I Treat You Like Buddies

Chapter 137

Chapter 137 Ruofu XIV

In the journey of tens of thousands of miles or thousands of miles, Feizhou finally entered the range of the Plains, getting closer and closer to the Huaihe River.

The atmosphere of “learning” between Du Jiu and Qin Jiuzhao is getting stronger and stronger. They have read one volume after another, and even stopped to go to Fangshi to buy another batch and continue to study tirelessly.

He was too involved and even when he left the room, he subconsciously held the booklet and ran into Tan Shuang, who was playing with the system on the deck, and cast a simple admiration gaze at him.

“Big Brother Du really worked hard.”

Du Jiu closed the booklet quietly under the system’s wide-eyed eyes, and put the cover in his arms, with a serious face: “Because studying makes me happy.”

In exchange for the girl’s more admiring look, and the system’s big eyes.

Not to mention Du Jiu’s deep understanding of the sentence of learning happiness, during this period, Xiao Qin could remember more and more memories, and he became more and more like Da Qin, and the damaged foundation was also repaired. Of course, the paranoia remained.

The more Xiao Qin remembered, Du Jiu became more and more relaxed, and finally gave him some breathing space, whether it was in cultivation or emotions.

The next plot doesn’t need to be too detailed, just like the last time, I met Qin Jiuzhao’s two cousins, and then, under Du Jiu’s arrangement, let Luo Yiluoer take their family out of Qin’s house overnight and went to Ximang.

This incident caused a lot of shock in the Qin family and even the Qu family, but what happened immediately afterwards made them put it down temporarily, because the battlefield of the fairy demon once in twenty years was about to open.

Regardless of Du Jiu or Qin Jiuzhao, the opening of the battlefield of Immortal Demon is also very important.

In the last time, both Ye Pingzhi and Qin Jiuzhao were successfully promoted to real people in this fairy demon battlefield. The fairy demon battlefield stipulates that only laymen and below can enter. This time Du Jiu has been suppressing his cultivation level and not letting himself be promoted to laymen. This time.

As the name suggests, the battlefield of the fairy demon is a place where the righteous demon fights against each other. It is impossible to verify where it came from. It is said that it was the last battlefield of the ancient fairy demon. After going around tens of millions, it has become the current righteous way and the demon way. “place.

The battlefield opens on the first of twenty years, and both Zhengmodao and Dao will send disciples below the layman to fight in it. For a period of three months, the battlefield will be closed after March. The more survivors of the two battlefields will win, and the victory will be awarded to the opponent’s turf. The power to choose Xiuxian Miaozi once, and all the items brought out from the battlefield belong to the victor. As for whether there are other transactions, that only high-level people know.

The opening of the battlefield does not restrict the entry of the disciples. As long as it is a monk below the layman, there is no limit to the number of people and the origin, as long as you have the courage, you can try it.

So Du Jiu and Qin Jiuzhao went.

There was also one more Tan Shuang who went with her. Regardless of her young age, but extremely high aptitude, and Du Jiu followed the guidance of the system, her cultivation base has advanced by leaps and bounds, and she has broken through from the Mingshi to the Zhishi, and her talent is for them. It’s helpful to say it, but it’s okay to follow.

The middle pillar of the battlefield of the fairy and the demon, the two realms of the right and the devil are bounded by a Qingyan River, the west is the right way, and the east is the magic way, both sides are about to move.

Du Jiu saw Qu Congrong at this time.

She is not like Yun Zhirou, smart, magnificent, unparalleled, nor charming and charming like Song Panliu, and even less ignorant like Tan Shuangshuang, but somewhat similar to Shang Zhitao, her appearance is of Xiaojiabiyu type, with a hint of purity in her beauty.

But her temperament is very unique, her eyebrows and lips seem to have a gentle smile forever, as if the spring breeze in March is blowing on her face, and like a candlelight in the winter ice and snow, it makes people feel warm and removes her heart.

