I Want to be Alone, Beautifully

Chapter 155

Chapter 148 As I saw (5)

The footsteps approached the door.

Xu Jiao’s attention is focused on the memory of the receiving system. The process of receiving memory only takes a moment, but it takes a little longer to digest carefully. She only recalled roughly, and the content in her mind was all that made it. Something that is nauseating and disgusting.

Key insert-entry hole, someone presses the door handle——

Immediately afterwards, the solid dark wooden door made a slight noise, and a tall figure appeared behind the opened door, Xu Jiao’s eyes were facing Xu Han.

The man was obviously taken aback by the death gaze.

In the past, when he went out, Xu Jiao would be in the corner of the house, either watching the small train or playing with building blocks. When he heard the door opening, he would be a little irritated and threw what was in his hand. Besides, there would be no major movements. , Because this child never pays attention to the people around him, and rarely responds, so until now, Xu Hankai discovered that Xu Jiao’s eyes were so dark and his eyes were lifeless. At first glance, it seemed a bit oozing.

The smile on his face froze instinctively.

There was also a conditioned chuckle in his heart.

Before the door was closed, his gentle voice had entered the room: “Jiaojiao, Dad is back.”

Xu Jiao remained motionless.

Xu Han’s footsteps seemed to be set in place. It took a long time before he didn’t know what he thought of, and moved aside. Fortunately, Xu Jiao didn’t move her eyes along with his movements. She still looked in the original direction. What was thinking again, Xu Han instinctively breathed a sigh of relief when seeing her like this.

Startled him.

The dead boy’s eyes were ghost-like just now, and he was sweating behind him. He almost thought that what he had done in the past had been discovered, but he immediately recalled it and thought it was impossible.

The last time the doctor said what he said was still echoing in his ears, and the diagnosis report was still in the drawer in the room. This dead child’s illness could only be more serious, developing in a crazy direction, and it would be a foolish dream to heal.

He closed the door outside the living room.

With the soft closing sound, the air between the corridor and the room suddenly stopped. There was an inexplicable and strange atmosphere, which made people feel terrible for no reason, just like being confined.

But Xu Jiao was not afraid at all.

She even maintained the posture of a wooden person with care, staring at the door of the house, sorting out her memories——

Xu Hankai has always been very secretive.

Because of the trust in him, the family has never installed a camera. In addition, Xu Jiao’s mother is worried about the leakage of personal information these years, and is more repulsive of installing a camera at home. This matter has not been mentioned for a long time. schedule.

But her mother was not without dikes in the beginning.

At first, when she was young, there was a nanny at home. To some extent, the nanny and Xu Hankai completely supervised each other.

Xu Hankai felt this defense. He looked at him with a very good face. In fact, he was sensitive and suspicious. He only felt that women in this world were not good things. He was only inferior to these so-called successful women in power. Besides, he thinks women are stupid, as long as he hooks, there is no woman he can’t get.

Sure enough, as long as he showed a little thoughtful and attentive side, Xu’s mother, who had always shouldered Xu Jiao’s burden and faced great work pressure, would rely on him.

At that time, he simply hated the child and thought she was a cumbersome. He had seen Xu Jiao’s mother devoted to her and thought that as long as Xu Jiao was there, this woman would not be able to give birth to her own child. How could this be possible? What?

He began to manipulate things in what the nanny had prepared for Xu Jiao.

First is a newly bought baby clothes.

A needle was buried in a secret place.

After Xu Jiao put it on, she cried loudly. The babysitter was unknown, so she could only hug her. When Xu mother found out, Xu Jiao had some blood on the back of her neck. When she heard the news, Xu Jiao scolded the babysitter. , And because it was new clothes, he personally went to the merchant for theory. As a result, the merchant did not admit that there was a problem with his goods, and the nanny did not admit that his inspection was not meticulous. Finally, Xu’s mother sullenly invited the person away and changed one.

Second, while taking care of Xu Jiao, Xu Hankai quietly mixed the temperature of the milk powder for Xu Jiao into boiling water. The nanny took Xu Jiao out at the time, thinking that he had tried the temperature in the thermos before going out. , He fed the child directly, who knew that halfway through the action, the water cup was knocked over and it burned to Xu Jiao’s hand.

The movement of her crying can be heard throughout the park.

Several babysitters in succession did not take care of the children. Xu’s mother was a little annoyed. Xu Hankai had just watched by the side before and didn’t get much involved in taking care of the children. When Xu’s mother could not sleep in the middle of the night and was quietly crying because of the child, she suddenly suggested:

“Why don’t you let me take care of Jiaojiao?”

