broken by her, Ye Zhen looked funny, and then stretched out her hand, She drew in front of her, hugged her knees, and intimately let the child sit in her arms.

Xu Jiao’s throat moved.

She was a little uncomfortable with the previous touch of her head and the current hug.

When Ye Zhen used a spoon to scoop down the beautiful white layer of sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus pastry and put it to her lips, Xu Jiao tightened her back and her lips tightened, as if a little Nervous look.

Ye Zhen looked funny, and subconsciously said, “Why haven’t you noticed that you have such a thin skin before…”

Because she guessed the identity of the child, she didn’t hide herself much.

Therefore, Xu Jiao was shocked when she said this.


Ye Zhen raised his eyebrows: “You used an illusion technique on Xu Han just now. Why, Senior Sister wouldn’t think I couldn’t see it, right?”

The name Senior Sister is familiar.

Xu Jiao: “…”

Xu Jiao: “…wait.”

She raised her hand and made a pause.

Let her stroke it.

Her neighbor’s big sister, her savior, why does it seem that the soul in the shell is not right?

The room was silent for a few seconds.

With a particularly complicated mind, Xu Jiao slowly called out: “Xia, Jingzhe?”

Ye Zhen smiled and nodded, pressing his chin on Xu Jiao’s shoulder, not exerting much force, for fear of crushing the child, he definitely added: “Shen Yelan, Feng Qingyu, Yu Ye…”

“But I find that I still like to hear you call my sister the most.”

“Scream again?”

Xu Jiao: “…”

She swallowed the word “roll”, and expressed her more important doubts: “Why are you here?”

Ye Zhen laughed and said: “I want to ask you this, Jiaojiao, this is my memory, why are you here?”

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