This is the effect brought about by Qu Congrong’s physique mutation.

She was in the Butian Pavilion-even in the battlefield of Immortal Demon, there is a branch of Butian Pavilion. When she went up to the pavilion, she saw Du Jiu and his party, to be precise, she frowned when she saw Qin Jiuzhao.

This time Qin Jiuzhao didn’t wear a mask. If he wanted to enter the battlefield of the fairy and devil, he could not hide his head and show his tail. He had to show his true face, signed his real name, and chose a stand after dropping his essence. It doesn’t count, as long as you don’t take the shot personally without being seen.

Qu Congrong sighed slightly, watching Qin Jiuzhao’s eyes implicitly pity: “Why are you?”

Obviously he took Qin Jiuzhao’s move as a desperate fight.

Du Jiu didn’t like Qu Congrong, not because she was Qin Jiuzhao’s first love. He didn’t like her last time. Qu Congrong seemed to be gentle with everyone, but Du Jiu felt that she could not be hypocritical, especially She always had a faint sense of superiority in front of Qin Jiuzhao, which was simply inexplicable.

Last time, Da Qin had not moved Du Jiu at this time, but still had a sense of sorrow and expectation for Qu Congrong, but dealt with her for a while. This time Xiao Qin only glanced at her coldly, seeing how strange her eyes were. However, it seemed that he didn’t know her at all.

At the same time, scenes of memories floated in his mind again.

“I don’t look very good, Lao Qin never forgets her, I thought it was so beautiful, not as beautiful as Song Panliu!”

“Because it’s first love.”

“What’s wrong with first love? There is a saying that first love is fruitless. Where is the end of the world there is no grass, why is there a single flower? If you miss this one, there are nine flowers waiting for him in the back. Unfortunately, I only have one. Duo.”

“Almost there, maybe there won’t even be this one in the next world.”

“Listen, listen, this woman is insidious enough, there are all pits in and out of these words, tsk tsk, it means that Old Qin is stupid and believes it.”

“You think too much…”

“Do you think I was a fool in Gong Dou World? If this woman goes to Gong Dou World, it will be great. Listening to the art of speaking, Qin Jiuzhao will be affected in a few words. If Qin Jiuzhao is not firm enough, maybe what will happen? ?”

Qu Congrong confessed to several colleagues behind him, and walked forward and said softly: “Can I take a step to speak?” Seeing Qin Jiuzhao did not say a word, he showed helplessness, lowered his voice and whispered, “Big Brother Qin.”

Qin Jiuzhao said coldly: “The girl has something to say, there is no outsider here.”

Qu Congrong is a good self-cultivation, or a good city. Although his expression is gentle, he looks at Qin Jiuzhao like his sister and awkward younger brother. In contrast, Qin Jiuzhao seems a little unreasonable: “I know you won’t believe it, but I still I want to tell you that I am very happy to see you again.”

“I know about the Qin family, and I have prevented you from tracing it. I think you have another chance in these years, but the evil of this fairy demon battlefield is beyond your imagination, so I should leave early and take the Qin family to find a place. Let’s go to Happy Land to live in Enron.”

Qin Jiuzhao’s hidden cultivation base is that in Qu Congrong’s opinion, he is just a person, far behind her. He laughed mockingly in his heart, for the self he once was, and the self in his memory. Such an attitude and words. , In his memory, he would still feel unwilling to do this, it is ridiculous.

He shook his head and looked at Qu Congrong again. His eyes were clear and indifferent. He ruthlessly broke her intentions: “I am going or staying. It has nothing to do with you, but you. If you want to retreat from me, why bother? So pretentious, if you say bluntly, I will still look at you, so good at ghost tricks, it seems that these so-called ten gates are nothing more than this, so minded, how can you talk about the big way!”

