I Really Am a Slag Shou!

Chapter 32 - Residue that interstellar admiral (3)

Louis stepped out of the training room and turned to the strategy conference room. They were on their way back to the main star of the empire. In a half day, they should be there.

There were a dozen individuals in the strategy conference room at this time. When he saw him coming in, they all stood up and marched to him. “Admiral West.”

“Did it come out?”

No one was found in the carpet-like search at the base, but they found a laboratory with a degree of protection comparable to that of the Royal Palace. Shao Ze’an could not be scanned by mech rays because he was staying in that laboratory with Morris.

This laboratory has a secret external channel. Morris and they fled from there. When Louis’s men rushed over, they only saw the smashed laboratory.

The room was not harmed, but all the equipment in the room was destroyed, the most serious of which was the huge machine in the center. All the parts were severely crushed and deformed, and it was impossible to see what it was.

It is now clear that the laboratory is the laboratory of Morris, and the equipment is also the tool he used to research and invent, especially the middle pile of scrap iron. Each of them thinks that this thing must be important. Morris would never want the imperial people to discover what this is, otherwise he wouldn’t blow it up so smashed.

The lieutenant called in the scientific research personnel and civilian officers in the army, but they could not figure out what it was. The lieutenant said nothing, and then curiously looked at him, “Did Shao Ze’an say anything, if he was with Morris, he probably saw the original state of this thing.”

Louis shook his head. “He is asleep, his mental state is not very good. After returning to the main star, a detailed examination is needed. Have you contacted a doctor?”

The lieutenant opened his mouth. He first looked at his comrades-in-arms. Everyone looked at each other, and immediately, the silverless man turned his head here, as if his attention was elsewhere.

Adjutant: “… Admiral, I have informed His Excellency the Honourable Official and his family. When we reach the main star, Shao Zelin will personally come to pick him up and check.”

Shao Ze’an’s father was the emperor’s official and justice minister. He was a very fair and strict man. The original owner was a shame in his life. Shao Zelin is Shao Zean’s eldest brother. The legendary double s genius is mixing with the military, just 35 years old, and is already a lieutenant general.

People in this world generally have a longer lifespan, and most people can live to more than one hundred and fifty years old. People like Louis, who are less than forty years old, are proper young people.

The rank of the empire is simple and rude, that is, to establish a military merit and rise to the next level, and keep rising to the rank of lieutenant general. If you want to be a general, you must have not only strength, but also popular support. Especially, you must have particularly powerful military skills, such as saving hundreds of thousands of people or regaining lost territory for the empire. It was Louis who took the army three years ago to **** back a border galaxy that had been snatched from neighbouring countries hundreds of years ago before becoming a general.

The admiral is the highest rank. The default is one star. There are two star generals, three Samsung and even five star generals, which are all honorary titles. In fact, the highest level is the general.

There is not much difference between the strengths of Louis and Shao Zelin, and there is not much difference in age. The biggest difference between the two is that Shao Zelin has not yet made such powerful military achievements.

These two people were rated by the public as the Empire Double Star. One match fits the golden bachelor’s name. How many people have crowded their heads and want to marry their family. Unfortunately, these two are workaholics. To the opposite **** or same **** that can develop.

However, this knowledge may soon be broken.

I heard that Shao Zelin was about to take his brother away, and Louis’s first reaction was to frown. The lieutenant knew his admiral very well, and at first glance he knew he was unwilling.

He was silent and groaned in his heart.

You are always unhappy, that is the brother of Lieutenant General Shao, isn’t it justified to take it home?

After the voicing was completed, the lieutenant raised a serious and cold expression again. “So, Admiral, please ask Shao Ze’an for the purpose of this device as soon as possible, and it will be difficult to see him again when we return to the main star.”

** It ’s so easy for the official ’s home to go in, not to mention that the wife of the official is a well-known calf. Even if Shao Zean did n’t make it like this, he looked like he was abused by the rebels. ** Mrs. Guan couldn’t find the rebels, so she could only find those who did not catch them.

The lieutenant sighed in his heart, and then raised his eyes again, and found that his admiral was watching him quietly.

Lieutenant: “…” Did I say something wrong?

After two hours, it is estimated that Shao Ze’an should be awake, and Louis returned to the training room with two bags of nutrient solution. At that time, Chi Zhao was sitting at the bedside, and there was a chat with the system.

[Oh, do n’t be discouraged, although the process looks different, but the plot points have been completed, you see, the first plot point, Shao Zean was captured, completed, the second plot point, implanted with a sensor Then return to the main star, and it will be completed soon. Although the method of completion is different, it is better to finish it. Regardless of the black cat and the white cat, it is the good cat that can catch the mouse! 】

Chi Zhao finally felt a little comforted, he clenched his fists, “I will definitely complete all the plot points! Never give others the chance to ruin my task!”

[Good job! I will silently support you in your head! 】

Chi Zhao was so impassioned that he didn’t know he thought he was going to bomb the bunker. “Say, what’s the next plot point!”

[Forcing marriage to die Louis West! Come on, you can do it! 】

Chi Zhao: “…”

Before he could answer, the sound of opening the door came from outside. Chi Zhao turned his head and found that Louis had come in.