“Those babysitters are always outsiders. How can they take good care of the children? If you are not at ease, I will accept supervision. You can see the effect for half a month. If it is good, don’t ask the babysitter. Give me the baby. Well, this will save you a sum of money, and your work pressure will not be so great.”

Xu’s mother was moved by his thoughtful remarks, and she asked him to try it suspiciously. It turned out that he was better than taking care of herself. After all, she was holding the child once, because Xu Jiao’s sudden struggle caused it. Suddenly, her arm was useless, causing Xu Jiao to fall to the ground.

That was the time Xu mother regretted the most.

But the good times did not last long. Not long after Xu Hankai took over the child, Xu Jiao was found to have autistic tendency. She was clearly at the age of speaking, but she was unwilling to speak, and she would suddenly be irritable and show some tendency to hurt herself. .

Because of this, Xu mother wrapped all the table corners in the house, and then added a layer of sponge-like material to the wall, which can absorb sound and prevent Xu Jiao from hitting the wall suddenly.

Even the toys are carefully selected.

But even if the tables at home were replaced with plastic toy tables, Xu Mu and Xu Han were aggrieved during the meal, but they were still unable to handle them. Xu Jiao would suddenly scream, unwilling to change the surrounding environment a little bit, otherwise. They are very sensitive, and refuse to go out, unable to see strangers.

Therefore, Xu’s mother reduced social activities as much as possible. Even if she had to do it sometimes, she would put them all outside the house. As soon as she got home, she would sit next to Xu Jiao patiently and talk to her for a while. words.


Later, Xu Jiao couldn’t stand her family sitting beside her.

Xu mother was very sad.

She didn’t know that all of this was caused by Xu Hankai.

The man’s methods became more cruel every time.

At first, he only used words to express the malice of the whole world to Xu Jiao. He often took the patient, meticulous, and gentle voice entrusted by the doctor. When Xu Jiao was immersed in his own world, he sat next to the child for an afternoon, and then , He would use a kind of storytelling tone, and said softly:

“Xu Jiao, why are you still alive?”

“Do you know how stupid that woman is? When you gave birth to a fool like you, she didn’t choke you directly, and she struggled to keep you alive in this world. You are your mother’s oil bottle, a burden, a burden, It’s rubbish.”

“Oh, you don’t have any impression of that woman, do you? Let me tell you that your mother is a bitch.”

“Guess when she will discover my true face? She is so stupid, as long as the good-looking men are not picked, but it is still bad, to me, who is so stingy to take care of her trash, you Say, when you die, will she follow along and leave all her property to me?”

Children are most sensitive to emotions.

Even if you don’t understand the content of Xu Han’s words, you can still fully understand the malicious feelings in that smiling tone. Xu Hankai not only scolded her by himself, but also synthesized her mother’s voice with some ugly verbal abuse in the TV series. On the phone, let Xu Jiao listen to what’s all right, and this made her resist even her mother’s voice.

But no one will know the reason.

Everyone only thinks that this sensitive, dumb-like autistic child’s condition has become more serious.

But this did not satisfy Xu Hankai.

It’s not enough to vent his malice towards her and her family in words. He can’t hide the gloom of his heart against such an easily collapsed, screaming child with a beautiful face.

When Xu Jiao’s head hits the ground because of his illness, he smiles very happily. He claps beside him, as if watching a performance, but he rarely enjoys himself. In order to prevent Xu’s mother from seeing the traces, he listens to it. After a few bangs, he would grab Xu Jiao’s hair, pull her to the wall, and use her head to hit the wall fiercely, and said slowly:

“It’s a pity, that bitch-girl-man changed all the walls at home.”

“There is no sound like this, it’s boring, or you don’t let me down, call it louder, baby, so I have the motivation to continue.”

Only when he heard Xu Jiao’s scream approaching hoarseness, did he stop his hands intently, and then asked as if to himself: “How is it? You, a strong child, won’t be so easy to think because of his father’s failure. Shock, right? No, right?”

Every time after such a squandering, he would stop for a while.

No more hands.

Just when he started his hands, he would be more unrelenting every time. He likes to use words to force the child to run away, lead people behind the bookshelf, and watch Xu Jiao knock the bookshelf down, and he held it in time, only to hear that. The heavy books fell on the child:

“One, two, three… Oh, I only won six copies this time. No, Jiaojiao, so my father will be unhappy.”