Qu Congrong’s expression finally changed, the anger in his eyes flashed away, and his heart was burning with anger, but he had to calm himself down, but the smile looked reluctantly: “I kindly advise you, why bother if you don’t listen. Look at me like this, if I really do what you said, why should I let you go away safely? I know you have grievances in your heart, stop, stop, count me as a villain, you can do it yourself.”

Yubi turned and left directly.

Du Jiu touched his chin and felt satisfied. Da Qin was melancholy last time, but this time he was more determined.

Qu Congrong obviously wanted to shake Qin Jiuzhao’s Daoism, so that he would retreat when he knew what was difficult. Cultivation of immortality was originally to go upstream. Once retreat was born, there would be endless troubles. Xiao Qin was very powerful this time, unlike Da Qin who was silent. He directly refuted it, and also disturbed Qu Congrong’s Dao Xin, leaving a seed in her heart, only to wait for the fermentation in the future.

A good job must be rewarded. Du Jiuchao Qin Jiuzhao hooks, and no matter whether Qu Congrong goes far or not, whether others will see it, he pulled Qin Jiuzhao’s head and gave a kiss.

Listening to the gasps around, Du Jiudale.

Qin Jiuzhao was startled at first, and then held the back of his head to prevent him from retreating, and took advantage of the trend to deepen the kiss.

So the two became famous shortly after entering the gathering place. Everyone knew that there was a pair of male and female couples kissing in the street, and some people combined with the former Qu Congrong to compose a series of love and hatred. Come.

Du Jiu was so happy that he was really gossip about the monks!

In the blink of an eye, more and more monks came to the gathering place, and more and more monks were determined to sign up to enter the battlefield of the fairy and devil. Let alone the income from the battlefield, as long as they can survive, they will not only become famous but also get rich. The rewards, and the ten doorways of the right way, a promise that is not against morality.

For the casual cultivators and the small sect monks, this is an opportunity to enter the ten sects, and for the ten sect disciples, each has its own desires, so knowing that there is danger, it is very likely that they will never go back. , But there are still countless monks.

Because there are too many people signing up each time, before the opening of the Fairy Demon Battlefield, Zhengdao and Demon Dao will have a melee. The venue is set at the end of Qingyan River, in Qingyan Mountain. It lasts for seven days. Only those who are alive are eligible to enter. The Fairy Demon Battlefield, of course, cannot kill the alliance. Everyone who enters has a nameplate. This nameplate will record your killing point. Once you kill the alliance, you will have a reaction.

Du Jiu eagerly fists, his favorite link is here, last time he and Qin Jiuzhao two people can break into fame with the half-step real-life cultivation base, this time his cultivation base is even higher, it can be said that the person who entered the mountain Few of them can compete with him, so they have to fight for the first name.

“Let’s go.” He, Qin Jiuzhao and Tan Shuangsui entered Qingyan Mountain in a crowd of casual training.

It’s a pity that the disciples of the Ten Righteous Sects are scheduled to advance directly, otherwise he really wants to give Qu Congrong one.

For seven days and seven nights, Du Jiu and Qin Jiuzhao were blushing. Countless monks died under their swords. Du Jiu killed them happily. Qin Jiuzhao was even more happy. The two got the title of black and white double evil. As for Tan Shuang, Because she was guarded by Du Jiu, she was only a first-class maid.

Although Du Jiu’s cultivation base was higher, those monks were more afraid of Qin Jiuzhao. After all, Du Jiu had a gentle expression and a very good-spoken appearance. He especially treated the Righteous Alliance and occasionally offered a helping hand. Qin Jiuzhao was not so cold and frightening. The shot was harsh, and he was even more indifferent to the alliance, only to ease Du Jiu.

“My uncle is the elder of the Demon God Cult, you can’t kill me!” The man in the luxurious purple shirt fell to the ground, panicking.

“Does the Demon God Sect?” A handsome young man in white rubbed his chin, seemingly hesitant.

“Yes, yes, yes, as long as you let me go, I promise you won’t say it!” The man’s eyes lit up, and he grabbed the corner of the boy’s clothes as if he had grabbed the straw.