His looks are beautiful, and he always wears a meticulous black military uniform. The buttons are neatly clasped to the top, that is, the neck. Two rows of golden military ranks are clasped on the standing collar. Looking at the majesty and again Abstinence.

Louis came over and handed him the nutrient solution. His slender hands looked very good, just like the pianist’s hands.

Chi Zhao fell into silence, the object of this forced marriage was too high-quality …

He took the nutrient solution. At this time, Chi Zhao was really hungry. He opened the package and began to gobble it up. The nutrient solution was not unpalatable, but because it was liquid, it felt like drinking fruit juice. It was extremely weird.

Seeing him frown as he drank, Louis couldn’t help but smile. “Only these on the warship can only afflict you. Forbearance, when you return to the main star, you can eat what you love.”

Chi Zhao nodded as he drank, indicating that he knew.

Louis sat on the bed, looked at him for a while, and then said, “I have informed your family, and your elder brother said he would come to pick you up in person.”

The relationship between the original owner and the elder brother is very ordinary, because the two are cold and introverted, and the age difference is twelve years old, there is almost no communication between them. I heard that it was him who picked him up, and Chi Zhao was a little surprised.

For a moment, Chi Zhao blinked and nodded: “I see, thank you, Mr. General.”

Anyway, it’s my future husband. I’m better now, and I can be less embarrassed after forcing a marriage.

Mr. General, this is not the first time that Shao Ze’an has called him that way. Louis touched the meaning of these four words in his heart, as if he felt pretty good. Louis looked at his eyes mildly for two minutes, and took a bag of nutritional fluids that he had drank. Louis asked, “We found Morris’s laboratory in the stronghold. Have you been kept in the laboratory by him?” “

Chi Zhao held the nutrient solution, he blinked, then nodded silently.

As he moved, the bag of nutrient solution flickered and looked a little cute. Louis asked again, “What did he do to you?”

“Tell him, I just tied you to a metal bed and threatened you, letting you tell the defense situation of the current empire’s star.”

Morris’s voice suddenly came out, and Chi Zhao was still a little uncomfortable. His eyes suddenly stagnated, and Louis was keenly aware that something was wrong. As soon as he asked, he saw that Shao Ze’an had returned to normal, and whispered: “He Tied me to a metal bed, threatened me, and asked me to tell him the defense status of the empire’s star, and if I didn’t say it, he would punish me. “

Louis’s eyes cooled for a moment, “He punished you?”

Morris’ voice sounded a little dangerous: “Master Zean, don’t add extra information, be careful I make you a corpse now.”

Chi Zhao wasn’t afraid. Morris managed to catch such a suitable puppet and would never kill him easily, but now the person played by Chi Zhao is Shao Ze’an. Shao Ze’an must not be so calm. As a result, Chi Zhao deliberately lowered his voice, which would not let Louis detect that his mood was wrong, but also allow Morris to hear the subtle differences in his voice.

“Also … it wasn’t very serious. It was a bit of electricity. I was in a coma for a long time. I didn’t wake up long after I woke up, and I woke up again. It was here.”

As soon as this was said, two voices sounded at the same time.

Louis: “During Morris’s captivity, you have been in a coma and haven’t sensed the outside world?”

Morris: “Stupid! Tell him you’re just dizzy, but you can still hear outside voices!”

Chi Zhao was silent for a moment, and then replied, “Well, but before my second coma, I heard a voice, and I guess it was the soldiers of the Empire who came to save me.”

It’s okay to say so, and it can also eliminate the loopholes in Shao Ze’an’s discourse. Morris casts a grimace and prepares to give him a little disobedient lesson for a while.

“You seem to trust the soldiers.”

Looking at Louis’s face, Chi Zhao shook his lips lightly. His face was not very good-looking, so the smile looked a little pitiful.

“My grandpa is a soldier and my brother is also a soldier. My physique is too poor to be a soldier, but I have a longing for the military department. Those who can protect our country and defend our country must be trustworthy and good people.”

Louis twitched, and after a while, he responded.

This time, instead of silently restraining himself, he put his hand on Chi Zhao’s head. Louis fights all year round, his hands look good. In fact, the surface is full of thick cocoons. Compared with Shao Ze’an’s warm skin, it is too rough. His big hand is covered on the top of Chi Zhao’s brain, and he rubs it gently. Two times, and then smiled at him again, “It is also because of the kind and strong citizens you have, so the soldiers are willing to defend their home and defend the country.”

The author has something to say: Zhao Chizhao: He praises me, he says I am kind and strong

System: Great

Chi Zhao: [Sleeve Sleeve] Dad just let him see it!


Regarding the problem of not being able to speak but being able to write, here is an explanation. It can be written, but the sensor on the upper armband can detect lie. The lie test includes not only linguistic lies, but also physical lies. If the original owner writes for help, There will be differences in heartbeat, skin electricity, and brainwaves, and then he will be found. He has not done so, he has already done it, and he has been severely punished before he has to give up. Chi Zhao’s mental strength is higher than him, and he can use the loophole of the sensor, but this is a plot that will appear later, so there are not many spoilers. 2k novel reading network

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