He would also secretly put some of the flavors she hated the most in Xu Jiao’s meal, such as bitter, such as spicy, and he was willing to base all his happiness on the child’s pain.

When Xu Jiao’s illness gradually worsened–

Ye Zhen appeared.

She lives at the end of the corridor. The bedroom window is facing the window of Xu Jiao’s house. There is a very small slit to see the outside scene. She accidentally saw Xu Hankai’s atrocities.

She wants to save the child.

At this moment, Xu’s mother temporarily took a break from work because Xu Jiao became seriously ill and stayed with her at home. She tried everything and did not bring her children close. Finally, he followed the advice and bought a small animal to come back to accompany.

She bought a puppy for Xu Jiao.

Ye Zhen came here at this time.

Because Xu’s mother’s business happened to deal with some properties in Ye Zhen’s family, she had a good attitude towards Ye Zhen, but at first she discovered that the other party was a neighbor, and when she came to visit, she showed some embarrassed expressions.

At that time, Xu Jiao naturally resisted Ye Zhen’s approach.

But Ye Zhen never offended her.

Every time he approached cautiously, kept at a distance that Xu Jiao could accept, but was not too far away, and talked to her with a smile, Xu mother found that the child did not reject Ye Hao’s voice.

Just motionless as before.

Because Xu’s mother was also at home, Xu Hankai could no longer be as unscrupulous as before. He could only watch Xu Jiao go through a period of stability, and during that period, Ye Zhen and Xu Jiao’s unilateral relationship warmed up, and even later. Can take Xu Jiao out for a short period of time, as long as the puppy is accompanied, it can also allow Xu Jiao to stay in her house for a period of time without being noisy.

Ye Zhen is not stupid.

He rashly exposed the true face of Xu Hankai. She is a girl who has just turned twenty and is not an opponent of an adult man at all. No one knows what Xu Hankai is like.

She can only do her best to treat Xu Jiao better.

But the good times soon ended.

Xu Hankai extended his metamorphosis to animals.

One night, he opened the balcony door and threw Xu Jiao’s puppy from upstairs, watching the dog fall to death on the side of the road.

When he heard the news, when Ye Zhen went to Xu’s house, his eyes were on Xu Han’s eyes, but he never caught his guilt. He could only find excuses to take Xu Jiao to his home to prevent the other party from committing another crime. .

Xu’s mother was still kept in the dark.

She watched Xu Jiao gradually get better, and then aroused the idea of ​​continuing to go to work. After all, she has a strong sense of professionalism, and from her previous failed marriage, she understood that a woman can only protect herself if she becomes stronger. The person you want to protect.


The first week of Xu’s mother returning to work——

Ye Zhen happened to go to Xu’s house and heard some small movements in the door. Knowing that Xu’s soundproofing effect was good, he could only knock on the door and warn Xu Han to open the door. Xu Han was concerned about the relationship with the neighbors, and he had not cheated Xu mother’s money , Naturally disguised well, opened the door and invited her in.

Ye Zhen warned him to be honest and safe, otherwise he would tell the world what he did.

Xu Hankai was panicked. Because of the depressed and perverted direction in his heart, he kept doing nothing. He was stimulated by Ye Zhen’s words, so he raised his hand to pinch her, pressed her against the window, and warned her to be honest, but Ye Zhen was unwilling. Being made by him, he touched an empty pottery by the window with his backhand and patted him on the head. Xu Han pushed her down in anger.

“Little bitch, what can I feed you today? Huh?”

Xu Hankai went back to the house in a good mood and changed his clothes, threw all the evidence of stealing-love into the washing machine, walked out in a good mood, and said the most vicious words in his usual gentle voice.

Xu Jiao slowly turned to look at him.

Xu Hankai’s heart froze for a second for some reason.

Could Xu Jiao understand him?

Xu Jiao glanced at him indifferently–

A few seconds later.

There was a soft “boom” on the spot, and his head hit the carpet near the table.

Xu Han fell there unconsciously, as if he had passed out in a coma.

The system’s voice sounded in Xu Jiao’s mind: “Huh? The spirit of the world is very weak, how did you do it?”

Xu Jiao raised her hand and slowly yawned. She decided to go to the kitchen to see what to eat to reward herself. At the same time, she answered the system slowly in her mind: “It doesn’t need me to have aura, but it’s just that I’m suffering. Living creatures.”

As she said that, she looked back inadvertently and went to see the Chlorophytum leaves that had fallen from an unknown house on the balcony. The vibrant green before, has now turned into a withered yellow that has lost nourishment.

