I Treat You Like Buddies

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 The president and me eight

The last bit of Du Jiu’s luck disappeared completely when the president’s father bit his lip. The president’s father didn’t know what to feed him. He was weak and unable to resist.

Huo Dashao grabbed his lower lip and bit twice, as if fulfilling the punishment just mentioned. When Du Jiu was groaning and snorting, he opened his teeth and drove straight in, swiping in his mouth, fierce and wanton.

He stretched out his hand to block Du Jiu’s head from behind, raised his face to face him, so that he could kiss more deeply, and his other hand clasped Du Jiu’s hand tightly, as if to crush and blend.

Du Jiu can only be forced to endure, and he can’t resist. What’s more terrifying is that he found that he was not only not disgusted or disgusted, but also very sensible. The more ferocious and harder the president’s father, the more excited his body felt, almost instantaneously. There was a reaction.

Qin Jiuzhao! !

Du Jiu gritted his teeth: “What’s going on? Why is the Changchun silk still?!”

The system was also a little panicked: “Wait, I need to check.”

Du Jiu was about to cry. The reason why he was trapped in that world by Qin Jiuzhao and unable to leave was because the plot was not over on the one hand, and because of the changchun silk on the other hand.

Changchun here does not mean four-season Changchun, long means long, often, spring means spring, or spring love, the combination means long lasting estrus.

According to the setting of that world, once the vinca silk is planted, the planted person will immediately enter the spring state, and only the x liquid of the planted person can solve it, that is to say, it must be fucked, and it is only solved one day at a time. Continue on the next day, otherwise you will be stunned-like medicine, I can’t help but begging everywhere.

This thing was originally used on one of Qin Jiuzhao’s heroines, but Qin Jiuzhao actually used it to Du Jiu. Du Jiu had the heart of beeping a dog at the time.

System: Are you sure it is not beep

Du Jiu: ShutUp!

In short, because of Changchunsi, Du Jiu not only couldn’t stay away from Qin Jiuzhao, but also had to follow him every day to beg him. The plot didn’t end, he couldn’t leave. He endured 300 years and finally collapsed the character set, and finally found a chance to blew himself up and left that. world.

However, he never expected that the Changchun silk would still be there after changing the world and body!

Can this be tolerated? !

The system hasn’t detected one or two, but Huo Dashao noticed the changes in Du Jiu’s body, and finally let go of his lips. The hand that was holding him was also released and placed in the place where he changed the most. Licking and biting his earlobe, chuckled: “Good boy, I like your honesty. You should be rewarded for being so good.”

Coupled with Changchunsi’s body, which was already easy to get angry with the boy, Du Jiu almost lost his wits after being teased. There was no time to resist, and he couldn’t resist. The president’s father was so good, he quickly vented it, and fell into the arms of the president’s father a little lost.

When he recovered, Du Jiu wanted to cry without tears.

The dominance of Changchunsi lies in that the more you vent, the more emptiness, and the more severe it will be. If you don’t vent, you can hold back for a while. Once you vent, you must OX to solve it.

However, unexpectedly, apart from the vented comfort, there is no unbearable emotion.

System: “It has been detected, a bad news and a good news, which one do you want to hear first?”

Du Jiu had vaguely guessed in his heart, but he was still struggling: “Don’t tell me that Changchun silk really exists!”

“Congratulations, you guessed it!” The system put on the sound of applause and flowers, “Although I don’t know what’s going on, but after testing, Changchun silk is indeed integrated into your spiritual body, but fortunately not all, just one Seeds, so the good news is that the effect of the vinca in the seed state is only one-tenth of the original. Converted, it means that the original attack is delayed once every ten days.” The mechanical sound was obviously grateful.

Du Jiu almost laughed at it: “So you think I should be happy?”

The system was silent for a few seconds, and said weakly, “Are you unhappy?”

“Why should I be happy when I was fucked?!” Du Jiu lifted the table.

The system uttered a few weird syllables, and said in a puzzled way: “But every time you say yes, cool, continue, don’t stop, go deeper—”

“Shut up!” Du Jiu gritted his teeth.

That’s because he was hit-how about the medicine! If it weren’t for Changchunsi, how could he become like this? ! and-

“Didn’t you say that it was blocked, how would you know what I said?!”

The system kneaded the body into a clam shape, curled up silently, and quickly closed the shell with a click.

Du Jiu: “…” Ha ha, if you have the ability, you should never come out!

Huo Dashao looked at the young man who was panting in his arms, his clean and elegant face clearly showed the laziness and mistiness after the release of desire, and the reddish eyes were filled with unknowingly infatuation, and the double was chewed brightly. The lips are slightly open, which is very attractive.

His lower abdomen was already tight, but he slowly took a tissue from the bedside and wiped his fingers clean, helped the young man to tidy up his clothes, and pulled the quilt to cover him.

Du Jiu closed his eyes and pretended to die, so he wouldn’t open his posture even if he was strong.

On the one hand, he was really hit by this sudden one, and on the other hand, he subconsciously continued to maintain Huo Jiu’s personality.