However, the next second, a white light flashed, and the man screamed, his hand holding the corner of the shirt was chopped off and fell to the ground.

But it was the black-clothed man next to him with disgust on his cold face: “Who allowed you to touch him!” He waved his sword again, and the man’s screams stopped abruptly, and his head was separated.

The white-clothed boy Du Jiu was speechless: “I still have something to ask him…”

The man in black was naturally Qin Jiuzhao, who lightly popped a fireball and burned the man’s body, leaving only a storage bracelet, rolled and handed it in front of Du Jiu: “Who told him to touch you, then grab another one.”

People just grabbed the corner of his clothes and didn’t touch him at all, OK!

Du Jiu was mad, and it was fine when he stayed alone. When he came out, he was able to understand Qin Jiuzhao’s paranoia. Not to mention grabbing the corner of his clothes, even if he smiled at others, he would have a cold face for a long time. Simply, he really looked forward to Da Qin’s return to his position as never before.

Qin Jiuzhao only stared at him with a pair of black eyes, without saying a word, expressing his silent determination.

Du Jiu was tired and had to accept the bracelet: “Forget it, forget it, I’m afraid of you.”

However, it was too late to find someone from the Demon Gate to ask. Seven days have passed, and the Qingyan Mountain prohibition is opened, and all the living monks are automatically teleported outside.

Du Jiu and Qin Jiuzhao appeared, whether it was a monk of the right way or a monk of the magic way, they all walked away, especially the monk of the magic way, each one ran fast.

Asked everyone waiting outside to look at each other.

So the two became famous again, but last time they were famous names, this time they were wicked names.

Du Jiu didn’t cover up his cultivation, so the two of them were wooed by various parties for a while, and even Qu Congrong was pressured by the sect and visited the door in person.

“I had a misunderstanding before, I’m really sorry.” She was gentle and gentle, without any complaints, as if the previous dispute did not exist, she presented a storage ring, “These are my apocalypses, and I hope you Don’t blame it.”

Du Jiu couldn’t help but praised her good acting skills. In a sense, Qu Congrong was also a person. He took the ring and gave it to the door for nothing. Don’t let it go without considering Qin Jiuzhao’s cold eyes.

Qu Congrong smiled more sincerely: “There are many dangers in entering the battlefield of the fairy and demon. Cong Rong said that I must trouble you two, I thank you first.”

“Don’t.” Du Jiu also smiled, “Don’t thank you, I didn’t say to help you, since you know my relationship with A Zhao, where do you come from with confidence that I will help you?”

Qu Congrong’s face changed slightly.

Qin Jiuzhao’s expression improved, so he looked at Du Jiumin in time, and even a slight smile crossed his eyes.

“And to tell you the truth, not only will I not help you, but I also intend to kill you.” Du Jiu said openly and meaningfully, “I think that’s not the only one who thinks this way. What do you think, Miss Qu?”

Qu Congrong would never let Qin Jiuzhao go. Qin Jiuzhao’s existence reminded her all the time. She hadn’t looked at it at first and reminded her of her snobbery. With Qin Jiuzhao’s rise to fame, a caring person investigated her and Qin Jiuzhao’s past after a little investigation. The beautiful image she had created before will inevitably be damaged. Presumably these Tianqu Congrong must have a bad life.

With her mind, the heart demon has been born quietly at this moment, so she will design to keep Qin Jiuzhaoqiang in the fairy demon battlefield later. The fairy demon battlefield has been opened in twenty years, and the person who stayed in it has never been there last time. When she came out again, she thought Qin Jiuzhao was dead, but Qin Jiuzhao’s protagonist halo, not only did not die, but also got a great opportunity.

Last time Du Jiu couldn’t collapse the character set, so he had to watch Qu Congrong succeed, and he and Yun Zhirou Xiaojiao were trapped in the fairy battlefield for 20 years. This time he would never let Qu Congrong go. Congrong!

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