The system asked again: “Did you borrow a spirit to create a dream for him? Is it a bit cheaper for him?”

Xu Jiao hadn’t heard the system’s emotional speech for a long time, and smiled when she heard the words, “Really?”

Xu Hankai still doesn’t know what happened.

He stood firmly on the spot, and realized that Xu Jiao just glanced at herself, and had no other actions. She didn’t hold back for a while, went up and slapped the child on the head, and then she cried loudly at the girl. Amidst the sound, she pulled her hair happily and took the girl to the dining table.

He made Xu Jiao a bowl of bitter gourd bibimbap. Listening to Xu Jiao’s cry, he picked up the spoon and stuffed Xu Jiao’s mouth spoon by spoon. He didn’t smile until the cry was blocked:

“It’s so good, Dad likes the way you look when you are not talking.”

Then, he put the fish in the bowl into his mouth in a good mood, and after chewing a few bites, he swallowed the delicious fish into his stomach, but suddenly there was a sharp pain in his throat!

Xu Han opened his mouth desperately like a dying fish, trying to breathe, reaching out to get what was in his throat, but in vain he found that the mixed-blood saliva fell from the corner of his mouth, he slammed the back of his hand. Wiping it, got up embarrassedly and grabbed the key to run towards the hospital.

Driving all the way to the hospital, Xu Hankai was about to go to the emergency room, but occasionally encountered nurses and family members hurried past him pushing the seriously ill bed. He was hit, and his irritability and pain made him look like a sleepy animal now.

I hurriedly looked over there and found that lying on the bed was a serious patient with a bandage all over his body, his face still oozing blood, and Xu Han, who was speechless, felt a little more relaxed when he was happy:

Is a sick and dead ghost.

He is still a sick and dying ghost who is about to die ugly. If he is this poor egg, he will commit suicide on the spot. What is the meaning of life for the disabled who is rescued?

Thinking about this, he rushed directly into the emergency clinic after registration, and jumped in the queue grandiosely. The doctor saw the blood on the corner of his mouth and realized that his condition was serious. He didn’t say anything, so he just let him lie on the hospital bed and used it. The instrument inspected his mouth and took out the fishbone inside.

He breathed a sigh of relief, took the medicine and headed towards home. When he walked out of the hospital door, he specially patted the ashes on his clothes, thinking, don’t come again next time in such unfavorable places——

At the same time, thinking of Xu Jiao, who had previously been stuffed with bitter gourd rice at home, showed a cruel smile on his face.

He knew how to save his mood.

Thinking about this, Xu Han stepped on the accelerator, but he did not know where he had run into a vehicle. By coincidence, the windshield was all broken, and he didn’t know what fell on it and was almost blocked by the airbag. He was in a coma, feeling a crackling thing falling on his face, and then he was overwhelmed by terrifying pain.

Xu Hankai was lying down in the hospital this time.

When he opened his eyes, his face was full of pain. He raised his hand in horror to touch, but he heard the doctor next to him say: “Don’t move, your wound has just been bandaged, and a glass shard almost got into the eyeball. Fortunately— —”

“But there are a few deep wounds on the face, and muscles are torn. Later, you may have to consider the medical beauty project to completely restore the original appearance. Okay, feel relieved. How about your family?”

Xu Hankai: “…”

He touched the gauze on his face in horror.

What is meant by deep wounds that caused muscle tears, what did he look like?

Without this face, can there be rich women who can look at him?

He said timidly: “Doctor, doctor, help me see again…you save me…my face…”

There was hoarseness in his voice.

But the doctor calmed him patiently. Because there were other beds to watch the situation, he didn’t have much time to stay. He only left him in the panic. His prayers, crying, and despair slowly turned into hysterical hatred.

“Quack doctor, it must be that you can’t, you hurt me, you don’t want me to be good at all!”

“Trash hospital!”

He scolded angrily for a long time, and the doctors and nurses gradually became official. The people in his family didn’t have time to see him, and they backhanded him to ask for money. The rich women heard him hurt their face and cut off contact with him. The only mother who was thinking about him, Xu Jiao, had to be with Xu Jiao at all times, so she could only order food for him over the phone and hire a caregiver for him.

Xu Hankai regards Xu’s mother as a life-saving straw.

As long as the woman was willing to pay him, he could continue to live. He slowly calmed down and waited for the gauze on his face to be removed. At the same time, there was a room next to the bed that was hurt to a private place. Patient, he heard something from the occasional words of the doctor.