Unexpectedly, the president’s father didn’t seem to want to continue, but asked softly: “Is Xiao Jiu hungry? What do you want to eat?”

Seeing Du Jiu’s silence, he leaned over his forehead and kissed him, and he touched it, but it was infinitely tender and cherished: “Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to you, as long as you promise me to be obedient, don’t If I do what I don’t like, I’ll let you go, okay?”

Du Jiu remained silent, but his trembling eyelashes and tight lips revealed his thoughts.

Huo Dashao shook his hand and rubbed it lightly, with a deep and pleasant voice bewitching: “Xiao Jiu hates me?”

He stared at Du Jiu’s face: “If you don’t say anything, I don’t hate it by default.”

Du Jiu’s lips moved twice, but he still didn’t say a word.

Huo Dashao smiled softly in his ear: “Since I don’t hate it, then I like it. But no matter what Xiao Jiu thinks, I like Xiao Jiu, and I like it very much.”

“You don’t hate me, let alone my kisses, even…” His voice was low, with a somewhat confusing dullness, with a slightly hot breath shining on Du Jiu’s ears, extremely charming, “It feels like not ?”

Du Jiu’s eyelashes trembled violently in an instant, his lips quivered, and finally he uttered two words: “No.” It seemed a bit irritated.

“No?” Huo Dashao smiled lowly, “Who is it that soiled my palms? Bad boy, it seems that I have to punish again.”

Du Jiu opened his eyes immediately: “No!”

“Brother…” He looked at Huo Dashao pleadingly.

“I will not force you, nor will I hurt you.” Huo Dashao clamped his chin and asked him to face himself, “I like you so much, love you so much, how can I be willing to hurt you.”

“But Xiao Jiu.” He stroked Du Jiu’s lips, his eyes burning and dangerous, “I can’t guarantee how long I can bear it. I hope you will consider it carefully, think carefully, and then tell me the answer.”

“Why?” Du Jiu finally couldn’t help but asked, “Why me?”

Huo Dashao lightly pecked and kissed his lips twice, and smiled: “Why not you? From the moment I saw you play the piano, I knew that you would be mine. Xiao Hua was right. You are an angel. My angel.”

Du Jiu pursed his lips, a little embarrassed appeared on his face, and he cursed inwardly, so it was because he had taken it too deep into the act?

“I watched you grow up, understand everything about you, and know everything about you. No one is more suitable for you than me.” Huo Dashao continued (brainwashing), “As long as you nod, I promise to stay with you. Unless you let go first, I will never leave you, and this will always be your home. Isn’t that good?”

Du Jiu has no fluctuations in his heart and even wants to laugh a little. The president’s father is really a stubborn talent for not being a speaker. I have to say that he really understands Huo Jiu’s mentality, the kind of mentality left by his parents and longing for someone to be with him. If the real Huo Jiu was in front of him today, he might be fooled by him and agreed on the spot.

It’s a pity that Du Jiu is in front of him, and all he has always seen is Du Jiu’s disguise.

Now there are two paths before Du Jiu. One continues to play Huo Jiu until the end of the plot and leaves the world. Although the plot has been changed, as long as the people do not collapse and the world continues to run, the points will still be obtained, and the second will commit suicide immediately.

He weighed and chose one after another.

This was his first task after he left the small dark room. If it was messed up, he would not be able to bear it without being laughed at by his colleagues.

He had endured Qin Jiuzhao’s world for three hundred years. What’s more, in the past few years, if it weren’t for Qin Jiuzhao’s end, he had planned to endure it until the end.

Doing the math, the end of the world plot is when the heroine is 19 years old, and Huo Jiu is 22 years old, which means that she can end the separation as long as she persists for five years.

Five years is nothing compared to 300 years.

What’s more, the situations he faced in the two worlds were also different. Qin Jiuzhao’s world was really powerless to resist, and this world was still not that way.

Of course, the most important thing is that he doesn’t want to commit suicide. In order to motivate the potential of acting as a teacher, it is stipulated that suicide will not only get no points, but will also be deducted.

And suicide is not that simple, no matter which one is extremely painful, he still remembers the pain when he blew himself up in the last world, and he really doesn’t want to experience it again.

Therefore, he chose one to stay and continue to play Huo Jiu. As long as he insists on not falling apart before the end of the plot, he is guaranteed to get the points.

It’s only five years, just a blink of an eye!

After thinking about this, he whispered with a pale face: “I, I, I want to think…” He finally looked directly at Huo Dashao, his eyes were reddish, “Can you give me some time? I will think about it. Clearly, I promise.”

Huo Dashao’s face was slightly calm.

“Brother…” Du Jiu Meiyu frowned, begging all over his face.

“Three days.” Huo Dashao let go of his chin and stroked his cheek, “I only give you three days.” Seeing Du Jiu, he wanted to beg more, fiddled with the chain on his wrist twice, and said There was a bang, “When will you figure it out, and when will I solve it for you.”

Du Jiu went silent with a pale face.

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