He was strangely comforted when he thought that the man next to the bed couldn’t even do that. One time, when the other people were away, the family members also went out, and he said:

“Brother, you are too miserable—”

“Not even a man, if I were you, I would just switch to being a woman. After all, how could I be better than an eunuch.”

The person next to the bed scolded him.

He smiled and greeted each other’s parents again and again. When appropriate, his caregiver came back and wanted to help him to the bathroom. When he got out of bed, he looked for shoes left and right, and accidentally overturned the water bottle that the caregiver had just hit. , The cork of the kettle fell inexplicably, and the hot hot water leaned out, dripping towards his waist and abdomen!

A sharp pain came from under him, his eyes widened, and a scream came from his throat:

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

His eggs!

The lifeblood of his inheritance! ! !

“Not a dream, but a sea of ​​evil.”

The system suddenly uttered another sound in Xu Jiao’s mind.

Xu Jiao knew that it had a way to probe everything in this world, and she didn’t hide it from him, so she hummed an egg and made a bowl of fried rice with eggs, and then softly responded, “Yes.”

That was in the first world, Kunlun used to deal with some evil intentions specially made by the illusion, as long as people have evil thoughts in their hearts, or utter evil words, they will be backlashed by the illusion and take those bad things. Things are all projected on their own body.

Xu Jiao glanced at Xu Hankai, who was lying on the ground outside, who was unconscious, and prayed for him sincerely: “I hope he can be kinder.”

System: “…I thought you were telling a joke.”

Xu Jiao shrugged, shoveling the fragrant egg fried rice in the pot a little bit, and then stepped down from the high stool, carrying her own egg fried rice while going out, and offered a kind of prayer to Xu Han:

“Then I hope his pain nerves will not be so developed. After all, judging from his previous behaviors to me, he should be very not afraid of pain.”

If you are afraid of pain, how can you be willing to inflict such hellish pain on others?

If Xu Hankai is not very afraid of pain, then the damage of the illusion to him will be reduced. After all, the illusion can be fake and real, or it is this kind of magical illusion. The experience inside must be extremely realistic. If the people who enter it are harmed. If the sense of enthusiasm is too strong, the more reflections in reality.

This is also the reason why the illusion can kill people.

It creates hallucinations in people’s minds, making people feel that they are dead. If they successfully deceive the important commanding organ of the brain, they will accept the fact that they are dead and go on strike, waiting for the people in the illusion to return to reality. Then the same death will be staged. He thought he was killed by the illusion, but in fact he was killed by his own senses and brain.

Xu Jiao sat on the chair and fed her stomach spoon by spoon.

At the same time, she smiled and said to Xu Han as if asleep: “Come on, you can.”

How boring to be defeated so easily?

Everything has just begun.

Twenty minutes later.

Xu Han opened his eyes and saw the ceiling of the living room.

He moved his fingertips, and when he thought about it, he found a sharp pain in his throat, which made him unable to say anything. At the same time, the pain gradually filled his cheeks, and his waist and abdomen were also filled with extreme pain. , Accompanied by a kind of itching that has been scalded by boiling water, wishing to peel off my skin.

He opened his mouth, but could only say: “Ho…Ho…”


Help! Who will save him!

At this moment, Xu Jiao walked in front of him, and she watched the skin on the man’s face gradually appearing like a knife cut, a bright red color appeared in the wound, dripping onto the floor, and at the same time, a piece of body was covered. The moist, filled with a sorrowful smell.

Xu Hankai desperately wanted to talk, Jiaojiao, ah! Call someone! Hit 120! Help!

There were more voices in his throat, but only puffs of blood came out.

Xu Jiao just stared at him, her brows were calm and there was no change.

Xu Hankai was in a daze from the pain, and he didn’t even have the strength to raise his hand to hit her. Just when Xu Jiao thought he would die like this, suddenly there was a knock on the door of the living room.

Ye Zhen couldn’t help but feel a little worried when he thought of Xu Han driving home from the cat’s eyes.

She walked out the door, with some guilty conscience, she stuck to the door of Xu Jiao’s house, trying to hear a little movement, but there was nothing, no noise, no crying or screaming.

After waiting patiently for twenty minutes, she couldn’t wait any longer, and hurriedly knocked on the door for fear of missing something.

Regardless of whether she would reveal her identity, she couldn’t bear Xu Jiao being hurt!

The door opened soon-

The child stood at the door, looking at her with blinking black eyes.

Their eyes met, both of them were a little stunned.

When Xu Jiao saw the unbearable tension in her eyes, a little doubt gradually rose in her heart.

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